1. | A D Loguercio ; BARROSO, Lucia Pereira ; GRANDE, Rosa Helena M. ; A Reis. Comparison of Intra and Inter Teeth Resin-dentin Bond Strength Variability. The Journal of Adhesive Dentistry. v. 2, p. 143-149, 2005.Qualis: A2 (JOURNAL OF ADHESIVE DENTISTRY) |
2. | A. Yambartsev; Goncalves-Primo A. ; Morgun A. ; Gerbase-DeLima M. ; Shulzhenko N.. Selection of control genes for quantitative RT-PCR based on microarray data. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS. v. 337, p. 306-312, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
3. | ADDAS-ZANATA, S. On properties of the vertical rotation interval for twist mappings. Ergodic Theory & Dynamical Systems (Print). v. 25, n. 3, p. 641-660, 2005.Qualis: A2 |
4. | ADDAS-ZANATA, S. Some extensions of the Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem to the cylinder and a remark on mappings of the torus homotopic to Dehn twists. Nonlinearity (Bristol. Print). v. 18, n. 5, p. 2243-2260, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (PRINT)) |
5. | ADI, S. S. ; FERREIRA, C. E.. Gene prediction by multiple syntenic alignment. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. v. 13, 2005.Qualis: A2 |
6. | AFIUNE, J.Y. ; SINGER, J.M. ; LEONE, C.L.. Evolução ecocardiográfica de recém-nascidos com persistência do canal arterial.. Jornal de Pediatria. v. 81, p. 454-460, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
7. | ALAS, O. T.; TKACHUK, V. V. ; WILSON, R. G. ; TKACENKO, M. G.. The FDS - property and spaces in wich compact sets are closed.. Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, Japão. v. 61, p. 473-480, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (SCIENTIAE MATHEMATICAE JAPONICAE, JAPÃO) |
8. | ALAS, O. T.; WILSON, R. G.. When is a compact space sequentially compact ?. Topology Proceedings. v. 29, p. 327-335, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
9. | Alas, O. T.; WILSON, R. G.. Weaker connected Hausdorff topologies on spaces with a σ-locally finite base. Houston Journal of Mathematics. v. 31, p. 427-439, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
10. | ALBERS, M ; ROMITI, M ; BROCHADO, F ; PEREIRA, CAB. Meta-analysis of alternate autologous vein bypass grafts to infrapopliteal arteries. Journal of Vascular Surgery. v. 42, n. 3, p. 449e1-449e8, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
11. | Alexandrino, Marcos M. Generalizations of Isoparametrics Foliations. Matemática Contemporânea. v. 28, p. 29-49, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (MATEMÁTICA CONTEMPORÂNEA) |
12. | ANDRADE, D. F.; TAVARES, H. R.. Item response theory for longitudinal data: population ability parameters estimation. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. v. 95, p. 1-22, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
13. | ANDRADE, D. F.; TAVARES, Heliton Ribeiro. Item response theory for longitudinal data: population parameter estimation. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Holanda. v. 95, n. 1, p. 1-22, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS, HOLANDA) |
14. | ANDREANI, R. ; BIRGIN, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; YUAN, J.. Spectral projected gradient and variable metric methods for optimization with linear inequalities. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. v. 25, p. 221-252, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
15. | ANDRETTA, M. ; BIRGIN, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Practical active-set Euclidian trust-region method with spectral projected gradients for bound-constrained minimization. Optimization. v. 54, p. 305-325, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
16. | Angulo, J. Stability of dnoidal waves to Hirota-Satsuma system. Differential and Integral Equations. v. 18, n. 6, p. 611-645, 2005.Qualis: A2 |
17. | Angulo, J.; Alvarez. Existence and stability de periodic travelling wave for the Benjamin equation. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis. v. 4, n. 2, p. 369-390, 2005.Qualis: A2 |
18. | ANJOS, U. ; KOLEV, N. V.. An Application of Kendall distribution. Journal of Economy and Management, Leuven. v. L, n. 1, p. 95-101, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF ECONOMY AND MANAGEMENT, LEUVEN) |
19. | ANJOS, Ulisses U dos ; KOLEV, Nikolai ; TANAKA, N. I.. Copula associated to order statistics. Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, São Paulo, SP Brasil. v. 19, p. 111-123, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, SÃO PAULO, SP BRASIL) |
20. | Antônio L. Pereira; PEREIRA, M. C.. Generic simplicity for the solutions of a nonlinear plate equation. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations. v. 66, p. 443-464, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (PROGRESS IN NONLINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS) |
21. | ARNDT, P. ; FREIRE, R. A. ; LUCIANO, O. O. ; MARIANO, H. L.. Fibring and sheaves. CLE e-Prints (Online). v. 5, p. 1-20, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
22. | BAHTURIN, Y ; SHESTAKOV, I ; ZAICEV, M. Gradings on simple Jordan and Lie algebras. Journal of Algebra (Print). v. 283, p. 849-868, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
23. | BARROSO, Lucia Pereira; CORDEIRO, Gauss Moutinho. Bartlett Corrections in Heteroskedastic t Regression Models. Statistics and Probability Letters. v. 75, p. 86-96, 2005.Qualis: B1 (STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS) |
24. | BELITSKY, V. ; FERRARI, P. A.. Invariant measures and convergence for Cellular Automaton 184 and related processes. Journal of Statistical Physics, Estados Unidos. v. 118, n. 3/4, p. 589-623, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
25. | BENEVIERI, P.; CALAMAI, A. ; FURI, M.. A degree theory for a class of perturbed Fredholm maps. Fixed Point Theory and Applications. v. 2, p. 185-206, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (FIXED POINT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS) |
26. | BENEVIERI, P.; FURI, M. ; MARTELLI, M. ; PERA, M.P.. Atypical bifurcation without compactness. Zeitschrift für Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen. v. 24, p. 137-147, 2005.Qualis: A4 (ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANALYSIS UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN) |
