1. | Alexandre Albano ; Alair Pereira do Lago. New upper bound for the number of maximal bicliques of a bipartite graph. Em: CTW 2011, 2011, Villa Mondragone, 2011. |
2. | ALKMIM, G. P. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Mapeamento de Redes Virtuais em Substratos de Rede. Em: SBRC, p. 45-58, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (SBRC) |
3. | ALKMIM, G. P. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Optimal Mapping of Virtual Networks. Em: IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), p. 1-6, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)) |
4. | Araujo, A ; Finger, Marcelo. On the logical relativity of quantum computability. Em: Jean-Yves Béziau; Marcelo Esteban Coniglio. (Org.). Logic without Frontiers: Festschrift for Walter Alexandre Carnielli on the occasion of his 60th Birthday.. London. : College Publications. 2011.p. 65-72. |
5. | ARAUJO, C. J. A. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.. A software platform for governmental virtual institutions. Em: The 4th International Conference on Ubi-media Computing (U-Media 2011), 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (The 4th International Conference on Ubi-media Computing (U-Media 2011)) |
6. | Araújo, Luciano V ; Malkowski, Simon ; Braghetto, Kelly R ; Passos-Bueno, Maria R ; Zatz, Mayana ; Pu, Calton ; Ferreira, João E. A rigorous approach to facilitate and guarantee the correctness of the genetic testing management in human genome information systems. BMC Genomics. v. 12, p. S13-8, 2011. Qualis: A2 |
7. | Arruda, A. M. ; Finger, Marcelo. Completude para a Abdução Baseada em Corte. Em: XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, 2011, Petrópolis, RJ. XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, p. 61-62, 2011. |
8. | BARROS, L. N.; DELGADO, K. V. ; QUINTO, A. C.. IME cria Soluções para Planejamento Probabilístico. Agência USP de Notícias, Agência USP de Notícias, 05 jan. 2011. |
9. | BARROS, L. N.; PEREIRA, S. L.. Tutorial em Planejamento Automatizado (4 horas)- SBIA 2010. 2011. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
10. | BATISTA, D. M. IPv6: A Base para a Internet do Futuro. Tema: Revista do Serpro, p. 46, 05 jul. 2011. |
11. | BATISTA, D. M.; CHAVES A., Cesar G. ; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Embedding Software Requirements in Grid Scheduling. Em: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2011), p. 1-6, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2011)) |
12. | BATISTA, D. M.; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Robust Scheduler for Grid Networks under Uncertainties of Both Application Demands and Resource Availability. Computer Networks (1999). v. 55, p. 3-19, 2011. Qualis: A2 |
13. | BATISTA, D. M.; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Scheduling Grid Tasks in Face of Uncertain Communication Demands. IEEE eTransactions on Network and Service Management. v. 8, p. 92-103, 2011. Qualis: A1 |
14. | BELUSSI, LUIZ ; HIRATA, NINA. Fast QR Code Detection in Arbitrarily Acquired Images. Em: 2011 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 281-288, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (2011 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics) |
15. | Benassi-Werke, Mariana E. ; Queiroz, M ; GERMANO, N. ; Bueno, Orlando F. A. ; Oliveira, Maria Gabriela M.. Short-term and working memory for melodies: effect of different musical scales. Em: THE NEUROSCIENCES AND MUSIC: IV Learning and Memory, 2011, Edinburgh. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1252, p. 367-367, 2011. |
16. | BESSON, F. ; LEAL, P. ; KON, F. ; GOLDMAN, A. ; MILOJICIC, D.. Supporting Test-Driven Development of Web Services Choreography. Em: Open Cirrus Summit 2011, 2011, Moscow - Russia. Proceedings of Open Cirrus Summit 2011, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (OPEN CIRRUS SUMMIT 2011, 2011, MOSCOW - RUSSIA. PROCEEDINGS OF OPEN CIRRUS SUMMIT 2011) |
17. | BESSON, F. ; LEAL, P. ; KON, F. ; GOLDMAN, A. ; MILOJICIC, D.. Towards Automated Testing of Web Service. Em: 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST'11), 2011, Waikiki-Hawaii - USA. Proceeding of the 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test (AST'11), p. 109-110, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (6TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATION OF SOFTWARE TEST , 2011, WAIKIKI-HAWAII - USA. PROCEEDING OF THE 6TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATION OF SOFTWARE TEST) |
18. | Birgin, E. G. Practical algorithmic strategies in Augmented Lagrangians. Em: SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2011, Darmstadt. Book of abstracts of the SIAMOP11, 2011. |
19. | BIRGIN, E. G.; Bueno, L. F. ; KREJIC, N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Low order-value approach for solving VaR-constrained optimization problems. Journal of Global Optimization. v. 51, p. 715-742, 2011. Qualis: A3 |
20. | Birgin, E. G.; Lobato, R.D. ; MORABITO, R.. A recursive partitioning approach for generating unconstrained two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting patterns. Em: VII ALIO-EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, 2011, Porto. Annals of the VII ALIO-EURO, 2011. |
21. | Birgin, E.G. Preface of the Special Issue on Nonlinear Programming dedicated to the ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting 2010. Computational & Applied Mathematics. v. 30, p. 1-3, 2011. Qualis: B1 |
22. | Birgin, Ernesto G.; Castelani, Emerson V. ; Martinez, André L. M. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Outer Trust-Region Method for Constrained Optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,. p. 142-155, 2011. Qualis: A3 (JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS) |
23. | BISPO JR., E. L. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Uma Nova Abordagem de Avaliação de Alinhamentos de Ontologias baseada em Consultas. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial (ENIA), 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial (ENIA)) |
24. | Booth, R. ; Meyer, T. ; Varzinczak, I. ; WASSERMANN, R.. On the Link between Partial Meet, Kernel, and Infra Contraction and its Application to Horn Logic. The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (Print). v. 42, p. 31-53, 2011. Qualis: A2 |
