1. | V SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL DE MATEMÁTICA PERÚ - BRASIL.non associative numbers. 2024. (Seminário). |
2. | WTT - Workshop de Tendências Tecnológicas 2024.Uma breve introdução aos autômatos celulares. 2024. (Oficina). |
1. | ICMAM Latin America Satellite Conference on Algebra, Combinatorics and Number Theory. 2023. (Congresso). |
2. | III SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL DE MATEMÁTICAS.Artin Theorem on alternative rings. 2023. (Seminário). |
3. | IV SEMINARIO INTERNACIONAL DE MATEMÁTICA PERÚ - BRASIL.About description of commuting maps on nonassociative structures. 2023. (Seminário). |
4. | NCTM Annual Conferecen and Exhibition. 2023. (Congresso). |
5. | PBL Math summit. 2023. (Encontro). |
1. | Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics (CMAM-22). Optimal control of volume-preserving mean curvature flow. 2022. (Congresso). |
2. | I Encontro Paulista da Pós-Graduação em Matemáticas.Álgebras de Lie superelípticas afim e polinômios ortogonais não-clássicos. 2022. (Encontro). |
3. | Seminário Grupo de Álgebra da Universidade de Coimbra.Characterization of maps. 2022. (Seminário). |
4. | STMI 2022 - Workshop on Software for Modeling and Inversion.Sharp interface imaging in full waveform inversion. 2022. (Oficina). |
1. | EAGE Annual 2021, 82nd Conference & Exhibition.Sharp-interface imaging in full waveform inversion using finite elements. 2021. (Simpósio). |
2. | IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization.A shape optimization approach to the problem of covering a two-dimensional region with minimum-radius identical balls. 2021. (Simpósio). |
3. | IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization.Shape optimization approach for sharp-interface reconstructions in time-domain full waveform inversion. 2021. (Simpósio). |
4. | International conference on Mathematics and Data Science (ICMDS-21). A shape optimization approach to the problem of covering a two-dimensional region with minimum-radius identical balls. 2021. (Congresso). |
5. | Jornada de Álgebra y Aplicaciones. Superelliptic Affine Lie algebras and Non-Classical Orthogonal Polynomials. 2021. (Congresso). |
6. | WEBINAR SERIES ON ADVANCES IN RING THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (ARTA21).1/2-derivations of Lie algebras and transposed Poisson algebras.. 2021. (Seminário). |
1. | 3rd BYMAT Conference - Bringing Young Mathematicians Together. On the universal central extension of superelliptic affine Lie algebras. 2020. (Congresso). |
1. | Dynamics, Equations and Applications (DEA 2019). Shape design for superconductors governed by H(curl)-elliptic variational inequalities. 2019. (Congresso). |
2. | ICCOPT International Conference on Continuous Optimization. Nonsmooth shape optimization and application to inverse problems. 2019. (Congresso). |
3. | ICIAM International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. A shape optimization approach for electrical impedance tomography with point measurements. 2019. (Congresso). |
4. | ICIAM International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics. Recent advances in nonsmooth shape optimization. 2019. (Congresso). |
5. | ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations. Recent advances in nonsmooth shape optimization. 2019. (Congresso). |
1. | Congresso Brasileiro de Jovens Pesquisadores em Matemática Pura, Aplicada e Estatística. Superelliptic Affine Lie Algebras. 2018. (Congresso). |
2. | ICMC Summer Meeting on Differential Equations.Controlling the footprint of droplets. 2018. (Simpósio). |
3. | IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Applications of the distributed shape derivative in shape optimization. 2018. (Congresso). |
4. | International Congress of Mathematicians. Irreducible φ-Verma modules for hyperelliptic Heisenberg algebras. 2018. (Congresso). |
5. | LieJor seminar.On the n-point Lie algebras. 2018. (Seminário). |
6. | South American Workshop on Integral and Differential Equations. Shape optimization for an eigenvalue problem with indefinite weight. 2018. (Congresso). |
7. | XXV Escola de Álgebra.Superelliptic Affine Lie Algebras. 2018. (Encontro). |
1. | 31st Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática.Structural Optimization using the Level Set Method. 2017. (Simpósio). |
2. | ENUMATH 2017,.Controlling the footprint of droplets. 2017. (Simpósio). |
3. | I Simpósio de Matemática da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná.Aplicação de Lie em estrutura não associativa. 2017. (Simpósio). |
4. | IX Simpósio de Álgebra da Universidade Federal do Paraná.Sobre morfismos em estruturas não associativas. 2017. (Simpósio). |
5. | Lie and Jordan algebras, their representations and relations VII. Irreducible φ-Verma modules for hyperelliptic Heisenberg algebras. 2017. (Congresso). |
1. | II Congresso Brasileiro de Jovens Pesquisadores em Matemática Pura e Aplicada. Structural Optimization using the Level Set Method. 2016. (Congresso). |
2. | Semana USP de ciência e tecnologia. Matemateca. 2016. (Exposição). |
3. | Séminaire d'Algèbre et de Géométrie Gradué.n-point Lie algebras. 2016. (Seminário). |
4. | Workshop on Hecke Algebras and Lie Theory. 2016. (Oficina). |
5. | Younger@80 - Directed Graphs Conference. The Characteristic of the Petersen Graph. 2016. (Congresso). |
1. | AGRA 2015: school on Arithmetic, Groups and Analysis II. 2015. (Congresso). |