27. | BIANCONI, R. Undefinability results in o-minimal expansions of the real numbers. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (Print). v. 134, n. 1, p. 43-51, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
28. | BIRGIN, E G ; MARTÍNEZ, J M ; MASCARENHAS, W F ; RONCONI, D P. Method of sentinels for packing items within arbitrary convex regions. Journal of the Operational Research Society. v. 57, p. 735-746, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
29. | BIRGIN, E. G.; CASTILLO, R. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Numerical comparison of Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for nonconvex problems. Computational Optimization and Applications. v. 31, n. 1, p. 31-55, 2005. Qualis: A4 |
30. | BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Local convergence of an Inexact-Restoration method and numerical experiments. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. v. 127, p. 229-247, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
31. | BIRGIN, E. G.; MORABITO, R. ; NISHIHARA, F. H.. A note on an L-approach for solving the manufacturer's pallet loading problem. Journal of the Operational Research Society. v. 56, p. 1448-1451, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
32. | BIRGIN, E. G.; RAYDAN, M.. Robust stopping criteria for Dykstra's algorithm. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing. v. 26, p. 1405-1414, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
33. | BIRGIN, E. G.; RONCONI, D. P. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Optimizing the Packing of Cylinders into a Rectangular Container: A Nonlinear Approach. European Journal of Operational Research. v. 160, p. 19-33, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
34. | Brito,Fabiano G B; CHACON, P.. A topological minorization for the volume of vector fields on 5-manifolds. Archiv der Mathematik (Electronic ed.), Alemanha. v. 85, p. 283-292, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK , ALEMANHA) |
35. | BUENO, V. C. Minimal standby redundancy allocation in a -out-of-:F system of dependent components. European Journal of Operational Research, Inglaterra. v. 165, n. 3, p. 786-793, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, INGLATERRA) |
36. | CANTON, A. W. P. Bayesian Analysis of the Distribution of Volatility of Daily Stock Retur. Revista de Economia e Administração ? IBMEC. 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (REVISTA DE ECONOMIA E ADMINISTRAÇÃO ? IBMEC) |
37. | CANTON, A. W. P. Bayesian Analysis of the Volatility of a Multivariate Distribution of a Daily Stock Returns Vector. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF FINANCIAL AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS) |
38. | CARRION, H.; GALINDO, P. ; LOURENCO, M. L.. Banach spaces whose bounded are bounding in the bidual. Ann Acad Sci Fenn math. v. 31, p. 61-70, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ANN ACAD SCI FENN MATH) |
39. | CARVALHO, A. F. ; REIS, L. F. ; BRENTANI, Ricardo R. ; CARRARO, Dirce Maria ; VERJOVSKI-ALMEIDA, Sergio ; REIS, Eduardo M. ; SOUZA, Sandro J. de ; BRENTANI, Helena. Gene Expression Arrays in Cancer Research: Methods and Applications. Critical Reviews in Oncology Hematology, USA. v. 54, p. 95-105, 2005.Qualis: A1 (CRITICAL REVIEWS IN ONCOLOGY/HEMATOLOGY) |
40. | Cassandro, Marzio ; Ferrari, Pablo Augusto ; Merola, Immacolata ; Presutti, Errico. Geometry of contours and Peierls estimates in d=1 Ising models with long range interactions. Journal of Mathematical Physics. v. 46, n. 5, p. 053305, 2005. Qualis: A4 |
41. | CENICEROS, H. D. ; ROMA, A. M.. A multi-phase flow method with a fast, geometry based fluid indicator. Journal of Computational Physics (Print). v. 205, p. 391-400, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
42. | CESARJR, R; BENGOETXEA, E ; BLOCH, I ; LARRANAGA, P. Inexact graph matching for model-based recognition: Evaluation and comparison of optimization algorithms. Pattern Recognition. v. 38, n. 11, p. 2099-2113, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
43. | Chalom, G.; TREPODE, S. E.. Representation type of one point extensions of iterated tubular Algebras. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, Brasil. v. 23, n. 1-2, p. 51-64, 2005.Qualis: B4 (BOLETIM DA SOCIEDADE PARANAENSE DE MATEMÁTICA) |
44. | Chiann, Chang; Morettin, Pedro A.. Time-domain estimation of time-varying linear systems. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics (Print), Inglaterra. v. 17, p. 365-383, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF NONPARAMETRIC STATISTICS , INGLATERRA) |
45. | CORDARO, P.D.; N. Hanges. Impact of lower order terms on a model PDE in two variables. Contemporary Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, Estados Unidos. v. 36, p. 157-176, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
46. | CORDEIRO, G. M. ; FERRARI, S.L.P.. Third-order asymptotic distribution of classic tests for one-parameter exponential family models. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods, Estados Unidos. v. 34, n. 5, p. 1041-1055, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (THEORY AND METHODS, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
47. | CORNFORTH, D. ; JELINEK, H. ; LEANDRO, J. J. G. ; SOARES, J. V. B. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; CREE, M ; MITCHELL, P ; BOSSOMAIER, T. Development of retinal blood vessel segmentation methodology using wavelet transforms for assessment of diabetic retinopathy. Complexity International, http://www.complexity.org.au/c. v. 11, p. 50-61, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (COMPLEXITY INTERNATIONAL, HTTP://WWW.COMPLEXITY.ORG.AU/C) |
48. | CRIBARI-NETO, F. ; OLIVEIRA, W. A. ; FERRARI, S.L.P.. Numerical evaluation of tests based on different heteroskedasticity-consistent covariance matrix estimators. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. v. 75, p. 611-628, 2005. Qualis: A4 |
49. | CUNHA, D H Fernandes da ; SANTOS, A M Nunes dos ; KOPELMAN, B I ; ARECO, Kelsy N ; GUINSBURG, Ruth ; PERES, C. A. ; CHIBA, A K ; KUWANO, S T ; TERZIAN, C C N ; BORDIN, J O. Transfusions of CPDA-1 red blood cells stored for up to 28 days decrease donor exposures in very low-birth-weight premature infants. Transfusion Medicine. v. 15, p. 467-473, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
