1. | A. Yambartsev; VIA, G. ; Pechersky, E.. Stochastic Ising model with plastic interactions. Statistics & Probability Letters. v. 123, p. 100-106, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
2. | ABADI, MIGUEL. Similarities and differences between going and coming back. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
3. | ABADI, MIGUEL. Topological structure of the phase space and complexity. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
4. | ABADI, MIGUEL. Shortest path distribution and prime decomposition. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
5. | ABADI, MIGUEL. Shortest path distribution and prime decomposition. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
6. | ABADI, MIGUEL. Jogos, apostas e paradoxos em probabilidade. 2017. 2017. |
7. | ABADI, MIGUEL; GALLO, SANDRO ; RADA-MORA, ERIKA A.. The Shortest Possible Return Time of β-Mixing Processes. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION THEORY. v. pp, p. 1-1, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
8. | ABDOUNUR, O. J. Chapter 6: Structural Transformations in the Relationships between Mathematics and Music up to the Renaissace and the Emergence of the Idea of Number as a Continuous Quantity. Em: Albert R. Baswell. (Org.). Advances in Mathematics Research. 1ed.New York. : Nova Publishers. 2017.v. 21, p. 149-164. |
9. | ABDOUNUR, O. J. Chapter 2: Theories of ratio in competition in theoretical music in the late Middle Ages. Em: Baswell, Albert R.. (Org.). Advances in mathematics research, vol 24. 1ed. 2017.v. 24, p. 33-43. |
10. | ADDAS-ZANATA, S.; CALVEZ, P. L.. Rational mode locking for homeomorphisms of the $2$-torus. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 146, p. 1551-1570, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
11. | AGENA, B. T. ; ARAUJO, T. H. D. ; BRAGHETTO, K. R. ; WASSERMANN, R.. OntoMongo - Ontology-Based Data Access for NoSQL. Em: IX Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil, v. 1908, p. 55-66, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (IX Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil) |
12. | AGLIARI, E. ; PACHON, A. ; RODRIGUEZ, P. M. ; TAVANI, F.. Phase Transition for the Maki-Thompson Rumour Model on a Small-World Network. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS. v. 169, p. 846-875, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
13. | AGUILAR, FRANK DENNIS JULCA ; Hirata, Nina S.T.. Image Operator Learning Coupled with CNN Classification and Its Application to Staff Line Removal. Em: 2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), p. 53, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR)) |
14. | AKOPYAN, ARSENIY ; BÁRÁNY, IMRE ; Robins, Sinai. Algebraic vertices of non-convex polyhedra. ADVANCES IN MATHEMATICS. v. 308, p. 627-644, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
15. | ALAS, OFELIA T.; WILSON, RICHARD G.. Properties related to star countability and star finiteness. TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. v. 221, p. 432-439, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
16. | ALBARRACIN, ORLANDO YESID ESPARZA; ALENCAR, AIRLANE PEREIRA ; LEE HO, LINDA. CUSUM chart to monitor autocorrelated counts using Negative Binomial GARMA model. STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH. v. 1, p. 096228021668662, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
17. | Albert M. Fisher. A pathwise Central Limit Theorem for random walks. Annals of Probability. 2017. Qualis: A1 |
18. | Alencar, Airlane P. Seasonality of hospitalizations due to respiratory diseases: modelling serial correlation all we need is Poisson. JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS. v. 45, p. 1-10, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
19. | ALENCAR, AIRLANE PEREIRA ; LEE HO, LINDA ; ALBARRACIN, ORLANDO YESID ESPARZA. CUSUM control charts to monitor series of Negative Binomial count data. STATISTICAL METHODS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH. v. 26, p. 1925-1935, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
21. | Alexandrino, Marcos M.; RADESCHI, MARCO. Closure of singular foliations: the proof of Molino?s conjecture. COMPOSITIO MATHEMATICA. v. 153, p. 2577-2590, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
22. | ALLEN, PETER ; Böttcher, Julia ; GRIFFITHS, SIMON ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MORRIS, ROBERT. Chromatic thresholds in sparse random graphs. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. v. 51, p. 215-236, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
23. | ALLEN, PETER ; Böttcher, Julia ; GRIFFITHS, SIMON ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MORRIS, ROBERT. Chromatic thresholds in dense random graphs. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. v. 51, p. 185-214, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
24. | ALLEN, PETER ; Böttcher, Julia ; HÀN, HI'P ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Person, Yury. Powers of Hamilton cycles in pseudorandom graphs. COMBINATORICA. v. 37, p. 573-616, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
25. | ALON, N. ; Bissacot, Rodrigo ; ENDO, E. O.. Counting Contours on Trees. Letters in Mathematical Physics. v. 107, p. 887-899, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
27. | Andreani, Roberto ; BEHLING, ROGER ; HAESER, G. ; Silva, Paulo J. S.. On second-order optimality conditions in nonlinear optimization. Optimization Methods & Software (Print). v. 32, p. 22-38, 2017. Qualis: B1 (OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND SOFTWARE) |
28. | Andreani, Roberto ; HAESER, G. ; RAMOS, A. ; Silva, Paulo J. S.. A second-order sequential optimality condition associated to the convergence of optimization algorithms. IMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. v. 37, p. 1902-1929, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
29. | Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; Ramos, Alberto ; SILVA, PAULO J S. Erratum -A second-order sequential optimality condition associated to the convergence of optimization algorithms-. IMA JOURNAL OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. v. 37, p. e1-e1, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
30. | ANGULO PAVA, JAIME; CARDOSO JR., ELEOMAR ; NATALI, FÁBIO. Stability properties of periodic traveling waves for the intermediate long wave equation. REVISTA MATEMATICA IBEROAMERICANA. v. 33, p. 417-448, 2017. Qualis: A1 (REVISTA MATEMÁTICA IBEROAMERICANA) |
31. | ANISCA, R. ; FERENCZI, V ; MORENO, Y.. On the classification of positions and complex structures in Banach spaces. Journal of Functional Analysis. v. 272, p. 3845-3868, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
32. | ARAUJO, F. V. ; FAIWICHOW, L. ; VASCONCELLOS, C. ; CHING, A. W. ; MENEZES, M. V. A. ; PEREIRA, G. H. A.. Electroneuromyographic study of orbicularis oculi muscle for evaluation of denervation after a transcutaneous inferior blepharoplasty with musculocutaneous flap. European Journal of Plastic Surgery. v. 40, p. 11-16, 2017. Qualis: B3 |
33. | ARNDT, P. ; MARIANO, H. L. ; PINTO, D. C.. kappa-filter pairs and non-finitary logics. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
34. | ASSANE, CACHIMO COMBO ; PEREIRA, B. de B. ; PEREIRA, CAB. Bayesian significance test for discriminating between survival distributions. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS. v. 48, p. 1-13, 2017. Qualis: B2 (COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS, THEORY AND METHODS) |
35. | ATASHPAZ-GARGARI, E. ; REIS, MARCELO ; BRAGA NETO, U. M. ; BARRERA, JUNIOR ; DOUGHERTY, E.R.. A fast branch-and-bound algorithm for U-curve feature selection. PATTERN RECOGNITION. 2017. Qualis: A1 |
36. | BANDO, S. Y. ; IAMASHITA, P. ; GUTH, B. E. ; SANTOS, L. F. ; FUJITA, A ; ABE, C. M. ; FERREIRA, L. R. ; MOREIRA-FILHO, C. A.. A hemolytic-uremic syndrome-associated strain O113:H21 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli specifically expresses a transcriptional module containing dicA and is related to gene network dysregulation in Caco-2 cells. PLoS One. v. 12, p. e0189613, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
37. | BARBEIRO, A. S. V. ; FAJARDO, R. A.. Suprema of continuous functions on connected spaces. SÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. v. 11, p. 189-199, 2017. Qualis: B3 |
38. | BARBOSA, JACSON R. ; VALLE, PEDRO ; MALDONADO, JOSE ; DELAMARO, MARCIO ; VINCENZI, AURI M. R.. An experimental evaluation of peer testing in the context of the teaching of software testing. Em: 2017 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE)) |
39. | BARBOSA, PRICILA S. ; PEREIRA, ANTÔNIO L. ; Pereira, Marcone C.. Continuity of attractors for a family of $${mathcal {C}}^1$$ C 1 perturbations of the square. ANNALI DI MATEMATICA PURA ED APPLICATA. v. 196, p. 1365-1398, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
40. | BARRERA, J. ; FINGER, M. ; Hirata Jr., Roberto. Desafios de Aprendizado de Máquina para Cidades Inteligentes. Computação Brasil, p. 28-31, 01 dez. 2017. |
41. | BARROS-OLIVEIRA, MARIA DA CONCEIÇÃO ; COSTA-SILVA, DANYLO RAFHAEL ; ANDRADE, DANIELLE BENIGNO DE ; BORGES, Umbelina Soares ; SILVA, VLADIMIR COSTA ; BORGES, RAFAEL SOARES ; Lopes-Costa, Pedro Vitor ; Alencar, A. P. ; da Silva B. B.. Ki-67 antigen expression in the mammary epithelium of female rats in persistent estrus treated with anastrozole. Gynecological Endocrinology. v. PO, p. 1-4, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
42. | BARROSO, I. ; GALVAO, M. E. E. L.. Um estudo sobre os conhecimentos dos professores de matemática para o ensino das transformações geométricas. Em: VIII CONGRESO IBEROAMERICANO DE EDUCACIÓN MATEMÁTICA, p. 452-460, 2017.Qualis: C (CONGRESO IBEROMERICANO DE EDUCACIÓN MATEMÁTICA) |
43. | BARROSO, L. P.; ANDRE, C. D. S. ; BIERRENBACH, A. L. ; ANDRE, P. A. ; PEREIRA, L. A. A. ; JUSTO, L. T. ; TANIGUSHI, M. ; MARTINEZ, C. ; CUNHA, C. ; MARINHO, F. ; FRANCA, E. ; SALDIVA, P. H. N.. Atribuição automática de causa básica de morte com base em instrumento de autópsia verbal. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
44. | BARROSO, L.P. Aplicações de Estatística em Ciências Políticas e Sociais. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
45. | BARROSO, LUCIA P.; COELHO, I. B.. Comparação de métodos de estimação para proporções em pequenas áreas: o caso da TIC educação. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
46. | Bastos, J. O. ; Mota, G.O. ; Schacht, M. ; Schnitzer, J. ; Schulenburg, F.. Loose Hamiltonian Cycles Forced by Large $(k-2)$-Degree---Approximate Version. SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 31, p. 2328-2347, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
47. | Bastos, J. O. ; Mota, G.O. ; Schacht, M. ; Schnitzer, J. ; Schulenburg, F.. Loose Hamiltonian cycles forced by large (k−2)-degree - sharp version. Em: Eurocomb - European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, 2017, Viena. Electronic notes in discrete mathematics, v. 61, p. 101-106, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROCOMB - EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2017, VIENA. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS) |
48. | BATISTA, D. M.; ENDLER, M. ; A. Goldman ; KON, F.. Os Avanços em Ciência e Tecnologia para a Internet do Futuro: Aplicações em Cidades Inteligentes. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
49. | BATISTA, D. M.; KAMIENSKI, C. A. ; DUARTE, O. C. M. B.. Segurança em Internet das Coisas. Computação Brasil, Porto Alegre/RS, p. 21-24, 05 dez. 2017. |
50. | BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO ; OLGUIN, GIULIANO SALCAS ; SOUZA, JACKSON JOSÉ DE ; Pina, José Coelho de ; CAMPOS, PEDRO PAULO VEZZÁ ; GNANN, WILLIAM ALEXANDRE MIURA. Processo Coletivo de reformulação curricular do BCC-IME-USP. REVISTA DE GRADUAÇÃO DA USP. v. 2, p. 127-136, 2017. Qualis: C |
51. | BAZAN, J. L. ; BRANCO, M. D. ; VALDIVIESO, L.. Measurement of the nonsense word fluency: Bayesian approach to a Item Response model with speededness. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE BIOMETRIA. v. 35, p. 810-833, 2017.Qualis: C |
52. | Bedenknecht, W. ; Mota, G. O. ; Reiher, C. ; Schacht, M.. On the local density problem for graphs of given odd-girth. Em: LAGOS '17 - IX Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 2017, Marseille. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, v. 62, p. 39-44, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS '17 - IX LATIN-AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2017, MARSEILLE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS) |
53. | BEHLING, R. ; FISCHER, A. ; HAESER, G. ; RAMOS, A. ; SCHÖNEFELD, K.. On the constrained error bound condition and the projected Levenberg-Marquardt method. OPTIMIZATION. v. 66, p. 1397-1411, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
54. | BEJAR, HANS H. C. ; Cappabianco, Fábio A. M. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Efficient Image Segmentation in Graphs with Localized Curvilinear Features. Em: International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP). (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2017.p. 718-728. |
55. | BELL, MICHAEL J. ; Peixoto, Pedro S. ; THUBURN, JOHN. Numerical instabilities of vector-invariant momentum equations on rectangular C-grids. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. v. 143, p. 563-581, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
56. | BENEVIERI, P.; CALAMAI, A. ; Furi, Massimo ; PERA, M.P.. On general properties of n-th order retarded functional differential equations. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
57. | BENEVIERI, P.; CALAMAI, A. ; PERA, M.P. ; Furi, Massimo. On general properties of n-th order retarded functional differential equations. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
58. | BENEVIERI, P.; Calamai, Alessandro ; FURI, M. ; PERA, MARIA. On general properties of n-th order retarded functional differential equations. Rendiconti dell'Istituto di Matematica dell'Universita di Trieste. v. 49, p. 73-93, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (RENDICONTI DELL'ISTITUTO DI MATEMATICA DELL'UNIVERSITA DI TRIESTE) |
59. | Benevieri, Pierluigi; CALAMAI, A. ; Furi, Massimo ; PERA, M.P.. On general properties of n-th order retarded functional differential equations. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
60. | Benevieri, Pierluigi; Calamai, Alessandro ; Furi, Massimo ; Pera, Maria Patrizia. On the Persistence of the Eigenvalues of a Perturbed Fredholm Operator of Index Zero under Nonsmooth Perturbations. Zeitschrift fur Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen. v. 36, p. 99-128, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
61. | Benevieri, Pierluigi; ZECCA, PIETRO. Topological degree and atypical bifurcation results for a class of multivalued perturbations of Fredholm maps in Banach spaces. Fixed Point Theory. v. 18, p. 85-106, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (FIXED POINT THEORY) |
62. | BEZERRA, FLANK ; PEREIRA, ANTÔNIO ; DA SILVA, SEVERINO. Existence, regularity and upper semicontinuity of pullback attractors for the evolution process associated to a neural field model. Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. v. 41, p. 1-18, 2017. Qualis: B1 (ELECTRONIC JOURNAL ON THE QUALITATIVE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS) |
63. | BIAZZI LEAL, DANIELLE ; ALTENBURG DE ASSIS, MARIA ALICE ; HINNIG, PATRÍCIA DE FRAGAS ; SCHMITT, Jeovani ; SOARES LOBO, ADRIANA ; BELLISLE, FRANCE ; DI PIETRO, PATRÍCIA ; VIEIRA, FRANCILENE ; DE MOURA ARAUJO, PEDRO HENRIQUE ; DE ANDRADE, DALTON. Changes in Dietary Patterns from Childhood to Adolescence and Associated Body Adiposity Status. Nutrients. v. 9, p. 1098, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
64. | BIERRENBACH, A. L. ; ANDRE, C. D. S. ; MARTINEZ, C. ; FRANCA, E. ; CUNHA, C. ; JUSTO, L. T. ; BARROSO, L. P. ; SALDIVA, P. H. N. ; ANDRE, P. A. ; MARINHO, F.. Melhorar as causas da morte atribuídas em autopsias com narrativas de autopsia verbal. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
65. | BIERRENBACH, A. L. ; PEREIRA, L. A. A. ; JUSTO, L. T. ; ANDRE, C. D. S. ; ANDRE, P. A. ; TANIGUSHI, M. ; CUNHA, C. ; FRANCA, E. ; BARROSO, L. P. ; SALDIVA, P. H. N. ; MARINHO, F. ; MARTINEZ, C.. Óbitos que foram ou não submetidos a autópsias em São Paulo: quais as diferenças?. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
66. | BIERRENBACH, ANA LUIZA ; MINAMISAVA, RUTH ; ALENCAR, AIRLANE PEREIRA ; Alencar, Gizelton Pereira ; ANDRADE, ANA LUCIA. Combined effect of PCV10 and meningococcal C conjugate vaccination on meningitis mortality among children under five years of age in Brazil. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. v. 14, p. 1-8, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
