Departamento de Ciência da Computação

Resumos publicados em anais de congressos

Número total de itens: 253


1.   Birgin, E. G. (Plenary talk) Current work in the development of augmented Lagrangian software. Em: XIV Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2024, Rio de Janeiro. Book of abstracts of the XIV Brazopt, 2024.
2.   Birgin, E. G.; LAURAIN, A. ; SOUZA, D. R.. Reconstruction of Voronoi diagrams in inverse problems. Em: 11th International Conference 'Inverse Problems: Modeling and simulation', 2024, Mellieña. Abstracts of the 11th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and simulation", 2024.
3.   BOAVENTURA, A. P. F. V. ; VALLE, P. H. D. ; BISPO JR, E. ; ABREU, R. O.. Articulando Pesquisa e Extensão para Ensino em Computação Através da Cocriação de Jogos Digitais. Em: Workshop de Grupos de Pesquisa em Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames 2024 - WGP-Jogos), 2024. Anais do XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames), 2024.
4.   CASTRO, A. ; SILVA, J. V. N. ; SILVA, L. R. ; MENEZES, M. C. R. ; GENESIO, N. O. S. ; VALLE, P. H. D.. Formação de Professores: Integrando Lógica de Programação com a Criação de Jogos Digitais. Em: Anais Estendidos do IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EDUCOMP Estendido 2024), 2024, Virtual. IV Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação, 2024.
5.   FURTADO, FILIPE ; MIRANDA, ANA CLARA ; Valle, Pedro Henrique ; RENHE, MARCELO ; DE OLIVEIRA, ALESSANDREIA MARTA. GamES: Promovendo a Educação em Engenharia de Software através de Jogos Sérios. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital, 2024, p. 329, 2024.
6.   OLIVEIRA, A. ; VALLE, P. H. D. ; RENHE, M. C. ; CHAVES, L. J. ; CAMPOS, J. O.. GameLETs: Grupo de Pesquisa em Jogos Digitais para a Educação em Computação e Tecnologias Sociais (Aceito para Apresentação). Em: Workshop de Grupos de Pesquisa em Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames 2024 - WGP-Jogos), 2024, Manus. Anais do XXIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Jogos e Entretenimento Digital (SBGames), 2024.


1.   Birgin, E. G. (Minisymposium invited talk) Block Coordinate Descent for Smooth Nonconvex Constrained Minimization. Em: 2023 SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP23), 2023, Seattle. Book of Abstract of the 2023 SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2023.
2.   Birgin, E. G.; ERTEL, P. C. R. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A heuristic method for the close enough traveling salesman problem. Em: 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2023), 2023, Santiago. Book of abstracts of the IFORS 2023, 2023.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; ERTEL, P. C. R. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. (Minisymposium invited talk) Ernesto Block coordinate descent and the close enough traveling salesman problem. Em: 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023), 2023, Tokyo. Book of abstracts of the ICIAM 2023, 2023.
4.   GARCIA, R. S. ; VALLE, P. H. D. ; BASSO, F. ; SILVA, W.. Em direção ao desenvolvimento de um chatbot baseado em exemplos para prática de conteúdos de programação. Em: III Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação, 2023, Virtual. Anais Estendidos do III Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação (EDUCOMP Estendido 2023), 2023.


1.   Birgin, E. G. (Plenary talk) Safeguarded augmented Lagrangian methods for nonconvex optimization: convergence, complexity and experiments. Em: Seventh International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), 2022, Bethlehem, PA. Book of abstract of ICCOPT2022, 2022.
2.   Birgin, E. G. (Plenary talk) Complexity results in nonlinear optimization. Em: Encontro Conjunto Brasil-Portugal em Matemática, 2022, Salvador, BA. Book of abstracts of ECBPM, 2022.
3.   Birgin, E. G. Coverings with minimum radius identical balls. Em: XXI Latin Ibero-American Conference on Operations Research (CLAIO 2022), 2022, Buenos Aires. Book of abstracts of CLAIO 2022, 2022.
4.   DARIENÇO, DARIO DA SILVA ; VALLE, PEDRO HENRIQUE DIAS. Um Ambiente Gamificado para o Ensino de Teste de Mutação. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Educação em Computação, 2022, p. 28, 2022.


1.   BOTLER, F.; SCHNEIDER, R.. Minimal feedback arc sets containing long paths in few-vertex tournaments. Em: 4 o Workshop de Pesquisa em Computação dos Campos Gerais, 2021, Ponta Grossa - PR. Anais do 4 o Workshop de Pesquisa em Computação dos Campos Gerais, v. 1, p. 20-20, 2021.
2.   ELMADJIAN, CARLOS ; MORIMOTO, CARLOS H. GazeBar: Exploiting the Midas Touch in Gaze Interaction. Em: CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021, Yokohama Japan. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM, p. 1, 2021.


1.   Finger, Marcelo. A System for Precocious Detection of Respiratory Insufficiency via Audio. Em: First Virtual Workshop on Automatic Diagnostics of COVID-19 Sounds, 2020, Cambridge. UK. First Virtual Workshop on Automatic Diagnostics of COVID-19 Sounds, 2020.
2.   KURAUCHI, ANDREW T.N. ; FENG, WENXIN ; JOSHI, AJJEN ; Morimoto, Carlos H. ; Betke, M.. Swipe&Switch: Text Entry Using Gaze Paths and Context Switching. Em: ACM UIST '20, 2020, Virtual Event, USA. Adjunct Publication of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. Virtual Event: ACM, v. 1, p. 84-86, 2020.
3.   LEITE, L. ; KON, F. ; PINTO, GUSTAVO ; Meirelles, Paulo. Building a Theory of Software Teams Organization in a Continuous Delivery Context. Em: International Conference on Software Engineering, 2020, Seoul. International Conference on Software Engineering: Posters Track, 2020.


1.   Birgin, E. G. (Plenary talk) Augmented Lagrangian methods: complexity and performance. Em: XIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Book of abstracts of the XIII Brazopt, 2019.
2.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A Newton-like method with mixed factorizations and cubic regularization for unconstrained minimization. Em: 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2019, València.. Book of abstracts of the ICIAM 2019, 2019.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A Newton-like method with mixed factorizations and cubic regularization and its usage in an Augmented Lagrangian framework. Em: 6th International Conference on Continuous Optimization, 2019, Berlin. Book of abstracts of the ICCOPT 2019, 2019.
4.   BODO, R. ; BENETOS, E. ; Queiroz, M. The Impact of Dataset Modifications on Music Similarity Measures. Em: Digital Music Research Network Workshop, 2019, London. Proceedings of the Digital Music Research Network (DMRN+14) Workshop, p. 10-10, 2019.
5.   SANTANA, E. ; COSTA, F. P. ; SETOGUTE, Y. ; CARVALHO, L. ; LIMA, P. ; SOUSA, M. ; GUNZ, B. ; AZEVEDO, F. ; SABBAGA, J. ; SANTOS, M. ; BIACHI, T. ; JARDIM, D. ; FREITAS, D. ; HORVAT, N. ; OTAVIANO, R. ; TESTAGROSSA, L. ; IEMMA, A. F. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S. ; TUSZYNSKI, J.. Exposure to low energy amplitude modulated radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) is associated with rapid improvement in quality of life (QoL) status in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), using various analyses of EORTC-C30. Em: European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2019, 2019, Barcelona. Proc. ESMO 2019 (poster sessions), 2019.


1.   Birgin, E. G.; BOFILL, W. G. ; Haeser, G. ; MITO, L. M. ; VIANA, D. S.. Augmented Lagrangian for nonlinear SDPs applied to the covering problem. Em: XII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Book of abstracts of the XII Brazopt, 2018.
2.   Birgin, E. G.; BOFILL, W. G. ; Haeser, G. ; MITO, L. M. ; VIANA, D. S.. Augmented Lagrangian for nonlinear SDPs applied to the covering problem. Em: 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2018, Bordeaux. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2018, 2018.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; GARDENGHI, J. L. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; SANTOS, S. A.. On the use of third-order derivatives in regularization methods. Em: XII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Book of abstracts of the XII Brazopt, 2018.
4.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On regularization and active-set methods with complexity for constrained optimization. Em: XII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Book of abstracts of the XII Brazopt, 2018.
5.   FREITAS, ANDERSON M. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. New Shape Descriptors based on Tensor Scale with Global Features. Em: Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 31st Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2018, Foz do Iguaçu. Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 31st Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2018.
6.   VARGAS, C. D. ; PATROCLO, C. ; RAMALHO, B. ; RANGEL, M. L. ; MAIA, J. ; TORRES, F. ; SOUZA, L. ; BRAGHETTO, K. R.. Building a public database on traumatic brachial plexus injury. Em: 11th Neuroscience of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum, 2018, Berlin. Proceedings of the 11th Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum, 2018.


