Comissão de Pesquisa e Inovação do IME-USP - Pesquisador Colaborador em andamento

Total de participação em eventos

Número total de itens: 88


1.   V SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL DE MATEMÁTICA PERÚ - BRASIL.non associative numbers. 2024. (Seminário).
2.   WTT - Workshop de Tendências Tecnológicas 2024.Uma breve introdução aos autômatos celulares. 2024. (Oficina).


1.   ICMAM Latin America Satellite Conference on Algebra, Combinatorics and Number Theory. 2023. (Congresso).
2.   III SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL DE MATEMÁTICAS.Artin Theorem on alternative rings. 2023. (Seminário).
3.   IV SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL DE MATEMÁTICA PERÚ - BRASIL.About description of commuting maps on nonassociative structures. 2023. (Seminário).
4.   NCTM Annual Conferecen and Exhibition. 2023. (Congresso).
5.   PBL Math summit. 2023. (Encontro).


1.   Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM-22). Optimal control of volume-preserving mean curvature flow. 2022. (Congresso).
2.   I Encontro Paulista da Pós-Graduação em Matemáticas.Álgebras de Lie superelípticas afim e polinômios ortogonais não-clássicos. 2022. (Encontro).
3.   Seminário Grupo de Álgebra da Universidade de Coimbra.Characterization of maps. 2022. (Seminário).
4.   STMI 2022 - Workshop on Software for Modeling and Inversion.Sharp interface imaging in full waveform inversion. 2022. (Oficina).


1.   EAGE Annual 2021, 82nd Conference & Exhibition.Sharp-interface imaging in full waveform inversion using finite elements. 2021. (Simpósio).
2.   IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization.A shape optimization approach to the problem of covering a two-dimensional region with minimum-radius identical balls. 2021. (Simpósio).
3.   IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization.Shape optimization approach for sharp-interface reconstructions in time-domain full waveform inversion. 2021. (Simpósio).
4.   International conference on Mathematics and Data Science (ICMDS-21). A shape optimization approach to the problem of covering a two-dimensional region with minimum-radius identical balls. 2021. (Congresso).
5.   Jornada de Álgebra y Aplicaciones. Superelliptic Affine Lie algebras and Non-Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. 2021. (Congresso).
6.   WEBINAR SERIES ON ADVANCES IN RING THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (ARTA21).1/2-derivations of Lie algebras and transposed Poisson algebras.. 2021. (Seminário).


1.   3rd BYMAT Conference - Bringing Young Mathematicians Together. On the universal central extension of superelliptic affine Lie algebras. 2020. (Congresso).


1.   Dynamics, Equations and Applications (DEA 2019). Shape design for superconductors governed by H(curl)-elliptic variational inequalities. 2019. (Congresso).
2.   ICCOPT International Conference on Continuous Optimization. Nonsmooth shape optimization and application to inverse problems. 2019. (Congresso).
3.   ICIAM International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. A shape optimization approach for electrical impedance tomography with point measurements. 2019. (Congresso).
4.   ICIAM International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Recent advances in nonsmooth shape optimization. 2019. (Congresso).
5.   ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations. Recent advances in nonsmooth shape optimization. 2019. (Congresso).


1.   Congresso Brasileiro de Jovens Pesquisadores em Matemática Pura, Aplicada e Estatística. Superelliptic Affine Lie Algebras. 2018. (Congresso).
2.   ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations.Controlling the footprint of droplets. 2018. (Simpósio).
3.   IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Applications of the distributed shape derivative in shape optimization. 2018. (Congresso).
4.   International Congress of Mathematicians. Irreducible φ-Verma modules for hyperelliptic Heisenberg algebras. 2018. (Congresso).
5.   LieJor seminar.On the n-point Lie algebras. 2018. (Seminário).
6.   South American Workshop on Integral and Differential Equations. Shape optimization for an eigenvalue problem with indefinite weight. 2018. (Congresso).
7.   XXV Escola de Álgebra.Superelliptic Affine Lie Algebras. 2018. (Encontro).


1.   31st Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática.Structural Optimization using the Level Set Method. 2017. (Simpósio).
2.   ENUMATH 2017,.Controlling the footprint of droplets. 2017. (Simpósio).
3.   I Simpósio de Matemática da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná.Aplicação de Lie em estrutura não associativa. 2017. (Simpósio).
4.   IX Simpósio de Álgebra da Universidade Federal do Paraná.Sobre morfismos em estruturas não associativas. 2017. (Simpósio).
5.   Lie and Jordan algebras, their representations and relations VII. Irreducible φ-Verma modules for hyperelliptic Heisenberg algebras. 2017. (Congresso).


1.   II Congresso Brasileiro de Jovens Pesquisadores em Matemática Pura e Aplicada. Structural Optimization using the Level Set Method. 2016. (Congresso).
2.   Semana USP de ciência e tecnologia. Matemateca. 2016. (Exposição).
3.   Séminaire d'Algèbre et de Géométrie Gradué.n-point Lie algebras. 2016. (Seminário).
4.   Workshop on Hecke Algebras and Lie Theory. 2016. (Oficina).
5.   Younger@80 - Directed Graphs Conference. The Characteristic of the Petersen Graph. 2016. (Congresso).