67. | Birgin, E. G.; CUMINATO, J. A. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; PEREIRA, T.. CeMEAI: The Brazilian Center and Its Mathematics Research for Industry. American Mathematical Society. Notices. v. 64, p. 450-454, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (NOTICES) |
68. | Birgin, E. G.; GARDENGHI, J. L. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; SANTOS, S. A. ; TOINT, Ph. L.. Worst-case evaluation complexity for unconstrained nonlinear optimization using high-order regularized models. Mathematical Programming. v. 163, p. 359-368, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
69. | Birgin, E. G.; KREJI', N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On the minimization of possibly discontinuous functions by means of pointwise approximations. Optimization Letters. v. 11, p. 1623-1637, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
70. | Birgin, E. G.; KREJIC, N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On the employment of Inexact Restoration for the minimization of functions whose evaluation is subject to errors. Em: 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 2017, Quebec City. Book of abstracts of the IFORS 2017, 2017. |
71. | Birgin, E. G.; LOBATO, R. D. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A nonlinear programming model with implicit variables for packing ellipsoids. JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION. v. 68, p. 467-499, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
72. | Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. The Use of Quadratic Regularization with a Cubic Descent Condition for Unconstrained Optimization. SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION. v. 27, p. 1049-1074, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
73. | Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Quadratic regularization with cubic descent for unconstrained optimization. Em: SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2017, Vancouver. Book of abstracts of the SIAMOP17, 2017. |
74. | Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Quadratic regularization with cubic descent for unconstrained optimization. Em: 15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, 2017, Montreal. Book of abstract of the EUROPT 2017, 2017. |
75. | Bissacot, Rodrigo. Phase Transitions: stability and lack of regularity for g-functions. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
76. | Bissacot, Rodrigo. A Matemática das Transições de Fase e o Método Mágico de Erdös. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
77. | Bissacot, Rodrigo. Ground States, Phase Transitions, Chaos and Large Deviations at Zero Temperature on finite and countable Markov Shifts. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
78. | Bissacot, Rodrigo. Stability of the Phase Diagram on Gibbs Theory. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
79. | Bissacot, Rodrigo; DOIN, L.. Legitimate Coloring of Finite Projective Planes via Entropy Compression. 2017. preprint |
80. | Bissacot, Rodrigo; ENDO, ERIC OSSAMI ; VAN ENTER, AERNOUT C.D.. Stability of the phase transition of critical-field Ising model on Cayley trees under inhomogeneous external fields. STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. v. 127, p. 4126-4138, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
82. | BORGES, J. W. P. ; MOREIRA, T. M. M. ; ANDRADE, D. F.. Questionário de relação interpessoal no cuidado de enfermagem: elaboração e validação. Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. v. 25, p. 2962, 2017.Qualis: A2 |
84. | BORGES, R. ; Queiroz, M. A Probabilistic Model For Recommending Music Based on Acoustic Features and Social Data. Em: SBCM 2017 - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, p. 7-12, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (SBCM 2017 - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music) |
85. | BOROVINA JOSKO, J. M. ; FERREIRA, J. E.. Vis4DD: A visualization system that supports Data Quality Visual Assessment. Em: 32nd Brazilian Symposium on Databases, 2017, Uberlândia. Demos and Applications Session. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, v. 1, p. 46-51, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (32ND BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON DATABASES, 2017, UBERLÂNDIA. DEMOS AND APPLICATIONS SESSION. PORTO ALEGRE: SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO) |
86. | BORSATO, FRANK H. ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. Building structured lighting applications using low-cost cameras. Em: Conference on Graphics, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Conference on Graphics) |
87. | BORTOT, C. A. ; CAVALCANTI, M. M. ; DOMINGOS CAVALCANTI, V. N. ; PICCIONE, P.. Exponential Asymptotic Stability for the Klein Gordon Equation on Non-compact Riemannian Manifolds. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND OPTIMIZATION. v. 1, p. 1-47, 2017. Qualis: A4 (APPLIED MATHEMATICS & OPTIMIZATION) |
88. | BOTLER, F. ; MOTA, G. O. ; OSHIRO, M. T. I. ; Wakabayashi, Y.. Decomposing regular graphs with prescribed girth into paths of given length. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 66, p. 28-36, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
89. | BOTLER, F. H.; MOTA, G.O. ; OSHIRO, M.T.I. ; Y. WAKABAYASHI. Decomposing highly edge-connected graphs into paths of any given length. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B. v. 122, p. 508-542, 2017. Qualis: A2 (JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY. SERIES B) |
90. | BOTLER, F.; SAMBINELLI, M. ; COELHO, R. S. ; LEE, O.. On a joint technique for Hajós' and Gallai's Conjectures. Em: Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do XXXVII congresso da sociedade brasileira de computação, v. 1, p. 107-110, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO, 2017, SÃO PAULO. ANAIS DO XXXVII CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO) |
91. | BOTLER, F.; TALON, A.. Decomposing 8-regular graphs into paths of length 4. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 340, p. 2275-2285, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
92. | BOTLER, FÁBIO; JIMÉNEZ, ANDREA. On path decompositions of -regular graphs. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 340, p. 1405-1411, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
93. | BOTLER, FÁBIO; SAMBINELLI, M.. Gallai's conjecture for graphs with treewidth 3. Em: IX Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 2017, Marselha. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, v. 62, p. 147-152, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (IX LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2017, MARSELHA. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS) |
94. | BOYLAND, PHILIP ; DE CARVALHO, ANDRé ; Hall, Toby. Itineraries for inverse limits of tent maps: A backward view. TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. v. 232, p. 1-12, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
95. | BRAGHETTO, K. R.; CORDEIRO, D. ; GOLDMAN, A.. Processamento de Big Data Urbano. Computação Brasil, Porto Alegre/RS, p. 16-20, 05 dez. 2017. |
97. | BRAZ, C. M. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Image Segmentation by Image Foresting Transform with Geodesic Band Constraints. Em: Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 30th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2017, Niteroi. Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 30th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2017. |
98. | BRECH, C. Families on large index sets and applications to Banach spaces. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
99. | BRECH, C. Compact families and indiscernibles. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
100. | BRECH, C. Generalizing uniform families to the uncountable setting. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra |
101. | BRECH, C. Generalizing Schreier families to large index sets. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra |
102. | BROLEZZI, A. C. Malba Tahan: imaginação como contexto. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
103. | BRUEL, P. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; COBE, Raphael Mendes ; LEJBMAN, A. G. V.. OpenMP or Pthreads: Which is Better for Beginners?. Em: Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop on Evaluation and Usability of Programming Languages and Tools) |
104. | BRUEL, PEDRO ; CHALAMALASETTI, SAI RAHUL ; DALTON, CHRIS ; EL HAJJ, IZZAT ; Goldman, Alfredo ; GRAVES, CATHERINE ; HWU, WEN-MEI ; LAPLANTE, PHIL ; MILOJICIC, DEJAN ; NDU, GEOFFREY ; STRACHAN, JOHN PAUL. Generalize or Die: Operating Systems Support for Memristor-Based Accelerators. Em: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC), p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing (ICRC)) |
105. | BRUEL, PEDRO ; Goldman, Alfredo ; CHALAMALASETTI, SAI RAHUL ; MILOJICIC, DEJAN. Autotuning high-level synthesis for FPGAs using OpenTuner and LegUp. Em: 2017 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig)) |
106. | BRUNNER, A. ; MARIANO, H. L. ; SILVA, S. G.. Categorial Forms of the Axiom of Choice. LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL. v. 25, p. 408-430, 2017.Qualis: A2 |
107. | BUENO, THIAGO P. ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI ; BARROS, LELIANE N. DE ; COZMAN, FABIO G.. Modeling Markov Decision Processes with Imprecise Probabilities Using Probabilistic Logic Programming. Em: International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA), v. 62, p. 49-60, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISIPTA)) |
108. | BUENO, V. C. Preservation of a decreasing failure rate distributions under a coherent system signature point process representation. São Paulo: IME USP. 2017. Relatorio Técnico(IME-USP) |
109. | CALDAS STEINSTRAESSER, J. G.; ROUSSEAU, A.. Operational coupling in coastal oceanography: study on transparent boundary conditions for a Boussinesq-type model. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
110. | CANTON, A. W. P. Técnicas de Amostragem. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
111. | CAPPABIANCO, FABIO A. M. ; de Miranda, Paulo A. V. ; UDUPA, JAYARAM K.. A critical analysis of the methods of evaluating MRI brain segmentation algorithms. Em: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), p. 3894-3898, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)) |
112. | Cappabianco, Fábio ; TSUZUKI, MARCOS S.G. ; MIRANDA, PAULO ; MARTINS, THIAGO C. ; KAGEI, SEIICHIRO ; GOTOH, TOSHIYUKI ; IWASAWA, TAE. Heart Bounding Box Automatic Determination in Coronal Magnetic Resonance Temporal Sequences. IFAC-PAPERSONLINE. v. 50, p. 15056-15061, 2017. Qualis: NP |
113. | Cappabianco, Fábio A. M. ; Lellis, Lucas Santana ; MIRANDA, PAULO ; IDE, JAIME S. ; Mujica-Parodi, Lilianne R.. Edge Detection Robust to Intensity Inhomogeneity: A 7T MRI Case Study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2017.v. 10125, p. 459-466. |
114. | CAPUANI, LIGIA ; BIERRENBACH, ANA LUIZA ; Pereira Alencar, Airlane ; MENDRONE, ALFREDO ; FERREIRA, JOÃO EDUARDO ; CUSTER, BRIAN ; P. RIBEIRO, ANTONIO LUIZ ; CERDEIRA SABINO, ESTER. Mortality among blood donors seropositive and seronegative for Chagas disease (1996-2000) in São Paulo, Brazil: A death certificate linkage study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. v. 11, p. e0005542, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
115. | CARDOSO'COELHO, LÏ'½VIO ; BORGES, RAFAEL ; Alencar, Airlane ; CARDOSO'CAMPOS'VERDES, LARYSSE ; DA SILVA'SAMPAIO, JOÏ'½O ; BORGES, UMBELINA ; GEBRIM, LUIZ ; DA SILVA, BENEDITO. Comparative study between ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration cytology of axillary lymph nodes and sentinel lymph node histopathology in early-stage breast cancer. Oncology Letters. v. 1, p. 1-4, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
116. | CASTILLO, J. ; Cuellar Carrera, W. ; V. Ferenczi ; MORENO, Y.. Complex structures on twisted Hilbert spaces. ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 222, p. 787-814, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
117. | CASTILLO, JESÚS M. F. ; Ferenczi, Valentin ; GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL. Singular twisted sums generated by complex interpolation. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY (ONLINE). v. 369, p. 4671-4708, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
118. | CASTRO, HERBERT H.G. ; Alencar, Airlane Pereira ; Benseñor, Isabela M. ; Lotufo, Paulo A. ; Goulart, Alessandra C.. Multimorbidities Are Associated to Lower Survival in Ischaemic Stroke: Results from a Brazilian Stroke Cohort (EMMA Study). CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASES. v. 44, p. 232-239, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
119. | CECCONELLO, M. S. ; DORINI, F. A. ; HAESER, G.. On fuzzy uncertainties on the logistic equation. FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS. v. 328, p. 107-121, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
120. | CELY, L. ; GALEGO, ELÓI MEDINA ; GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL. Tauberian convolution operators acting on L1(G). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print). v. 446, p. 299-306, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
121. | Cerda Hernandez J. ; ZOHREN, S. ; A. Yambartsev. On the critical probability of percolation on random causal triangulations. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics. v. 31, p. 215-228, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
122. | CERIOLI, M. R. ; Fernandes, Cristina G. ; GOMEZ, R. ; GUTIERREZ, J. ; LIMA, P. T.. Transversals of Longest Paths. Em: IX Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization (LAGOS), 2017, Marseille, França. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (DOI: 10.1016/j.endm.2017.10.024), v. 62, p. 135-140, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (IX LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION , 2017, MARSEILLE, FRANÇA. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS) |
123. | CERQUEIRA, ANDRESSA ; FRAIMAN, DANIEL ; VARGAS, CLAUDIA D. ; Leonardi, Florencia. A Test of Hypotheses for Random Graph Distributions Built from EEG Data. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. v. 4, p. 75-82, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
125. | CESCA, Igor G. Uma abordagem alternativa para problemas de substituição de equipamentos por meio de funções contínuas e análise não suave. Em: VII Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia de Produção, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2017.Qualis: NP (2O CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE PRODUÇÃO) |
126. | CESCA, Igor G.; PARENTE, V. ; POSTALI, F. A. S.. Price Rate Analysis of Gasoline, Ethanol and Sugar between 2001 and 2015 in Brazil. Em: 40th Annual IAEE International Conference, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (40th Annual IAEE International Conference) |
127. | CESCA, Igor G.; PARENTE, V. ; POSTALI, F. A. S.. Price Rate Analysis of Gasoline, Ethanol and Sugar between 2001 and 2015 in Brazil. Em: 40th Annual IAEE International Conference, 2017, Cingapura. IAEE Conference proceedings, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (40TH ANNUAL IAEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE, 2017, CINGAPURA. IAEE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS) |
128. | CESCA, Igor G.; PARENTE, V. ; POSTALI, F. A. S.. Price Rate Analysis of Gasoline, Ethanol and Sugar between 2001 and 2015 in Brazil. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
129. | CHAGUE, FERNANDO ; DE-LOSSO, RODRIGO ; De Genaro, Alan ; GIOVANNETTI, BRUNO. Well-connected short-sellers pay lower loan fees: A market-wide analysis. JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL ECONOMICS. v. 123, p. 646-670, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
130. | CHALOM, GLADYS ; FERRAZ, RAUL A. ; MILIES, CESAR POLCINO. Essential idempotents and simplex codes. Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications. v. 4, p. 181-181, 2017. Qualis: B3 |
131. | CHALOM, GLADYS ; FERRAZ, RAUL A. ; MILIES, CÉSAR POLCINO. Essential idempotents and codes of constant weight. SÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. v. 11, p. 253-260, 2017. Qualis: B3 |
132. | CHAVES, G. G. ; DE SOUZA, V. H. G.. Concepções de formandos do Ensino Médio sobre a densidade dos números reais. Em: XXX Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa, v. 30, p. 496-504, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (XXX Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa) |