50. | CYSNEIROS, Francisco José de A ; PAULA, G. A.. Restricted Methods in Symmetrical Linear Regression Models. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Holanda. v. 49, n. 3, p. 689-708, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS & DATA ANALYSIS, HOLANDA) |
51. | de Carvalho, Andre; MARTENS, M. ; LYUBICH, M.. Renormalization in the Hénon Family, I: Universality But Non-Rigidity. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS, New York, EUA. v. 121, n. 5-6, p. 611-669, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PHYSICS, NEW YORK, EUA) |
52. | de Melo, Ana C.V. From Active Names to - Rewriting Rules. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Amsterdam. v. 130, p. 169-185, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE, AMSTERDAM) |
53. | de Paula, R.S. ; ANTELMI, I. ; VINCENZI, M. A. ; ANDRÉ, C. D. S. ; Artes. R. ; GRUPI, C. J. ; MANSUR, A. J.. Influence of age, gender and serum triglycerides on heart rate in a cohort of asymptomatic individuals without heart diseases. International Journal of Cardiology. v. 105, p. 152-158, 2005.Qualis: A3 |
54. | DICHTCHEKENIAN, VA' ; de Bragança Pereira, Carlos Alberto ; KUPERMAN, HILTON ; MANNA, THAIS DELIA ; DAMIANI, DURVAL ; ALVES, VENANCIO AVANCINI FERREIRA ; FILHO, ADHEMAR LONGATO ; SETIAN, NUVARTE. Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Prognostic Indices Based on Clinical and Immunohistochemical Markers. Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism. v. 18, p. 347-354, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
55. | Dokuchaev, M.; EXEL, R.. Associativity of crossed products by partial actions, enveloping actions and partial representations. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. v. 357, n. 5, p. 1931-1952, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
56. | DOKUCHAEV, M. ; KIRICHENKO, V. ; POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.. Engel subgroups of triangular matrices over local rings. Journal of Algebra (Print), San Diego. v. 290, n. 2, p. 433-446, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA , SAN DIEGO) |
57. | Dokuchaev, M.; KIRICHENKO, V. ; ZHURAVLEV, V. ; ZELENSKY, A. V.. Gorenstein matrices. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Lugansk. n. 1, p. 8-29, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ALGEBRA AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, LUGANSK) |
58. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.; SEHGAL, S. K. ; M. Dokuchaev. Integral group rings with trivial central units, II. Communications in Algebra, Philadelphia. v. 33, n. 1, p. 205-210, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, PHILADELPHIA) |
59. | DOLD, A. ; GONÇALVES, D. L.. Self-coincidence of fibre maps. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. v. 42, p. 291-307, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
60. | DONADELLI, J. ; HAXELL, P. E. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y.. A note on the size-Ramsey number of long subdivisions of graphs. RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications. v. 39, n. 1, p. 191-206, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (INFORMATIQUE THÉORIQUE ET APPLICATIONS) |
61. | DOOMS, A ; JESPERS, E ; JURIAANS, S. On group identities for the unit group of algebras and semigroup algebras over an infinite field. Journal of Algebra (Print), USA. v. 284, n. 1, p. 273-283, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA , USA) |
62. | DURHAM, A. M.; KASHIWABARA, A. Y. ; MATSUNAGA, F. ; AHAGON, P. ; RAINONE, F. ; VARUZZA, L. ; GRUBER, A.. EGene: a configurable pipeline generation system for automated sequence analysis. BIOINFORMATICS, Bioinformatics Advance Access. v. 21, p. 2812-2813, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (BIOINFORMATICS, BIOINFORMATICS ADVANCE ACCESS) |
63. | Endo, L. C. Y. ; Morimoto, C. H. ; Fabris, A.E.. JEcoSys - a framework for interactive plants simulation. Computer Graphics International. v. 2005, p. 63-73, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (COMPUTER GRAPHICS INTERNATIONAL) |
64. | ENRIQUEZ-REMIGIO, S. A. ; ROMA, A. M.. Incompressible flows in elastic domains: an Immersed Boundary Method approach. Applied Mathematical Modelling. v. 29, p. 35-54, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
65. | FERENCZI, V. Topological 0-1 laws for subspaces of a Banach space with a Schauder basis. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. v. 49, p. 839-856, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
66. | FERENCZI, V; ROSENDAL, C. Ergodic Banach spaces. Advances in Mathematics (New York. 1965). v. 195, p. 259-282, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (1965)) |
67. | FERENCZI, V; ROSENDAL, C.. On the number of non-isomorphic subspaces of a Banach space. Studia Mathematica. v. 168, p. 203-216, 2005. Qualis: A4 |
68. | Aragona, J. ; Fernandez, R. ; JURIAANS, S. O.. A Discontinuous Colombeau Differential Calculus. Monatshefte fur Mathematik (Print). v. 144, n. 1, p. 13-29, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
69. | FERNÁNDEZ, J. C. G.; SUAZO, Avelino. Commutative Power-Associative Nilalgebras of Nilindex 5. Resultate der Mathematik, Alemanha. v. 47, p. 296-304, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (RESULTATE DER MATHEMATIK, ALEMANHA) |
70. | FERNÁNDEZ, J. C. G.; SUAZO, Avelino ; ELGUETA, Luisa. Nilpotence of a class of commutative power-associative nilalgebras. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, holanda. v. 291, p. 492-504, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, HOLANDA) |
71. | FERRARA, M. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; RÖDL, V.. Distance graphs on the integers. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, Cambridge. v. 14, n. 1-2, p. 107-131, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (COMBINATORICS, PROBABILITY & COMPUTING, CAMBRIDGE) |
72. | FERRARI, P. A.; FERNANDEZ, R. ; GUERBEROFF, G. R.. Spatial birth-and-death processes in random environment. Mathematical Physics Electronic Journal. v. 11, p. 3, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ELECTRONIC JOURNAL) |