1.   AGRA 2015: school on Arithmetic, Groups and Analysis II. 2015. (Congresso).
2.   Lie and Jordan Algebras,their Representations and Aplications VI. Heisenberg subalgebras of n-pointeds Lie algebras. 2015. (Congresso).
3.   PoCo 2015 - Polyhedral Combibatorics 2015. The Perfect Matching Polytope and Solid Bricks. 2015. (Congresso).
4.   Virada Científica 2015. Matemateca. 2015. (Exposição).
5.   Workshop in Algebra. 2015. (Oficina).


1.   Latin American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs. A Characterization of PM-Compact Bipartite and Near-Bipartite Graphs. 2014. (Congresso).
2.   SIAM Conference on Imaging Science. Shape and Topology Optimization Methods for Inverse Problems. 2014. (Congresso).
3.   Virada Científica 2014. Matemateca. 2014. (Exposição).
4.   Workshop on PDE-Constrained Optimization.Controlling the footprint of droplets. 2014. (Oficina).
5.   Workshop on shape and topology optimization with PDE constraints in Celebration to the 65th Birthday of Professor Jan Sokolowski.Control of free boundaries. 2014. (Oficina).


1.   EQUADIFF 2013. Shape optimization of the ground state for two phase conductors. 2013. (Congresso).
2.   ICCOPT 2013. A Shape Optimization Method for Magnetic Induction Tomography. 2013. (Congresso).
3.   Summer school on Evolutionary Solid Bodies.Introduction to the topological derivative in shape optimization. 2013. (Outra).


1.   ISMP 2012. A shape and topology optimization method for inverse problems in tomography. 2012. (Congresso).
2.   Mini-Workshop : Geometries, Shapes and Topologies in PDE-based Applications.Shape optimization for eigenvalue problems. 2012. (Oficina).
3.   PICOF 2012. A semismooth Newton method for a class of semilinear optimal control problems. 2012. (Congresso).
4.   SIAM Conference on Imaging Science. A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2012. (Congresso).


1.   AIP 2011. A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2011. (Congresso).
2.   AIP 2011. Multiphase image segmentation based on shape and topological sensitivity. 2011. (Congresso).
3.   GAMM 2011. A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2011. (Congresso).
4.   IFIP TC7 2011. Minimization of the ground state for two phase conductors in low contrast regime. 2011. (Congresso).
5.   JFC07. Minimization of the ground state for two phase conductors in low contrast regime. 2011. (Congresso).
6.   SIAM conference on optimization. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2011. (Congresso).
7.   Workshop p.d.e., optimal design and numerics.Minimization of the ground state for two phase conductors in low contrast regime. 2011. (Oficina).


1.   Advances in Topological Sensitivity Analysis for Computational Modelling.A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2010. (Oficina).
2.   Workshop on Optimal Control in Image Processing.A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2010. (Oficina).


1.   AIP 2009. Higher-order expansions in Electrical Impedance Tomography. 2009. (Congresso).
2.   SIAM annual meeting. Higher-order expansions in Electrical Impedance Tomography. 2009. (Congresso).
3.   Workshop p.d.e., optimal design and numerics.Higher-order expansions in Electrical Impedance Tomography. 2009. (Oficina).


1.   Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 2008. Multiphase image segmentation by shape and topological sensitivity. 2008. (Congresso).
2.   Latin 2008. Pfaffian Bipartite Graphs: The Elusive Heawood Graph. 2008. (Congresso).
3.   OPTPDE. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2008. (Congresso).
4.   SIAM Conference on Optimization. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2008. (Congresso).


1.   Cinquième journées singulières.A TOPSHAPE Algorithm for obstacle problems. 2007. (Simpósio).
2.   ENUMATH 2007. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2007. (Congresso).
3.   First joint international meeting between the AMS and the PTM. A TOPSHAPE algorithm for the solution of a state-constrained problem. 2007. (Congresso).
4.   IFIP 2007. Using Self-adjoint Extensions in Shape Optimization. 2007. (Congresso).
5.   ÖMG/JSMF conference 2007. Multiphase image segmentation by shape and topological sensitivity. 2007. (Congresso).
6.   SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2007. (Congresso).


1.   Analytical and numerical methods for scientific computing in science and engineering.A Level set method in Shape optimization. 2006. (Seminário).
2.   ISMP 2006. A Level set method in shape optimization for variational inequations. 2006. (Congresso).
3.   Oberwolfach Workshop : Applications of Asymptotic Analysis.Numerical methods for shape optimization of variational inequalities. 2006. (Oficina).


1.   22nd IFIP TC7 conference. Level set methods for variational inequalities. 2005. (Congresso).
2.   International meeting Shape optimization and its applications.Self-adjoint extensions and topology optimization. 2005. (Encontro).


1.   2nd Latina American Congress of Mathematics. A Characterizatrion of Pfaffian Solid Matching Covered Graphs. 2004. (Congresso).


1.   Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Matching Covered Graphs: Separating Cuts, Extermal Graphs (palestra convidada). 2003. (Congresso).
2.   Workshop on Combaintorics, Algorithms and Applications. Ear Decompositions and Pfaffian Orientations (palestra convidada). 2003. (Congresso).

(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 2000 até 2024
Data de processamento: 07/08/2024 20:25:55