133. | CHAVES, ROSA M. B. ; VALÉRIO, BÁRBARA C. ; VILHENA, JOSÉ ANTONIO M.. Ricci-Curbastro Condition for Maximal Surfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski Space. Results in Mathematics. v. 71, p. 1373-1388, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS) |
134. | CHEN, GUANTAO ; EHRENMÜLLER, JULIA ; Fernandes, Cristina G. ; HEISE, CARL GEORG ; SHAN, SONGLING ; YANG, PING ; YATES, AMY N.. Nonempty intersection of longest paths in series-parallel graphs. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 340, p. 287-304, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
135. | CHINNI, G. ; CORDARO, P.D.. On Global Analytic and Gevrey Hypoellipticity on the Torus and the Métivier Inequality. COMMUNICATIONS IN PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. v. 42, p. 121-141, 2017.Qualis: A1 |
136. | CHRISPIM, MARIANA C. ; TARPEH, WILLIAM A. ; SALINAS, DELHI T. P. ; NOLASCO, MARCELO A.. The sanitation and urban agriculture nexus: urine collection and application as fertilizer in São Paulo, Brazil. Journal of Water Sanitation and Hygiene for Development. v. 7, p. washdev2017163, 2017. Qualis: A4 (JOURNAL OF WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE FOR DEVELOPMENT) |
137. | CIDRAL, FABIANO C. ; CORTES, VINÍCIUS M. ; GALEGO, ELÓI M.. A generalized Banach-Stone theorem for C0(K,X) spaces via the modulus of convexity of X¿. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print). v. 450, p. 12-20, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
138. | Clemens, D. ; Jensen, M. ; Kohayakawa, Y. ; Morrison, N. ; Mota, G. O. ; Reding, D. ; Roberts, B.. O número de tamanho-Ramsey para potências de caminhos. Em: II ETC - Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do CSBC 2017, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (II ETC - CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO, 2017, SÃO PAULO. ANAIS DO CSBC 2017) |
139. | COATTI, GIULIANA CASTELLO ; FRANGINI, MIRIAM ; VALADARES, MARCOS C. ; GOMES, JULIANA PLAT ; LIMA, NATALIA O. ; CAVAÇANA, NATALE ; ASSONI, AMANDA F. ; PELATTI, MAYRA V. ; BIRBRAIR, ALEXANDER ; DE LIMA, ANTONIO CARLOS PEDROSO ; Singer, Julio M. ; ROCHA, FRANCISCO MARCELO M. ; DA SILVA, GIOVANI LOIOLA ; MANTOVANI, MARIO SERGIO ; MACEDO-SOUZA, LUCIA INÊS ; FERRARI, MERARI F. R. ; ZATZ, MAYANA. Pericytes Extend Survival of ALS SOD1 Mice and Induce the Expression of Antioxidant Enzymes in the Murine Model and in IPSCs Derived Neuronal Cells from an ALS Patient. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. v. 13, p. 686-698, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (STEM CELL REVIEWS AND REPORTS) |
140. | COELHO, I. B. ; BARROSO, LUCIA P.. Comparison between estimates for proportion: the case of the ICT in Education Survey. Em: 61st World Statistics Congress, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (61st World Statistics Congress) |
141. | COELHO, I. B. ; BARROSO, LUCIA P.. Comparison between estimates for proportion: the case of the ICT in Education Survey. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
142. | COELHO, RAFAEL S. ; MOURA, PHABLO F. S. ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. The k-hop connected dominating set problem: approximation and hardness. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION. v. 34, p. 1060-1083, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
143. | Collares, M. ; Kohayakawa, Y. ; Morris, R. ; Mota, G.O.. On the number of r -transitive orientations of G ( n , p ). Em: Eurocomb - European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, 2017, Viena. Electronic notes in discrete mathematics, v. 61, p. 255-261, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROCOMB - EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2017, VIENA. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS) |
144. | Collares, Maurício ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MORRIS, ROBERT ; MOTA, G. O.. On the number of r-transitive orientations of G(n,p). Em: The European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EUROCOMB '17), 2017, Vienna. ENDM, The European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EUROCOMB '17). Amsterdam: Elsevier, v. 61, p. 255-261, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS , 2017, VIENNA. ENDM, THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS . AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER) |
145. | CONATY, D. ; Mauá, Denis D. ; C. P. de Campos. Approximation Complexity of Maximum A Posteriori Inference in Sum-Product Networks. Em: Thirty-Third Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, p. 322-331, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Thirty-Third Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence) |
146. | Condori, Marcos A. T. ; MANSILLA, LUCY A. C. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Bandeirantes: A Graph-Based Approach for Curve Tracing and Boundary Tracking. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2017.p. 95-106. |
147. | CONDORI, MARCOS ADEMIR TEJADA ; CAPPABIANCO, FABIO AUGUSTO MENOCCI ; FALCAO, ALEXANDRE XAVIER ; MIRANDA, PAULO ANDRE VECHIATTO DE. Extending the Differential Image Foresting Transform to Root-Based Path-Cost Functions with Application to Superpixel Segmentation. Em: 2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 7, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics) |
148. | CORDANI, L. K. Estatística...Educação...E a Educação Estatística?. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
149. | CORDEIRO, GAUSS M. ; MACHADO, ELIZABETE C. ; Botter, Denise A. ; Sandoval, Mônica C.. The Kumaraswamy Normal Linear Regression Model with Applications. Communications in Statistics. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION. v. 1, p. 1-10, 2017. Qualis: B2 (COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION) |
150. | COSTA, DANIEL L DA CONCEIÇÃO ; BARBOSA, VERONICA S ; REQUENA, GUARACI ; SHAVITT, ROSELI G ; PEREIRA, CARLOS A DE BRAGANÇA ; DINIZ, JULIANA B. Dissecting the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale severity scale to understand the routes for symptomatic improvement in obsessive-compulsive disorder. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY. v. 31, p. 026988111770508-1, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
151. | COSTA, OSWALDO L.V. ; DE OLIVEIRA RIBEIRO, CELMA ; REGO, ERIK EDUARDO ; Stern, Julio Michael ; PARENTE, VIRGINIA ; KILEBER, SOLANGE. Robust portfolio optimization for electricity planning: An application based on the Brazilian electricity mix. ENERGY ECONOMICS. v. 64, p. 158-169, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
152. | COSTA-SILVA, DANYLO RAFHAEL ; DA CONCEIÇÃO BARROS-OLIVEIRA, MARIA ; BORGES, RAFAEL SOARES ; CAMPOS-VERDES, LARYSSE MAIRA ; DA SILVA-SAMPAIO, JOÃO PAULO ; ESCORCIO-DOURADO, CARLA SOLANGE ; MARTINS, LUANA MOTA ; Alencar, Airlane Pereira ; BARACAT, EDMUND CHADA ; SILVA, VLADIMIR COSTA ; Da Silva, Benedito Borges. Insulin-like growth factor 1 gene polymorphism in women with breast cancer. MEDICAL ONCOLOGY. v. 34, p. 59-63, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
153. | COUTINHO, ANDRÉIA S. ; Pereira, Antônio L.. Equivariant bifurcations in a non-local model of ferromagnetic materials. NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS. v. 37, p. 1-13, 2017. Qualis: A2 (NONLINEAR ANALYSIS: REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS) |
154. | COZMAN, FABIO G. ; Denis Deratani Mauá. The Complexity of Inferences and Explanations in Probabilistic Logic Programming. Em: European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, p. 449-458, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty) |
155. | COZMAN, FABIO G. ; Denis Maua. The Descriptive Complexity of Bayesian Network Specifications. Em: European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, p. 93-103, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty) |
156. | COZMAN, FABIO G. ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI. On the Semantics and Complexity of Probabilistic Logic Programs. JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH. v. 60, p. 221-262, 2017. Qualis: A2 (THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH) |
157. | CRUZ, F. ; POPPI, R. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Uma proposta de Ontologia de Participação Social. Em: Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (Ontobras), 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (Ontobras)) |
158. | CRUZ, S. ; PAULINO, S. ; PAIVA, D.. Co-Benefits Indicators for Carbon Market: Contributions to Service Innovation in the Solid Waste Sector. JOURNAL OF INNOVATION ECONOMICS. v. 23, p. 107, 2017. Qualis: B3 |
159. | CUNHA, RENATO ; ZAGO, MARCO A. ; QUEROL, SERGIO ; VOLT, FERNANDA ; RUGGERI, ANNALISA ; SANZ, GUILLERMO ; POUTHIER, FABIENNE ; KOGLER, GESINE ; VICARIO, JOSÉ L. ; BERGAMASCHI, PAOLA ; SACCARDI, RICCARDO ; LAMAS, CARMEN H. ; DÍAZ-DE-HEREDIA, CRISTINA ; MICHEL, GERARD ; BITTENCOURT, HENRIQUE ; TAVELLA, MARLI ; PANEPUCCI, RODRIGO A. ; FERNANDES, FRANCISCO ; PAVAN, JULIA ; GLUCKMAN, ELIANE ; et.al. Impact of CTLA4 genotype and other immune response gene polymorphisms on outcomes after single umbilical cord blood transplantation. Blood (Philadelphia, PA). v. 129, p. 525-532, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
160. | CÔRTES, V. M. Cópias de $c_0(\tau)$ em espaços $C(K,X)$ e um problema da teoria dos espaços de Banach independente de ZFC. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
161. | DA SILVA CANTINHA, REBECA ; BORRELY, Sueli Ivone ; OGUIURA, NANCY ; de Bragança Pereira, Carlos Alberto ; RIGOLON, MARCELA M. ; NAKANO, Eliana. HSP70 expression in Biomphalaria glabrata snails exposed to cadmium. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. v. 140, p. 18-23, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
162. | DAZZI, ESTEPHAN ; DE CAMPOS, TEOFILO ; HILTON, ADRIAN ; CESAR -, ROBERTO M.. Scalable object instance recognition based on keygraph matching. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. v. 114, p. 53-62, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
163. | DE ALMEIDA, S.C. ; BRITO, F.G.B. ; COLARES, A.G.. Umbilic foliations with integrable normal bundle. BULLETIN DES SCIENCES MATHEMATIQUES. v. 141, p. 573-583, 2017. Qualis: A1 (BULLETIN DES SCIENCES MATHÉMATIQUES) |
164. | DE CAMARGO, ANDRÉ PIERRO ; Mascarenhas, Walter F.. The stability of extended Floater-Hormann interpolants. NUMERISCHE MATHEMATIK. v. 136, p. 287-313, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
165. | de Carli Silva, Marcel K.; Tunçel, Levent. An Axiomatic Duality Framework for the Theta Body and Related Convex Corners. Mathematical Programming. v. 162, p. 283-323, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
166. | DE CARVALHO, RAFAEL AQUINO ; Goldman, Alfredo ; CAVALHEIRO, GERSON GERALDO H.. Is Intel high performance analytics toolkit a good alternative to Apache Spark?. Em: 2017 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), v. 1, p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA)) |
167. | DE FARIA, EDSON; HAZARD, PETER ; TRESSER, CHARLES. Infinite entropy is generic in Hölder and Sobolev spaces. COMPTES RENDUS MATHEMATIQUE. v. 355, p. 1185-1189, 2017. Qualis: A4 (COMPTES RENDUS. MATHÉMATIQUE) |
168. | DE PERA GARCIA, MANUEL VALENTIM; MORALES, GERARD JOHN ALVA. A Partial Reciprocal of Dirichlet Lagrange Theorem Detected by Jets. Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems. v. 16, p. 371-389, 2017. Qualis: B2 |
169. | DESHAYES, AURELIA ; Rolla, Leonardo T.. Scaling limit of subcritical contact process. STOCHASTIC PROCESSES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS. v. 127, p. 2630-2649, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
170. | DIAS, D. ; VALLE, P. H. D. ; XAVIER, H. A. ; PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A.. Avaliação Heurística de Jogos Educacionais de Apoio ao Ensino de Manutenção de Software. Em: XIX International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (XIX International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE)) |
171. | DIAS, David P.; BATISTA, J. R.. A Educação Financeira nos Cursos de Formação Inicial de Professores de Matemática das Universidades Públicas do Estado de São Paulo. Em: 4o encontro do Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Matemática, p. 19-25, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (4o encontro do Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Matemática) |
172. | DIAS, David P.; CARVALHO, I. R. C.. A Prática como Componente Curricular em algumas Licenciaturas da USP. Em: 3o Congresso de Graduação da Universidade de São Paulo, 2017, São Paulo - SP. Anais do 3o congresso de Graduação da Universidade de São Paulo, p. 392-393, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (3O CONGRESSO DE GRADUAÇÃO DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO, 2017, SÃO PAULO - SP. ANAIS DO 3O CONGRESSO DE GRADUAÇÃO DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO) |
173. | DIAZ-TULA, ANTONIO ; Morimoto, C.H.. Robust, real-time eye movement classification for gaze interaction using finite state machines. Em: COGAIN 2017 Symposium, 2017, Wuppertal, Germany. Electronic Proceedings of the COGAIN 2017 Symposium (COGAIN'17), 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (COGAIN 2017 SYMPOSIUM, 2017, WUPPERTAL, GERMANY. ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS OF THE COGAIN 2017 SYMPOSIUM) |
174. | Dokuchaev, M.; EXEL, R.. Partial actions and subshifts. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS. v. 272, p. 5038-5106, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
175. | Dokuchaev, M.; EXEL, R.. The ideal structure of algebraic partial crossed products. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 115, p. 91-134, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
176. | Dokuchaev, M.; LIMA, H.G.G. DE ; PINEDO, H.. Partial representations and their domains. ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 47, p. 2565-2604, 2017. Qualis: B2 (THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS) |
177. | Dokuchaev, Mikhailo; KHRYPCHENKO, MYKOLA. Twisted partial actions and extensions of semilattices of groups by groups. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION. v. 27, p. 887-933, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
178. | Dokuchaev, Mikhailo; KIRICHENKO, VLADIMIR ; KUDRYAVTSEVA, GANNA ; PLAKHOTNYK, MAKAR. The max-plus algebra of exponent matrices of tiled orders. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA. v. 490, p. 1-20, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
179. | Dokuchaev, Mikhailo; ZALESSKI, A.. On the automorphism group of rational group algebras of finite groups. Contemporary Mathematics - American Mathematical Society (Print). v. 688, p. 33-51, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
180. | ELIAN, SILVIA N. The Coordinate-Free Prediction in Finite Populations with Correlated Observations. OPEN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS. v. 07, p. 182-193, 2017. Qualis: C |
181. | Elmadjian, C.E.L. ; DIAZ TULA, ANTONIO ; Aluani, F. O. ; Morimoto, C.H.. Gaze Interaction Using Low Resolution Images at 5 FPS. Em: COGAIN 2017 Symposium, 2017, Wuppertal, Germany. Proceedings of the COGAIN 2017 Symposium, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (COGAIN 2017 SYMPOSIUM, 2017, WUPPERTAL, GERMANY. PROCEEDINGS OF THE COGAIN 2017 SYMPOSIUM) |
182. | ENGEL, R. ; ASSIS, MARIA ALICE A. DE ; SCHIMITT, J. ; LEAL, D. ; LOBO, A. S. ; DI PIETRO, PATRICIA FARIA ; BORTOLOTTI, S. L. V. ; ANDRADE, D. F.. Qualidade da alimentação de escolares, uma aplicação da Teoria da Resposta ao Item. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
183. | ESPINHEIRA, PATRÍCIA L. ; Ferrari, Silvia L. P. ; Cribari-Neto, Francisco. Erratum to: Bootstrap prediction intervals in beta regressions. COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS,. p. 1777-1777, 2017. Qualis: B1 (COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS) |
184. | ESTEVES, E. ; MARUYAMA, S. R. ; SAKUMA, R. ; FUJITA, A ; MARTINS, L. A. ; RIGHI, A. A. ; COSTA, F. B. ; PALMISANO, G. ; LABRUNA, M. B. ; SA-NUNES, A. ; RIBEIRO, J. M. ; FOGACA, A. C.. Analysis of the Salivary Gland Transcriptome of Unfed and Partially Fed Amblyomma sculptum Ticks and Descriptive Proteome of the Saliva. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. v. 7, p. 476, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
185. | ESTEVES, LUÍS GUSTAVO ; IZBICKI, RAFAEL ; STERN, RAFAEL BASSI. Teaching decision theory proof strategies using a crowdsourcing problem. AMERICAN STATISTICIAN. v. 71, p. 336-343, 2017. Qualis: A4 (THE AMERICAN STATISTICIAN) |