1.   Birgin, E. G.; KREJIC, N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On the employment of Inexact Restoration for the minimization of functions whose evaluation is subject to errors. Em: 21st Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 2017, Quebec City. Book of abstracts of the IFORS 2017, 2017.
2.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Quadratic regularization with cubic descent for unconstrained optimization. Em: SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2017, Vancouver. Book of abstracts of the SIAMOP17, 2017.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Quadratic regularization with cubic descent for unconstrained optimization. Em: 15th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, 2017, Montreal. Book of abstract of the EUROPT 2017, 2017.
4.   BRAZ, C. M. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Image Segmentation by Image Foresting Transform with Geodesic Band Constraints. Em: Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 30th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2017, Niteroi. Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 30th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2017.
5.   FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO; FRANCO, A. J. P. ; SILVA, M. F.. Redes de parentesco como sistemas dinâmicos. Em: Reunião de Antropologia da Ciência e Tecnologia, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do VI React, 2017.
6.   FRANCO, A. J. P. ; FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO ; SILVA, M. F.. O parentesco como questão computacional. Em: Reunião da Antropologia da Ciência e Tecnologia, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do VI React, 2017.
7.   SILVA, M. F. ; FRANCO, A. J. P. ; FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO. Genealogia: tradução ou modelo?. Em: Reunião de Antropologia da Ciência e Tecnologia, 2017, São Paulo. Anais do VI React, 2017.


1.   BEJAR, H. H. C. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Relative Fuzzy Connectedness on Directed Graphs and its Application in a Hybrid Method for Interactive Image Segmentation. Em: Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 29th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2016, São José dos Campos. Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 29th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2016.
2.   Birgin, E. G.; GARDENGHI, J. L. ; Martínez, José Mario ; SANTOS, S. A. ; TOINT, Ph. L.. Evaluation complexity for nonlinear constrained optimization using unscaled KKT conditions and high-order models. Em: XI Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2016, Manaus, AM. Book of abstracts of the XI Brazopt, 2016.
3.   BIRGIN, E. G.; KREJIC, N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J.M.. On the minimization of discontinuous functions by a smoothing method. Em: 28th European Conference on Operational Research, 2016, Poznan. Book of abstracts of the EURO 2016, 2016.
4.   KURAUCHI, ANDREW ; FENG, WENXIN ; JOSHI, AJJEN ; Morimoto, Carlos ; BETKE, MARGRIT. EyeSwipe. Em: the 2016 CHI Conference, 2016, Santa Clara. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '16. New York: ACM Press, p. 1952, 2016.
5.   NOEL, V. ; REIS, MARCELO ; Dias, M.H.S ; Wu, L. ; G. S., Amanda ; REVERBEL, D. F. ; BARRERA, Junior ; ARMELIN, H. A.. A web-based framework for designing kinetic models of molecular signaling networks. Em: COMBINE 2016, 2016, 2016, 2016.
6.   REIS, MARCELO ; Dias, M.H.S ; NOEL, V. ; FONSECA, C. S. ; ALBUQUERQUE, L. L. ; Nakano, F. ; BARRERA, Junior ; ARMELIN, H A. Mathematical modeling of the K-Ras switch in the K-Ras-driven mouse Y1 adrenocortical tumor cells provides insights into molecular mechanisms of FGF2-induced cell cycle arrest. Em: 17th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB 2016), 2016, 2016, Barcelona. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Systems Biology, 2016.


1.   ANDRETTA, M. ; Birgin, E. G. ; RAYDAN, M.. An inner-outer nonlinear programming approach for constrained quadratic matrix model updating. Em: 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2015, Pittsburgh. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2015, 2015.
2.   AUTILI, MARCO ; Goldman, Alfredo ; TIVOLI, MASSIMO. IEEE Services Visionary Track on Service Composition for the Future Internet (SCFI 2015). Em: 2015 IEEE World Congress on Services (SERVICES), 2015, New York City. 2015 IEEE World Congress on Services, p. 327, 2015.
3.   BARROS, L. N.; Hashimoto, R. F. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; SILVA, C. F. ; TISOVEC, F. A. C.. Robust Intervention on Genetic Regulatory Networks Using Symbolic Dynamic Programming. Em: IJCAI 2015 Workshop: Advances in Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence: bridging the Gaps, 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Workshop Notes of the International Workshop Advances in Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence: bridging the Gaps, v. 1, p. 54-55, 2015.
4.   Birgin, E. G.; Bueno, L. F. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On acceleration schemes and the choice of subproblem's constraints in Augmented Lagrangian methods. Em: 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2015, Pittsburgh. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2015, 2015.
5.   Birgin, E. G.; Bueno, L. F. ; Martínez, José Mario. Penalizing simple constraints on Augmented Lagrangian methods. Em: 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2015, Pittsburgh. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2015, 2015.
6.   Kurauchi, A. T. ; Feng, W. ; MORIMOTO, C. H. ; Betke, M.. HMAGIC: head movement and gaze input cascaded pointing. Em: 8th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, 2015, New York, USA. Proceedings of the 8th ACM International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments, p. 47-1-47-4, 2015.
7.   MANSILLA, LUCY A. C. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Image Segmentation by Image Foresting Transform with Non-smooth Connectivity Functions. Em: XXII Concurso Latinoamericano de Tesis de Maestría da XLI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI-2015), 2015, Arequipa. XXII Concurso Latinoamericano de Tesis de Maestría da XLI Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI-2015), 2015.
8.   MANSILLA, LUCY A. C. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Image Segmentation by Image Foresting Transform with Non-smooth Connectivity Functions. Em: Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), XXVIII Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2015, Salvador. Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), XXVIII Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2015.
9.   MANSILLA, LUCY A. C. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Image Segmentation by Image Foresting Transform with Boundary Polarity and Shape Constraints. Em: XXVIII Concurso de Teses e Dissertações, XXXV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2015, Recife, PE. XXVIII Concurso de Teses e Dissertações, XXXV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2015.
10.   MOURA, P. F. S. ; COELHO, R. S. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. Polyhedral and computational results on the k-hop connected dominating set problem. Em: 22nd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2015), 2015, Pittsburgh. Proceedings of the 22nd ISMP, 2015.


