1. | A. Goldman; D. Trystram. An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Solving the Knapsack Problem on Hypercubes. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing. v. 24, p. 1213-1222, 2002. Qualis: A2 |
2. | BECK ; Robins. Explicit and Efficient Formulas for the Lattice Point Count in Rational Polygons Using Dedekind-Rademacher Sums. Discrete & Computational Geometry. v. 27, p. 443-459, 2002. Qualis: A2 |
3. | BECK, MATTHIAS ; DIAZ, RICARDO ; ROBINS, SINAI. The Frobenius Problem, Rational Polytopes, and Fourier-Dedekind Sums. Journal of Number Theory (Print). v. 96, p. 1-21, 2002. Qualis: A3 |
4. | BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Large-scale active-set box-constrained optimization method with spectral projected gradients. Computational Optimization and Applications. v. 23, p. 101-125, 2002. Qualis: A4 |
5. | BOLLOBAS, B. ; DONADELLI, J. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; SCHELP, R. H.. Ramsey minimal graphs. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society. v. 7, n. 3, p. 27-37, 2002.Qualis: B1 |
6. | CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.; GONÇALVES, L. M. G.. Robótica, sistemas sensorial e motor: principais tendências e direções. Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada, Porto Alegre. n. 2, p. 7-36, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (REVISTA DE INFORMÁTICA TEÓRICA E APLICADA, PORTO ALEGRE) |
7. | DONADELLI, J. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y.. A density result for random sparse oriented graphs and its relation to a conjecture of Woodall. The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. v. 9, n. 1, 2002.Qualis: A3 |
8. | DOUGHERTY, Edward R ; BARRERA, Junior. Pattern recognition theory in nonlinear signal processing. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. v. 16, p. 181-197, 2002.Qualis: A1 |
9. | Dougherty, Edward R. ; Barrera, Junior ; Brun, Marcel ; Kim, Seungchan ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; Chen, Yidong ; Bittner, Michael ; Trent, Jeffrey M.. Inference from Clustering with Application to Gene-Expression Microarrays. Journal of Computational Biology, Estados Unidos. v. 9, n. 1, p. 105-126, 2002. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
10. | FERREIRA, C. E.; SOUZA, C. C. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. Rearrangement of DNA fragments: a branch-and-cut algorithm. Discrete Applied Mathematics. v. 116, n. 1-2, p. 161-177, 2002. Qualis: A2 |
11. | CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.; VASCONCELOS, W. W. ; ROBERTSON, D. S. ; BRILHANTE, V. ; MELO, Ana Cristina Vieira de ; FINGER, Marcelo ; AGUSTI, J.. On the insufficiency of ontologies: problems in knowledge sharing and alternative solutions. Knowledge-Based Systems. v. 15, n. 3, p. 147-167, 2002. Qualis: A1 |
12. | Finger, M.; WEISS, M. A.. The Unrestricted Combination of Temporal Logic Systems. Logic Journal of the IGPL (Print). v. 10, n. 1, p. 165-189, 2002. Qualis: A2 |
13. | HANSSON, S. O. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Local Change. Studia Logica. v. 70, n. 1, p. 49-76, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (STUDIA LOGICA) |
14. | HASHIMOTO, R. F. ; BARRERA, Junior. A Note on Park and Chin´s Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. v. 24, n. 1, p. 139-144, 2002. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE) |
15. | HIRATA JR, R. ; BARRERA, Junior ; HASHIMOTO, Ronaldo F ; DANTAS, D. O. ; ESTEVES, G. P.. Segmentation of Microarray Images by Mathematical Morphology. Real time imaging, Estados Unidos. v. 8, n. 6, p. 491-505, 2002. Qualis: Não identificado (REAL TIME IMAGING, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
16. | Hirata Jr., Roberto; Brun, Marcel ; Barrera, Junior ; Dougherty, Edward R.. Multiresolution Design of Aperture Operators. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. v. 16, p. 199-222, 2002. Qualis: A1 |
17. | J. C. de Pina; H. van der Holst. Length-bounded disjoint paths in planar graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, EUA. v. 120, n. 1-3, p. 251-161, 2002.Qualis: A2 (DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS) |
18. | KIM, S ; BARRERA, Junior ; DOUGHERTY, Edward R ; CHEN, Y. ; BITNER, M. ; TRENT, J.. Strong feature sets from small samples. Journal of Computational Biology. v. 9, n. 1, p. 127-146, 2002.Qualis: A4 |
19. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; KREUTER, B.. The width of random subsets of Boolean lattices. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A, EUA. v. 100, n. 2, p. 376-386, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (SERIES A, EUA) |
20. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; RÖDL, V. ; SKOKAN, J.. Hypergraphs, Quasi-randomness, and Conditions for Regularity. Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A. v. 97, n. 2, p. 307-352, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (SERIES A) |
21. | Kon, Fabio; Costa, Fabio ; Blair, Gordon ; Campbell, Roy H.. The case for reflective middleware. Communications of the ACM. v. 45, p. 33-38, 2002. Qualis: A1 |
22. | LAGO, A. P. Local Groups in Free Monoids satisfying certain Monoid Identities. International Journal of Algebra and Computation. v. 12, n. 1&2, p. 357-369, 2002.Qualis: A4 |
23. | LEE, ORLANDO ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. On the Circuit Cover Problem for Mixed Graphs. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing (Print), Inglaterra. v. 11, p. 43-59, 2002. Qualis: Não identificado (COMBINATORICS, PROBABILITY & COMPUTING , INGLATERRA) |
24. | VENTURA, S. D. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; BIRGIN, E. G.. Optical constants and thickness determination of very thin amorphous semiconductor films. Journal of Applied Physics. v. 92, p. 3093-3102, 2002. Qualis: A2 |