186. | ESTEVEZ, GABRIELA ; DE FARIA, EDSON. Real bounds and quasisymmetric rigidity of multicritical circle maps. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 370, p. 1, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
187. | EUGENIO, N. W. ; FOSSALUZA, V. ; Polpo, A.. Regression model with mixture of link functions for binary data. Em: MaxEnt 2017 - 37th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, 2017, Jarinu, São Paulo, Brasil. Resumos do MaxEnt 2017, 2017. |
188. | EVANS, J. D. ; PALHARES JUNIOR, I. L. ; Oishi, C. M.. Stresses of PTT, Giesekus, and Oldroyd-B fluids in a Newtonian velocity field near the stick-slip singularity. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS. v. 29, p. 121604, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
189. | EVANS, J.D. ; Oishi, C.M.. Transient computations using the natural stress formulation for solving sharp corner flows. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS. v. 249, p. 48-52, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
190. | FAJARDO, R. A. Lógica Matemática. 1 ed. São Paulo: Edusp, 2017. v. 1, p. 208. |
191. | FARHAT, M. V. ; EUGENIO, N. W. ; FOSSALUZA, V.. Sample Size Calculation Using Decision Theory. Em: MaxEnt 2017 - 37th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering., 2017, Jarinu, SP, Brasil. Resumos do MaxEnt 2017, 2017. |
192. | FARIA, F. H. O. V. ; COZMAN, FABIO G. ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI. Closed-Form Solutions in Learning Probabilistic Logic Programs by Exact Score Maximization. Em: International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, p. 19-133, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management) |
193. | FARIA, F. H. O. V. ; GUSMAO, A. C. ; Glauber de Bona ; Denis Deratani Mauá ; Fabio Cozman. Parameter Learning in ProbLog with Probabilistic Rules. Em: Symposium on knowledge Discovery, p. 27-34, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Symposium on knowledge Discovery) |
194. | FERENCZI, V; ROSENDAL, C. Non-unitarisable representations and maximal symmetry. Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu. v. 16, p. 421-445, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
195. | FERME, EDUARDO ; Wassermann, Renata. Iterated Belief Change the Case of Expansion Into Inconsistency. Em: 2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 420, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS)) |
196. | FERNANDES, C. G. ; FERREIRA, C. E. ; MIAZAWA, F. K. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. Prices of anarchy of selfish 2D bin packing games. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Library. 2017. Publicação em arquivo livre de artigos científicos |
197. | FERRARI, S. L. P. Beta Regression. Wiley StatsRef: Statistics Reference Online. 1ed. Em: . : Wiley. 2017.p. 1-5. |
198. | FERRARI, S. L. P.; FUMES, G.. Box-Cox symmetric distributions and applications to nutritional data. AStA-Advances in Statistical Analysis. v. 101, p. 321-344, 2017. Qualis: A3 (ASTA. ADVANCES IN STATISTICAL ANALYSIS) |
199. | FERREIRA, C. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; NERI, H. R.. Estudo de barreiras para contribuir com projetos de software público brasileiro. Em: The 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, p. 1978-1983, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (The 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies) |
200. | FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO; FRANCO, A. J. P. ; SILVA, M. F.. Redes de parentesco como sistemas dinâmicos. Em: Reunião de Antropologia da Ciência e Tecnologia, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do VI React, 2017. |
201. | FERREIRA, CLÉCIO S. ; Paula, Gilberto A.. Estimation and diagnostic for skew-normal partially linear models. JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS. v. 44, p. 3033-3053, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
202. | FERREIRA, J. E.; OKAMOTO JUNIOR, J. ; VISINTIN, J. A. ; PU, C.. Smart Services: A Case Study on Smarter Public Safety by a Mobile App for University of São Paulo. Em: IEEE Smart City Innovations 2017, p. 1218-1223, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE Smart City Innovations 2017) |
203. | Ferreira, Joao Eduardo; LOSCO TAKECIAN, PEDRO ; KAMAURA, LEONARDO TADASHI ; PADILHA, BRUNO ; Pu, Calton. Dependency Management with WED-flow Techniques and Tools: A Case Study. Em: 2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC), p. 379, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing (CIC)) |
204. | FERREIRA, L. A. ; FOSSALUZA, V.. The random Bernstein polynomial smoth via ABC method. Em: MaxEnt 2017 - 37th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, 2017, Jarinu, SP, Brasil. Resumos do MaxEnt 2017, 2017. |
205. | FIGUEIREDO, FERNANDA ; GOMES, M. IVETTE ; Henriques-Rodrigues, L.. Value-at-risk estimation and the PORT mean-of-order-p methodology. REVSTAT-Statistical Journal. v. 15, p. 187-204, 2017.Qualis: B3 (REVSTAT STATISTICAL JOURNAL) |
206. | Finger, Marcelo; De Bona, Glauber. Algorithms for Deciding Counting Quantifiers over Unary Predicates. Em: Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, p. 3878-3884, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Thirty-First AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence) |
207. | Finger, Marcelo; DIXON, C. (Org.). Frontiers of Combining Systems 11th International Symposium, FroCoS 2017, Brasília, Brazil, September 27-29, 2017, Proceedings. 1 ed. Springer, 2017. v. 1, . |
208. | Finger, Marcelo; GODO, LLUIS ; PRADE, HENRI ; QI, GUILIN. Advances in Weighted Logics for Artificial Intelligence. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 88, p. 385-386, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
209. | Finger, Marcelo; LUZ, F. F.. Semantic Parsing Natural Language into SPARQL: an LSTM Enconder-Decoder Neural Net Approach. Em: ENIAC 207 - Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 1-12, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (ENIAC 207 - Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional) |
210. | FISHER, ALBERT MEADS. Infinite measures for adic transformations. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
211. | FISHER, ALBERT MEADS. Small-scale structure via flows. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
212. | FISHER, ALBERT MEADS. Finite and infinite measures for adic transformations. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
213. | FOSSALUZA, V. O Problema de Testes de Hipóteses Marginais em Modelos de Regressão. Em: XV EMR - Escola de Modelos de Regressão, 2017, Goiânia, Goias, Brasil. Resumos da XV EMR, 2017. |
214. | FOSSALUZA, V. Rain dance: the role of randomization in clinical trials. Em: III CEMEG - Colóquio dos Estudantes de Matemática e Estatística de Goiás, 2017, Goiânia, GO, Brasil. Resumos do III CEMEG, 2017. |
215. | FOSSALUZA, V. Decisão Bayesiana. Em: III CEMEG - Colóquio dos Estudantes de Matemática e Estatística de Goiás, 2017, Goiânia, GO, Brasil. Resumos do III CEMEG, 2017. |
216. | Franch, I. A. ; BARROS, L. N. ; DELGADO, K. V.. Asking Human Help in Contingent Planning. Em: First International Workshop on Teams in Multiagent Systems (TEAMAS 2017), 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (First International Workshop on Teams in Multiagent Systems (TEAMAS 2017)) |
217. | FRANCO, A. J. P. ; FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO ; SILVA, M. F.. O parentesco como questão computacional. Em: Reunião da Antropologia da Ciência e Tecnologia, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do VI React, 2017. |
218. | FREIRE, R. A. ; MARIANO, H. L. ; VENTURI, G.. Genericidade e arbitrariedade em teoria dos conjuntos. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
219. | Fujita, André; VIDAL, MACIEL C. ; TAKAHASHI, DANIEL Y.. A Statistical Method to Distinguish Functional Brain Networks. Frontiers in Neuroscience. v. 11, p. 1, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
220. | G. BELINASSI ; R. Carion ; A. Goldman ; M. Gubitoso ; R. Siqueira. Optimizing a Boundary Elements Method for Stationary Elastodynamic Problems implementation with GPUs. Em: Workshop de Iniciação Científica em Arquitetura de Computadores e Computação de Alto Desempenho - WSCAD2017, v. 1, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Iniciação Científica em Arquitetura de Computadores e Computação de Alto Desempenho - WSCAD2017) |
221. | GAGLIARDI COZMAN, FABIO ; DERATANI MAUÁ, DENIS. On the complexity of propositional and relational credal networks. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. v. 83, p. 298-319, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
222. | GALEGO, ELÓI M.; GONZÁLEZ, MANUEL ; PELLO, JAVIER. On Subprojectivity and Superprojectivity of Banach Spaces. Results in Mathematics. v. 71, p. 1191-1205, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS) |
223. | GALEGO, ELÓI M.; PORTO DA SILVA, ANDRÉ LUIS. Vector-valued Banach-Stone theorem with distortion $\sqrt{2}$. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 290, p. 321-332, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
224. | GALEGO, ELÓI MEDINA; RINCON-VILLAMIZAR, MICHAEL A.. Continuous maps induced by embeddings of $$C_{0}(K)$$ C 0 ( K ) spaces into $$C_{0}(S, X)$$ C 0 ( S , X ). MONATSHEFTE FUR MATHEMATIK. v. 2018, p. 37-47, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
225. | GALEGO, ELÓI MEDINA; RINCÓN-VILLAMIZAR, MICHAEL A.. How do the positive embeddings of $C_{0}(K, X)$ Banach-lattices depend on thederivatives of $K$?. MATHEMATISCHE NACHRICHTEN. v. 290, p. 1544-1552, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
226. | GALVAO, M. E. E. L.; Lobo da Costa. N. M. ; Prado, M. E. B. B.. CONSTRUÇÃO DE FUNÇÕES A PARTIR DE PROBLEMAS GEOMÉTRICOS: UMA ABORDAGEM INVESTIGATIVA. Revista de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (REnCiMa). v. 8, p. 39-57, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (REVISTA DE ENSINO DE CIÊNCIAS E MATEMÁTICA) |
227. | GALVAO, M. E. E. L.; Lobo da Costa. N. M. ; Prado, M. E. B. B.. Problem-based learning: an investigative approach to teach optimization problems. QUADERNI DI RICERCA IN DIDATTICA. v. 27, p. 241-246, 2017.Qualis: B4 |
228. | GARCÍA, DOMINGO ; MAESTRE, MANUEL ; Vieira, Daniela M.. On the Banach-Stone theorem for algebras of holomorphic germs. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A, Matemáticas (Ed. impresa). v. 111, p. 223-230, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (IMPRESA)) |
229. | GARIBALDI, E. Ergodic optimization in the expanding case: Concepts, tools and applications. 1 ed. Cham: Springer, 2017. p. viii + 73. |
230. | GARIBALDI, E.; PETITE, S. ; THIEULLEN, Ph.. Calibrated Configurations for Frenkel-Kontorova Type Models in Almost Periodic Environments. ANNALES HENRI POINCARE. v. 18, p. 2905-2943, 2017. Qualis: A2 (ANNALES HENRI POINCARÉ) |
231. | GEATTI, L. ; GORODSKI, C.. Polar Symplectic Representations. ALGEBRAS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY. v. 20, p. 751-764, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
232. | GIAMBRUNO, A. ; Milies, C. Polcino ; VALENTI, A.. Star-polynomial identities: Computing the exponential growth of the codimensions. Journal of Algebra (Print). v. 469, p. 302-322, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
233. | Giambò, Roberto ; Piccione, Paolo. Periodic trajectories of dynamical systems having a one-parameter group of symmetries. Em: S. Haesen and L. Verstraelen. (Org.). Topics in modern differential geometry - Simon Stevin Institute lectures 2008 - 2009. 1ed.Tilburg, The Netherlands. : Simon Stevin Institute for Geometry. 2017.v. 1, p. 67-81. |
234. | GIAMPAOLI, V. Extensões em Modelos Mistos. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
235. | GLEBOV, ROMAN ; HOPPEN, CARLOS ; KLIMO?OVÁ, TEREZA ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; KRÁL?, DANIEL ; LIU, HONG. Densities in large permutations and parameter testing. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 60, p. 89-99, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
236. | GOBBER, C. ; ALVES, WONDER A. L. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Ultimate Levelings Based on Mumford-Shah Energy Functional Applied to Plant Detection. Em: Progress in Pattern Recognition, v. 10657, p. 220-228, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Progress in Pattern Recognition) |
237. | GODOI, LUCIANA G. ; BRANCO, MÁRCIA D. ; RUGGERI, FABRIZIO. Concentration function for the skew-normal and skew-$t$ distributions, with application in robust Bayesian analysis. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics. v. 31, p. 373-393, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
238. | GOLASI'SKI, MAREK ; LIMA GONÇALVES, DACIBERG ; GUASCHI, JOHN. On the homotopy fibre of the inclusion map $$F_n(X)hookrightarrow prod _1^nX$$ F n ( X ) - ∏ 1 n X for some orbit spaces X. BOLETÍN DE LA SOCIEDAD MATEMÁTICA MEXICANA (ONLINE). v. 23, p. 457-485, 2017. Qualis: B2 |
239. | Goldman, Alfredo; ARANTES, LUCIANA ; MORENO, EDWARD. Computer architecture and high performance computing. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. v. 29, p. e4348, 2017. Qualis: A4 (CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE) |
240. | GOLSHCHAPOVA, N. ; ANGULO PAVA, JAIME. Stability of standing waves for NLS-log equation with $\delta$-interaction. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA. v. 24, p. 1-23, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS NODEA) |
241. | Gomes, A. S. ; Morettin, P. A. ; Corderio, G. M. ; TADDEO, M. M.. Transformed Symmetric Generalized Autoregressive Moving Average Models. Em: XVII Escola Brazileira de Séries Temporais e Econometria, 2017, São Carlos. XVII Escola Brazileira de Séries Temporais e Econometria, 2017. |
242. | Gomes, A. S. ; Morettin, P. A. ; Corderio, G. M. ; TADDEO, M. M.. Transformed Symmetric Generalized Autoregressive Moving Average Models. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
243. | GOMES, M. IVETTE ; CAEIRO, FREDERICO ; FIGUEIREDO, FERNANDA ; Henriques-Rodrigues, L. ; PESTANA, DINIS. Corrected-Hill versus Partially Reduced-Bias Value-at-Risk Estimation. Lisboa: CEAUL - Notas e Comunicações 01/2017. 2017. Relatório Técnico |
244. | GOMES, M. IVETTE ; FIGUEIREDO, FERNANDA ; Henriques-Rodrigues, L.. Generalized means and peaks over random thresholds value-at-risk estimation. Em: Satellite Meeting ISI-Committee on Risk Analysis and 11th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation, 2017, Portalegre. Satellite Meeting ISI-Committee on Risk Analysis and 11th Workshop on Statistics, Mathematics and Computation?Book of Abstracts, 2017. |
245. | GONZALEZ, N. H. ; ABADI, MIGUEL. Predictability, complexity and learning. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
246. | GONÇALVES, D L; WONG, P ; ZHAO, X. Mapping degrees between spherical $ 3$-manifolds. SBORNIK MATHEMATICS. v. 208, p. 1449-1472, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (SBORNIK MATHEMATICS) |
247. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; KELLY, M.. Fixed point index bounds for self-maps on closed surfaces. BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY-SIMON STEVIN. v. 24, p. 673-688, 2017.Qualis: B1 (BULLETIN OF THE BELGIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY SIMON STEVIN) |
248. | GONÇALVES, DACIBERG L.; RANDALL, DUANE. Coincidence and self-coincidence of maps between spheres. Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications. v. 19, p. 1011-1040, 2017. Qualis: A3 (JOURNAL OF FIXED POINT THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS) |
249. | GONÇALVES, DACIBERG LIMA; GUASCHI, JOHN. Fixed points of n-valued maps on surfaces and the Wecken property-a configuration space approach. Science China-Mathematics. v. 60, p. 1561-1574, 2017. Qualis: A2 (SCIENCE CHINA MATHEMATICS) |
250. | GONÇALVES, DACIBERG LIMA; GUASCHI, JOHN. A survey of the homotopy properties of inclusion of certain types of configuration spaces into the Cartesian product. CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B. v. 38, p. 1223-1246, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (CHINESE ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS SERIES B) |
251. | GONÇALVES, DACIBERG LIMA; MARTINS, SÉRGIO TADAO ; DE JESUS SOARES, MÁRCIO. The cohomology ring of certain families of periodic virtually cyclic groups. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION. v. 27, p. 793-818, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