1.   ALLISON, L. ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M. ; et al.. E-Infrastructure and Data Management for Global Change Research. Em: AGU Fall Event, 2014, San Francisco. Proc. AGU Fall Meeting, 2014.
2.   BOTLER, F. ; MOTA, G. O. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. Path decompositions of triangle-free 5-regular graphs. Em: 9th ICGT (International Colloquium on Graph Theory and Combinatorics), 2014, Grenoble. Booklet of abstracts of ICGT 2014, 2014.
3.   BUCHER, D. C. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Rede de colaboração social para universidades brasileiras: um estudo de caso de implantação e desenvolvimento distribuído de uma plataforma livre na Universidade de Brasília. Em: VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014, Maceió. VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014.
4.   CAMPOS, F. M. S. ; MORIMOTO, C. H.. Espelho virtual interativo para simulação de maquiagem. Em: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro Sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, 2014, Foz do Iguaçu. Anais do XIII Simpósio Brasileiro Sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, v. 1, p. 1, 2014.
5.   COSTA, R. F. ; MENEZES, V. V. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Mezuro, Evolução de Software Livre: Da Arquitetura à Experiência do Usuário. Em: VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014, Maceió. VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014.
6.   ESPOSTE, A. M. ; BEZERRA, C. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; NERI, H. R.. Um estudos sobre métricas de produto e vulnerabilidades para tomada de decisões. Em: VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014, Maceió. VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014.
7.   FERREIRA, C. ; GONCALVES, A. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; NERI, H. R.. O desenvolvimento do novo Portal do Software Público Brasileiro. Em: VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014, Maceió. VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014.
8.   Jiménez, A. ; Wakabayashi, Y.. On path-cycle decompositions of triangle-free graphs. Em: 9th ICGT (International Colloquium on Graph Theory and Combinatorics), 2014, Grenoble. Booklet of abstracts of ICGT 2014, 2014.
9.   MATOS, L. ; CRUZ, F. W. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Estudo sobre bibliotecas digitais no contexto da participação social. Em: VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014, Maceió. VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014.
10.   MEIDEIROS, R. ; MENDONCA, J. M. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Técnicas de usabilidade e testes automatizados em processos de desenvolvimento de software empírico. Em: VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014, Maceió. VII Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software, 2014.
11.   PREVIERO, W. D. ; FERREIRA, C. E.. Algoritmos Branch and Bound para o problema de sequenciamento em uma única máquina. Em: XXXV Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional, 2014, Natal, RN. Proceedings do XXXV CNMAC 2014, 2014.
12.   Ramalho, B.S.L. ; Rangel, M.L. ; Pinto, T.P. ; Maia, J.S. ; Frare, S.L. ; Lazary, E.L. ; Martins, J.V.P. ; Tavares, P.L. ; Erthal, F.S. ; BRAGHETTO, K. R. ; Nascimento, A.S. ; Vargas, C.D. ; Guedes Corrêa, J.F.. Construindo um Banco de Dados Digital no Instituto de Neurologia Deolindo Couto da UFRJ. Em: XXXVIII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e Comportamento, 2014, Búzios, RJ. XXXVIII Reunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Neurociências e Comportamento, 2014.
13.   REIS, M. S. ; DIAS, M. ; Nakano, F. ; BARRERA, Junior ; ARMELIN, H A. Mathematical Modeling of RAs/MAPK signalling network kinetics provides insights into mechanisms of FGF2-induced cell cycle arrest in the K-K-ras-driven mouse Y1 adrenocortical timor cells. Em: RECOMB 2014, 2014, p. 126-126, 2014.
14.   REIS, M. S. ; NISHYAMA, M. Y. ; SILVA, D. F. ; JUNQUEIRA-DE-AZEVEDO, I. L. M. ; DA-CUNHA, J. P. C. ; BARRERA, Junior ; IWAI, L. K. ; SERRANO, S. ; ARMELIN, H A. CeTICSdb: a plataform for interdisciplinary research that allows quantitative and qualitative-omics analyses and mathematical modelling of signalling networks. Em: RECOMB 2014, 2014, Pittsburgh. Book of Abstracts, p. 128-128, 2014.
15.   REIS, M. S. ; NOEL, V. ; DIAS, M. H. S. ; ALBUQUERQUE, L. L. ; Nakano, F. ; BARRERA, Junior ; ARMELIN, H. A.. Mathematical modelling of the cross talk between Ras/MAPK and P13K/Akt signalling pathways in the K-Ras-driven mouse Y1 adrenocortical tumor cells provides insights into de mechanism of FGF2-driven cell cycle arrest. Em: The 15th international conference on System Biology (ICSB 2014), 2014, Melbourne. Proceedings of the ICSB 2014, 2014.
16.   RIBEIRO, A. H. ; SOLER, J. M. P. ; HIRATA JR., R.. Two-color microarray data analysis taking into account probe-level inaccuracies. Em: ISCB-Latin America x-Meeting on Bioinformatics with BSB and SoiBio, 2014, Belo Horizonte. ISCB-Latin America x-Meeting on Bioinformatics with BSB and SoiBio, 2014.
17.   Robert Gurney ; Lee Allison ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M. ; Roberto Cossu ; Volkmar Dietz ; GEMEINHOLZER, B. ; KOIKE, T. ; MOKRANE, M. ; PETERS, D. ; THALLER-HONOLD, S. ; TRELOAR, A. ; VILOTTE, J. ; WALDMANN, C.. Towards global environmental information and data management. Em: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, 2014, Vienna, Austria. Proc. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014, 2014.
18.   Sousa, A.M.F. ; MORIMOTO, C. H.. Tangible Beats: a tangible interface for musical expression and exploration. Em: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro Sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, 2014, Foz do Iguaçu. Anais do XIII Simpósio Brasileiro Sobre Fatores Humanos em Sistemas Computacionais, v. 1, p. 1, 2014.
19.   Sousa, A.M.F. ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. Tangible Beats: uma interface tangível para expressão e exploração musical. Em: 13th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, IHC 2014, 2014, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, v. 1, p. 385-388, 2014.


1.   Birgin, E. G. Recent developments in Algencan. Em: Fourth International Conference on Continuous Optimization, 2013, Lisbon. Book of abstracts of the ICCOPT 2013, 2013.
2.   Birgin, E. G. Spectral projected gradients: Reviewing ten years of applications. Em: 11th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization, 2013, Florence. Book of abstracts of the EUROPT 2013, 2013.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; R. Andrade ; RONCONI, D. P. ; MORABITO, R.. Cutting problems with usable leftovers. Em: 26th European Conference on Operational Research, 2013, Roma. Book of abstracts of the EURO-INFORMS 2013, 2013.
4.   INOCÊNCIO, ANA CAROLINA G. ; JUNIOR, PAULO AFONSO P. ; RIBEIRO, MARCOS WAGNER S. ; VILELA, RICARDO F. ; VALLE, PEDRO HENRIQUE D. ; MUNIZ, RAPHAEL J. ; LIMA, WÊNDER A.. GrupJED - Grupo de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Jogos Educacionais Digitais. Em: Worshops do II Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2013.
5.   LIMA, W. A. ; VILELA, R. F. ; VALLE, P. H. D. ; MUNIZ, R. J. ; INOCENCIO, A. C. G. ; PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A.. Sistematização da Etapa de Implementação de um Framework para Jogos Educacionais Digitais. Em: I Encontro Acadêmico do Câmpus Jataí da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013, Jataí. I Encontro Acadêmico do Câmpus Jataí da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013.
6.   MARTINS, V. ; KAWAMOTO, A. L. S. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.. Guidelines for the Development of Gestural Interface Games for Older Adults. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Games, 2013, São Paulo. Anais do SBGAMES 2013. São Paulo: SBC, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2013.
7.   MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; FRANCISCO, J. ; Martínez, L. ; PISNITCHENKO, F. ; Birgin, E. G. ; ROCHA, GERD B.. Some optimization in electronic structure calculations. Em: Fourth International Conference on Continuous Optimization, 2013, Lisbon. Book of abstracts of the ICCOPT 2013, 2013.
8.   MUNIZ, R. J. ; VILELA, R. F. ; VALLE, P. H. D. ; LIMA, W. A. ; PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; INOCENCIO, A. C. G.. Um Perfil UML para Modelagem de Jogos Educacionais. Em: I Encontro Acadêmico do Câmpus Jataí da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013, Jataí. I Encontro Acadêmico do Câmpus Jataí da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013.
9.   Sousa, A.M.F. ; TAVARES, A. C. M. ; MORIMOTO, C. H.. Penspective: a Perspective-Aware Game Map Editor with Natural Interaction. Em: 12th Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment, SBGames 2013, 2013, São Paulo, SP. Proceedings of the 12th Brazilian Symposium on Games and Digital Entertainment. Porto Alegre, RS: SBC, v. 1, p. 17-20, 2013.
10.   VALLE, P. H. D.; MUNIZ, R. J. ; VILELA, R. F. ; LIMA, W. A. ; PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; INOCENCIO, A. C. G.. Proposta de Sistematização da Etapa de Arquitetura e Design para o Desenvolvimento de Jogos Educacionais. Em: I Encontro Acadêmico do Câmpus Jataí da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013, Jataí. I Encontro Acadêmico do Câmpus Jataí da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013.
11.   VILELA, R. F. ; VALLE, P. H. D. ; MUNIZ, R. J. ; LIMA, W. A. ; PARREIRA JUNIOR, P. A. ; INOCENCIO, A. C. G.. Processo para Levantamento e Análise de Requisitos para Produção de Jogos Educacionais. Em: I Encontro Acadêmico do Câmpus Jataí da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013, Jataí. I Encontro Acadêmico do Câmpus Jataí da Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2013.


1.   ANDRETTA, M. ; Birgin, E. G.. Deterministic and stochastic global optimization techniques for planar covering with elipses problems. Em: 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2012, Berlin. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2012, 2012.
2.   Birgin, E. G. Spectral projected gradients: Reviewing ten years of applications. Em: 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2012, Berlin. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2012, 2012.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; Martínez, José Mario ; PRUDENTE, L. F.. Global Nonlinear Programming with possible infeasibility and finite termination. Em: IX Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2012, Luis Correia, PI. Book of abstracts o the IX Brazopt, 2012.
4.   Bueno, L. F. ; Birgin, E. G. ; KREJI', N. ; Martínez, José Mario. Low order-value approach for solving VaR-constrained optimization problems. Em: 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2012, Berlin. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2012, 2012.
5.   FRANCO, A. J. P. ; FERREIRA, C. E.. A new linear time algorithm to construct dominator trees in reducible flow graphs. Em: International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2012, Berlin. Proceedings of the 30th ISMP, v. 1, p. 223-223, 2012.
6.   HIGA, C. H. A. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F. ; MONTE, J. C. M.. Inferring Robust Boolean Networks of the Early Embryonic Stage in Kidney Organogenesis. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics 2012 (BSB 2012), 2012, Campo Grande. Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics 2012 (BSB 2012), p. 56-61, 2012.
7.   Leston-Rey, Mario ; Wakabayashi, Y.. Packing Entering Sets in Kernel Systems. Em: 21st ISMP (International Symposium on Mathematical Programming), 2012, Berlin. Proceedings of the 21st ISMP. Berlin, v. 1, 2012.
8.   MONTAGNER, I. S. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; Hirata, N.S.T.. TRIOS - an open source toolbox for training image operators from samples. Em: SIBGRAPI 2012 (XXV Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images), 2012, Ouro Preto. Workshop of Works in Progress (WIP) in SIBGRAPI 2012 (XXV Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images), 2012.
9.   PRUDENTE, L. F. ; Birgin, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. An augmented Lagrangian method with finite termination. Em: 21st International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2012, Berlin. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2012, 2012.
10.   TULA, A. D. ; CAMPOS, F. M. S. ; MORIMOTO, C. H.. Dynamic context switching for gaze based interaction. Em: Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 2012, Santa Barbara, CA. Proceedings of the Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications. New York: ACM, v. 1, p. 353-356, 2012.