26. | BRAGHETTO, K. R.; FERREIRA, J. E. ; VINCENT, J.-M.. Performance Evaluation of Business Processes through a Formal Transformation to SAN.. In:. Em: 8th European Performance Engineering Workshop, p. 42-56, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (8th European Performance Engineering Workshop) |
27. | BRANDÃO, L. O.; ISOTANI, S. ; BRANDÃO, A. A. F.. Tools to support learning and teaching with interactive activities. Em: APplications to Provide LEarning and Teaching Support (APPLETS), 2011, Aracaju, SE. Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (APPLICATIONS TO PROVIDE LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT , 2011, ARACAJU, SE. ANAIS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO) |
28. | CARNIELLI, W. ; BUENO-SOLER, J. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.. The King of Reasonshire: a computer game to practice critical thinking. Em: Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Third International Congress on Tools for Teaching Logic) |
29. | CHAVES A., Cesar G. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Scheduling Grid Applications with Software Requirements. Revista IEEE América Latina. v. 9, p. 578-585, 2011. Qualis: B2 |
30. | CHAVEZ, Christina. V. F. G. ; TERCEIRO, A. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; SANTOS JR., C. ; KON, F.. Using Free/Libre/Open Source for Software Engineering Education. Em: Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software (CBSoft 2011-SBES-FEES), 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software (CBSoft 2011-SBES-FEES)) |
31. | CORBUCCI, HUGO ; Goldman, Alfredo ; KATAYAMA, EDUARDO ; Kon, Fabio ; MELO, CLAUDIA ; SANTOS, VIVIANE. Genesis and Evolution of the Agile Movement in Brazil -- Perspective from Academia and Industry. Em: 2011 25th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES), p. 98-107, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (2011 25th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering (SBES)) |
32. | CORREA DA SILVA, F. S. Knowledge-based interaction protocols for intelligent interactive environments. Knowledge and Information Systems. v. 30, p. 1-24, 2011. Qualis: A2 |
33. | CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.; Bressane Neto, A. F.. Affective agents for empathic interactions. Em: International Conference on Entertainment Computing, v. 6972, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Entertainment Computing) |
34. | CORREA, R. ; HOPPEN, C. ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Sampaio, Rudini M.. A note on random k-dimensional posets. Em: LAGOS '11 6th Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 2011, Bariloche. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Amsterdã: Elsevier, v. 37, p. 51-56, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS '11 6TH LATIN-AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2011, BARILOCHE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. AMSTERDÃ: ELSEVIER) |
35. | CURI, R. L. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Robust Hybrid Mechanisms for Scheduling of Grid Tasks. Em: IEEE 3rd Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1-6, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE 3rd Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM)) |
36. | CÓBE, Raphael M. O. ; KON, F. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Ontology Merging: on the confluence between theoretical and pragmatic approaches. Em: Seminário de Pesquisa em Ontologias do Brasil (ONTOBRAS), v. 1, p. 1, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Seminário de Pesquisa em Ontologias do Brasil (ONTOBRAS)) |
37. | da Silva, Paulo Salem ; de Melo, Ana C.V.. On-The-Fly Verification of Discrete Event Simulations by Means of Simulation Purposes. Em: Symposium On Theory of Modeling and Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium, v. 1, p. 1-16, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Symposium On Theory of Modeling and Simulation - DEVS Integrative M&S Symposium) |
38. | DALMON, D. L. ; Eisenmann, Alexandre Luís Kundrát ; TANBELLINI, M. J. G. S. ; NASCIMENTO, M. G. F. ; RODRIGUES, P. A. ; Reginaldo Rideaki Kamiya ; PRADO, R. ; BRANDÃO, L. O. ; BRANDÃO, A. A. F.. Interactive Learning Modules in Engineering Education and as a Motivational Tool for Middle and High School Students. Em: 40th IGIP - International Conference on Engineering Education, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (40th IGIP - International Conference on Engineering Education) |
39. | DALMON, D. L. ; ISOTANI, S. ; BRANDÃO, A. A. F. ; BRANDÃO, L. O.. Work in Progress: Enhancing Interactive Geometry Systems with Intelligent Tutoring Features. Em: 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference, 2011, p. F3-E1-F3-E2, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (2011 FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE, 2011) |
40. | DALMON, D. L. ; ISOTANI, S. ; BRANDÃO, A. A. F. ; BRANDÃO, L. O.. Work in Progress: Enhancing Interactive Geometry Systems with Intelligent Tutoring Features. Em: 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference, 2011, RAPID CITY. Proceedings of the 41st IEEE/ASEE Frontiers in Education Conference, p. F3-E1-F3-E2, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (2011 FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE, 2011, RAPID CITY. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 41ST IEEE/ASEE FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE) |
41. | DANTAS, D. O. ; BARRERA, Junior. Automatic generation of wrapper code for vídeo processing functions. Learning and Nonlinear Models. v. 9, p. 130-137, 2011. Qualis: B2 |
42. | De Almeida-Neto, Cesar ; Liu, Jing ; Wright, David J. ; Mendrone-Junior, Alfredo ; Takecian, Pedro L. ; Sun, Yu ; Ferreira, Joao Eduardo ; de Alencar Fischer Chamone, Dalton ; Busch, Michael P. ; Sabino, Ester Cerdeira ; FOR THE NHLBI RETROVIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY DONOR STUDY-II (REDS-II), INTERNATIONAL COMPONENT. Demographic characteristics and prevalence of serologic markers among blood donors who use confidential unit exclusion (CUE) in São Paulo, Brazil: implications for modification of CUE polices in Brazil. Transfusion (Arlington, Va.). v. 51, p. 191-197, 2011. Qualis: A3 |
43. | de Carli Silva, Marcel K.; Tunçel, Levent. Geometric Representations of Graphs, Semidefinite Optimization and Min-Max Theorems. 2011. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