252. | GONÇALVES, DACIBERG; GUASCHI, JOHN. Inclusion of configuration spaces in Cartesian products, and the virtual cohomological dimension of the braid groups of 𝕊2 and -P2. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 287, p. 71-99, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
253. | GONÇALVES, DACIBERG; SANKARAN, PARAMESWARAN ; STREBEL, RALPH. Groups of PL-homeomorphisms admitting nontrivial invariant characters. PACIFIC JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 287, p. 101-158, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
254. | GORODSKI, C.; LYTCHAK, A.. The curvature of orbit spaces. GEOMETRIAE DEDICATA. v. 190, p. 135-142, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
255. | GREEN, E. L. ; MARCOS, E. N.. Convex subquivers and the finitistic dimension. 2017. Pre print |
256. | Grishkov, A.; LOGACHEV, D.. Lattice map for Anderson t-motives: First approach. JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY. v. 180, p. 373-402, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
257. | Grishkov, Alexander; ZUSMANOVICH, PASHA. Deformations of current Lie algebras. I. Small algebras in characteristic 2. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA. v. 473, p. 513-544, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
258. | GUDIN'O, ELÍAS ; Oishi, Cassio M. ; SEQUEIRA, ADÉLIA. Multiscale Boundary Conditions for Non-Fickian Diffusion Applied to Drug-Eluting Stents. SIAM JOURNAL ON APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 77, p. 1184-1203, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
259. | GUEDES, D. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; MANZO, R. ; CAMARINHA, D.. Mezuro: Understanding source code metrics. Em: The 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, 2017, Buenos Aires. Poster Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, p. 15-18, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS, 2017, BUENOS AIRES. POSTER PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS) |
260. | GUEVARA, JORGE ; Hirata, Roberto ; CANU, STEPHANE. Cross product kernels for fuzzy set similarity. Em: 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE)) |
261. | GUIMARAES, F. P. ; RODRIGUES, G. N. ; ALI, R. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Planning Runtime Adaptation through Pragmatic Goal Model. DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING. v. 109, p. 25-40, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
262. | GUIMARAES, R. F. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Local Change in Ontologies with Atomic Decomposition. Em: Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO), 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO)) |
263. | GUTIERREZ FERNANDEZ, JUAN C. The Albert Problem. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
264. | GUTIERREZ FERNANDEZ, JUAN C.; Claudia Ines Garcia. On Lotka-Volterra Algebras. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
265. | H. Carrión ; GALINDO, P. ; LOURENCO, M. L.. Biholomorphic Functions on Dual Banach Spaces. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
266. | HAESER, G. An Extension of Yuan's Lemma and Its Applications in Optimization. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. v. 174, p. 641-649, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
267. | HAHN, P. RICHARD ; He, Jingyu ; LOPES, HEDIBERT. Bayesian Factor Model Shrinkage for Linear IV Regression With Many Instruments. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics. v. 36, p. 278-287, 2017. Qualis: A1 (JOURNAL OF BUSINESS & ECONOMIC STATISTICS) |
268. | HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu. The maximum size of a non-trivial intersecting uniform family that is not a subfamily of the Hilton-Milner family. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 145, p. 73-87, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
269. | HANAZUMI, SIMONE ; de Melo, Ana C.V.. A Formal Approach to implement java exceptions in cooperative systems. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. v. 131, p. 475-490, 2017. Qualis: A2 (THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE) |
270. | HENRIQUE DIAS VALLE, PEDRO; TODA, ARMANDO MACIEL ; BARBOSA, ELLEN FRANCINE ; MALDONADO, JOSE CARLOS. Educational games: A contribution to software testing education. Em: 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)) |
271. | Henriques-Rodrigues, L.; IVETTE GOMES, M.. Competitive estimation of the extreme value index. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
272. | Henriques-Rodrigues, L.; IVETTE GOMES, M.. Location invariant reduced-bias tail index estimation under a third-order framework. Lisboa: CEAUL - Notas e Comunicações 03/2017. 2017. Relatório Técnico |
273. | HENRIQUES-RODRIGUES, LÍGIA; GOMES, M. IVETTE. Location-invariant reduced-bias tail index estimation under a third-order framework. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. v. 12, p. 206-230, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
274. | Hirata, N.S.T. Machine Learning and Big Data. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
275. | Hirata, N.S.T. Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning at IME / USP. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
276. | Hirata, Nina S. T. Machine Learning e aplicações em processamento de imagens. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
277. | Hirata, Nina S. T. Machine Learning: um panorama geral. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
278. | HOPPEN, CARLOS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Lang, Richard ; LEFMANN, HANNO ; Stagni, Henrique. Estimating the distance to a hereditary graph property. Em: The European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EUROCOMB'17), 2017, Vienna. ENDM, The European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EUROCOMB '17). Amsterdam: Elsevier, v. 61, p. 607-163, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS , 2017, VIENNA. ENDM, THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS . AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER) |
279. | IMAFUKU, R. ; SOUZA, V. H. G. ; VIEIRA, W.. Enriquecimento da imagem de conceito de derivada de estudantes de Licenciatura em Matemática. Em: XXX Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa, v. 30, p. 598-605, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (XXX Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa) |
280. | IMAFUKU, R. ; SOUZA, V. H. G. de ; VIEIRA, W.. Enriquecimento da Imagem de Conceito de derivada de estudantes de Licenciatura em Matemática. Em: Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa - RELME, v. 30, p. 598-605, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Reunión Latinoamericana de Matemática Educativa - RELME) |
281. | ISOTANI, Seiji ; REIS, HELENA M. ; ALVARES, DANILO ; BRAND?O, ANAROSA A. F. ; BRAND?O, LE?NIDAS O.. A DGS gesture dictionary for modelling on mobile devices. INTERACTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. v. 1, p. 1-17, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
282. | IVETTE GOMES, M. ; FIGUEIREDO, FERNANDA ; Henriques-Rodrigues, L.. PORT value-at-risk estimation through generalized means. Em: International Statistical Institute Regional Statistics Conference., 2017, Marraquexe. Proceedings of the International Statistical Institute Regional Statistics Conference, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE REGIONAL STATISTICS CONFERENCE., 2017, MARRAQUEXE. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL INSTITUTE REGIONAL STATISTICS CONFERENCE) |
283. | IVETTE GOMES, M. ; FIGUEIREDO, FERNANDA ; Henriques-Rodrigues, L.. PORT estimation of parameters of extreme events. Em: 10th International Conference on Extreme Value Analysis, 2017, Delft. Book of Abstract EVA 2017, p. 32-33, 2017. |
284. | IVETTE GOMES, M. ; HENRIQUES-RODRIGUES, LÍGIA. Erratum to -Competitive estimation of the extreme value index- [Statist. Probab. Lett. 117 (2016) 128-135]. STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS. v. 130, p. 40-41, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
285. | Jahn, Ana Paula. Resolução de Problemas, uso de tecnologias digitais e representações dinâmicas no ensino e aprendizagem da Matemática. Em: IV Seminário em Resolução de Problemas e I Seminário Internacional em Resolução de Problemas, 2017, Rio Claro. Resumos do IV SERP e I SIRP. Rio Claro: UNESP Rio Claro, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2017. |
286. | JESUS, JANDISSON SOARES DE ; MELO, ANA CRISTINA VIEIRA DE. Technical Debt and the Software Project Characteristics. A Repository-Based Exploratory Analysis. Em: 2017 IEEE 19th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI), p. 444-453, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE 19th Conference on Business Informatics (CBI)) |
287. | Jiménez, Andrea ; Wakabayashi, Y.. On path-cycle decompositions of triangle-free graphs. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (ONLINE). v. 19, p. 1-21, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
288. | JULCA-AGUILAR, FRANK D. ; MAIA, ANA L.L.M. ; Hirata, Nina S.T.. Text/Non-Text Classification of Connected Components in Document Images. Em: 2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 450, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics) |
289. | JUSTO, L. T. ; BARROSO, L. P. ; PEREIRA, L. A. A. ; ANDRE, P. A. ; ANDRE, C. D. S. ; SILVA, L. W. ; SILVA, C. C. ; OLIVIERI, R. F. ; OLIVEIRA, R. M. ; SALDIVA, P. H. N. ; BIERRENBACH, A. L.. Perfil de comorbidade informada por familiares de pessoas falecidas por morte natural. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
290. | JÄGER, T. ; Tal, F.. Irrational rotation factors for conservative torus homeomorphisms. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. v. 37, p. 1537-1546, 2017. Qualis: A2 (ERGODIC THEORY & DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS) |
291. | JÄKEL, C. D. Reflection positivity: an operator algebraic approach to the representation theory of the Lorentz group. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
292. | JÄKEL, CHRISTIAN D.; MUND, JENS. Canonical interacting quantum fields on two-dimensional de Sitter space. PHYSICS LETTERS B. v. 772, p. 786-790, 2017. Qualis: A2 (PHYSICS LETTERS. B) |
293. | KALIAKATSOS-PAPAKOSTAS, MAXIMOS ; Queiroz, Marcelo ; TSOUGRAS, COSTAS ; CAMBOUROPOULOS, EMILIOS. Conceptual Blending of Harmonic Spaces for Creative Melodic Harmonisation. JOURNAL OF NEW MUSIC RESEARCH. v. 46, p. 305-328, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
294. | Kanashiro, L. ; RIBEIRO, A. C. ; SILVA, D. C. A. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; TERCEIRO, ANTONIO. A Study on Low Complexity Models to Predict Flaws in the Linux Source Code. Em: The 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, p. 972-977, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (The 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies) |
295. | KANO, EUNICE ; CHIANN, CHANG ; FUKUDA, KAZUO ; PORTA, VALENTINA. Effect of Different Sampling Schedules on Results of Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies: Evaluation by Means of Monte Carlo Simulations. DRUG RESEARCH. v. 67, p. 451-457, 2017. Qualis: B2 |
296. | Kashuba, I. ; OVSIENKO, S. ; Shestakov, Ivan P.. On the representation type of Jordan basic algebras. ALGEBRA AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 23, p. 47-61, 2017.Qualis: B4 |
297. | Kastner, Gregor ; FRÜHWIRTH-SCHNATTER, SYLVIA ; LOPES, HEDIBERT FREITAS. Efficient Bayesian Inference for Multivariate Factor Stochastic Volatility Models. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND GRAPHICAL STATISTICS. v. 26, p. 905-917, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
298. | KAWANO, A. Uniqueness in the determination of unknown coefficients of an Euler-Bernoulli beam equation with observation in an arbitrary small interval of time. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications (Print). v. 452, p. 351-360, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
299. | KAYGORODOV, IVAN ; Shestakov, Ivan ; UMIRBAEV, UALBAI. Free generic Poisson fields and algebras. COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA (ONLINE). v. 46, p. 1799-1812, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
300. | Kohayakawa, Y.; KONSTADINIDIS, P. B. ; MOTA, G. O.. On an anti-Ramsey threshold for sparse graphs with one triangle. JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY. v. 87, p. 176-187, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
301. | Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; MOTA, G. O. ; SCHACHT, M.. Monochromatic trees in random graphs. Em: The European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EUROCOMB '17), 2017, Vienna. ENDM, The European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EUROCOMB '17). Amsterdam: Elsevier, v. 61, p. 759-764, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS , 2017, VIENNA. ENDM, THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS . AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER) |
302. | KOHAYAKAWA, YOSHIHARU ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; SCHACHT, MATHIAS ; TARAZ, ANUSCH. Counting results for sparse pseudorandom hypergraphs I. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 65, p. 276-287, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
303. | KOHAYAKAWA, YOSHIHARU ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; SCHACHT, MATHIAS ; TARAZ, ANUSCH. Counting results for sparse pseudorandom hypergraphs II. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 65, p. 288-301, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
304. | KOISO, MIYUKI ; PALMER, BENNETT ; Piccione, Paolo. Stability and bifurcation for surfaces with constant mean curvature. JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. v. 69, p. 1519-1554, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
305. | Kolev, Nikolai. Bivariate Teissier Distribution. Em: ABMTB-2017, 2017, Moscow. Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its Applications. Moscow: RUDN, v. 1, p. 336-340, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (ABMTB-2017, 2017, MOSCOW. ANALYTICAL AND COMPUTATIONAL METHODS IN PROBABILITY THEORY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. MOSCOW: RUDN) |
306. | Kolev, Nikolai; Ngoc, Ngo ; Ju, Yang Ting. Bivariate Teissier Distributions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2017.v. 10684, p. 279-290. |
307. | Kolev, Nikolai; PINTO, JAYME. Dependence Modeling in Energy Markets using Sibuya-type Copulas. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY. v. 6, p. 43, 2017. Qualis: B4 |
308. | Koropecki, A. ; Tal, Fábio. Fully essential dynamics for area-preserving surface homeomorphisms. ERGODIC THEORY AND DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. v. online, p. 1-46, 2017. Qualis: A2 (ERGODIC THEORY & DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS) |
309. | KUZ'MIN, ALEXEY ; Shestakov, Ivan. Basic superranks for varieties of algebras. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA. v. 478, p. 58-91, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
310. | L. T. Rolla. Mini-curso para pesquisadores - Chinese Academy of Sciences (Intl. Conference on Spatial Probability and Stat. Physics). 2017. Intl. Conference on Spatial Probability and Stat. Physics). 2017. (Curso de curta duração ministrado/Outra |
311. | L. Morais ; A. Goldman ; G. Araujo. Using Petri-Net Modelling to Support the Case for HW-Assisted Task Scheduling. Em: XVIII Simpósio e Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho, v. 1, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (XVIII Simpósio e Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho) |
312. | LANZILOTTA, MARCELO ; MARCOS, EDUARDO ; MATA, GUSTAVO. Igusa-Todorov functions for radical square zero algebras. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA. v. 487, p. 357-385, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
313. | LAURAIN, A. Stability Analysis of the Reconstruction Step of the Voronoi Implicit Interface Method. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis (Print). v. 55, p. 1-30, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
314. | LAURAIN, A. Controlling the footprint of droplets. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
315. | LAURAIN, A. Structural Optimization using the Level Set Method. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
316. | LAURETTO, M. S. ; STERN, R. B. ; MORGAN, K. L. ; CLARK, M. H. ; STERN, J. M.. Haphazard intentional allocation and rerandomization to improve covariate balance in experiments. Em: 36th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering, v. 1853, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (36th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering) |