73. | FERRARI, P; FONTES, L ; WU, X. Two-dimensional Poisson Trees converge to the Brownian web. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré. B, Probability and Statistics, France. v. 41, n. 5, p. 851-858, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (B, PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS, FRANCE) |
74. | Ferrari, Pablo A.; Pimentel, Leandro P. R.. Competition interfaces and second class particles. Annals of Probability, USA. v. 33, n. 4, p. 1235-1254, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (ANNALS OF PROBABILITY, USA) |
75. | FERRARI, S.L.P.; CRIBARI-NETO, F. ; FERREIRA DA SILVA, M.. Adjusted profile likelihood for two-parameter exponential family models. Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods. v. 34, n. 2, p. 257-276, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (THEORY AND METHODS) |
76. | FERRARI, S.L.P.; LUCAMBIO, F. ; CRIBARI-NETO, F.. Improved profile likelihood inference. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Estados Unidos. v. 134, p. 373-391, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL PLANNING AND INFERENCE, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
77. | FERREIRA, V. O.; GONÇALVES, J. Z. ; MANDEL, Arnaldo. Free symmetric and unitary pairs in division rings with involution. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. v. 15, n. 1, p. 15-36, 2005. Qualis: A4 |
78. | FICHMANN, L.; MIRANDA, J. C. S.. A generalization of the concept of differentiability. Resenhas do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo. v. 6, p. 397-427, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (RESENHAS DO INSTITUTO DE MATEMÁTICA E ESTATÍSTICA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO) |
79. | FOGAÇA, Monalisa de Cássia ; CARVALHO, Werther Brunow ; PERES, C. A. ; LORA, Mayra Ivanoff ; HAYASHI, Lilian Fukusima ; VERRESCHI, Ieda Terezinha Do Nascimento. Salivary cortisol as an indicator of adrenocortical function in healthy infants, using massage therapy. São Paulo Medical Journal. v. 123, n. 5, p. 215-218, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
80. | FOLGUEIRA, M. A. A. K. ; CARRARO, D. M. ; BRENTANI, H. ; PATRAO, D. F. C. ; BARBOSA, E. M. ; KATAYAMA, M. L. H. ; SOARES, F. A. ; OLIVEIRA, C. T. ; REIS, L. F. L. ; CAMARGO, L. P. ; VENCIO, R ; SNITCOVSKY, I. M. L. ; MAKDISSI, F. B. A. ; BRENTANI, M. M.. Gene expression profile associated with response to doxorubicin-based therapy in breast cancer. Clinical Cancer Research. v. 11, n. 20, p. 7434-7443, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
81. | FONTES, L. R. G.; VACHKOVSKAIA, M. ; YAMBARTSEV, A.. A dynamical surface interacting with rarefied walls. Markov Processes and Related Fields. v. 11, n. 4, p. 649-660, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
82. | Forger, M.; Paufler, C. ; Römer, H.. Hamiltonian multivector fields and Poisson forms in multisymplectic field theory. Journal of Mathematical Physics, New York. v. 46, n. 112903, p. 112903, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, NEW YORK) |
83. | Forger, M.; Romero, S.V.. Covariant Poisson Brackets in Geometric Field Theory. Communications in Mathematical Physics, Berlin. v. 256, n. 2, p. 375-410, 2005. Qualis: A1 (COMMUNICATIONS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS) |
84. | FREITAS, H. F. G. ; CHIZZOLA, P. R. ; PAES, Angela Tavares ; Pedroso de Lima, A. C. ; MANSUR, A. J.. Risk Stratification in a Brazilian Hospital-Based Cohort of 1220 Outpatients with Heart Failure: Role of Chagas' Heart Disease. International Journal of Cardiology (Print), Estados Unidos. v. 102, p. 239-247, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY , ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
85. | FUJITA, A.; MASSIRER, Katlin Brauer ; DURHAM, Alan Mitchell ; FERREIRA, Carlos Eduardo ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide. The GATO gene annotation tool for research laboratories.. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research (Impresso), Ribeirão Preto, SP. v. 38, n. 11, p. 1571-1574, 2005. Qualis: A4 (BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH) |
86. | GALEA, Manuel ; PAULA, G. A. ; CYSNEIROS, F. J. A.. On Diagnostics in Symmetrical Nonlinear Models. Statistics & Probability Letters, Holanda. v. 73, n. 4, p. 459-467, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (STATISTICS & PROBABILITY LETTERS, HOLANDA) |
87. | GALEGO, E. M. A remark on non-separable solutions to the Schroeder-Bernstein problem for Banach spaces. Results in Mathematics, Basel. v. 47, n. 1-2, p. 55-60, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS, BASEL) |
88. | GALEGO, E. M. On extensions of Pe\l czy\'nski's decomposition method in Banach spaces. Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), Basel. v. 85, n. 5, p. 433-439, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK , BASEL) |
89. | GALEGO, E. M. An arithmetical characterization of decomposition methods in Banach spaces via supplemented subspaces. Glasgow Mathematical Journal. v. 47, n. 3, p. 489-500, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
90. | Tal, Fabio A; GARCIA, M. V. P.. The influence of the kinetic energy in equilibrium of Hamiltonian systems. Journal of Differential Equations (Print). v. 213, n. 2, p. 410-417, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
91. | Garcia-Ferreira, S. ; TOMITA, A. H. ; WATSON, S.. Countably compact groups from a selective ultrafilter. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 133, n. 3, p. 937-943, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
92. | GIAMBO, R. ; GIANNONI, F. ; PICCIONE, P.. Orthogonal geodesic chords, brake orbits and homoclinic orbits in Riemannian manifolds. Advances in Differential Equations. v. 10, p. 931-960, 2005.Qualis: A1 |
93. | GIL, JUAN B. ; ROBINS, SINAI. Hecke operators on rational functions I. Forum Mathematicum. v. 17, p. 519-554, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
94. | GOMES, Luciana I. ; ESTEVES, Gustavo H. ; CARVALHO, A. F. ; CRISTO, E. B. ; HIRATA JR, R. ; MARTINS, W. K. ; BRENTANI, Helena ; MARQUES, Sara M. ; CAMARGO, Luiz P. ; PELOSOF, Adriane ; ZITRON, Claudia ; SALUM, Rubens A. ; MONTAGNINI, A. L. ; SOARES, F. A. ; REIS, L. F.. Expression profile of malignant and non-malignant lesions of esophagus and stomach: differential activity of functional modules related to inflammation and lipid metabolism.. Cancer Research, usa. v. 65, n. 16, p. 7127-7136, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (CANCER RESEARCH, USA) |
95. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GOLASINSKI, M.. Spherical space forms - homotopy types and self-equivalences for the groups Z/a X Z/b and Z/a X (Z/b X Q_(2^i)). Topology and its Applications. v. 146, p. 451-470, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
96. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GOLASINSKI, M. ; WONG, P.. Fox's group and Whitehead product. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. v. 57, n. 3, p. 320-328, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (UKRAINIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL) |
97. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GUASCHI, J.. The braid group B_{m,n}(S^2) and a generalisation of the Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequence. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. v. 14, p. 375-403, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
98. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; HAYAT, C. ; MELLO, M.H.P.L.. Spin-structures and 2-fold covering. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. v. 23, p. 29-40, 2005.Qualis: B4 |
99. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; PERES, J.. Free action of abelian p-groups on the n-toru. Houston Journal of Mathematics. v. 31, n. 1, p. 87-101, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
100. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Homogeneous spaces in coincidence theory II. Forum Mathematicum. v. 17, p. 297-313, 2005.Qualis: A3 |
101. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Wecken properties for roots. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. v. 133, p. 2779-2782, 2005.Qualis: A3 |
102. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Obstruction theory and coincidendes of maps between nilmanifolds. Archiv der Mathematik. v. 84, p. 568-576, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
103. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Twisted Serre's spectral sequence and Shapiro's lemma. Journal of Geometry and Topology. v. 5, p. 97-101, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY) |
104. | GOODAIRE, R. G. ; PARMENTER, M. M. ; POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.. Central units in alternative loop rings. Archiv der Mathematik. v. 85, p. 389-396, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
105. | GORODSKI, C. A survey on the geometry of isometric actions. MATEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA. v. 28, p. 163-182, 2005.Qualis: B1 (ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA) |
106. | GORODSKI, C.; PODESTA, F.. Homogeneity rank of real representations of compact Lie groups. JOURNAL OF LIE THEORY. v. 15, n. 1, p. 63-77, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF LIE THEORY) |
107. | GRANDE, R.H.M. ; REIS, A. ; LOGUERCIO, A.D. ; SINGER, J.M. ; SHELLARD, J.M. ; CHRISTINO-NETO, P.. Adhesive systems used for sealing contaminated pit and fissure systems: leakage evaluation. Pesquisa Odontológica Brasileira (Impresso) (Cessou em 2003. Cont. ISSN 1806-8324 Brazilian Oral Research (Impresso)), São Paulo, Brasil. v. 19, p. 17-22, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (ISSN 1806-8324 BRAZILIAN ORAL RESEARCH ), SÃO PAULO, BRASIL) |
108. | GRANDE, Rosa Helena M. ; Bauer, J.R.O. ; A Reis ; A D Loguercio ; Goes, M.L. ; BARROSO, Lucia Pereira. Effects of Aging Methods on Microleakage of an Adhesive System used as a Sealant on Contaminated Surfaces. Journal of Applied Oral Science. v. 13, p. 377-381, 2005.Qualis: A2 |
109. | GRICHKOV, Alexandre; FUTORNY, V. ; MELVILLE, D.. Verma-type Modules for Quantum Affine Lie Algebras. Algebra and Representation Theory, Estados Unidos. v. 8, p. 99-125, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ALGEBRA AND REPRESENTATION THEORY, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
110. | GRICHKOV, Alexandre; Merlini ; Zavarnitsine A... Automorphism group of Chein loops. Quasigroups and related systems, Warchava. v. 13, n. 1, p. 105-108, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (QUASIGROUPS AND RELATED SYSTEMS, WARCHAVA) |
111. | GRICHKOV, Alexandre; SHESTAKOV, I.. Characterization of antisymmetric elements in associative algebras with involution. Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Amsterdam. v. 85, p. 157-159, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ACTA APPLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE, AMSTERDAM) |
112. | GRICHKOV, Alexandre; Zavarnitsine A... Lagranges theorem for Moufang Loops. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambrige. v. 138, n. 4, p. 1-18, 2005.Qualis: A2 (MATHEMATICAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY) |
113. | GRICHKOV, Alexandre; Zavarnitsine A.. ; Merlini. The maximal subloops of the simple Moufang loop of order 1080. Acta Aplicandae Mathematicae, Amsterdam. v. 13, p. 1-10, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ACTA APLICANDAE MATHEMATICAE, AMSTERDAM) |
114. | GRICHKOV, Alexandre; ZUBKOV, A. ; Frantishek M.. Exactness of an induced functor and complexes of modules over Schur superalgebras. Algebra Colloquium, Estados Unidos. v. v.13, n. 1, p. 1-11, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ALGEBRA COLLOQUIUM, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
115. | Grishkov, A.N. ; Shestakov, I.P.. A characterization of Lie algebras of skew-symmetric elements.. Acta Appl. Math.. v. 85, n. 1-3, p. 157-159, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (MATH.) |
116. | GÉRARD, CHRISTIAN ; JÄKEL, CHRISTIAN D.. THERMAL QUANTUM FIELDS WITHOUT CUT-OFFS IN 1+1 SPACE-TIME DIMENSIONS. Reviews in Mathematical Physics. v. 17, p. 113-173, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (REVIEWS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS) |
117. | GÉRARD, CHRISTIAN ; JÄKEL, CHRISTIAN D.. Thermal quantum fields with spatially cutoff interactions in 1+1 space-time dimensions. Journal of Functional Analysis. v. 220, p. 157-213, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
118. | HIRATA, N. S. T. ; BARRERA, Junior. A unifying view for stack filter design based on graph search methods. Pattern Recognition. v. 38, p. 2088-2098, 2005. Qualis: A1 |