44. | DE MELO OLIVEIRA, RENAN ; Goldman, Alfredo. How to Build an Informative Workspace? An Experience Using Data Collection and Feedback. Em: 2011 AGILE Conference, 2011, p. 143-146, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (2011 AGILE CONFERENCE, 2011) |
45. | de Melo, Ana C.V.; SILVEIRA, Paulo. Improving data perturbation testing techniques for Web services. Information Sciences. v. 181, p. 600-619, 2011. Qualis: A1 |
46. | de Rezende, Susanna F. ; Fernandes, Cristina G. ; Martin, Daniel M. ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Intersection of Longest Paths in a Graph. Em: The Sixth European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, 2011, Budapeste. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (DOI:10.1016/j.endm.2011.10.024). Berlim: Elsevier, v. 38, p. 743-748, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (THE SIXTH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2011, BUDAPESTE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS . BERLIM: ELSEVIER) |
47. | Delgado, Karina Valdivia ; de Barros, Leliane Nunes ; Cozman, Fabio Gagliardi ; Sanner, Scott. Using mathematical programming to solve Factored Markov Decision Processes with Imprecise Probabilities. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. v. 1, p. 1-30, 2011. Qualis: A1 |
48. | Delgado, Karina Valdivia ; Sanner, Scott ; de Barros, Leliane Nunes. Efficient solutions to factored MDPs with imprecise transition probabilities. Artificial Intelligence (General ed.). v. 175, p. 1498-1527, 2011. Qualis: A1 |
49. | Delgrande, J. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Topics in Horn Contraction: Supplementary Postulates, Package Contraction, and Forgetting. Em: 9th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (9th International Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning) |
50. | DESARIO, D. ; ROBINS, S.. GENERALIZED SOLID-ANGLE THEORY FOR REAL POLYTOPES. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. v. 62, p. 1003-1015, 2011. Qualis: A3 |
51. | DOMINGUES, H. ; Kon, F ; FERREIRA, J. E.. Asynchronous Replication for Evolutionary Database Development: A Design for the Experimental Assessment of a Novel Approach. Em: OnTheMove Federated Conferences - ODBASE, v. II, p. 816-823, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (OnTheMove Federated Conferences - ODBASE) |
52. | DOMINGUES, H. ; KON, F. ; FERREIRA, J. E.. Asynchronous Replication for Evolutionary Database Development: A Design for the Experimental Assessment of a Novel Approach. Em: The 10th International Conference on Ontologies, DataBases, and Applications of Semantics (ODBASE 2011), 2011, Hersonissos - Crete - Greece. On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2011. Berlin / Heidelberg: Springer, v. 7045, p. 818-825, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ONTOLOGIES, DATABASES, AND APPLICATIONS OF SEMANTICS , 2011, HERSONISSOS - CRETE - GREECE. ON THE MOVE TO MEANINGFUL INTERNET SYSTEMS: OTM 2011. BERLIN / HEIDELBERG: SPRINGER) |
53. | E. Francesquini ; A. Goldman. Análise de Desempenho e Escolha Dinâmica de Escalonamentos para Sistemas Multicore. Em: II ERAD-SP, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (II ERAD-SP) |
54. | E. Katayama ; A. Goldman. From Manufacture to Software Development: A Comparative Review. Em: XP 2011 - 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (XP 2011 - 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development) |
55. | E. Katayama ; A. Goldman. Retrato da comunidade acadêmica de Métodos Ágeis no Brasil. Em: Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Ágeis (WBMA 2011), 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop Brasileiro de Métodos Ágeis (WBMA 2011)) |
56. | F. Besson ; P. Leal ; F. Kon ; A. Goldman ; D. Milojicic. Towards automated testing of web service choreographies. Em: AST'11, 2011, Waikiki-Hawai. Proceeding of the 6th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Automation of Software Test. New York: ACM, p. 109-110, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (AST'11, 2011, WAIKIKI-HAWAI. PROCEEDING OF THE 6TH IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON AUTOMATION OF SOFTWARE TEST. NEW YORK: ACM) |
57. | FELDMAN, DAVID ; PROPP, JAMES ; ROBINS, SINAI. Tiling Lattices with Sublattices, I. Discrete & Computational Geometry. v. 46, p. 184-186, 2011. Qualis: A2 |
58. | Fernandes, Cristina G.; Ferreira, Carlos E. ; MIYAZAWA, F. K. ; Wakabayashi, Yoshiko. Selfish Square Packing. Em: LAGOS - VI Latin American Algorithms, Graphs, and Optimization Symposium, 2011, Bariloche, Argentina. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, v. 37, p. 369-374, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS - VI LATIN AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS, AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2011, BARILOCHE, ARGENTINA. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS) |
59. | Fernandes, Cristina G.; Stein, Maya. Stability in geodesics for memoryless binary long-lived consensus. Em: VI Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 2011, Bariloche, v. 37, p. 351-356, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (VI LATIN-AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2011, BARILOCHE) |
60. | FERREIRA, C. E.; TJANDRAATMADJA, C.. O problema da subsequência comum máxima sem repetições. Em: Concurso de Dissertações e Teses da SBC, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Concurso de Dissertações e Teses da SBC) |
61. | Finger, M; Araujo, A. Classical and quantum satisfiability. Em: LSFA 2011 - 6th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, p. 1, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (LSFA 2011 - 6th Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks) |
62. | Finger, M; Cozman, F ; WASSERMANN, R.. Satisfiability in EL with Sets of Probabilistic ABoxes. Em: 24th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2011), p. 1, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (24th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL 2011)) |
63. | Finger, M; De Bona, Glauber. Probabilistic Satisfiability: Logic-Based Algorithms and Phase Transition. Em: IJCAI 2011, p. 528-533, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (IJCAI 2011) |