317. | LEAL, DANIELLE BIAZZI ; DE ASSIS, MARIA ALICE ALTENBURG ; HINNIG, PATRÍCIA DE FRAGAS ; SCHMITT, Jeovani ; LOBO, ADRIANA SOARES ; BELLISLE, FRANCE ; ENGEL, R. ; DI PIETRO, PATRÍCIA ; ANDRADE, D. F.. Changes in dietary patterns and body mass index from middle childhood to early adolescence. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
318. | LEON, LEISSI MARGARITA CASTANEDA ; MIRANDA, PAULO ANDRE VECHIATTO DE. Multi-Object Segmentation by Hierarchical Layered Oriented Image Foresting Transform. Em: 2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 79, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 30th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics) |
319. | LEONARDI, F. Seleção de Modelos com o LASSO. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
320. | LIMA GONÇALVES, DACIBERG; GUASCHI, JOHN ; OCAMPO, OSCAR. A quotient of the Artin braid groups related to crystallographic groups. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA. v. 474, p. 393-423, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
321. | LIMA, P. ; GUERRA, E. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Definição de clusters para classificação do uso de anotações em código Java. Em: Workshop on Software Visualization, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop on Software Visualization) |
322. | LLERENA, JULISSA VILLANUEVA ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI. On Using Sum-Product Networks for Multi-label Classification. Em: 2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 25, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS)) |
323. | Lobo da Costa. N. M. ; GALVAO, M. E. E. L. ; Prado, M. E. B. B.. Integration of Digital Technologies in Mathematics Teacher Education: The Reconstruction Process of Previous Trigonometrical Knowledge. Em: Gilles Aldon; Fernando Hitt; Luciana Bazzini; Uwe Gellert. (Org.). Mathematics and Technology: A C.I.E.A.E.M. Sourcebook. 1ed. : Springer. 2017.p. 523-549. |
324. | Lomonaco Luna. Seminario de Sistemas Dinamicos, PUC, Santiago, Chile. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
325. | Lomonaco Luna. Seminario de Sistemas dinámicos, PUC Valparaiso, Chile. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
326. | Lomonaco Luna. Seminario di Sistemi Dinamici, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
327. | Lomonaco Luna. Coloquio da USP. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
328. | Lomonaco Luna. Dynamical Systems seminar, Uppsala University, Sweden. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
329. | LOMONACO, LUNA; PETERSEN, CARSTEN LUNDE. On quasi-conformal (in-) compatibility of satellite copies of the Mandelbrot set: I. INVENTIONES MATHEMATICAE. v. 207, p. 1432-1297, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
330. | Lopes, A.R.C. ; LARANJEIRAS, C. C. ; SCARPA, D. L. ; CARVALHO, D. L. ; MENDES, G. S. C. V. ; SILVA, F. T. ; LACERDA, H. D. G. ; DRUCK, I. F. ; BORGES, L. F. F. ; SORDI, M. R. L. ; BORBA, M. C. ; CARNEIRO, M. H. S. ; COROA, M. L. M. S. ; MARANDINO, M. ; DOMINGUES, N. S. ; GAUCHE, R. ; WELLER, W.. Currículo integrado voltado à formação humana integral no ensino médio: reflexões sobre o papel da Matemática. Em: Wivian Weller; Ricardo Gauche. (Org.). Ensino Médio em Debate: Currículo, Avaliação e Formação Integral. 1a.ed.Brasília. : Editora Universidade de Brasília. 2017.v. único, p. 135-166. |
331. | LOURENCO, M. L.; VIEIRA, D. M. S.. Strong Algebrability on Certain Set of Analytic Functions. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
332. | LOURENÇO, MARY LILIAN. Álgebras de Funções Holomorfas e o Problema de Michael. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra |
333. | Luque, Leandro ; DE OLIVEIRA BRANDAO, LEONIDAS ; KIRA, ELISABETI ; ALVES, ANAROSA ; BRANDAO, FRANCO. Inclusion in computing and engineering education: Perceptions and learning in diagram-based e-learning classes with blind and sighted learners. Em: 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), p. 1-8, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE)) |
334. | M. P. Dussan. IV Taller de Equaciones Diferenciales real y complexas - UN - Colombia: Solutions of Wave Equation and its applications when constructing lorentzian surfaces. Colombia. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
335. | M. COSTA, FABIO ; LAGO, NELSON ; KON, FABIO ; M. DEL ESPOSTE, ARTHUR. InterSCity: A Scalable Microservice-based Open Source Platform for Smart Cities. Em: 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, p. 35, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems) |
336. | M. P. Dussan; PADUA, A. ; M.A. Magid. The Bjorling problem for timelike minimal surfaces in R^4_1. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. v. 196, p. 1231-1249, 2017.Qualis: A2 |
337. | M. TODA, ARMANDO ; HENRIQUE DIAS VALLE, PEDRO ; GUESSI, MILENA ; VILELA DA ROCHA, RAFAELA ; CARLOS MALDONADO, JOSÉ ; ISOTANI, SEIJI. Plataforma de Recursos Educacionais Abertos: Uma Arquitetura de Referência com Elementos de Gamificação. RENOTE. REVISTA NOVAS TECNOLOGIAS NA EDUCAÇÃO. v. 14, p. 1-10, 2017. Qualis: B2 (REVISTA TECNOLOGIAS NA EDUCAÇÃO) |
338. | M.A.Cirillo ; BARROSO, LÚCIA P.. Effects of outliers on the GFI quality adjstment index in structural equation models and proposal of alternative indices. COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS-SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION. v. 46, p. 1895-1905, 2017. Qualis: B2 (COMMUNICATIONS IN STATISTICS. SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION) |
339. | MADEIRA, ADRIANA BEATRIZ ; Giampaoli, Viviana. Agglomeration of fast food companies in Brazil. MANAGEMENT RESEARCH (ARMONK, N.Y.). v. 15, p. 00-00, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
340. | MAGALHAES, M. N. Convide o cérebro dos seus estudantes para as aulas de Estatística. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
341. | MAGALHAES, M. N. Reflexões sobre o ensino de Estatística. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
342. | MAGALHAES, M. N. Priorizar ideias é o desafio. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
343. | MAGALHAES, M. N. Oportunidade de desenvolvimento como professor: Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Matemática no IME- USP. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
344. | MAGALHAES, M. N. Estatística na sociedade, alguns desafios. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
345. | MAGALHAES, M. N. Entender e usar informações numéricas é possível?. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
346. | MAGALHAES, M. N. Estatística: números em contexto. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
347. | MANGHI, R. F. ; CYSNEIROS, Francisco J A ; PAULA, G. A.. On Generalized Additive Partial Linear Models for Correlated Data. Em: 32nd International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, 2017, Groningen. Proceedings of the 32nd International Worskhop on Statistical Modelling. Groningen: University of Groningen, v. II, p. 135-138, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (32ND INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON STATISTICAL MODELLING, 2017, GRONINGEN. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 32ND INTERNATIONAL WORSKHOP ON STATISTICAL MODELLING. GRONINGEN: UNIVERSITY OF GRONINGEN) |
348. | MARCONDES, D. Técnicas Estatísticas de Amostragem com Aplicações em Contabilidade e Finanças. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
349. | MARCONDES, D. Análise Estatística da Decisão : Uma Aplicação em Gestão de Empresas. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
350. | MARCONDES, D.; PEIXOTO, C. ; MAIA, A. C.. Fitting a Hurdle Generalized lambda Distribution to Health Care Expenses. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
351. | MARCONDES, DIEGO ; PEIXOTO, CLÁUDIA ; SOUZA, KDSON ; Wechsler, Sergio. Entrance Fees and a Bayesian Approach to the St. Petersburg Paradox. PHILOSOPHIES. v. 2, p. 11, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
352. | MARCOS, E. N.; ALVARES, E. R. ; Patrick Le Meur. The strong global dimension of piecewise hereditary algebras. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA. v. 481, p. 36-67, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
353. | MARCOS, E. N.; Cibils ; Solotar ; LANZILOTTA, M.. Hochschild cohomology of multi-extension zero algebras. 2017. Pre print |
354. | MARCOS, E. N.; GREEN, E.L.. Convex subquivers and the finitistic dimension. ILLINOIS JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS. v. 61, p. 385-397, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
355. | MARCOS, E. N.; Saenz ; MENDONCA,O. M. ; VARGAS, V. S.. Wide subcategories of finitely generated --modules. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS,. p. 1850082-1850097, 2017. Qualis: B1 (JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS) |
356. | MARCOS, EDUARDO N.; SOLOTAR, ANDREA ; VOLKOV, YURY. Generating degrees for graded projective resolutions. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. v. 17, p. 1850191-1850201, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
357. | MARIANO, H. L. Algumas conexões entre Categorias, Lógica e Computação. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
358. | MARTINS, L. A. ; GALLETII, M. F. B. M. ; RIBEIRO, J. M. ; FUJITA, A ; COSTA, F. B. ; BRUNA, M. B. ; DAFFRE, S. ; FOGACA, A. C.. The Distinct Transcriptional Response of the Midgut of Amblyomma sculptum and Amblyomma aureolatum Ticks to Rickettsia rickettsii Correlates to Their Differences in Susceptibility to Infection. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. v. 7, p. 129, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
359. | MARTINS, T. ; GUEDES, D. ; GUIMARAES, L. ; POPPI, R. ; PARRA, H. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Pushing Together: A platform for social participation. Em: The 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, 2017, Buenos Aires. Poster Proceedings - The 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, p. 23-26, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS, 2017, BUENOS AIRES. POSTER PROCEEDINGS - THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS) |
360. | Mascarenhas, W.F. Floating point numbers are real numbers. 2017. Artigo no arxiv |
361. | Mascarenhas, Walter F.; DE CAMARGO, ANDRÉ PIERRO. The effects of rounding errors in the nodes on barycentric interpolation. Numerische Mathematik. v. 135, p. 113-141, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
362. | Matheus A. P. Marques ; ELIAN, S. N. . Uso de Pseudo Variáveis para Calibração do nível de Entradanas regressões do tipo forward. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
363. | MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI; COZMAN, FABIO G. ; CONATY, D. ; C. P. de Campos. Credal Sum-Product Networks. Em: International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, v. 62, p. 205-216, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications) |
364. | MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI; COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI. The effect of combination functions on the complexity of relational Bayesian networks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 85, p. 178-195, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
365. | MEDEIROS, FRANCISCO M. C. ; FERRARI, S. L. P.. Small-sample testing inference in symmetric and log-symmetric linear regression models. STATISTICA NEERLANDICA. v. 71, p. 200-224, 2017. Qualis: B2 |
366. | MEDEIROS, FRANCISCO M.C. ; Ferrari, Silvia L.P. ; Lemonte, Artur J.. Improved inference in dispersion models. APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING. v. 51, p. 317-328, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
367. | MEDINA GALEGO, ELÓI; RINCÓN-VILLAMIZAR, MICHAEL A.. Banach-lattice isomorphisms of $C_{0}(K, X)$ spaces which determine the locally compact spaces $K$. FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE. v. 239, p. 185-200, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
368. | MEIRELLES, Paulo; NERI, H. R.. Lições aprendidas no desenvolvimento do novo Portal do Software Público Brasileiro. Em: Congresso Brasileiro de Software - Trilha da Industria, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Congresso Brasileiro de Software - Trilha da Industria) |
369. | MEIRELLES, Paulo; WEN, M. ; TERCEIRO, A. ; SIQUEIRA, R. ; Kanashiro, L. ; NERI, H. R.. Brazilian Public Software Portal: an integrated platform for collaborative development. Em: International Conference on Open Source Systems, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Open Source Systems) |
370. | MELO, TATIANE F. N. ; FERRARI, SILVIA L.P. ; PATRIOTA, ALEXANDRE GALVÃO. Improved hypothesis testing in a general multivariate elliptical model. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation (Print). v. 87, p. 1416-1428, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
371. | MENDES, F. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Transpyler: Creating Localized Pythons. Em: The 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, 2017, Buenos Aires. Poster Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, p. 10-14, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS, 2017, BUENOS AIRES. POSTER PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS) |
372. | MENEGON, LIZANDRA DA SILVA ; VINCENZI, SILVANA LIGIA ; DE ANDRADE, DALTON FRANCISCO ; BARBETTA, Pedro Alberto ; MERINO, EUGENIO ANDRÉS DÍAZ ; VINK, PETER. Design and validation of an aircraft seat comfort scale using item response theory. APPLIED ERGONOMICS. v. 62, p. 216-226, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
373. | Moise Kattan, Herez ; Goldman, Alfredo. Software Development Practices Patterns. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2017.p. 298-303. |
374. | MONTAGNER, IGOR S. ; Hirata, Nina S.T. ; Hirata, Roberto. Staff removal using image operator learning. PATTERN RECOGNITION. v. 63, p. 310-320, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
375. | MONTORIL, MICHEL H. ; Morettin, Pedro A. ; CHIANN, CHANG. Wavelet estimation of functional coefficient regression models. International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing. v. 16, p. 1850004-1850033, 2017. Qualis: B4 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WAVELETS, MULTIRESOLUTION AND INFORMATION PROCESSING) |
376. | MORAIS, A. L. ; FERRARI, S. L. P.. A class of regression models for parallel and series systems with a random number of components. Statistics (Berlin). v. 51, p. 294-313, 2017.Qualis: C |
377. | MOREIRA, DANIEL AUGUSTO DE MELO ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia ; de Barros, Leliane Nunes. Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Process with Limited Budget. Em: 2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 109-114, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS)) |
378. | MORETTIN, P. A. Econometria Financeira. 3a ed. São Paulo: Editora Edgard Blucher, 2017. v. 1, p. 340. |
379. | MORETTIN, P. A.; Bussab, W.O.. Estatistica Basica. 9a ed. Sao Paulo: Editora Saraiva, 2017. v. 1, p. 520. |
380. | Morettin, Pedro Alberto; PINEHRIO, A. S. ; Vidakovic, B.. Wavelets in Functional Data Analysis. 1a ed. New York: , 2017. v. 1, p. 120. |
381. | MORIMITSU, H. ; BLOCH, Isabelle ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M.. Exploring structure for long-term tracking of multiple objects in sports videos. COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING. v. 159, p. 89-104, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
382. | MORO, M. F. ; Santos, B. M. ; PRATO NETO, C. R. ; BATTISTI, J. F. ; Andrade, D. F.. O Problema do Carteiro Chinês aplicado na otimização das rotas de coleta de resíduos recicláveis: um estudo de caso. Em: Semana de Engenharia de Produção Sul-Americana, v. XVII, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Semana de Engenharia de Produção Sul-Americana) |
383. | MOSTOVOY, J. ; PÉREZ-IZQUIERDO, J. M. ; Shestakov, I. P.. A non-associative Baker-Campbell-Hausdorff formula. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 145, p. 5109-5122, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
384. | Mota, G. O. Advances in Anti-Ramsey Theory for sparse graphs. Em: II ETC - Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação 2017, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do CSBC 2017, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (II ETC - CONGRESSO DA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO 2017, 2017, SÃO PAULO. ANAIS DO CSBC 2017) |
385. | Mota, G. O. Advances in Anti-Ramsey Theory for sparse graphs. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