1.   Alexandre Albano ; Alair Pereira do Lago. New upper bound for the number of maximal bicliques of a bipartite graph. Em: CTW 2011, 2011, Villa Mondragone, 2011.
2.   Arruda, A. M. ; Finger, Marcelo. Completude para a Abdução Baseada em Corte. Em: XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, 2011, Petrópolis, RJ. XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, p. 61-62, 2011.
3.   Benassi-Werke, Mariana E. ; Queiroz, M ; GERMANO, N. ; Bueno, Orlando F. A. ; Oliveira, Maria Gabriela M.. Short-term and working memory for melodies: effect of different musical scales. Em: THE NEUROSCIENCES AND MUSIC: IV Learning and Memory, 2011, Edinburgh. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1252, p. 367-367, 2011.
4.   Birgin, E. G. Practical algorithmic strategies in Augmented Lagrangians. Em: SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2011, Darmstadt. Book of abstracts of the SIAMOP11, 2011.
5.   Birgin, E. G.; Lobato, R.D. ; MORABITO, R.. A recursive partitioning approach for generating unconstrained two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting patterns. Em: VII ALIO-EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, 2011, Porto. Annals of the VII ALIO-EURO, 2011.
6.   ISOTANI, S. ; BRANDÃO, L. O. ; BRANDÃO, A. A. F.. Desenvolvimento de Ferramentas e Conteúdos Digitais para o Ensino-Aprendizagem de Matemática e Português no Projeto UCA. Em: I Workshop sobre formação e experiências educacionais no projeto Um Computador por Aluno (UCA), 2011, Aracaju, SE. Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2011.
7.   Juliana Bueno ; Finger, Marcelo. Probabilistic modal logic. Em: XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, 2011, Petrópolis, RJ. XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, p. 8-9, 2011.
8.   Marcelo Finger ; COZMAN, F. G. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Satisfiability in EL with sets of Probabilistic ABoxes. Em: Description Logic Workshop, 2011, Barcelona. Proceedings of the Description Logic Workshop, 2011.
9.   Mauricio Hernandes ; Finger, Marcelo. A characterization for quantum logic semantic consequence as algebraic multipliers. Em: XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, 2011, Petrópolis, RJ. XVI EBL -- Brazilian Logic Conference, p. 46-47, 2011.
10.   MORAES, R. B. ; OLIVEIRA, H. M. N. S. ; Guimarães A.P.. Cálculo da Disponibilidade em Redes Computadores Utilizando Redes de Petri Estocásticas. Em: 2º Simpósio Interinstitucional de Computação do Vale do São Francisco, 2011, Juazeiro. Ciência Tecnologia e Inovação no Sertão, 2011.
11.   NORONHA, M. F. ; NETTO, O. V. C. ; CARAZZOLLE, M. F. ; PEREIRA, G. A. G. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Comparison of Boolean Networks from Yeast Strain on Fermentative Process. Em: 7th Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (X-Meeting), 2010, Florianópolis. 7th Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (X-Meeting 2011), 2011.


1.   A. Kraemer ; K. Vilar ; A. Goldman. Fault Tolerance using Redundant Gateway Protocols. Em: Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de SP, 2010, São Paulo. ERAD-SP 2010, 2010.
2.   BIRGIN, E. G. (Plenary talk) Practical Augmented Lagrangian methods. Em: International School of Mathematics 'Guido Stampacchia' on 'Nonlinear Optimization, Variational Inequalities and Equilibrium Problems', 2010, Erice. Book of abstracts of the International School of Mathematics, 2010.
3.   BIRGIN, E. G.; GENTIL, J. M.. Comparing box-constrained minimization solvers. Em: ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, 2010, Buenos Aires. Book of abstracts of the ALIO-INFORMS 2010, 2010.
4.   BIRGIN, E. G.; GENTIL, J. M.. Software for bound-constraint minimization. Em: XXIV European Conference on Operational Research, 2010, Lisboa. Book of abstracts of the XXIV EURO, 2010.
5.   BRANDÃO, L. O.; ISOTANI, S. ; DALMON, D. L.. iGeom: Towards an Interactive Geometry Software with Intelligent Guidance Capabilities. Em: International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 2010, Pittsburgh. International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Heidelberg: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 6095, p. 447-447, 2010.
6.   C.G. Fernandes ; C.E. Ferreira ; F.K. Miyazawa ; A.L. Vignatti ; Y. WAKABAYASHI. Selfish Packings. Em: ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, 2010, Buenos Aires. Proc. of the ALIO-INFORMS Joint International Meeting, p. 79-79, 2010.
7.   Finger, Marcelo; Colen, William ; Menezes, Carlos. Using Apache UIMA annotators for Brazilian Portuguese. Em: PROPOR 2010: International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language, 2010, Porto Alegre. PROPOR 2010 Demos: International Conference on Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language. Porto Alegre: PUCRS, p. 1-2, 2010.
8.   Grynberg, Priscila ; Passos-Silva, Danielle Gomes ; Hirata Jr, Roberto ; Macedo, Andrea Mara ; NEVES, E. J. ; Machado, Carlos Renato ; Franco, Glória Regina. Analysis of Trypanosoma cruzi gene expression in response to ionizing radiation using the DNA microarray technique. Em: ISCB Latin America Conference, 2010, Montevideo. ISCB Latin America Conference, 2010.
9.   H. Corbucci ; A. Goldman. Open Source and Agile Methods: Two worlds closer than it seems. Em: 11th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2010, Trondheim. XP 2010. Berlin: Springer, p. 383-384, 2010.
10.   M. Bravo ; A. Goldman. Reinforcing the Learning of Agile Practices Using Coding Dojos. Em: 11th International Conference on Agile Software Development, 2010, Trondheim. XP 2010. Berlin: Springer, v. 48, p. 379-380, 2010.
11.   Miranda, Paulo A. V.; A.X. Falcão. Synergistic delineation and recognition of objects in images with applications in medicine. Em: Workshop of theses and dissertations of the 23rd SIBGRAPI, 2010, Gramado, RS. Proc. of the Workshop of theses and dissertations of the 23rd SIBGRAPI, v. 1, p. 438-443, 2010.
12.   MORAES, R. B. ; OLIVEIRA, H. M. N. S. ; Guimarães A.P.. Analise da Dependabilidade em Redes de Computadores. Em: Congresso Acadêmico da Universidade Federal de Alagoas., 2010, Arapiraca. VII Congresso Acadêmico da Universidade Federal de Alagoas, 2010.
13.   NORONHA, M. F. ; CARAZZOLLE, M. F. ; PEREIRA, G. A. G. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Gene connection probability patern analysis in yeast diauxic shift process. Em: 6th International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology X-Meeting, 2010, Ouro Preto. 6th International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology X-Meeting 2010, 2010.
14.   REIS, M. S. ; BARRERA, Junior. Estimation of Probabilistic Gene Networks using the UCS feature selection algorithm. Em: X-meeting, 2010, p. SBN15-SBN15, 2010.