64. | Finger, M; PATRAO, D. F. C. ; Filocomo, Fabio. Resolução da Heterogeneidade na Identificação de Pacientes. Em: STIL 2011 : 8th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology, p. 1, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (STIL 2011 : 8th Brazilian Symposium in Information and Human Language Technology) |
65. | Finger, Marcelo; Araujo, A. A formal system for quantum communication environments. Em: ENIA 2011, p. 1-11, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (ENIA 2011) |
66. | FLORIANO, PAULO ; Goldman, Alfredo ; ARANTES, LUCIANA. Formalization of the Necessary and Sufficient Connectivity Conditions to the Distributed Mutual Exclusion Problem in Dynamic Networks. Em: 2011 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), p. 203-210, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (2011 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA)) |
67. | FRANCO, F. O. ; BARROS, L. N. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; COZMAN, F.. Jogos Markovianos Alternados com Probabilidades Imprecisas dadas por Conjuntos Credais. Em: VIII Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (VIII Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial) |
68. | FREIRE, A. S. ; FERREIRA, C. E. ; Assunção, G.P.. A dynamic programming algorithm for the tree mapping problem. Em: LAGOS - VI Latin American Algorithms, Graphs, and Optimization Symposium, 2011, Bariloche, Argentina. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, v. 37, p. 147-152, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS - VI LATIN AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS, AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2011, BARILOCHE, ARGENTINA. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS) |
69. | FUJITA, A; Sato, J. R. ; Demasi, Marcos Almeida ; Yamaguchi, R. ; Shimamura, T. ; FERREIRA, Carlos Eduardo ; Sogayar, Mari C ; Miyano, S.. Inferring contagion in regulatory networks. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Print). v. 8, p. 570-576, 2011. Qualis: A1 |
70. | Fujita, André. Granger causality and extensions of vector autoregressive models: applications and challenges. 2011. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
71. | Fujita, André. Systems Biology: another point of view. 2011. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
72. | FUKSHANSKY, LENNY ; ROBINS, SINAI. Bounds for solid angles of lattices of rank three. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A (Print). v. 118, p. 690-701, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (SERIES A) |
73. | G. Amantea ; A. Goldman. Review and Analysis of Citations. Em: VIII Experimental Software Engineering Latin American Workshop, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (VIII Experimental Software Engineering Latin American Workshop) |
74. | Goldman, Alfredo; FLORIANO, PAULO. An evaluation system. Em: the 3rd Extreme Conference, 2011, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (THE 3RD EXTREME CONFERENCE, 2011) |
75. | GUIMARAES, ALMIR PEREIRA ; OLIVEIRA, HELDER MAY NUNES ; BARROS, RODOLFO ; MACIEL, PAULO R.M.. Availability analysis of redundant computer networks: A strategy based on reliability importance. Em: 2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN), p. 328, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (2011 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN)) |
76. | Higa, Carlos HA ; Louzada, Vitor HP ; Andrade, Tales P ; Hashimoto, Ronaldo F. Constraint-based analysis of gene interactions using restricted boolean networks and time-series data. BMC Proceedings. v. 5, p. S5, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (BMC PROCEEDINGS) |
77. | HIRATA, N. S. T. Morphological Operator Design from Training Data: A State of the Art Overview. Em: Halina Kwasnicka; Lakhmi C. Jain. (Org.). Innovations in Intelligent Image Analysis. : Springer. 2011.p. 31-58. |
78. | Hirata, Nina S. T.; Honda, W. Y.. Automatic Labeling of Handwritten Mathematical Symbols via Expression Matching. Em: 8th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, v. 6658, p. 295-304, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (8th IAPR-TC-15 International Workshop on Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition) |
79. | HISSAN, S.A. (Org.) ; RUSSO, R. (Org.) ; NETO, M. G. M. (Org.) ; KON, F. (Org.). Proceedings of the 7th IFIP WG 2.13 International Conference on Open Source Systems (OSS'2011). 1 ed. SPRINGER, 2011. v. 365, p. 452. |
80. | Hoppen, C. ; Kohayakawa, Y. ; MOREIRA, C. G. T. A. ; Sampaio, R.M.. Testing permutation properties through subpermutations. Theoretical Computer Science. v. 412, p. 3555-3567, 2011. Qualis: A4 |
81. | HOPPEN, C. ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Lefmann, H.. Edge colorings of graphs avoiding some fixed monochromatic subgraph with linear Turán number. Em: EuroComb 2011 European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, 2011, Budapest. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Amsterdã: Elsevier, v. 38, p. 469-472, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROCOMB 2011 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2011, BUDAPEST. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. AMSTERDÃ: ELSEVIER) |
82. | ISOTANI, S. ; BRANDÃO, L. O. ; BRANDÃO, A. A. F.. Desenvolvimento de Ferramentas e Conteúdos Digitais para o Ensino-Aprendizagem de Matemática e Português no Projeto UCA. Em: I Workshop sobre formação e experiências educacionais no projeto Um Computador por Aluno (UCA), 2011, Aracaju, SE. Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2011. |
83. | JABUKA, STANISLAV ; ROBINS, SINAI ; WANG, XINLI. WHEN ARE TWO DEDEKIND SUMS EQUAL?. International Journal of Number Theory. v. 07, p. 2197-2202, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NUMBER THEORY) |
84. | Juliana Bueno ; Finger, Marcelo. Probabilistic modal logic. Em: XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, 2011, Petrópolis, RJ. XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, p. 8-9, 2011. |
85. | Kasparek, Tomas ; Thomaz, Carlos Eduardo ; Sato, Joao Ricardo ; Schwarz, Daniel ; Janousova, Eva ; Marecek, Radek ; Prikryl, Radovan ; Vanicek, Jiri ; Fujita, Andre ; Ceskova, Eva. Maximum-uncertainty linear discrimination analysis of first-episode schizophrenia subjects. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging (Print). v. 191, p. 174-181, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (NEUROIMAGING) |