386. | Mota, G. O. Monochromatic trees in random graphs. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
387. | Mota, G. O. On the number of r-transitive orientations of random graphs. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
388. | Mota, G.O. O número de tamanho-Ramsey para potências de caminhos. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
389. | Mota, G.O. On the local density problem for graphs of given odd-girth. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
390. | MOURA, P. F. S. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y. Strong intractability of generalized convex recoloring problems. Em: LAGOS'17 ? IX Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization, 2017, Marseille. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (doi.org/10.1016/j.endm.2017.10.017). Amsterdam: Elsevier, v. 62, p. 93-98, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS'17 ? IX LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION, 2017, MARSEILLE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS . AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER) |
391. | MOURA, S. L. ; Queiroz, M. Melody and accompaniment separation using enhanced binary masks. Em: SBCM 2017 - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, 2017, São Paulo. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music. Porto Alegre: SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, p. 164-165, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (SBCM 2017 - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER MUSIC, 2017, SÃO PAULO. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER MUSIC. PORTO ALEGRE: SBC - SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO) |
392. | MURRAY R., BREMNER ; SARA, MADARIAGA ; LUIZ A., PERESI. Structure theory for the group algebra of the symmetric group, with applications to polynomial identities for the octonions. Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae. v. 57, p. 413-452, 2017. Qualis: B2 |
393. | MUSAEV, A. (Org.) ; FERREIRA, J. E. (Org.) ; HIGASHINO, T. (Org.). 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops - ICDCSW 2017. 1 ed. Atlanta-GA: IEEE Computer Society, 2017. v. 1, p. 101. |
394. | NAVEDA, L. A. B. (Org.) ; COSTA, R. (Org.) ; QUEIROZ, M. (Org.) ; SCHIAVONI, F. L. (Org.) ; SCHRAMM, R. (Org.) ; TAVARES, T. (Org.). Proceedings of the 16th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music. 1 ed. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), 2017. v. 1, p. 226. |
395. | Nós, Rudimar L. ; Roma, Alexandre M. ; GARCÍA-CERVERA, CARLOS J. ; Ceniceros, Hector D.. Three-dimensional coarsening dynamics of a conserved, nematic liquid crystal-isotropic fluid mixture. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS. v. 248, p. 62-73, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
396. | Oishi, Cassio M.; MARTINS, FERNANDO P. ; THOMPSON, RONEY L.. The -avalanche effect- of an elasto-viscoplastic thixotropic material on an inclined plane. JOURNAL OF NON-NEWTONIAN FLUID MECHANICS. v. 247, p. 165-177, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
397. | OLEYNIK, M. ; PATRÃO, Diogo F. C. ; FINGER, M.. Automated Classification of Semi-Structured Pathology Reports into ICD-O Using SVM in Portuguese. STUDIES IN HEALTH TECHNOLOGY AND INFORMATICS. v. 235, p. 256-260, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
398. | OLIVEIRA, H. M. N. S.; FONSECA, N. L. S.. The Minimum Interference p-Cycle Algorithm for Protection of Space Division Multiplexing Elastic Optical Networks. IEEE Latin America Transactions. v. 15, p. 1342-1348, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE LATIN AMERICA TRANSACTIONS) |
399. | OLIVEIRA, H. M. N. S.; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Proteção de Redes Ópticas Elásticas com Multiplexação Espacial Baseada em Modulação, p-Cycle FIPP e Interferência Mı́nima. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, v. XXXV, p. 831-844, 2017.Qualis: C (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE REDES DE COMPUTADORES E SISTEMAS DISTRIBUÍDOS) |
400. | OLIVEIRA, HELDER M. N. S.; DA FONSECA, NELSON L. S.. Algorithm for shared path for protection of space division multiplexing elastic optical networks. Em: ICC 2017 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications, p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (ICC 2017 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications) |
401. | OLIVEIRA, HELDER M. N. S.; DA FONSECA, NELSON L. S.. Sharing spectrum and straddling p-cycle FIPP for protection against two simultaneous failures in SDM elastic optical networks. Em: 2017 IEEE 9th LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE 9th LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM)) |
402. | OLIVEIRA, HELDER M. N. S.; DA FONSECA, NELSON L. S.. Routing, Spectrum, Core and Modulation Level Assignment Algorithm for Protected SDM Optical Networks. Em: GLOBECOM 2017 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, p. 1, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (GLOBECOM 2017 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference) |
403. | OLIVEIRA, R. B. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Utilização de Ontologia para Busca em Base de Dados de Acórdãos do STF. Em: Ontobras, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Ontobras) |
404. | ORTIZ, C. Geometric Lie 2-algebras. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
405. | ORTIZ, C. Equivalences of representations up to homotopy. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
406. | ORTIZ, C. Symplectic groupoids up to homotopy. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
407. | ORTIZ, C. The geometry of orbit spaces. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
408. | ORTIZ, C. Symplectic structures up to homotopy. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
409. | P. Bruel ; M. Amaris ; A. Goldman. Autotuning CUDA compiler parameters for heterogeneous applications using the OpenTuner framework. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. v. 29, p. e3973, 2017. Qualis: A4 (CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE) |
410. | Pablo Martín Rodríguez. O modelo de percolação acessível em árvores. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
411. | Pascal, Laura E ; MASOODI, KHALID Z ; LIU, JUNE ; QIU, XIAONAN ; SONG, QIONG ; WANG, YUJUAN ; ZANG, YACHEN ; YANG, TIEJUN ; WANG, YAO ; RIGATTI, LORA H ; CHANDRAN, UMA ; COLLI, LEANDRO M ; VENCIO, RICARDO Z N ; LU, YI ; ZHANG, JIAN ; Wang, Zhou. Conditional deletion of ELL2 induces murine prostate intraepithelial neoplasia. JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY. v. 235, p. 123-136, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
412. | PASQUINI, ANDREA I. ; CAMPODONICO, VERENA A. ; ROUZAUT, SABRINA ; Giampaoli, Viviana. Geochemistry of a soil catena developed from loess deposits in a semiarid environment, Sierra Chica de Córdoba, central Argentina. GEODERMA. v. 295, p. 53-68, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
413. | PATRIOTA, ALEXANDRE GALVÃO. On Some Assumptions of the Null Hypothesis Statistical Testing. EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT. v. 77, p. 507-528, 2017. Qualis: C |
414. | PAULA, G. A. Modelos de Regressão Semiparamétricos com Erros Simétricos e Log-simétricos e Aplicações usando o R. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
415. | PAULINO, S. ; STUCHI CRUZ, SILVIA ; PAIVA, D.. Service Innovation Dynamics in Solid Waste Sector: CDM Landfill Projects. European Review of Service Economics and Management. v. 3, p. 47-75, 2017. Qualis: C |
416. | Pchelintsev, S.V. ; Ivan P. Shestakov. Constants of Partial Derivations and Primitive Operations. Algebra and Logic. v. 56, p. 210-231, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
417. | PECHERSKY, E ; PIROGOV, S ; SCHÜTZ, G M ; VLADIMIROV, A ; YAMBARTSEV, A. Large fluctuations of radiation in stochastically activated two-level systems. Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical. v. 50, p. 455203, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL) |
418. | Pedroso-de-Lima, Antonio C. Joint Modelling of Survival and Longitudinal Data. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
419. | PEIXOTO, P. S. Numerical instabilities of vector invariant momentum equations on C-grids - PDEs on the Sphere - Paris. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
420. | PEIXOTO, P. S.; BELL, MICHAEL J. ; THUBURN, JOHN. Numerical instabilities of vector invariant momentum equations on C-grids. Em: PDEs on the sphere, 2017, Paris. PDEs on the Sphere 2017, v. 1, p. 42-42, 2017. |
421. | PEREIRA, CARLOS ; NAKANO, EDUARDO ; Fossaluza, Victor ; ESTEVES, LUÍS ; GANNON, MARK ; POLPO, ADRIANO. Hypothesis Tests for Bernoulli Experiments: Ordering the Sample Space by Bayes Factors and Using Adaptive Significance Levels for Decisions. Entropy. v. 19, p. 696, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
422. | Pereira, Marcone C.; ROSSI, JULIO D.. Nonlocal problems in thin domains. JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. v. 263, p. 1725-1754, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
423. | Pietropaolo, R. C. ; SILVA, A. F. G. ; Prado, M. E. B. B. ; GALVAO, M. E. E. L.. Letramento Estatístico na Formação Continuada de Professores dos Anos Iniciais com Foco nas Representações Gráficas. http://dx.doi.org/10.17921/2447-8733. v. 18, p. 341-346, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (HTTP://DX.DOI.ORG/10.17921/2447-8733) |
424. | PINTO, D. C. ; MARIANO, H. L.. Algebraizable logics and a functorial encoding of its morphisms. LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL. v. 25, p. 524-561, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
425. | PINTO, D. C. ; MARIANO, H. L.. Remarks on Propositional Logics and the categorial relationship between Institutions and Π-Institutions. SOUTH AMERICAN JOURNAL OF LOGIC. v. 3, p. 111-121, 2017.Qualis: B2 |
426. | POLCINO MILIES, CESAR. Star group identities on units of group algebras. contemporary mathemaatics. v. 688, p. 249-258, 2017.Qualis: A4 (CONTEMPORARY MATHEMATICS) |
428. | Prado, M. E. B. B. ; SILVA, A. F. G. ; GALVAO, M. E. E. L. ; Pietropaolo, R. C.. Continuing education for teachers and the teaching of statistics at elementary levels. QUADERNI DI RICERCA IN DIDATTICA. v. 27, p. 265-270, 2017.Qualis: B4 |
429. | Queiroz, M. Computação Musical e Sonologia (Palestra de divulgação no IX Encontro do BCC-IME-USP). 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
430. | Queiroz, M. Computação Musical e Sonologia (Palestra de divulgação na SEMCOMP - Semana da Computação do ICMC/USP). 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
431. | QUINTANILHA, JOSÉ A. ; BERNUCCI, L. L. B. ; LEE HO, L. ; MACHADO, C. A. S. ; ALBARRACIN, O. Y. E.. Making Roadsides Safer for Vulnerable Road Users. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
432. | QUINTERO VANEGAS, E.O. ; GUTIERREZ FERNANDEZ, JUAN C.. Nilpotent linear spaces and Albert's Problem. LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. v. 518, p. 57-78, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
434. | Ragazzo, C.; RUIZ, L. S.. Viscoelastic tides: models for use in Celestial Mechanics. CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY. v. 128, p. 19-59, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
435. | RAGAZZO, CLODOALDO GROTTA; DE BARROS VIGLIONI, HUMBERTO HENRIQUE. Hydrodynamic Vortex on Surfaces. JOURNAL OF NONLINEAR SCIENCE. v. 27, p. 1609-1640, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
436. | REIS, MARCELO S. ; ESTRELA, GUSTAVO ; FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO ; BARRERA, JUNIOR. featsel: A framework for benchmarking of feature selection algorithms and cost functions. SoftwareX. v. 6, p. 193-197, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
437. | Reis, Marcelo S. ; Noël, Vincent ; Dias, Matheus H. ; Albuquerque, Layra L. ; Guimarães, Amanda S. ; Wu, Lulu ; BARRERA, JUNIOR ; Armelin, Hugo A.. An Interdisciplinary Approach for Designing Kinetic Models of the Ras/MAPK Signaling Pathway. Em: Paul Huang; Aik Choon Tan. (Org.). Methods in Molecular Biology. 1ed.New York. : Springer New York. 2017.v. 1636, p. 455-474. |
438. | REYES, ALEJANDRO ; P. ALVES, JOÃO MARCELO ; Durham, Alan Mitchell ; Gruber, Arthur. Use of profile hidden Markov models in viral discovery: current insights. Advances in Genomics and Genetics. v. Volume 7, p. 29-45, 2017. Qualis: C |
439. | REZENDE LIMA, WÂNIA ; CORREA MARTINS, DAVID ; SIMÔNIO PARREIRA, KLEBER ; SCARPELLI, PEDRO ; SANTOS DE MORAES, MIRIAM ; TOPALIS, PANTELIS ; FUMIO HASHIMOTO, RONALDO ; R. S. GARCIA, CÉLIA. Genome-wide analysis of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum transcription factor PfNF-YB shows interaction with a CCAAT motif. Oncotarget. v. 8, p. 113987-114001, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
440. | RIBEIRO, A. C. ; SILVA, D. C. A. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; KON, F.. Kiskadee: ranking warnings based on continuous source code static analysis. Em: The 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, 2017, Buenos Aires. Poster Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Open Source Systems, p. 27-30, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS, 2017, BUENOS AIRES. POSTER PROCEEDINGS OF THE 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON OPEN SOURCE SYSTEMS) |
441. | RIBEIRO, A. H. ; LOTUFO, P. ; FUJITA, A ; GOULART, A. ; CHOR, D. ; MILL, J. G. ; BENSENOR, I. ; SANTOS, I. S.. Association Between Short-Term Systolic Blood Pressure Variability and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in ELSA-Brasil Baseline. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HYPERTENSION. v. 1, p. 1, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
442. | ROCCO, PRISCILA T.P. ; Bensenor, Isabela M. ; GRIEP, ROSANE H. ; MORENO, ARLINDA B. ; Alencar, Airlane P. ; Lotufo, Paulo A. ; Santos, Itamar S.. Job Strain and Cardiovascular Health Score (from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health [ELSA-Brasil] Baseline). AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY. v. 120, p. 207-212, 2017. Qualis: A4 (AMERICAN JOURNAL OF AUDIOLOGY) |
443. | ROCHA, FRANCISCO M. M. ; Singer, Julio M.. Selection of terms in random coefficient regression models. JOURNAL OF APPLIED STATISTICS. v. 45, p. 225-242, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
444. | ROCHA, RAFAELA V. ; VALLE, PEDRO H. D. ; MALDONADO, JOSE C. ; BITTENCOURT, IG I. ; ISOTANI, SEIJI. AIMED: Agile, Integrative and Open Method for Open Educational Resources Development. Em: 2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), p. 163, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (2017 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT)) |
445. | RODRIGUES, A. S. ; PEREIRA, C. A. DE B. ; A. Polpo. Reliability Estimation in Coherent Systems. 1 ed. Sao Carlos: MaxEnt, 2017. v. 1, p. 87. |
446. | RODRIGUEZ, E. ; ALKMIM, G. P. ; FONSECA, N. L. S. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Energy-Aware Mapping and Live Migration of Virtual Networks. IEEE Systems Journal. v. 11, p. 637-648, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
447. | Rodríguez, Pablo M. Modelos estocásticos de propagação de informação: resultados recentes e questões em aberto. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
448. | Rodríguez, Pablo M. Modelos probabilísticos discretos y aplicaciones. 2017. Notas de minicurso |
449. | Rolla, Leonardo T.; SIDORAVICIUS, VLADAS. Stability of the Greedy Algorithm on the Circle. COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 70, p. 1961-1986, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
450. | ROSSI, P. V. C. ; VICENTE, R.. L1-minimization Algorithm for Bayesian Online Compressed Sensing. Entropy. v. 19, p. 667, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
451. | Rozestraten, Artur ; Raphael, Deborah ; Colli, Eduardo. Matemática, Arquitetura e Design: transgredindo fronteiras. 1 ed. São Paulo: Edgard Blücher, 2017. v. 1, p. 158. |
452. | SALLES, G. P. ; PAIVA SALINAS, DELHI TERESA ; PAULINO, S.. How Funding Source Influences the Form of REDD + Initiatives: The Case of Market Versus Public Funds in Brazil. ECOLOGICAL ECONOMICS. v. 139, p. 91-101, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
453. | SALLES, GUILHERME PIFFER ; SALINAS, DELHI TERESA PAIVA ; PAULINO, SÔNIA REGINA. Execução de Projetos de REDD+ no Brasil Por Meio de Diferentes Modalidades de Financiamento. REVISTA DE ECONOMIA E SOCIOLOGIA RURAL (IMPRESSO). v. 55, p. 445-464, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