119. | I A Castro ; P. Sinnecker ; BARROSO, Lucia Pereira. Functional Foods for Coronary Artery Disease Risk Reduction: a Meta-analysis using a multivariate approach. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. v. 82, p. 32-40, 2005.Qualis: A1 |
120. | JESUS, Wellington Carlos de; UEHARA, S. T. ; LANDULFO, Eduardo. EVOLUÇÃO EM TEMPO REAL DA CAMADA LIMITE PLANETÁRIA COM O SISTEMA LIDAR E SIMULAÇÃO NUMÉRICA. Ciência e Natura. v. 56, p. 357-360, 2005.Qualis: A3 |
121. | SANTOS, L. C. C.; ALARCON, R. D. J. ; KUHL, N. M. ; EGANA, J. C.. The reconstruction of a specially structured Jacobi matrix with an application to damage detection in rods. Computers & Mathematics with Applications (1987), EUA. v. 49, n. 11-12, p. 1815-1823, 2005. Qualis: A4 (COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS) |
122. | JURIAANS, S. O.; Passi, I. B. S. ; Prasad, Dipendra. Hyperbolic Unit Groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Estados Unidos. v. 133, n. 2, p. 415-424, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
123. | KELLY, M. ; GONÇALVES, D. L.. Wecken type problems for self-maps of the Klein bottle. Topology and its Applications. v. 2006, p. 15, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
124. | KOLEV, N. V. Run and frequency quotas under Markovian fashion and applications in risk analysis. Economic Quality Control, Berlin. v. 20, p. 97-109, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ECONOMIC QUALITY CONTROL, BERLIN) |
125. | KOLEV, N. V.; PAIVA, D.. Multinomial Model for Random Sums. Insurance. Mathematics & Economics, Amsterdam. v. 37, p. 494-504, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (INSURANCE. MATHEMATICS & ECONOMICS, AMSTERDAM) |
126. | LAGO, A. P.; MUCHNIK, I.. A sparse dynamic programming algorithm for alignment with non-overlapping inversions. RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications. v. 39, n. 1, p. 175-190, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (INFORMATIQUE THÉORIQUE ET APPLICATIONS) |
127. | Laurain, Antoine. Structure of shape derivatives in nonsmooth domains and applications. Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications. v. 15, p. 199-226, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
128. | LAURETTO, M. S. ; STERN, J. M.. FBST for Mixture Model Selection. AIP Conference Proceedings. v. 803, p. 121-128, 2005.Qualis: C |
129. | LAURETTO, M. S. ; STERN, J. M.. Testing Significance in Bayesian Classifiers. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. v. 132, p. 34-41, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND APPLICATIONS) |
130. | LENCINA, V.B. ; SINGER, J.M. ; STANEK, E.J.. Much ado about nothing: the mixed models controversy revisited. International Statistical Review, Holanda. v. 73, p. 9-20, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (INTERNATIONAL STATISTICAL REVIEW, HOLANDA) |
131. | Lestrel, P.E. ; Cesar, R.M. ; TAKAHASHI, O. ; KANAZAWA, E.. Sexual dimorphism in the Japanese cranial base: A Fourier-wavelet representation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Wiley Interscience. v. 128, n. 3, p. 608-622, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY, WILEY INTERSCIENCE) |
132. | LEVCOVITZ, D.; SAIA, M. ; PÉREZ, V. H. J.. Invariants, equisingularity and Euler obstruction of map germs from Cn to Cn.. Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik. Crelles Journal, Berlin, New York. v. 587, p. 145-167, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (CRELLES JOURNAL, BERLIN, NEW YORK) |
133. | LEVCOVITZ, D.; SOUZA JUNIOR, J. C. ; LEQUAIN, Y.. D-simple rings and principal maximal ideals of the Weyl algebra. Glasgow Mathematical Journal, Inglaterra.. v. 47, n. 02, p. 269-285, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (GLASGOW MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL, INGLATERRA.) |
134. | LOPES, H. F. Factor stochastic volatility with time-varying loadings. Estadística (Santiago de Chile). v. 57, p. 291-304, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ESTADÍSTICA) |
135. | LORA, M.I. ; HO, L.L. ; SINGER, J.M.. Modelo de efeitos aleatórios para dados pareados com observações omissas: um exemplo na área de avaliação de gestão ambiental. Produto & Produção. 2005.Qualis: C |
136. | LUSALA, Tsasa ; GOMES DE OLIVEIRA, ANDRÉ. Closed hypersurfaces of with constant mean curvature and zero Gauß-Kronecker curvature. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. v. 340, p. 437-440, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (MATHÉMATIQUE) |
137. | López Díaz, M. C. ; Shestakov, I.P.. Representations of exceptional simple Jordan superalgebras of characteristic 3.. Communications in Algebra. v. 33, n. 1, p. 331-337, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
138. | López Díaz, M. C. ; Shestakov, I.P.. Alternative superalgebras with DCC on two-sided ideals. Communications in Algebra. v. 33, p. 2479-3487, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
139. | M. P. Dussan; M.A. Magid. Timelike Isothermic Surfaces associated to Grassmannian Systems. Documenta Mathematica Journal (Electronic). v. 10, p. 527-549, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA JOURNAL) |
140. | M. P. Dussan; M.H. Noronha. Compact manifolds of nonnegative Isotropic curvature and pure curvature tensor. Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications, Bucharest -Romania. v. 10, n. 2, p. 58-66, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (BALKAN JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, BUCHAREST -ROMANIA) |
141. | MADRUGA, M. R. ; PEREIRA, CAB. power of FBST: Standard examples. Estadística (Santiago de Chile). v. 57, p. 1-9, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ESTADÍSTICA) |
142. | MARCOS, E. N.; Assem ; CASTONGUAY, D. ; S. Trepode. Strongly simply connected schurian algebras and multiplicative bases. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, Estados Unidos. v. 283, n. 2005, p. 161-189, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
143. | MARCOS, E. N.; GREEN, E. L.. δ-Koszul Algebras. COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, EUAN. v. 33, p. 1753-1764, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, EUAN) |
144. | MARCOS, E. N.; GREEN, E. L. ; SOLBERG, O. ; G. Hartman. Resolutions over Koszul algebras. ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK, Polônia. v. 85, n. prelo, p. 118-127, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK, POLÔNIA) |