86. | KELLER, D. (Org.) ; Queiroz, Marcelo (Org.) ; PIMENTA, M. (Org.) ; FARIA, R. R. (Org.). Journal of New Music Research, vol. 40(3), Special Issue: New Paradigms on Computer Music.. Routledge. Journal of New Music Research, vol. 40(3), Special Issue: New Paradigms on Computer Music.. Routledge, 2011. v. 1, p. 90. |
87. | KELLER, D. ; LIMA, M. H. ; PIMENTA, M. ; Queiroz, M. Assessing Musical Creativity: Material, Procedural and Contextual Dimensions. Em: XXI Congresso da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Música, v. 1, p. 319-326, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (XXI Congresso da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação em Música) |
88. | KELLER, D. ; SILVA, F. P. ; GIORNI, B. ; PIMENTA, M. ; Queiroz, M. Marcação Espacial: Estudo Exploratório. Em: 13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, v. 1, p. 1-11, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music) |
89. | Kohayakawa, Y.; LEE, S. ; RÖDL, V.. The maximum size of a Sidon set contained in a sparse random set of integers. Em: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, p. 159-171, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms) |
90. | Kohayakawa, Y.; RÖDL, V. ; SCHACHT, M. ; SZEMEREDI, E.. Sparse partition universal graphs for graphs of bounded degree. Advances in Mathematics (New York. 1965). v. 226, p. 5041-5065, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (1965)) |
91. | Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; KONSTADINIDIS, P. B. ; MOTA, G. O.. On an anti-Ramsey property of random graphs. Em: LAGOS '11 6th Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 2011, Bariloche. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Amsterdã: Elsevier, v. 37, p. 237-242, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS '11 6TH LATIN-AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2011, BARILOCHE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. AMSTERDÃ: ELSEVIER) |
92. | Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; MOTA, G. O. ; PARENTE, R. F.. A note on counting orientations. Em: LAGOS '11 6th Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 2011, Bariloche. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Amsterdã: Elsevier, v. 37, p. 3-8, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS '11 6TH LATIN-AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2011, BARILOCHE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. AMSTERDÃ: ELSEVIER) |
93. | KON, F. ; LAGO, N. P. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; SABINO, Vanessa. Software Livre e Propriedade Intelectual: Aspectos Jurídicos, Licenças e Modelos de Negócios (V1). Em: Alberto Ferreira de Souza; Wagner Meira Jr.. (Org.). Atualizações em Informática 2011. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro. : Editora PUC-Rio. 2011.v. 1, p. 59-107. |
94. | KON, F. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; LAGO, N. P. ; TERCEIRO, A. ; CHAVEZ, Christina. V. F. G. ; MENDONCA, Manoel Gomes de. Free and Open Source Software Development and Research: Opportunities for Software Engineering. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (CBSoft 2011-SBES), v. 0, p. 82-91, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software (CBSoft 2011-SBES)) |
95. | KON, F.; BLAIR, G.. One year of JISA - letter from the editors-in-chief. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer. 2011. Carta do editor |
96. | KON, F.; BLAIR, G.. The Internet's deep impact - Letter from the Editors-in-Chief. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer. 2011. Carta do editor |
97. | KON, F.; BLAIR, G.. Future directions in the Internet - cloud computing and beyond. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer. 2011. Carta do editor |
98. | KON, F.; KERMARREC, A-M (Org.). ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware Conference. 1 ed. Heidelberg: Springer, 2011. v. 1, p. 500. |
99. | KON, F.; MELO, C. O.. Empirical evaluation of agile practices impact on team productivity. Em: PhD Symposium at 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development (XP'2011), 2011, Madrid. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2011, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (PHD SYMPOSIUM AT 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT , 2011, MADRID. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, 2011) |
100. | KON, FABIO ; MARANHAO, J. ; Lago, Nelson ; Meirelles, Paulo. Inovação e Liberdade no Desenvolvimento de Software. SBC Horizontes, p. 20-23, 01 dez. 2011. |
101. | Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski ; UDUPA, J. K. ; A.X. Falcão ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Comparison of fuzzy connectedness and graph cut segmentation algorithms. Em: SPIE on Medical Imaging: Image Processing, v. 7962, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (SPIE on Medical Imaging: Image Processing) |
102. | Lara, Arnaldo C. ; Hirata Jr., Roberto. Combining features to a class-specific model in an instance detection framework. Em: XXIV Sibgrapi ? Conference on Graphics, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (XXIV Sibgrapi ? Conference on Graphics) |
103. | Lima, Karla Roberta ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Convex Recoloring of Paths. Em: VI Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 2011, v. 37, p. 165-170, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (VI LATIN AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2011) |
104. | Lopes, Fabrício ; de Oliveira, Evaldo A ; Cesar, Roberto M. Inference of gene regulatory networks from time series by Tsallis entropy. BMC Systems Biology. v. 5, p. 61, 2011. Qualis: A1 |
105. | Lopes, Fabrício M. ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; Costa, Luciano Da F.. Gene Expression Complex Networks: Synthesis, Identification, and Analysis. Journal of Computational Biology. v. 18, p. 1353-1367, 2011. Qualis: A4 |
106. | LOUZADA, V. H. P. ; LOPES, F. M. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. The effect of certain Boolean functions in stability of networks with varying topology. Em: 9th IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS), p. 1-4, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (9th IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS)) |