2. | Lie and Jordan Algebras,their Representations and Aplications VI. Heisenberg subalgebras of n-pointeds Lie algebras. 2015. (Congresso). |
3. | PoCo 2015 - Polyhedral Combibatorics 2015. The Perfect Matching Polytope and Solid Bricks. 2015. (Congresso). |
4. | Virada Científica 2015. Matemateca. 2015. (Exposição). |
5. | Workshop in Algebra. 2015. (Oficina). |
1. | Latin American Workshop on Cliques in Graphs. A Characterization of PM-Compact Bipartite and Near-Bipartite Graphs. 2014. (Congresso). |
2. | SIAM Conference on Imaging Science. Shape and Topology Optimization Methods for Inverse Problems. 2014. (Congresso). |
3. | Virada Científica 2014. Matemateca. 2014. (Exposição). |
4. | Workshop on PDE-Constrained Optimization.Controlling the footprint of droplets. 2014. (Oficina). |
5. | Workshop on shape and topology optimization with PDE constraints in Celebration to the 65th Birthday of Professor Jan Sokolowski.Control of free boundaries. 2014. (Oficina). |
1. | EQUADIFF 2013. Shape optimization of the ground state for two phase conductors. 2013. (Congresso). |
2. | ICCOPT 2013. A Shape Optimization Method for Magnetic Induction Tomography. 2013. (Congresso). |
3. | Summer school on Evolutionary Solid Bodies.Introduction to the topological derivative in shape optimization. 2013. (Outra). |
1. | ISMP 2012. A shape and topology optimization method for inverse problems in tomography. 2012. (Congresso). |
2. | Mini-Workshop : Geometries, Shapes and Topologies in PDE-based Applications.Shape optimization for eigenvalue problems. 2012. (Oficina). |
3. | PICOF 2012. A semismooth Newton method for a class of semilinear optimal control problems. 2012. (Congresso). |
4. | SIAM Conference on Imaging Science. A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2012. (Congresso). |
1. | AIP 2011. A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2011. (Congresso). |
2. | AIP 2011. Multiphase image segmentation based on shape and topological sensitivity. 2011. (Congresso). |
3. | GAMM 2011. A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2011. (Congresso). |
4. | IFIP TC7 2011. Minimization of the ground state for two phase conductors in low contrast regime. 2011. (Congresso). |
5. | JFC07. Minimization of the ground state for two phase conductors in low contrast regime. 2011. (Congresso). |
6. | SIAM conference on optimization. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2011. (Congresso). |
7. | Workshop p.d.e., optimal design and numerics.Minimization of the ground state for two phase conductors in low contrast regime. 2011. (Oficina). |
1. | Advances in Topological Sensitivity Analysis for Computational Modelling.A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2010. (Oficina). |
2. | Workshop on Optimal Control in Image Processing.A shape and topology optimization method for the resolution of inverse problems. 2010. (Oficina). |
1. | AIP 2009. Higher-order expansions in Electrical Impedance Tomography. 2009. (Congresso). |
2. | SIAM annual meeting. Higher-order expansions in Electrical Impedance Tomography. 2009. (Congresso). |
3. | Workshop p.d.e., optimal design and numerics.Higher-order expansions in Electrical Impedance Tomography. 2009. (Oficina). |
1. | Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung 2008. Multiphase image segmentation by shape and topological sensitivity. 2008. (Congresso). |
2. | Latin 2008. Pfaffian Bipartite Graphs: The Elusive Heawood Graph. 2008. (Congresso). |
3. | OPTPDE. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2008. (Congresso). |
4. | SIAM Conference on Optimization. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2008. (Congresso). |
1. | Cinquième journées singulières.A TOPSHAPE Algorithm for obstacle problems. 2007. (Simpósio). |
2. | ENUMATH 2007. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2007. (Congresso). |
3. | First joint international meeting between the AMS and the PTM. A TOPSHAPE algorithm for the solution of a state-constrained problem. 2007. (Congresso). |
4. | IFIP 2007. Using Self-adjoint Extensions in Shape Optimization. 2007. (Congresso). |
5. | ÖMG/JSMF conference 2007. Multiphase image segmentation by shape and topological sensitivity. 2007. (Congresso). |
6. | SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations. Optimal shape design subject to variational inequalities. 2007. (Congresso). |
1. | Analytical and numerical methods for scientific computing in science and engineering.A Level set method in Shape optimization. 2006. (Seminário). |
2. | ISMP 2006. A Level set method in shape optimization for variational inequations. 2006. (Congresso). |
3. | Oberwolfach Workshop : Applications of Asymptotic Analysis.Numerical methods for shape optimization of variational inequalities. 2006. (Oficina). |
1. | 22nd IFIP TC7 conference. Level set methods for variational inequalities. 2005. (Congresso). |
2. | International meeting Shape optimization and its applications.Self-adjoint extensions and topology optimization. 2005. (Encontro). |
1. | 2nd Latina American Congress of Mathematics. A Characterizatrion of Pfaffian Solid Matching Covered Graphs. 2004. (Congresso). |
1. | Colóquio Brasileiro de Matemática. Matching Covered Graphs: Separating Cuts, Extermal Graphs (palestra convidada). 2003. (Congresso). |
2. | Workshop on Combaintorics, Algorithms and Applications. Ear Decompositions and Pfaffian Orientations (palestra convidada). 2003. (Congresso). |
(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 2000 até 2024
Data de processamento: 07/08/2024 20:25:55