454. | SANTANA, EDUARDO F.Z. ; LAGO, NELSON ; KON, FABIO ; MILOJICIC, D.. InterSCSimulator: Large-Scale Traffic Simulation in Smart Cities using Erlang. Em: 18th Workshop on Multi-agent-based Simulation, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (18th Workshop on Multi-agent-based Simulation) |
455. | SANTO, G. F. E. ; Queiroz, M. Developing a set of applications for music creation using low-cost brain-computer interfaces. Em: SBCM 2017 - Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, 2017, São Paulo. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music. Porto Alegre: SBC - Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, p. 160-161, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (SBCM 2017 - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER MUSIC, 2017, SÃO PAULO. PROCEEDINGS OF THE BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER MUSIC. PORTO ALEGRE: SBC - SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE COMPUTAÇÃO) |
456. | SANTOS FILHO, G. R. Non-associative coalgebras and the locally nilpotent radical. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
457. | Santos, B. M. ; PIETROBELLI, W. ; PRATO NETO, C. R. ; MORO, M. F. ; SAGRILLO, M. ; ANDRADE, D. F.. A motivação como fator no desempenho em serviços públicos: um estudo de caso em um instituto de ensino superior. Em: Colóquio Internacional de Gestão Universitária, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Colóquio Internacional de Gestão Universitária) |
458. | SANTOS, F. G. ; ROSSI, P. V. C. ; CASTRO, P. R. O. ; VICENTE, R.. Verifying the Gravity Model for Urban Commutingwith Large Scale Georeferenced Data Analysis. 2017. artigo submetido |
459. | SANTOS, KLEBER DOS ; VILELA, RODOLFO ANDRADE DE GOUVEIA ; CARDOSO, MARIA REGINA ALVES ; Andrade, Dalton Francisco de ; MAEDA, SAYURI TANAKA. Work constraints leads to accident: Questionnaire validity and a qualitative interpretation of the cutoff point. SAFETY SCIENCE. v. 93, p. 199-213, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
460. | SANTOS, PAULO ; DELGADO, KARINA ; Lauretto, Marcelo ; RIBEIRO, MARCIO. Revisão Sistemática da Literatura sobre ranking de Relacionamentos na Web Semântica. Em: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, v. 13, p. 32-39, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação) |
461. | Santos, V. B. ; BARROS, L. N.. PACTL-SYM: um planejador baseado em Verificação Simbólica de Modelos. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC)) |
462. | SANTOS, V. H. M. ; JAHN, A. P.. Pavimentações do Plano com Espelhos e Caleidoscópios. Em: XIII EPEM - Encontro Paulista de Educação Matemática, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (XIII EPEM - Encontro Paulista de Educação Matemática) |
463. | Sartori, L.M. ; Bevilacqua, Joyce S. ; Gomes, G.. Dengue transmission dynamics modeling with sequential infection by the 4 serotypes. 2017. (Congresso). Em: X Congreso Latinoamericano de Biomatemática., 2017, Cusco. X Congreso Latinoamericano de Biomatemática, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (X CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE BIOMATEMÁTICA., 2017, CUSCO. X CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE BIOMATEMÁTICA) |
464. | SHAVITT, ROSELI G. ; REQUENA, GUARACI ; ALONSO, PINO ; ZAI, GWYNETH ; COSTA, DANIEL L.C. ; de Bragança Pereira, Carlos Alberto ; DO ROSÁRIO, MARIA CONCEIÇÃO ; MORAIS, IVANIL ; FONTENELLE, LEONARDO ; CAPPI, CAROLINA ; KENNEDY, JAMES ; MENCHON, JOSE M. ; MIGUEL, EURIPEDES ; RICHTER, PEGGY M.A.. Quantifying dimensional severity of obsessive-compulsive disorder for neurobiological research. PROGRESS IN NEURO-PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY & BIOLOGICAL PSYCHIATRY. v. 79, p. 206-212, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
465. | SHEN, WEIXIAO ; PETERSEN, CARSTEN LUNDE ; LOMONACO, LUNA. On parabolic external maps. DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS. v. 37, p. 5085-5104, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
466. | Shirota, S. ; Omori, Y. ; LOPES, HEDIBERT F ; Piao, H.. Cholesky realized stochastic volatility model. Econometrics and Statistics. v. 3, p. 34-59, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (ECONOMETRICS AND STATISTICS) |
467. | SILVA, A. L. P. C. ; SOUZA, F. L. N. ; JAHN, A. P.. SANGAKUS E PROVAS SEM PALAVRAS: EXPLORAÇÃO DE FIGURAS NO ENSINO DA MATEMÁTICA. Em: http://sbempaulista.org.br/xiii-epem-2/, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (http://sbempaulista.org.br/xiii-epem-2/) |
468. | SILVA, D. M. B. ; PEREIRA, G. H. A.. Uma Classe de Métodos de Categorização Multivariado para Variáveis Preditoras em Modelos de Regressão para Variáveis Binárias. Em: 15ª Escola de Modelos de Regressão, 2017, Goiânia. Resumos 15ª EMR, 2017. |
469. | SILVA, D. M. B. ; PEREIRA, G. H. A.. Uma Classe de Métodos de Categorização Multivariado para Variáveis Preditoras em Modelos de Regressão para Variáveis Binárias. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
470. | SILVA, G. ; REIS, L. ; TERCEIRO, A. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; KON, F.. Implementing Federated Social Networking: Report from the Trenches. Em: International Symposium on Open Collaboration, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (International Symposium on Open Collaboration) |
471. | SILVA, M. F. ; FRANCO, A. J. P. ; FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO. Genealogia: tradução ou modelo?. Em: Reunião de Antropologia da Ciência e Tecnologia, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do VI React, 2017. |
472. | SILVA, M. M. ; MARCOS, E.N.. Piecewise Hereditary algebras of Dynkin and extended Dynkin type. 2017. Pre print |
473. | SILVA, M. M. ; MARCOS, E.N.. Piecewise Hereditary Incidence Algebras. 2017. Pre print |
474. | SILVEIRA ; Denis Deratani Mauá. University Entrance Exam as a Guiding Test for Artificial Intelligence. Em: 2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 426-431, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (2017 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS)) |
475. | SIMONIS, A. ; BARRERA, JUNIOR ; MARCONDES, D.. Feature Selection from Local Lift Dependence-Based Partitions. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
476. | SIMONIS, A. ; MARCONDES, D.. Perfil e desempenho acadêmico dos alunos do Bacharelado em Estatística do IME/USP. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
477. | SIMURRA, I. ; Queiroz, M. Pilot Experiment On Verbal Attributes Classification Of Orchestral Timbres. Em: AES 2017 - 143rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, p. 1-10, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (AES 2017 - 143rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society) |
478. | Singer, J. M.; TANAKA, N. I. ; SEN, P.K.. A combined contamination severity index for traffic related atmospheric pollution based on trace element concentration in tree barks. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
479. | SINGER, J.M.; ROCHA, F. M. M. ; NOBRE, J. S.. Graphical Tools for Detecting Departures from Linear Mixed Model Assumptions and Some Remedial Measures. INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW. v. 85, p. 290-324, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
480. | SINGER, J.M.; TANAKA, N. I. ; SEN, P. K.. A combined contamination severity index for traffic related atmospheric pollution based on chemical element concentration in tree barks. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
481. | SOARES-LOPES, LAURO R ; SOARES-LOPES, IONE M ; FILHO, LAURO LL ; Alencar, A. P. ; da Silva B. B.. Morphological and morphometric analysis of the effects of intralesional tamoxifen on keloids. EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. v. 242, p. 153537021770052-929, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
482. | Stern, Julio Michael; IZBICKI, RAFAEL ; ESTEVES, LUIS GUSTAVO ; STERN, RAFAEL BASSI. Logically-consistent hypothesis testing and the hexagon of oppositions. LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL. v. 25, p. 741-757, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
483. | Stern, Julio Michael. Jacob?s Ladder: Logics of Magic, Metaphor and Metaphysics. Sophia. v. 2017, p. 1-21, 2017. Qualis: C |
484. | Stern, Julio Michael. Continuous versions of Haack?s puzzles: equilibria, eigen-states and ontologies. LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL (ONLINE). v. 2017, p. 1-28, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
485. | STERN, R. B. Teoria da Decisão Aplicada ao Direito. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
486. | STRUCHINER, IVAN. Lie Theory and Classification Problems for G-Structures. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
487. | STRUCHINER, IVAN. Lie groupoids which give rise to G-structures. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
488. | STUCHI CRUZ, SILVIA ; PAULINO, SÔNIA ; PAIVA, DELHI. Verification of outcomes from carbon market under the clean development mechanism (CDM) projects in landfills. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION. v. 142, p. 145-156, 2017. Qualis: A1 |
489. | Sánchez, Javier. Obtaining free group algebras in division rings generated by group graded rings. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. v. 17, p. 1850194, 2017. Qualis: B1 |
490. | TADDEO, M. M.; Morettin, P. A.. The Analysis of Single-Index Models with Scale Mixture of Normals Errors by Using Bayesian P-Splines. CHILEAN JOURNAL OF STATISTICS. v. 8, p. 3-23, 2017.Qualis: B3 |
491. | TAL, F. A. Onset of diffusion for the Kicked Harper Model. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
492. | TAL, F. A. Topological horseshoes for surface homeomorphisms. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
493. | Tal, Fábio. Entropy and homeomorphisms of the plane. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
494. | Tal, Fábio. Topological horseshoes for surface homeomorphisms. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
495. | Tal, Fábio. Entropy and dynamical systems in dimension 2. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
496. | TALON, A. ; BOTLER, FÁBIO. Decomposition of 8-regular graphs into paths of length 4. Em: European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, 2017, Viena. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, v. 61C, p. 147-153, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2017, VIENA. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS) |
497. | TANAKA, C. M. ; VICENTE, R.. The spread of altruism under warfare: a two-level Fisher-Wright model. 2017. artigo submetido |
498. | TAVARES, ANDERSON C. M. ; BEJAR, HANS H. C. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Seed robustness of oriented relative fuzzy connectedness: core computation and its applications. Em: SPIE Medical Imaging, v. 10133, p. 1013316, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (SPIE Medical Imaging) |
499. | Tavares, Anderson Carlos Moreira ; BEJAR, HANS HARLEY CCACYAHUILLCA ; Miranda, Paulo André Vechiatto. Seed Robustness of Oriented Image Foresting Transform: Core Computation and the Robustness Coefficient. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2017.p. 119-130. |
500. | Tavares, Anderson Carlos Moreira ; Miranda, Paulo André Vechiatto ; Spina, Thiago Vallin ; Falcão, Alexandre Xavier. A Supervoxel-Based Solution to Resume Segmentation for Interactive Correction by Differential Image-Foresting Transforms. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2017.p. 107-118. |
501. | TERRA, G. Vakonomic versus nonholonomic mechanics revisited. SÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES,. p. 1-10, 2017. Qualis: B3 (SÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES) |
502. | TININI, RODRIGO IZIDORO ; REIS, LARISSA C. M. ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACEDO ; FIGUEIREDO, GUSTAVO BITTENCOURT ; TORNATORE, MASSIMO ; MUKHERJEE, BISWANATH. Optimal Placement of Virtualized BBU Processing in Hybrid Cloud-Fog RAN over TWDM-PON. Em: GLOBECOM 2017 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, p. 1-6, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (GLOBECOM 2017 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference) |
503. | Tomita, Artur H.; LEIDERMAN, ARKADY G. ; PESTOV, VLADIMIR G.. On topological groups admitting a base at the identity indexed by $omega ^{omega }$. FUNDAMENTA MATHEMATICAE. v. 238, p. 79-100, 2017. Qualis: A4 |
504. | Tonin, Graziela Simone ; Goldman, Alfredo ; Seaman, Carolyn ; Pina, Diogo. Effects of Technical Debt Awareness: A Classroom Study. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2017.p. 84-100. |
505. | TOSCANO, CRISTIANA M. ; SUAREZ, VICTOR ; MICHEL, FABIANA ; BIERRENBACH, ANA LUIZA ; GONZALES, MARCO ; Alencar, Airlane Pereira ; RUIZ MATUS, CUAUHTEMOC ; ANDRUS, JON K. ; DE OLIVEIRA, LUCIA H.. Response to comment on: Impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in children morbidity and mortality in Peru: Time series analyses. VACCINE. v. 35, p. 4826-4827, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
506. | VALLE, J. C. A. A influência de Bertrand Russell no posicionamento político-ideológico da obra de Ubiratan D?Ambrosio. Revista de Educação Matemática. v. 14, p. 173-188, 2017. Qualis: A3 |
507. | VALLE, J. C. A.; NASCIMENTO, R. O. ; FERREIRA, L. O.. O território em sua dimensão organizativa do trabalho pedagógico e da política pública de educação. Em: XI Simpósio do Laboratório de Gestão Educacional, 2017, Campinas. Anais do XI Simplage, v. 1, p. 29-35, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (XI SIMPÓSIO DO LABORATÓRIO DE GESTÃO EDUCACIONAL, 2017, CAMPINAS. ANAIS DO XI SIMPLAGE) |
508. | VALLE, P. H. D.; TODA, A. M. ; BARBOSA, E. F. ; MALDONADO, J. C.. Educational Games: A Contribution to Software Testing Education. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
509. | VALLE, PEDRO H. D.; ROCHA, R. V. ; MALDONADO, J. C.. Testing Game: An Educational Game to Support Software Testing Education. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
510. | VALLE, PEDRO HENRIQUE DIAS; ROCHA, RAFAELA VILELA ; MALDONADO, JOSÉ CARLOS. Testing Game. Em: the 31st Brazilian Symposium, p. 289, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (the 31st Brazilian Symposium) |
511. | VANEGAS, LUIS HERNANDO ; Paula, Gilberto A.. Log-symmetric regression models under the presence of non-informative left- or right-censored observations. TEST. v. 26, p. 405-428, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
512. | VICENTE, L. ; CEREZETTI, F. ; De Genaro, Alan. Estimating hedge and auction liquidation costs in central counterparties: a closeout risk approach. Journal Of Financial Market Infrastructures. v. 6, p. 1-27, 2017. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL MARKET INFRASTRUCTURES) |
513. | VIDAL, MACIEL C. ; Sato, João R. ; BALARDIN, JOANA B. ; TAKAHASHI, DANIEL Y. ; Fujita, André. ANOCVA in R: A Software to Compare Clusters between Groups and Its Application to the Study of Autism Spectrum Disorder. Frontiers in Neuroscience. v. 11, p. 1, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
514. | VIEIRA, W. ; SOUZA, V. H. G. de ; IMAFUKU, R. S.. Uma avaliação do processo de visualização na aprendizagem de sequências numéricas. Em: Nieto, Concepción Toboso; Gracia, Damián Valdevira. (Org.). Libro de Actas. 1ed.Andújar. : Federación Española de Sociedades de Profesores de Matemáticas. 2017.v. 2, p. 136-144. |
515. | VIEIRA, W. ; SOUZA, Vera Helena Giusti de ; IMAFUKU, R.. A Interação de Aspectos Algorítmicos, Intuitivos e Formais e o Desenvolvimento de Processos do Pensamento Matemático Avançado na Aprendizagem Matemática. JORNAL INTERNACIONAL DE ESTUDOS EM EDUCAÇÃO MATEMÁTICA. v. 10, p. 228-236, 2017.Qualis: A3 |
517. | Viviana Giampaoli. A importância dos Modelos Mistos. 2017. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
518. | VOLKOV, Y. ; MARCOS, E.N.. Hochschild cohomology of a smash product in the nonsemisimple case. 2017. Pre print |
519. | VOLKOV, Y. ; Solotar ; MARCOS, E. N.. On variants of linearity of graded modules. 2017. Pre print |
520. | WANG, L. ; ZHAO, H. ; Sergio Muniz Oliva ; ZHU, H.. Modeling the transmission and control of Zika in Brazil. Scientific Reports. v. 7, p. 7721, 2017. Qualis: A2 |
521. | WONG, P. ; ZHAO, X. ; LIMA GONÇALVES, DACIBERG. Degrees of mappings between spherical 3-manifolds. SBORNIK MATHEMATICS. v. 208, p. 34-58, 2017.Qualis: Não identificado (SBORNIK MATHEMATICS) |
522. | YANCY-CABALLERO, DAISON ; LING, LIU Y. ; ARCHILHA, NATHALY L. ; FERREIRA, J. E. ; DRIEMEIER, C.. Mineral Particles in Sugar Cane Bagasse: Localization and Morphometry Using Microtomography Analysis. ENERGY & FUELS (ONLINE). v. 31, p. 12288-12296, 2017. Qualis: A1 |