107. | Luis Roberto Pereira de Paula ; Carlos S. Santos ; Marco Antônio Gutierrez ; Hirata Jr., Roberto. An Open-source Medical Image Processing and Visualization Tool to Analyze Cardiac SPECT Images. Em: 7th International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (7th International Symposium on Visual Computing) |
108. | Marcelo Finger ; COZMAN, F. G. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Satisfiability in EL with sets of Probabilistic ABoxes. Em: Description Logic Workshop, 2011, Barcelona. Proceedings of the Description Logic Workshop, 2011. |
109. | MARTINS, C. I. O. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; FREITAS, A. V. L. ; JORGE, L. R. ; Leandro, Jorge J. G.. Segmentation of Similar Images using Graph Matching and Community Detection. Em: 8th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (8th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition) |
110. | Mascarenhas, W.F. A Mountain Pass Lemma and its implications regarding the uniqueness of constrained minimizers. Optimization (Print). v. 60, p. 1121-1159, 2011. Qualis: A3 |
111. | Mauricio Hernandes ; Finger, Marcelo. A characterization for quantum logic semantic consequence as algebraic multipliers. Em: XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, 2011, Petrópolis, RJ. XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, p. 46-47, 2011. |
112. | MAUÁ, D. D.; C. P. de Campos. Solving Decision Problems with Limited Information. Em: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-11), p. 603-611, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-11)) |
113. | MAUÁ, D. D.; C. P. de Campos ; Zaffalon, M.. A Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme for Updating Credal Networks of Bounded Treewidth and Number of Variable States. Em: International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISPTA-11), p. 277-286, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISPTA-11)) |
114. | MELO, C. O. ; CRUZES, D. S ; KON, F. ; CONRADI, R. Agile Team Perceptions of Productivity Factors. Em: AGILE Conference (AGILE), p. 57-66, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (AGILE Conference (AGILE)) |
115. | MELO, C. O. ; KON, F.. Produtividade de times ágeis. Engenharia de Software Magazine, Brasil, p. 1-9, 05 dez. 2011. |
116. | MELO, E. ; RONCONI, D. P. ; Birgin, E. G. ; FEOFILOFF, P. ; OSHIRO, MARCIO T. I. ; FERNANDES, C. G.. Um estudo sobre formulações de programação inteira mista para o problema de job shop flexível. Em: XLIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (XLIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional) |
117. | Mena-Chalco, Jesús Pascual ; Cesar Jr., R.M.. Towards automatic discovery of co-authorship networks in the Brazilian academic are. Em: Workshop On Measuring the Impact of e-Science Research (MeSR 2011) - IEEE eScience 2011, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop On Measuring the Impact of e-Science Research (MeSR 2011) - IEEE eScience 2011) |
118. | MENEZES, M. V. ; BARROS, L. N.. Model Update for Automated Planning. Em: AAAI Doctoral Consortium 2011, 2011, São Francisco. 25th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park, California: AAAI Press, v. 25, p. 1-3, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (AAAI DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM 2011, 2011, SÃO FRANCISCO. 25TH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA: AAAI PRESS) |
119. | Miranda, Paulo A. V.; A.X. Falcão ; Guilherme C. S. Ruppert ; Cappabianco, Fábio. How to fix any 3D segmentation interactively via Image Foresting Transform and its use in MRI brain segmentation. Em: IEEE Intl. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), p. 2031-2035, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE Intl. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)) |
120. | Miranda, Paulo A. V.; A.X. Falcão ; T.V. Spina. The Riverbed Approach for User-steered Image Segmentation. Em: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), p. 3133-3136, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)) |
121. | MIRANDA, PAULO; FALCAO, ALEXANDRE. Elucidating the Relations among Seeded Image Segmentation Methods and their Possible Extensions. Em: 2011 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 289-296, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (2011 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics) |
122. | MORAES, R. B. ; OLIVEIRA, H. M. N. S. ; Guimarães A.P.. Calculo da Confiabilidade em Redes de Comunicação. Em: I Escola Paraibana de Informática, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (I Escola Paraibana de Informática) |
123. | MORAES, R. B. ; OLIVEIRA, H. M. N. S. ; Guimarães A.P.. Cálculo da Disponibilidade em Redes Computadores Utilizando Redes de Petri Estocásticas. Em: 2º Simpósio Interinstitucional de Computação do Vale do São Francisco, 2011, Juazeiro. Ciência Tecnologia e Inovação no Sertão, 2011. |
124. | Morimitsu, Henrique ; Pimentel, Rodrigo Bernardo ; Hashimoto, Marcelo ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; Hirata Jr, Roberto. Wi-Fi and Keygraphs for Localization with Cell Phones. Em: Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vision - IWMV - ICCV, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Second IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Vision - IWMV - ICCV) |
125. | Morimitsu, Henrique ; Hashimoto, Marcelo ; Pimentel, Rodrigo Bernardo ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; Hirata Jr., Roberto. Keygraphs for Sign Detection in Indoor Environments by Mobile Phones. Em: 8th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (8th IAPR-TC-15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition) |
126. | Morimoto, Carlos H.; COUTINHO, Flavio Luis ; J. R. da Silva ; Ghirotti, S.E. ; SANTOS, Thiago Teixeira. Computer Vision based Machine Interaction. SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems. v. 2, p. 55-58, 2011.Qualis: B4 |
127. | Mota, G.O. A note on counting orientations - Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium. 2011. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
128. | Nagasaki, M. ; SAITO, A. ; FUJITA, A. ; Tremmel, G. ; Ueno, K. ; IKEDA, E. ; Jeong, E. ; Miyano, S.. Systems biology model repository for macrophage pathway simulation. Bioinformatics (Oxford. Print). v. 27, p. 1591-1593, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (PRINT)) |