1.   ANDREANI, R. ; Birgin, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; SCHUVERDT, M. L.. A second-order Augmented Lagrangian method for box-constrained and general constrained optimization. Em: 24th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 2009, Buenos Aires. Book of abstract of the 24th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 2009.
2.   Andretta, Marina ; Birgin, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. An active-set strategy for linearly constrained optimization. Em: 24th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 2009, Buenos Aires. Book of abstract of the 24th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 2009.
3.   BIRGIN, E. G.; Castelani, E.V. ; Martinez, A. L. M. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Outer Trust-Region method for Constrained Optimization. Em: VIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2009, Mambucaba, RJ. Book of abstracts of the VIII Brazopt, 2009.
4.   Birgin, E. G.; FLOUDAS, C. A. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Augmented Lagrangians for Global Minimization of NLP Problems. Em: 20th International Symposium of Mathematical Programming, 2009, Chicago. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2009, 2009.
5.   Birgin, E. G.; FLOUDAS, C. A. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Augmented Lagrangians for global optimization. Em: 24th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 2009, Buenos Aires. Book of abstract of the 24th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, 2009.
6.   BOUGERET, MARIN ; DUTOT, PIERRE-FRANCOIS ; Goldman, Alfredo ; NGOKO, YANIK ; TRYSTRAM, DENIS. Combining multiple heuristics on discrete resources. Em: Distributed Processing (IPDPS), 2009, p. 134-134, 2009.
7.   GENTIL, J. M. P. ; Birgin, E. G.. Sistemas de equações não-lineares e problemas de empacotamento. Em: XII Oficina Nacional de Problemas de Corte, Empacotamento e Correlatos, 2009, São Carlos, SP. Livro de resumos da XII ONPCE, 2009.
8.   Grynberg, Priscila ; Passos-Silva, Danielle Gomes ; Hirata Jr, Roberto ; Macedo, Andrea Mara ; Machado, Carlos Renato ; Bartholomeu, Daniella Castanheira ; Franco, Glória Regina. Analysis of Trypanosoma cruzi Gene Expression in Response to Ionizing Radiation using the DNA Microarray Technique. Em: X-meeting 2009 - 5th International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2009, Angra dos Reis. X-meeting Eletronic Abstracts Book 2009, 2009.
9.   Grynberg, Priscila ; Passos-Silva, Danielle Gomes ; Hirata Jr, Roberto ; Macedo, Andrea Mara ; NEVES, E. J. ; Machado, Carlos Renato ; Bartholomeu, Daniella Castanheira ; Franco, Glória Regina. Analysis of Trypanosoma cruzi gene expression in response to ionizing radiation using the microarray technique. Em: IV Meeting in Fundamental Aspects of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis, 2009, Belo Horizonte. IV Meeting in Fundamental Aspects of DNA Repair and Mutagenesis, 2009.
10.   Reis, Marcelo ; BARRERA, Junior. Assessment of prediction methods for the estimation of Probabilistic Gene Networks. Em: X-meeting, 2009, Angra dos Reis. International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, p. 68-68, 2009.
11.   Talita Perciano Costa Leite ; Hirata Jr., Roberto ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. An Image Simulator of Soil Profiles with Plant Roots for Image Segmentation. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2009, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2009, 2009.


1.   A. Goldman; Y. Ngoko ; D. Trystram. Combining numerical iterative solvers. Em: 5th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Appications, 2008, Neuchâtel. Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Appications, p. 17-18, 2008.
2.   A. P. Camargo ; A. Goldman. Análise e disposição de recursos de rede em grades computacionais. Em: VI Workshop on Grid Computing and Applications, 2008, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the VI Workshop on Grid Computing and Applications, p. 153-154, 2008.
3.   BARCELOS, THIAGO S. ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. GInX. Em: the 2008 symposium, 2008, v. 1, p. 149-1, 2008.
4.   Benassi-Werke, Mariana E. ; Bueno, Orlando F. A. ; Queiroz, Marcelo ; Araújo, Rúben S. ; Oliveira, Maria Gabriela M.. Working Memory for Tones, Words and Nonwords in Amateur and Professional Singers and Absolute Pitch Musicians. Em: International Neuropsychology Society Mid-Year Meeting, 2008, Buenos Aires. Proceedings of the International Neuropsychology Society Mid-Year Meeting, v. 1, p. 64, 2008.
5.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J.M.. Improving ultimate convergence of an Augmented Lagrangian method. Em: SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2008, Boston. Book of abstracts of the SIAMOP08, 2008.
6.   BOTLER, F. H.; Franck Bellemain. Caracterização geométrica das cônicas definidas por 5 elementos entre pontos e retas tangentes, determinação de pontos de cônicas e pontos de interseção. Em: CONIC, 2008, Recife. Anais do CONIC. Recife: Editora da UFPE, 2008.
7.   CARNIELLI, W. ; FINGER, M.. Minimal axiomatizations and algebraic rings: a conjectured relationship. Em: Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica, 2008, Parati. CLE30-EBL-SLALM, 2008.
8.   FUJITA, A.; SATO, João Ricardo ; MALPARTIDA, Humberto Miguel Garay ; Yamaguchi, Rui ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide ; FERREIRA, Carlos Eduardo ; Miyano, Satoru. Modeling gene expression regulatory networks with the sparse vector autoregressive model. Em: The Sixth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, 2008, Kyoto. Proceedings of The Sixth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, 2008.
9.   MORABITO, R. ; Birgin, E. G. ; Lobato, R.D.. An effective recursive partitioning approach for the packing of identical rectangles in a rectangle. Em: 5th EURO Special Interest Group on Cutting and Packing Meeting, 2008, L'Aquila. Book of abstracts of the 5th ESICUP Meeting, 2008.
10.   PEREIRA, S. L. ; BARROS, L. N.. Using α-CTL to Specify Complex Planning Goals. Em: WoLLIC '08: 15th international workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation, 2008, Edinburgh, Scotland. Proceedings of the 15th international workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation, v. 16, p. 423-423, 2008.


1.   BENASSI-WERKE, M. ; BUENO, O. F. A. ; QUEIROZ, M. ; ARAÚJO, R. ; OLIVEIRA, M. G. M.. Working Memory for Tones, Words and Nonwords in Singers. Em: II Simpósio Internacional de Neurociências de Natal, 2007, Natal. Anais do II Simpósio Internacional de Neurociências de Natal, p. 152-152, 2007.
2.   BENASSI-WERKE, M. ; BUENO, O. F. A. ; QUEIROZ, M. ; ARAÚJO, R. ; OLIVEIRA, M. G. M.. Memory Span for Tones, Words and Nonwords in Amateurs Singers. Em: International Neuropsychology Society Mid-Year Meeting, 2007, Bilbao. Proceedings of the INS Mid-Year Meeting 2007, p. 1-1, 2007.
3.   BIRGIN, E. G.; FLOUDAS, C. A. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Global minimization using an Augmented Lagrangian method with variable lower-level constraints. Em: XXII European Conference on Operational Research, 2007, Praga. Book of abstracts of the XXII EURO, 2007.
5.   E. Guerra ; A. Goldman. Tool and Application Experiences with the Grid Application Toolkit (GAT). Em: CCGrid 2007 - Posters, 2007, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid ? CCGrid 2007, 2007.
6.   FUJITA, A.; SATO, João Ricardo ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide ; FERREIRA, Carlos Eduardo. GEDI: a user-friendly gene expression analisys toolbox. Em: German Conference on Bioinformatics, 2007, Potsdam. Proceedings of the Geman Conference on Bioinformatics, 2007.
7.   MIRANDA, P. A. V.; A.X. Falcão. Image Segmentation by the Image Foresting Transform. Em: XXVII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. XX Concurso de Teses e Dissertações, p. 2043-2047, 2007.
8.   P. Esmério ; F. Raganhan ; H. Posca ; A. Goldman. O uso de ferramentas colaborativas on-line no ensino de graduação. Em: II Simposio de iniciação científica e pós-graduação do IME - USP, 2007. Anais do II Simposio de iniciação científica e pós-graduação do IME - USP, 2007.
9.   SANTOS, Thiago Teixeira ; MORIMOTO, C. H. ; CHELLAPPA, R.. Jmin image based color-texture segmentation using watershed and hierarchical clustering. Em: International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, 2007, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the ISMM' 07, v. 1, p. 1-2, 2007.


