Programa de Pós Graduação em Ciência da Computação

Total de produção bibliográfica

Número total de itens: 4415
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1.   ALVES, ISAQUE ; LEITE, LEONARDO A. F. ; Meirelles, Paulo ; KON, FABIO ; AGUIAR, CARLA SILVA ROCHA. Practices for Managing Machine Learning Products: A Multivocal Literature Review. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. v. 71, p. 1-31, 2024. Qualis: A2
2.   Andreani, Roberto ; FUKUDA, ELLEN H. ; Haeser, Gabriel ; SANTOS, DAIANA O. ; Secchin, Leonardo D.. Optimality Conditions for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programming and Symmetric Cone Programming. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. v. 200, p. 1-33, 2024. Qualis: A3
3.   Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; COUTO, K. ; FERREIRA, O. P.. Constraint Qualifications and Strong Global Convergence Properties of an Augmented Lagrangian Method on Riemannian Manifolds. SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION. v. 34, p. 1799-1825, 2024. Qualis: A1
4.   Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; MITO, LEONARDO M. ; RAMÍREZ, HÉCTOR. Weak notions of nondegeneracy in nonlinear semidefinite programming. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING. v. 205, p. 1-32, 2024. Qualis: A1
5.   ANDREAS, FISCHER ; Gabriel, Haeser ; THIAGO P., SILVEIRA. On achieving strong necessary second-order properties in nonlinear programming. Pacific Journal of Optimization. 2024. Qualis: B3
7.   ARTEAGA GARCIA, EMILY JUDITH ; NICOLACI PIMENTEL, JOÃO FELIPE ; FENG, ZIXUAN ; GEROSA, MARCO ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA. How to Support ML End-User Programmers through a Conversational Agent. Em: ICSE '24: 46th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, p. 1, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (ICSE '24: 46th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering)
8.   BAZALUK, BRUNA ; HAMDAN, MOSAB ; GHALEB, MUSTAFA ; GISMALLA, MOHAMMED S. M. ; CORREA DA SILVA, FLAVIO S. ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. Towards a Transformer-Based Pre-trained Model for IoT Traffic Classification. Em: NOMS 20242024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium, p. 1, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (NOMS 20242024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium)
9.   Birgin, E. G. (Plenary talk) Current work in the development of augmented Lagrangian software. Em: XIV Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2024, Rio de Janeiro. Book of abstracts of the XIV Brazopt, 2024.
10.   BIRGIN, E. G. ; HAESER, G. ; Martínez, J. M.. Safeguarded augmented Lagrangian algorithms with scaled stopping criterion for the subproblems. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. 2024. Qualis: A4
11.   Birgin, E. G.; CORREA, M. R. ; GONZÁLEZ-LÓPEZ, V. A. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; RODRIGUES, D. S.. Randomly Supported Variations of Deterministic Models and Their Application to One-Dimensional Shallow Water Flows. JOURNAL OF HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. v. 150, p. 04024026, 2024. Qualis: A3
12.   Birgin, E. G.; LAURAIN, A. ; SOUZA, D. R.. Reconstruction of Voronoi diagrams in inverse problems. Em: 11th International Conference 'Inverse Problems: Modeling and simulation', 2024, Mellieña. Abstracts of the 11th International Conference "Inverse Problems: Modeling and simulation", 2024.