129. | Noma, Alexandre ; Pardo, Alvaro ; Cesar Jr., Roberto M.. Structural matching of 2D electrophoresis gels using deformed graphs. Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 32, p. 3-11, 2011. Qualis: A2 |
130. | NORONHA, M. F. ; NETTO, O. V. C. ; CARAZZOLLE, M. F. ; PEREIRA, G. A. G. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Comparison of Boolean Networks from Yeast Strain on Fermentative Process. Em: 7th Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (X-Meeting), 2010, Florianópolis. 7th Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (X-Meeting 2011), 2011. |
131. | OLIVEIRA, H. M. N. S.; MORAES, R. B. ; Guimarães A.P.. Análise da Dependabilidade em Redes Utilizando Reliability Block Diagram. Em: 2º Simpósio Interinstitucional de Computação do Vale do São Francisco, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (2º Simpósio Interinstitucional de Computação do Vale do São Francisco) |
132. | ONUCHIC, V. ; Durham, Alan Mitchell. Using gene prediction models in order to improve the quality of multiple sequence alignments of homologous genes. 2011. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra |
133. | Pedro Matiello ; de Melo, Ana C.V.. PiStache: Implementing -Calculus in Scala. Em: 14th Brazilian Symposium, v. 7021, p. 76-91, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (14th Brazilian Symposium) |
134. | Talita Perciano Costa Leite ; Tupin, Florence ; Hirata Jr., Roberto ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. A hierarchical Markov random field For road network extraction and its application with optical and SAR data. Em: 2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (2011 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium) |
135. | Pinheiro, V. G. ; Goldman, A. ; KON, F.. Adaptive fault tolerance mechanisms for opportunistic environments: a mobile agent approach. Concurrency and Computation. v. 23, p. 2078-2091, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION) |
136. | PINTO, S. C. D. ; Mena-Chalco, Jesús P. ; LOPES, Fabrício Martins ; VELHO, L ; Cesar Jr., R.M.. 3D Facial Expression Analysis by using 2D and 3D Wavelet Transforms. Em: 18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2011, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (18th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing - ICIP 2011) |
137. | PIRES, A. S. ; QUEIROZ, M.. Real-Time Unsupervised Music Structural Segmentation Using Dynamic Descriptors. Em: SMC 2011 - 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference, v. 1, p. 11-18, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (SMC 2011 - 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference) |
138. | PRADO, R. ; BRANDÃO, A. A. F. ; BRANDÃO, L. O.. iGraf: an Interactive Graphical Software for CSET Education. Em: Frontiers in Education, p. T1-E1-T1-E6, 2011.Qualis: B4 |
139. | QUEIROZ, M. Computação Musical e Aplicações (Palestra de Divulgação na 14º SEMCOMP - Semana da Computação no ICMC/USP). 2011. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
140. | QUEIROZ, M.; de Sousa, Gustavo Henrique Montesião. Efficient Binaural Rendering of Moving Sound Sources Using HRTF Interpolation. Journal of New Music Research. v. 40, p. 239-252, 2011. Qualis: A1 |
141. | Queiroz, Marcelo; MANZOLLI, J. (Org.) ; GIMENES, M. (Org.) ; COSTALONGA, L. (Org.) ; PIMENTA, M. (Org.) ; MILETTO, E. (Org.). Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2011. v. 1, p. 155. |
142. | RADANOVITSCK, E. A. A. ; KELLER, D. ; FLORES, L. V. ; PIMENTA, M. ; Queiroz, M. mixDroid: marcação temporal para atividades criativas. Em: 13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, v. 1, p. 1-11, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (13th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music) |
143. | RODRIGUES, P. A. ; PIRES DA SILVA, M. R. S. ; DALMON, D. L. ; BRANDÃO, L. O.. O uso de Geometria Interativa em cursos a distância para motivar e aprofundar conhecimentos de Matemática: um estudo com alunos do ensino fundamental II. Em: 17o Workshop de Informática na Educação, 2011, Aracaju, SE. Anais do Workshop de Informática na Educação, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (17O WORKSHOP DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO, 2011, ARACAJU, SE. ANAIS DO WORKSHOP DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO) |
144. | RODRIGUEZ, R. M. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Combining Dialectical Optimization and Gradient Descent Methods for Improving the Accuracy of Straight Line Segment Classifiers. Em: 24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 321-328, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (24th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics) |
145. | ROSA, E. R. M. S. ; BRANDÃO, L. O.. Repositório para Recursos Digitais Interativos, integrado ao ambiente Moodle. Em: 22o Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, v. 1, p. 792-799, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (22o Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação) |
146. | S. Sanner ; DELGADO, K. V. ; BARROS, L. N.. Symbolic Dynamic Programming for Discrete and Continuous State MDPs. Em: 27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (27th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI)) |
147. | Sacomoto, Gustavo Akio Tominaga ; Pereira do Lago, Alair. A New Algorithm for Sparse Suffix Trees. Em: BSB 2011, v. 6832, p. 34-41, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (BSB 2011) |
148. | Sakr, Sherif ; Liu, Anna ; BATISTA, D. M. ; Alomari, Mohammad. A Survey of Large Scale Data Management Approaches in Cloud Environments. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials. v. 13, p. 311-336, 2011. Qualis: A1 |
149. | SANTOS JUNIOR, C. D. ; BONCI, Marcos ; KON, F. ; RITTER, V. ; SINGER, J. ; REGINA, D. ; TAMY,. Intellectual property policy and attractiveness: a longitudinal study of free and open source software projects. Em: ACM Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), p. 705-708, 2011. Qualis: A2 (COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK) |
150. | SANTOS JUNIOR, C. D. ; KON, F. ; KUK, J. ; SUGUIURA, R.. The Inextricable Role of Organizational Sponsorship for Open Source Sustainability. Em: SOS 2011, 2011, salvador - BA. Proceedings of SOS 2011: Towards Sustainable Open Source, p. 7-11, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (SOS 2011, 2011, SALVADOR - BA. PROCEEDINGS OF SOS 2011: TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE OPEN SOURCE) |