145. | MARCOS, E. N.; R. Martinez-Villa. THE ODD PART OF AN n -KOSZUL ALGEBRA. COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, Estados Unidos. v. 33, n. 1, p. 101-108, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
146. | MARCOS, E. N.; S. M. Fernandes. On the Fundamental Derivation of a Finite Dimensional Algebra. Publicaciones Matematicas del Uruguay, Uruguai, Montevideo. v. 10, p. 49-75, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (PUBLICACIONES MATEMATICAS DEL URUGUAY, URUGUAI, MONTEVIDEO) |
147. | MARCOS, E. N.; Saenz ; MENDOZA, O.. Stratifying Systems via Relative Projective Modules. COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA. v. 33, n. no prelo, p. 1559-1573, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
148. | MARIANO, H. L.; MIRAGLIA, F.. Logic, Partial Orders and Topology. Manuscrito (UNICAMP). v. 28, p. 449-546, 2005.Qualis: A1 |
149. | MARQUES, A. P. ; FERREIRA, E. A. G. ; MATSUTANI, L. A. ; Pereira, C. A. B. ; ASSUMPÇÃO, A.. Quantifying pain threshold and quality of life of fibromyalgia patients. Clinical Rheumatology, Londres. v. 24, n. 3, p. 266-271, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (CLINICAL RHEUMATOLOGY, LONDRES) |
150. | MASCARENHAS, W. Two aspects of the pallet loading problem. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. v. 19, p. 381-387, 2005. Qualis: B3 |
151. | MIGON, Helio ; GAMERMAN, Dani ; LOPES, H. F. ; FERREIRA, Marco. Dynamic Models. Handbook Of Statistics, Amsterdam. v. 25, p. 553-588, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (HANDBOOK OF STATISTICS, AMSTERDAM) |
152. | MIYASHIRO, A M ; SANTOS, N ; GUINSBURG, Ruth ; KOPELMAN, B I ; PERES, C. A. ; TAGA, M F ; SHINZATO, A R ; COSTA, H de P. Strict red blood cell transfusion guideline reduces the need for transfusions in very-low-birthweight infants in the first 4 weeks of life: a multicentre trial. Vox Sanguinis (Basel). v. 88, n. 2, p. 107-113, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
153. | MORIMOTO, C; MIMICA, M. Eye gaze tracking techniques for interactive applications. Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Print), New York. v. 98, n. 1, p. 4-24, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (COMPUTER VISION AND IMAGE UNDERSTANDING , NEW YORK) |
154. | NEUMANN, D. ; RODRIGUES, Maria Do Carmo Passos ; ANDRADE, D. F.. Frequência de consumo de biscoitos Maria por escolares de Fortaleza-Ceará: Subsídios para a eleição do produto para fortificação com ferro.. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Campinas-SP. v. XII, n. 1, p. 67-73, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (SEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR E NUTRICIONAL, CAMPINAS-SP) |
155. | NEUMANN, Dora ; RODRIGUES, Maria Do Carmo Passos ; ANDRADE, D. F.. Frequência do consumo de biscoitos Maria por escolares de Fortaleza - Ceará: Subsídios para a eleição do produto para fortificação com ferro. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Campinas, SP. v. XII, n. 1, p. 67-73, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (SEGURANÇA ALIMENTAR E NUTRICIONAL, CAMPINAS, SP) |
156. | NOBRE, Aline Araujo ; SCHMIDT, Alexandra Mello ; LOPES, H. F.. Spatio-temporal models for mapping the Incidence of malaria in Para. EnvironMetrics (London). v. 16, p. 291-304, 2005.Qualis: A3 |
157. | OISHI, C. M.; CUMINATO, J. A. ; FERREIRA, V. G. ; TOME, M. F. ; CASTELO FILHO, A. ; MANGIAVACCHI, N.. A Study of Numerical Schemes for Incompressible Fluid Flows. TEMA. Tendências em Matemática Aplicada e Computacional. v. 6, n. 1, p. 111-120, 2005.Qualis: C |
158. | OISHI, C. M.; CUMINATO, J. A. ; FERREIRA, V. G. ; TOME, M. F. ; CASTELO FILHO, A. ; MANGIAVACCHI, N.. A semi-implicit scheme for solving incompressible viscous free surface flows. Engenharia Térmica. v. 4, p. 106-112, 2005.Qualis: B4 |
159. | Antônio L. Pereira; OLIVEIRA, L. A. F. ; PEREIRA, M. C.. Continuity of attractors for a reaction-diffusion problem with respect to variations of the domain. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Estados Unidos da América. v. 2005, n. 100, p. 1-18, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, ESTADOS UNIDOS DA AMÉRICA) |
160. | PAPINI-TERZI, F. S. ; ROCHA, F. R. ; VENCIO, R ; OLIVEIRA, K. C. ; FELIX, J. M. ; VICENTINI, R. ; ROCHA, C. S. ; SIMOES, A. C. Q. ; ULIAN, E. C. ; MAURO, S. M. Z. ; SILVA, A. M. ; PEREIRA, C. A. B. ; MENOSSI, M. ; SOUZA, G. M.. Transcription profiling of signal transduction-related genes in sugarcane tissues. DNA Research, Japão. v. 12, n. 1, p. 27-38, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (DNA RESEARCH, JAPÃO) |
161. | PARREIRA JR, J. G. ; M., W. ; BOTTER, D. A.. Epidemiologia do trauma facial.. Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira, Brasil. v. 51, n. 5, p. 290-295, 2005.Qualis: B1 (REVISTA DA ASSOCIAÇÃO MÉDICA BRASILEIRA) |
162. | PASHALIDIS, S. ; MOREIRA, L. M. ; ZAINI, P. A. ; CAMPANHARO, J. C. ; ALVES, L. M. C. ; CIAPINA, L. P. ; VENCIO, R ; LEMOS, E. G. M. ; SILVA, A. M. ; SILVA, A. C. R.. Whole-genome expression profiling of Xylella fastidiosa in response to growth on glucose. Journal of Integrative Biology / Omics (Larchmont). v. 9, n. 1, p. 77-90, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE BIOLOGY / OMICS) |
163. | PAULA, G. A. Comentário sobre o artigo `Conceitos Estatísticos: Reflexões´ de Carlos Alberto de Bragança Pereira. Revista Brasileira de Estatística, ÍBGE - Rio de Janeiro. v. 66, p. 7-49, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ESTATÍSTICA, ÍBGE - RIO DE JANEIRO) |
164. | PAZ-TRILLO, C. ; WASSERMANN, R. ; BRAGA, P. P.. An information retrieval application using ontologies. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY (IMPRESSO). v. 11, n. 2, p. 17-31, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
165. | PEREIRA, B. B. ; PEREIRA, CAB. A likelihood approach to diagnostic tests in clinical medicine. Revstat Statistical Journal, Lisboa. v. 3, n. 1, p. 77-98, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (REVSTAT STATISTICAL JOURNAL, LISBOA) |
166. | PEREIRA, CAB. Conceitos Estatísticos: Reflexões (com discussão). Revista Brasileira de Estatística. v. 66, p. 7-49, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE ESTATÍSTICA) |