1.   ANDREANI, R. ; BIRGIN, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; SCHUVERDT, M. L.. Augmented Lagrangian methods with arbitrary lower-level constraints: implementation and experiments. Em: XIX International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2006, 2006.
2.   Andretta, Marina ; Birgin, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Augmented Lagrangian method with lower-level linear constraints. Em: XIX International Symposium on Mathematical Programming,, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2006, 2006.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; SOBRAL, F. N. C.. A tool based on nonlinear programming for minimising the object dimensions in circle and sphere packing problems. Em: XIX International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2006, 2006.
4.   CHATAIGNER, F. ; MANIC, G. ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Packing Edges and Triangles: Hardness Results and Approximation Algorithms. Em: 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, p. 105-105, 2006.
5.   CORREA, J. R. ; FERNANDES, C.G. ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Approximation Results on Rational Objective. Em: 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the19th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, p. 96-96, 2006.
6.   DELLAMONICA JUNIOR, D. ; SILVA, P. J. S. ; HIRATA, N. S. T. ; HUMES C. ; BARRERA, J.. An Exact Algorithm for Optimal MAE Stack Filter Design. Em: International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2006.
7.   do Canto-Pereira, Luiz Henrique M. ; Santos, Breno ; Morya, Edgard ; Morimoto, Carlos H. ; RANVAUD, Ronald. The relation of eye fixation patterns with emotional content and episodic memory. Em: the 2006 symposium, 2006, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2006.
8.   FERREIRA, C. E.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, F. M. DE. O problema de Steiner com grupos. Em: Concursos de teses e dissertações da SBC, 2006, Campo Grande, MS, 2006.
9.   FERREIRA, C. E.; OLIVEIRA FILHO, F. M. DE. The group Steiner tree problem. Em: International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
10.   FERREIRA, C. E.; SOUZA, C. C. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. Montagem de Fragmentos: uma abordagem poliédrica. Em: Workshop de Biologia Computacional, 2006, Campo Grande, MS, 2006.
11.   FINGER, M. End the discrimination: Equal rights for the CUT. Em: XIV Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica, 2006, Itatiaia. XIV Encontro Brasileiro de Lógica, p. 1-3, 2006.
12.   Kon, R. ; Menegotto, M. P. ; KON, F.. Desenvolvimento de Soluções em Computação Móvel para a Atenção Primária Domiciliar. Em: 11o Congresso Mundial de Saúde Pública, 2006, 2006.
13.   LESTREL, P. E. ; OHTSUKI, F. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; WOLFE, C.. Computerized shape analysis of the Japanese mandible: Sexual dimorphism. Em: Seventy-Sixth Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 2006. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY SUPPL. 42, v. 132, p. 121-121, 2006.
14.   Morya, Edgard ; Bertolassi, Marco ; Filho, Adhemar Pettri ; Morimoto, Carlos H. ; RANVAUD, Ronald. Eye movements and motor programming in a Time-To-Contact task. Em: the 2006 symposium, 2006, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2006.
15.   NAKANO, F. ; ASPRINO, P. F. ; HIGA, C. H. A. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F. ; ARMELIN, H. A.. Searching for Genes Involved in Novel Mechanisms of Tumor Cell Death Triggered by FGF2: Introducing New Methodological Approaches. Em: International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2006, Fortaleza. International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 2006.


1.   ANDREANI, R. ; BIRGIN, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; SCHUVERDT, M. L.. TANGO: Trustable Algorithms for Nonlinear General Optimization - Box-constraints solvers in an Augmented Lagrangian framework. Em: SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2005, Estocolmo. Book of abstracts of the SIAMOP05, 2005.
2.   BIRGIN, E. G. TANGO Project: Trustable Algorithms for Nonlinear General Optimization. Em: VI Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2005, Goiânia. Book of abstracts of the VI Brazopt, 2005.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J.M.. GENCAN: An active-set box-constrained minimization solver. Em: Eighth SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2005, Stockhom. Book of abstracts of the Eighth SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP05), 2005.
4.   FUJITA, A.; SATO, João Ricardo ; FERREIRA, Carlos Eduardo ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide. Evaluating different methods of microarray data normalization. Em: X-meeting, 2005, Caxambú. X-meeting, 2005.
5.   FUJITA, A.; SATO, João Ricardo ; FESTA, Fernanda ; WINNISCHOFER, Sheila Maria Brochado ; SHINJO, Sueli Mieko Oba ; MARIE, Suely Kazue Nagahashi ; FERREIRA, Carlos Eduardo ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide. A preliminary transcriptome map of astrocytomas. Em: XXXIV Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular - SBBq, 2005, Lindóia, 2005.
6.   HASHIMOTO, R. F.; DOUGHERTY, E. R. ; BITTNER, M. L.. Intrinsically Multivariately Predictive Genes. Em: X-Meeting - The First International Conference of the AB3C, 2005, Caxambu. X-Meeting - The First International Conference of the AB3C, p. 85-85, 2005.
7.   MEIRELLES, Paulo. Melhorias do Código no desenvolvimento de software com uma RAD. Em: III Congresso de Iniciação Científica do CEFET-RN, 2005, Natal-RN. Anais do III Congresso de Iniciação Científica do CEFETRN. Natal-RN: O2 Editora, v. 1, 2005.
8.   MEIRELLES, Paulo; DEIVES, Crístian ; VIDAL, Jorgiano Marcio Bruno. Desenvolvendo uma Aplicação Host com OpenCard FrameWork para um Cartão Inteligente. Em: SINEC/WTC Dimap: Semana de Informática e Engenharia da Computação da UFRN e WorkShop de Trabalhos Científicos do Departamento de Matemática Aplicada da UFRN, 2005, Natal-RN, Brasil. IV Workshop Técnico Científico do DIMAp/UFRN. Natal-RN: EDUFRN - Editora da UFRN, v. 1, 2005.
9.   R.M. Barbosa ; A. Goldman. MobiGrid: framework for mobile agents on computational grid environments. Em: III Workshop on Grid Computing and Applications, 2005, Petrópolis. Anais do III Workshop on Grid Computing and Applications, 2005.


1.   AGUIAR, J A K ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; MICHELACCI, Y.m.. A method for co-localization analysis of immunofluorescence micrographs. (M-28). Em: XXXIII Reunião Anual da SBBq, 2004, 2004, Caxambu. Proc. XXXIII Reunião Anual da SBBq, 2004, 2004.
2.   ALBRECHT, L. ; OSAKABE, A. L. ; DURHAM, A. M. ; Hernando A. del Portillo ; WUNDERLICH, G.. Determining the var gene repertoire size in Amazonian Plasmodium falciparum isolates. Em: XXXIII Reunião anual da SBBq, 2004, Caxambu. Anais da XXXIII SBBq. , 2004, 2004.
3.   ANDREANI, R. ; Birgin, E. G. ; MARTÍNEZ, J.M. ; SCHUVERDT, M. L.. Augmented Lagrangian algorithms with convergence under the CPLD constraint qualification and numerical experiments. Em: Optimization 2004, 2004, Lisbon. Book of abstracts of the Optimization 2004, 2004.
4.   BIRGIN, E. G.; CASTILLO, R. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Numerical comparison of Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for nonconvex problems. Em: Optimization 2004, 2004, Lisboa. Book of abstracts of the Optimization 2004, 2004.
5.   BRANDÃO, L. O.; MOURA, Janine Gomes. SAAW: Adaptive Learning System on the Web. Em: Webmedia & La-Web Joint Conference, 2004, Ribeirão Preto. Proceedings of Webmedia & La-Web Joint Conference, v. 1, p. 121-121, 2004.
6.   CHALCO, J M ; ALVES, H S ; CARRER, H ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. Bioinformatics Tools for Assembling and Analysis of Chloroplast Genomes. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2004, Angra dos Reis. Proc. International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2004.
7.   BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; MASCARENHAS, W. F. ; RONCONI, D. P.. Method of Sentinels for Packing Objects whitin Arbitrary Regions. Em: V Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2004, Florianópolis. V Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2004.
8.   Emilio F. Merino ; DURHAM, A. M. ; TUMILASCI, V. F. ; LIMA, A. M. ; FERNANDEZ-BECERRA, C. ; DARC-NEVES, J. ; OIKAWA, M. ; FERREIRA, J. E. ; Hernando A. del Portillo. Plasmodium vivax: towards a global study of virulence in natural infections. Em: II ICOBICOBI: International Conference On Bionformatics and Molecular Biology, 2004, Angra dos Reis. II Icobicobi, 2004.
9.   FUJITA, A. ; SATO, J. R. ; SOGAYAR, M. C. ; FERREIRA, C. E.. Non-Parametric Regression and Canonical Correlation Analysis in Tumor Classification. Em: 2nd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2004, Agra dos Reis, Brazil. Proceedings of the 2nd ICOBICOBI (posters), 2004.
10.   FUJITA, A.; SATO, João Ricardo ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide ; FERREIRA, Carlos Eduardo. Kernel non parametric regression and canonical correlation analysis in tumor classification. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2004, Angra dos Reis, 2004.
11.   HASHIMOTO, R. F. Building Small Subnetworks from Seed Genes. Em: International Congress on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2004. Second International Congress on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2004.
12.   HUMES JR, C. ; QUEIROZ, M. ; JÚDICE, J.. A heuristic for the continuous capacity and flow assignment. Em: V Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2004, Florianópolis. Proceeding of the V Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, v. 1, p. 9-9, 2004.
13.   ISOTANI, S. ; BRANDÃO, L. O.. iGeom: Ferramenta de Autoria e Avaliação de Exercícios. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE), 2004, Manaus. Anais do Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (SBIE), v. 1, 2004.
14.   KOHAYAKAWA, Y. Advances in the regularity method (invited talk). Em: LATIN 2004: Latin American Theoretical Informatics, 2004, Buenos Aires. LATIN 2004: Latin American Theoretical Informatics (LNCS). Berlin: Springer-Verlag, v. 2976, p. 2-2, 2004.
15.   LIMA, A. M. ; Hernando A. del Portillo ; DURHAM, A. M.. RNA Modeling with Stochastic Context Free Grammars. Em: II ICOBICOBI: International Conference On Bionformatics and Molecular Biology, 2004, Angra dos Reis. Icobicobi, 2004.
16.   MOURA, Janine Gomes ; BRANDÃO, L. O.. SAW - Sistema de Aprendizagem pela Web baseado em applets. Em: Webmedia & La-Web Joint Conference, 2004, Ribeirão Preto. Proceedings of Webmedia & La-Web Joint Conference, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2004.
17.   PUGA, Renato David ; FUJITA, A. ; FESTA, Fernanda ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide. Identification of genes differentially expressed in tumoral prostates. Em: II International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2004, Angra dos Reis. II International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2004.
18.   QUEIROZ, M.; HUMES JR, C. ; JÚDICE, J.. Data fitting by hinge functions. Em: V Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2004, Florianópolis. Proceedings of the V Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, v. 1, p. 14-14, 2004.
19.   Queiroz, Marcelo; Júdice, Joaquim ; Humes Jr., Carlos. Solving the Symmetric Generalized Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem via Steepest Descent Methods. Em: Optimization 2004, 2004, Lisboa. Proceedings of Optimization 2004, 2004.
20.   SILVA, D. M. ; KON, F.. Adaptive Software Systems - Letter from the Guest Editors. Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, Porto Alegre. v. 10, n.1, p. 3-4, 2004, 2004.
21.   VARUZZA, L. ; DURHAM, A. M. ; KASHIWABARA, A. Y. ; MADEIRA, A. M. B. N. ; GRUBER, A.. Development of an Integrated System for transcriptome inference and annotation. Em: II ICOBICOBI: International Conference On Bionformatics and Molecular Biology, 2004, Angra dos Reis. II Icobicobi, 2004.
22.   VIEIRA, D. ; KASHIWABARA, A. Y. ; DURHAM, A. M.. Splice Site Prediction using Grammar Inference. Em: II ICOBICOBI: International Conference On Bionformatics and Molecular Biology, 2004, Angra dos Reis. II Icobicobi, 2004.