151. | SANTOS, A. P. O. ; KON, F.. Applying usability and user experience goals in Agile Software Development. Em: XP'2011, 2011, Matrid, Spain. Proceedings of the 2nd workshop Dealing with Usabiliy in an Agile Domain, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (XP'2011, 2011, MATRID, SPAIN. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND WORKSHOP DEALING WITH USABILIY IN AN AGILE DOMAIN) |
152. | SANTOS, A. P. O. ; MARTINEZ, M. L. ; KON, F. ; GEROSA, M. A. ; MARTINS, S. ; ROZESTRATEN, A. S.. Da coleta de dados ao conhecimento obtido durante o desenvolvimento do projeto Arquigrafia-Brasil. Em: 5º CIDI ? Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (5º CIDI ? Congresso Internacional de Design da Informação) |
153. | Santos, Thiago T. ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. Multiple camera people detection and tracking using support integration. Pattern Recognition Letters. v. 32, p. 47-55, 2011. Qualis: A2 |
154. | SCHIAVONI, F. L. ; QUEIROZ, M. ; IAZZETTA, F.. Medusa: a Distributed Sound Environment. Em: LAC'2011 - Linux Audio Conference, v. 1, p. 149-156, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (LAC'2011 - Linux Audio Conference) |
155. | SENNA, C. R. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; SOARES, M. A. Jr. ; MADEIRA, E. R. M. ; FONSECA, N. L. S.. Experiments with a Self-management System for Virtual Networks. Em: II Workshop de Pesquisa Experimental da Internet do Futuro (WPEIF 2011), 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (II Workshop de Pesquisa Experimental da Internet do Futuro (WPEIF 2011)) |
156. | Silva, Jeferson R. ; Santos, Thiago T. ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. Automatic camera control in virtual environments augmented using multiple sparse videos. Computers & Graphics. v. 35, p. 412-421, 2011. Qualis: A2 |
157. | SILVA, Paulo Salem da ; de Melo, Ana C.V.. A Formal Environment Model for Multi-Agent Systems. Em: SBMF - Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, v. 6527, p. 64-79, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (SBMF - Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods) |
158. | Souza, Glaucia Mendes ; Berges, Helene ; Bocs, Stephanie ; Casu, Rosanne ; D?HONT, ANGELIQUE ; Ferreira, João Eduardo ; Henry, Robert ; Ming, Ray ; Potier, Bernard ; Sluys, Marie-Anne ; Vincentz, Michel ; Paterson, Andrew H.. The Sugarcane Genome Challenge: Strategies for Sequencing a Highly Complex Genome. Tropical Plant Biology (Print). v. 4, p. 145-156, 2011. Qualis: A3 |
159. | SUCA, E. G. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.. Interoperabilidade e Portabilidade de Documentos Digitais Usando Ontologias. Em: ONTOBRAS-MOST, p. 117-122, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (ONTOBRAS-MOST) |
160. | T.V. Spina ; A.X. Falcão ; de Miranda, Paulo A. V.. User-Steered Image Segmentation using Live Markers. Em: 14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP), p. 211-218, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (14th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns (CAIP)) |
161. | THOMAZ, L. F. ; QUEIROZ, M.. Ensemble: Implementing a Musical Multiagent System Framework. Em: SMC 2011 - 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (SMC 2011 - 8th Sound and Music Computing Conference) |
162. | UDUPA, J. K. ; Dewey Odhner ; A.X. Falcão ; Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski ; Miranda, Paulo A. V. ; Pavithra Vaideeswaran ; Shipra, Mishra ; George J. Grevera ; Babak Saboury ; Drew A. Torigian. Fuzzy Object Modeling. Em: SPIE on Medical Imaging: Visualization, v. 7964, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (SPIE on Medical Imaging: Visualization) |
163. | V. Santos ; A. Goldman. A Study on Facilitating Organizational Learning in Agile Software Organizations. Em: XP 2011 - 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2011, Madrid. Proceedings of the doctoral symposium of the 12th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (XP 2011 - 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT, 2011, MADRID. PROCEEDINGS OF THE DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM OF THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGILE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT) |
164. | V. Santos ; A. Goldman. Uma Abordagem de Apresndizagem Organizacional no Desenvovimento Ágil de Software. Em: WTDSoft - CBSoft, 2011, São Paulo. Anais do Workshop de Teses e Dissertações do CBSoft, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (WTDSOFT - CBSOFT, 2011, SÃO PAULO. ANAIS DO WORKSHOP DE TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES DO CBSOFT) |
165. | V. Santos ; A. Goldman ; A. Shinoda ; A. Fischer. A view towards Organizational Learning: An empirical study on Scrum implementation. Em: The 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE 2011, p. 583-589, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (The 23rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering - SEKE 2011) |
166. | VALENZUELA, Juan Carlos B. ; FUJITA, A ; HALCSIK, E. ; GRANJEIRO, J. M. ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide. Unveiling novel genes upregulated by both rhBMP2 and rhBMP7 during early osteoblastic transdifferentiation of C2C12 cells. BMC Research Notes. v. 4, p. 370, 2011. Qualis: B1 |
167. | VICENTE, F. F. R. ; LOPES, F. M. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Improvement of GNs inference through biological data integration. Em: 9th IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS), p. 1-4, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (9th IEEE International Workshop on Genomic Signal Processing and Statistics (GENSIPS)) |
168. | Wassermann, Renata. On AGM for Non-Classical Logics. Journal of Philosophical Logic. v. 40, p. 271-294, 2011. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHICAL LOGIC) |
169. | Zaffalon, M. ; CORANI, GIORGIO ; MAUÁ, D. D.. Utility-Based Accuracy Measures to Empirically Evaluate Credal Classifiers. Em: International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISPTA-11), p. 401-410, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications (ISPTA-11)) |