167. | PEREIRA, CAB; FERNANDES, C ; PEIN, O ; OLIVEIRA, T ; YAMAMOTO, M ; CAÇOLA, A ; ROCHA, C ; SOARES, I ; PORTILLO, H Del. Variant proteins of Plasmodium vivax are not clonally expressed in natural infections. Molecular Microbiology (Print). v. 58, n. 3, p. 648-658, 2005. Qualis: A2 |
168. | PEREIRA, CAB; NUNES, L ; OLIVEIRA, R ; LEITE, D ; SILVA, V ; MARQUES, e ; FERREIRA, M ; RIBEIRO, D ; BERNARDES, L ; GOLDMAN, M ; PUCCIA, R ; LTRAVASSOS ; BATISTA, W ; NOBREGA, M ; NOBREGA, F ; YANG, D ; GOLDMAN, G. Transcriptome Analysis of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Cells Undergoing Mycelium-to-Yeast Transition. Eukaryotic Cell. v. 4, n. 12, p. 2115-2128, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (EUKARYOTIC CELL) |
169. | PERESI, L. A.; BREMNER, M. R. ; HENTZEL, I. R.. Dimension Formulas for the Free Nonassociative Algebra. Communications in Algebra. v. 33, p. 4063-4081, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
170. | PERESI, L. A.; CORREA, I. ; HENTZEL, I. R. ; JULCA, P. P.. Nilpotent linear transformations and the solvability of power-associative nilalgebras. Linear Algebra and its Applications. v. 396, p. 35-53, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
171. | PICCIONE, P.; PORTALURI, A.. A bifurcation result for semi-Riemannian trajectories of the Lorentz force equation. Journal of Differential Equations (Print), EUA. v. 210, n. 2, p. 233-262, 2005. Qualis: A1 (JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS) |
172. | TAUSK, D. V.; PICCIONE, P.. Complementary Lagrangians in infinite dimensional symplectic Hilbert spaces. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (Impresso), Rio de janeiro. v. 77, n. 4, p. 589-594, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (ANAIS DA ACADEMIA BRASILEIRA DE CIÊNCIAS , RIO DE JANEIRO) |
173. | TAUSK, D. V.; PICCIONE, P.. The single-leaf Frobenius theorem with applications. Resenhas do Instituto de Matematica e Estatistica da Universidade de Sao Paulo (Cessou em 2005. Cont. Resenhas do Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de São Paulo. v. 6, p. 337-381, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (RESENHAS DO INSTITUTO DE MATEMÁTICA E ESTATÍSTICA DA UNIVERSIDADE DE SÃO PAULO) |
174. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.; GIAMBRUNO, A.. Free groups and involutions in the unit group of a group algebra. Archiv der Mathematik. v. 84, p. 205-210, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
175. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.; GOODAIRE, E. G.. When is a loop f-unitary?. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. v. 48, p. 125-142, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
176. | POSSANI, C. Uma demonstração geométrica de que a raiz de 2 é irracional. Revista do Professor de Matemática. v. 57, p. 16-17, 2005.Qualis: B3 |
177. | RATKE, C. ; ANDRADE, D. F.. Using gain ratio distance (GDR) to induce clustering. IEEE Computer Society. v. 1, p. 514-519, 2005. Qualis: C |
178. | RIBICHICH, K. F. ; IZAAC, S. M. S. ; GEORG, R. C. ; VENCIO, R ; NAVARRO, L. D. ; GOMES, S. L.. Gene discovery and expression profile analysis through EST sequencing from different developmental stages of the chytridiomycete Blastocladiella emersonii. Eukaryotic Cell (Online), Estados Unidos. v. 4, n. 5, p. 455-464, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (EUKARYOTIC CELL , ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
179. | RÖDL, V. ; NAGLE, B. ; SKOKAN, J. ; SCHACHT, M. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y.. The hypergraph regularity method and its applications. PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Washington, DC. v. 102, n. 23, p. 8109-8113, 2005.Qualis: A1 (PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) |
180. | SALLUM, E. M. Fractais no Ensino Médio. Revista do Professor de Matemática. v. 59, p. 01-08, 2005.Qualis: B3 |
181. | SILVA, Paulo J S ; HASHIMOTO, Ronaldo F ; KIM, Seungchan ; BARRERA, Junior ; BRANDÃO, Leônidas O ; SUH, Edward ; DOUGHERTY, Edward R. Feature Selection Algorithms to Find Strong Genes. Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 26, n. 10, p. 1444-1453, 2005. Qualis: A2 |
182. | SIQUEIRA, Ana ; TOSCANO, Maria das Graças ; IRMÃO, João Inácio ; GIAMPAOLI, V. ; QUEIROZ, Lucinete Aciole de. Dermatomycosis and enteroparasitosis in students of the Brasilia Teimosa community, Recife-PE. Revista Brasileira de Análises Clínicas. v. 37, n. 2, p. 71-75, 2005.Qualis: C |
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184. | SMITH, M A C ; SILVA, Marcos Damião Alves da ; ARAÚJO, Lara M Quirino ; RAMOS, Luiz Roberto ; LABIO, Roger Willian de ; BURBANO, Rommel Rodriguez ; PERES, C. A. ; PAYÃO, Spencer Luiz Marques ; CENDOROGLO, Maysa Seabra. Werner helicase 1367 polymorphism frequencies and age-related morbidities in a Brazilian Elderly population (NO PRELO). Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. v. 1, n. 1, p. 1-1, 2005. Qualis: A4 |
185. | Stempliuk, V.A. ; BARROSO, Lucia Pereira ; Andrade, A.G. ; Nicastri, S. ; Malbergier, A.. Estudo Comparativo entre 1996 e 2001 do Uso de Drogas por Alunos da Graduação da Universidade de São Paulo - Campus São Paulo. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, São Paulo. v. 27, p. 185-193, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE PSIQUIATRIA, SÃO PAULO) |
186. | STERN, J. M. Paraconsistent Sensitivity Analysis for Bayesian Significance Tests. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. v. 3171, p. 134-143, 2005.Qualis: C |
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189. | TOMITA, A. H. Countable compactness and finite powers of topological groups without non-trivial convergent sequences. Topology and its Applications, Holanda. v. 146, p. 527-538, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, HOLANDA) |
190. | TOMITA, A. H. The weight of a countably compact group whose cardinality has countable cofinality. Topology and its Applications. v. 150, n. 1-3, p. 197-205, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
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194. | VANDEN-EIJNDEN, ERIC ; Tal, Fabio A.. Transition state theory: Variational formulation, dynamical corrections, and error estimates. The Journal of Chemical Physics. v. 123, p. 184103, 2005. Qualis: A2 |
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