1.   BARRERA, Junior; CESAR JR, R M ; FERREIRA, J E ; GUBITOSO, M D. An environment for knowlegde discovery in bioinformatics applications. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto, 2003.
2.   BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; RAYDAN, M.. Inexact Spectral Projected Gradient methods on convex sets. Em: 18th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2003, Copenhagen. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2003, 2003.
3.   CAREZZATO, C J ; BARRERA, Junior ; SOUZA, S J ; COSTA, L F. Classification of genomic regions by chaos game representation images and fractal dimension. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, 2003.
4.   COSTA, L F ; FABBRI, R ; BARRERA, Junior. Simple Microarray Gridding by a Minimization Procedure on Image Projections. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto, 2003.
5.   DURHAM, A. M.; MATSUNAGA, F. ; AHAGON, P. ; GRUBER, A.. A primer and chimera identification tool for PCR-based cDNA clones. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto. Annals of the I International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Bioloogy, 2003.
6.   Emilio F. Merino ; FERNANDEZ-BECERRA, C. ; LIMA, A. M. ; DURHAM, A. M. ; GRUBER, A. ; HALL, N. ; Hernando A. del Portillo. Pilot survey of expressed sequence tags (ESTs)from the asexual blood stages of Plasmodium vivax in human patients. Em: I International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto. Proceedings of the I International Conference on Bionformatics and Computational Biology, 2003.
7.   ENDO, Luis Carlos Yano ; MORIMOTO, C. H. ; FABRIS, Antônio Elias. Real time animation of underbrushes. Winter School In Computer Graphics, Praga. v. 11, n.1, p. 1-8, 2003, 2003.
8.   FERREIRA, C. E.; ADI, S. S.. Gene Prediction by Spliced Alignment. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto. Anais do ICOBICOBI, 2003.
9.   FUJITA, A.; MASSIRER, Katlin Brauer ; DURHHAM, A. M. ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide. A simple gene annotation system for research laboratories. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto, 2003.
10.   HASHIMOTO, R. F.; DOUGHERTY, E. R. ; Marcel Brun ; Zheng-Zheng Zhou ; BITTNER, M. L. ; TRENT, J. M.. Feature Selection Based on Incremental Determinations. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003. First International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003.
12.   MARTINS JR, D C ; BARRERA, J ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; SILVA, P J S ; BRENTANI, H ; OSÓRIO, e ; SOUZA, S. Dimensionality reduction for SAGE-based gene identification. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003. Proc. ICoBiCoBi, 2003.
13.   MARTINS JR, D C ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; BARRERA, J ; GOLDMAN, G. Genetic network architecture identification by conditional entropy analysis. Em: 1o International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto, 2003.
14.   MELO, Ana C. V. de. Specification and Verification of Mobile Agents usign pi-calculus (tutorial). Em: VI Workshop on Formal Methods, 2003, Campina Grande. Proceedings of the VI Workshop on Formal Methods, 2003.
15.   PINTO, S. C. D. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; COSTA, L F ; GOCKAY, D. Morphological Analysis of Brain Structures using 3D Wavelet. Em: Brazilian Conference on Computer Graphics, Image Processing - SIBGRAPI 2003, 2003. CD-ROM SIbgrapi, 2003.
16.   PINTO, S. C. D. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; COSTA, L F ; GOCKAY, D. Feature Generation and Assessment of 3D Morphological Analysis of Brain MRI. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003. Proc. ICoBiCoBi, 2003.
17.   QUEIROZ, M.; HUMES JR, C. ; JÚDICE, J.. The Hinge Fitting Problem. Em: IV International Conference on Frontiers in Global Optimization, 2003, Firá, Grécia. Proceeedings of the IV International Conference on Frontiers in Global Optimization, v. 1, p. 56-56, 2003.
18.   REIS, L. F. ; CARVALHO, A. F. ; NEVES, E. J. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; MARTINS, W. K. ; MONTAGNINI, A. L. ; SOARES, F. A.. Molecular Classifieres for gastric cancer and non-malignant diseases of the gastric mucosa. Em: AACR 2003, 2003, Toronto. AACR 2003, 2003.
19.   SALGADO, L. R. B. ; Y. WAKABAYASHI. Approximation Algorithms for Partitioning a Graph into Connected Subgraphs. Em: XVIII International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2003, Copenhagen. Proceedings of the XVIII International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2003.
20.   SANTOS, Thiago Teixeira ; MORIMOTO, C. H.. Structuring and indexing of digital video by color histogram shot boundary detection. Em: SIBGRAPI 2003 - XVI Brazilian Symposium in Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2003, São Carlos. Sibgrapi 2003 - Anais, material nacional, 2003.
21.   SILVA, P J S ; HASHIMOTO, R F ; KIM, S ; BARRERA, Junior ; BRANDÃO, L O ; SUH, E ; DOUGHERTY, E R. Feature Selection Algorithms to Find Strong Genes. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto, 2003.
22.   SOUZA, J e S ; SAKABE, N J ; BARRERA, Junior ; SOUZA, S J. A large-scale study of SNPs in regulatory elements of alternative splicing and their possible relation to human diseases. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto. Icobicobi 2003, 2003.
23.   TAKEMURA, Celina Maki ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; BONATO, V. ; REIS, S. F. dos ; COSTA, L. da F.. Trinomys's ecological life-history and morphological traits. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003. Proc. ICoBiCoBi, 2003.
24.   TAKEMURA, Celina Maki ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; HINGST-ZAHER, E. ; ARANTES, R. A. T. ; COSTA, L F. Application of wavelets in the analysis of sexual dimorphism in the skull of South American canids (Mammalia, Canidae). Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003. Proc. ICoBiCoBi, 2003.
25.   TORRES, M ; BARRERA, Junior. A parallel algorithm to find small sets of genes that are enough to distinguish two biological states. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto. Icobicobi 2003, 2003.
26.   TORRES, M ; BARRERA, Junior. A parallel algorithm for agglomerative hierarchical clustering using complete link. Em: International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto, 2003.
27.   TREPODE, N W ; ARMELIN, H A ; BITTNER, M ; BARRERA, Junior ; GUBITOSO, M D. An approach for studying genetic networks: discreted dynamical system simulation. A case study: the cell cycle. Em: 1º International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 2003, Ribeirão Preto, 2003.


1.   BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A large-scale active-set augmented Lagrangean method with spectral projected gradients. Em: 16th Triennial Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies, 2002, Edinburgh. Book of abstracts of the IFORS 2002, 2002.
2.   BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. GENCAN: Active set strategies and Spectral Projected Gradients for large-scale box-constrained optimization. Em: Seventh SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2002, Toronto. Book of abstracts of the Seventh SIAMOP02, 2002.
3.   BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; RAYDAN, M.. Inexact Spectral Projected Gradient methods on convex sets. Em: IV Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2002, Rio de Janeiro. Book of abstracts of the IV Brazopt, 2002.
4.   BRANDÃO, L. O. Geometria Interativa na Internet: iGeom. Em: XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2002, São Leopoldo - RS. XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação. Porto Alegre: Gráfica de Unisino, v. 1, p. 652-652, 2002.
5.   BRANDÃO, L. O. Dynamic Geometry = computer + geometry + algorithms. Em: International Conference on Scienced and Mathematics Education, 2002, Rio de Janeiro. International Conference on Scienced and Mathematics Education, 2002.
6.   BRANDÃO, L. O. iGeom: a free software for dynamic geometry into the Web. Em: International Conference on Scienced and Mathematics Education, 2002, Rio de Janeiro. International Conference on Scienced and Mathematics Education, 2002.
7.   BRANDÃO, L. O. Produção de Material para Ensino de Matemática via Internet: história da Matemática e Geometria Dinâmica. Em: I Workshop de História e Tecnologia no Ensino de Matemática, 2002, Rio de Janeiro. I Workshop de História e Tecnologia no Ensino de Matemática, 2002.
8.   ESTEVES, G. P. ; DANTAS, D. O. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; NEVES, E. J. ; BARRERA, J. ; REIS, L. F. ; CARVALHO, A. F.. A Study on some parameters that may influence cDNA microarrays analysis. Em: Congresso Nacional de Genética, 2002, Águas de Lindóia. Congresso Nacional de Genética, 2002.
9.   GOMES, L. I. ; STOLF, B. S. ; ESTEVES, G. P. ; MARTINS, W. K. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; NEVES, E. J. ; REIS, L. F. ; CARVALHO, A. F.. Assesment of bias introduced by RNA amplification for microarray hybridization. Em: Congresso Nacional de Genética, 2002, Águas de Lindóia. Congresso Nacional de Genética, 2002.
10.   MASSIRER, Katlin Brauer ; FUJITA, A. ; BARRETO, J. F. T.. Search for genes related to cancer using protein domain profiles. Em: XXXI Reunião da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular - SBBq, 2002, Caxambú. Search for new genes related to cancer using protein domain profiles, 2002.
11.   MATSUNAGA, F. ; DURHAM, A. M. ; SAKATA, H. ; AHAGON, P. ; FERNANDEZ, S. ; MADEIA, A. M. B. N. ; GRUBER, A.. Gene survey of Eimeria spp. of domestic fowl using open reading frame ESTs (ORESTES) and development of an automatic pipeline for sequence analysis. Em: Biotecnologia Habana 2002 - Agro-Biotech in the New Millenium, 2002, Havana. Biotecnologia Habana 2002 - Agro-Biotech in the New Millenium - Abstracts. Havana: Elfos Scientiae, p. 225-225, 2002.
12.   MEIRELES, S. I. ; CARVALHO, A. F. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; MONTAGNINI, A. L. ; MARTINS, W. K. ; RUNZA, F. B. ; MENDONCA, C. E. ; SOARES, F. A. ; NEVES, E. J. ; REIS, L. F.. Identification of molecular markers in gastric cancer by cDNA arrays. Em: Congresso Nacional de Genética 2002, 2002, Águas de Lindóia. Congresso Nacional de Genética 2002, 2002.
13.   MIYAZAWA, F. K. ; Y. WAKABAYASHI. Three-dimensional On-line Packing with Rotations. Em: IV ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization., 2002, Pucon. IV ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, p. 97-99, 2002.
14.   MORIMOTO, C. H.; AMIR, Arnon ; FLICKNER, Myron. Free head motion eye gaze tracking without calibration. Em: CHI 2002 - Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2002, Minneapolis, Minnesota. CHI 2002 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York: ACM, p. 586-587, 2002.
15.   QUEIROZ, M.; JÚDICE, J. ; HUMES JR, C.. The symmetric eigenvalue complementarity problem. Em: IV Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2002, Rio de Janeiro. Proceedings of the IV Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2002.
16.   SILVA, R. L. A. ; MACKAY, A. ; CARVALHO, A. F. ; RUNZA, F. B. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; NEVES, E. J. ; HARE, M. O. ; REIS, L. F.. Identification of genes with altered expression in human mammary luminal cell lines as a consequence of ERBB (HER2-neu) overexpression. Em: Congresso Nacional de Genética 2002, 2002, Águas de Lindóia. Congresso Nacional de Genética 2002, 2002.
17.   STOLF, B. S. ; CARVALHO, A. F. ; MARTINS, W. K. ; RUNZA, F. B. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; NEVES, E. J. ; SOARES, F. A. ; KOWALSK, P. L. ; CARVALHO, M. B. ; REIS, L. F.. Identification of genes differentially expressed in thyroid tumors. Em: Congresso Nacional de Genética, 2002, Águas de Lindóia. Congresso Nacional de Genética, 2002.


1.   A. Goldman. Scheduling communications on a multi-cluster networks. Em: New trends in scheduling for parallel and distributed systems, 2001, Marseille - Lumini - CIRM. Book of Abstracts - New trends in scheduling for parallel and distributed systems, 2001.
2.   BAGATTINI, R. ; GORJÃO, R. ; TAMINATO, A. ; CHEN, G. ; DRIESSCHE, N. V. ; SANTOS, T. T. ; OKIDA, G. T. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; FERREIRA, J. E. ; NEVES, E. J. ; BARRERA, J. ; KUSPA, A. ; SHAULSKY, G. ; SOUZA, G. M.. A role for yaka, camp and pka in the nitrosoative/oxidative stress response of dictyostelium discoideum cells. Em: International Dictyostelium Conference, 2001, La Jolla, California - USA, 2001.
3.   Birgin, E. G.; KREJI', N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J.M.. Globally convergent Newton's method with non-newtonian intermediate iterations. Em: Optimization 2001, 2001, Aveiro. Book of abstracts of the Optimisation 2001, 2001.
4.   BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Large-scale active-set box-constrained optimization with spectral projected gradients. Em: Optimization 2001, 2001, Aveiro. Book of abstracts of the Optimization 2001, 2001.
5.   BIRGIN, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A box-constrained optimization algorithm with negative curvature directions and spectral projected gradients. Em: III Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2001, Florianópolis. Book of abstracts of the III Brazopt, 2001.
6.   BLAIR, G. ; COSTA, F. M. ; CAMPBELL, R. H. ; KON, F.. Guest Editors' Introduction: Reflective Middleware. IEEE Distributed Systems Online, Estados Unidos. v. 2, n.5, p. 1-1, 2001. Citações:1, 2001.
7.   BRAGHETTO, K. R.; NAVARRO, H. A.. Estrutura de Dados para a Simulação da Dinâmica dos Fluidos Incompressíveis. Em: XIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNESP, 2001, Bauru. XIII Congresso de Iniciação Científica da UNESP, 2001.
8.   BRAGHETTO, K. R.; NAVARRO, H. A.. Simulação Computacional de Escoamentos Incompressíveis. Em: XIX Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de São Paulo ? SIICUSP, 2001, São Paulo. XIX Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de São Paulo ? SIICUSP, 2001.
9.   BRANDÃO, L. O. Geometria Dinâmica na Internet: iGeom e iMática. Em: IV International Conference on Graphics Engineering for Arts and Design, 2001, São Paulo. Anais do Graphica'2001. São Paulo: CD-ROM, p. 1254-1254, 2001.
10.   HIRATA, N. S. T. Dynamical systems with morphological transitions. Em: IEEE/EURASIP Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 2001, Baltimore, Maryland USA. 2001 IEEE Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing, 2001.


1.   BALLESTEROS, F. J. ; KON, F. ; CAMPBELL, R. H.. QoS in the Off++ microkernel. Em: ECOOP Workshop in Quality of Service in Distributed Object Systems, 2000, Sophia Antipolis, França. Proceedings of the COOP Workshop in Quality of Service in Distributed Object Systems, 2000.
2.   CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.; T. E. Campos ; FERIS, Rogerio S.. Discriminação de Faces X Não-Faces Usando Descritores de Fourier. Em: 52a. Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2000, Brasilia. Anais da 52a. Reunião Anual da SBPC, 2000.
3.   CINTRA, G. F. ; Y. WAKABAYASHI. A Hybrid Algorithm for the One-dimensional Cutting Stock Problem. Em: XVII International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2000, Atlanta, EUA. Proceedings of the XVII International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2000.
4.   FINGER, M.; BRITTO, H. ; GALVES, C.. Computational and linguistic aspects of the construction of the tycho brahe parsed corpus of historical portuguese. Em: 1st Freiburg Workshop on Romance Corpus Linguistics, 2000, Freiburg, Germany. Proceedings of the 1st Freiburg Workshop on Romance Corpus Linguistics, 2000.
5.   J. C. de Pina; SOARES, J. A. R.. A new bound for the Carathéodry rnak of the bases of a matroid. Em: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, 2000, São Francisco. Proceedings of the 11th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, p. 642-643, 2000.

(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 2000 até 2025
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