13.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A PDE-informed optimization algorithm for river flow predictions. NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS. v. 96, p. 289-304, 2024. Qualis: A4
14.   BOTLER, FÁBIO ; Fernandes, Cristina G. ; GUTIÉRREZ, JUAN. Independent Dominating Sets in Planar Triangulations. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 31, p. P2.12, 2024. Qualis: A3 (THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS)
15.   Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco. Inteligência Artificial nos Estudos de Revisão: Limites e Possibilidades. 2024. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
16.   Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco. Desafios da ética em pesquisa na era da inteligência artificial. 2024. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
17.   BUENO, L.F. ; HAESER, G. ; KOLOSSOSKI, O.. On the paper -Augmented Lagrangian algorithms for solving the continuous nonlinear resource allocation problem-. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. v. 313, p. 1217-1222, 2024. Qualis: A1
18.   CAMPOS, MARCELO ; COLLARES, MAURÍCIO ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA. Counting orientations of random graphs with no directed k -cycles. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. v. 64, p. 676-691, 2024. Qualis: A2
19.   CARNEIRO, ALEX TORQUATO S. ; COUTINHO, F. L. ; MORIMOTO, C. H.. Detection of visual pursuits using 1D convolutional neural networks. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. v. 179, p. 45-51, 2024. Qualis: A2
20.   CHOUDHURI, RUDRAJIT ; LIU, DYLAN ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO ; SARMA, ANITA. How Far Are We? The Triumphs and Trials of Generative AI in Learning Software Engineering. Em: ICSE '24: IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering, p. 1, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (ICSE '24: IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering)
21.   CORDEIRO, RENATO ; Alves, Isaque ; Alves, Samara ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Being Agile in a Data Science Project. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 1ed. Em: . : Springer Nature Switzerland. 2024.p. 51-59.
22.   CORREIA, JOÃO ; NICHOLSON, MORGAN C. ; COUTINHO, DANIEL ; BARBOSA, CAIO ; CASTELLUCCIO, MARCO ; GEROSA, MARCO ; GARCIA, ALESSANDRO ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Unveiling the Potential of a Conversational Agent in Developer Support: Insights from Mozilla?s PDF.js Project. Em: AIware '24: 1st ACM International Conference on AIPowered Software, p. 10, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (AIware '24: 1st ACM International Conference on AIPowered Software)
23.   DÍAZ, JESSICA ; PÉREZ, JORGE ; ALVES, ISAQUE ; KON, FABIO ; Leite, Leonardo ; Meirelles, Paulo ; ROCHA, CARLA. Harmonizing DevOps taxonomies - A grounded theory study. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. v. 208, p. 111908, 2024. Qualis: A2 (THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE)
24.   Fernandes, Cristina G.; Mota, Guilherme Oliveira ; Sanhueza-Matamala, Nicolás. Separating Path Systems in Complete Graphs. Em: José A. Soto; Andreas Wiese (eds) LATIN 2024: 16th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer Nature Switzerland. 2024.v. 14579, p. 98-113.
25.   FERREIRA BARROS, GABRIEL ; PASQUALOTTO CAVALAR, BRUNO ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; OLIVEIRA MOTA, GUILHERME ; NAIA, TÁSSIO. Directed graphs with lower orientation Ramsey thresholds. RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH)
26.   FERREIRA, THIAGO D. ; FREITAS, O. F. ; ALVES, RENAN C. A. ; ALBERTINI, BRUNO C. ; SIMPLICIO JR., MARCOS A. ; BATISTA, D. M.. SPDM-WiD: Uma Ferramenta para Inspeção de Pacotes do Security Protocol Data Model (SPDM). Em: Salão de Ferramentas do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2024), 2024.Qualis: Não identificado (Salão de Ferramentas do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2024))
27.   GAUY, M. M. ; KOZA, N. H. ; MORITA, R. M. ; STANZIONE, G. R. ; CANDIDO JR, A. ; BERTI, L. C. ; LEVIN, A. S. ; SABINO, E. C. ; FERNANDES-SVARTMAN, F. ; Finger, Marcelo. Contrasting Deep Learning Models for Direct Respiratory Insufficiency Detection Versus Blood Oxygen Saturation Estimation. arXiv. 2024. Relatório Técnico
28.   GAUY, MARCELO MATHEUS ; BERTI, L. C. ; CANDIDO JR, ARNALDO ; CAMARGO NETO, A. C. ; GOLDMAN, A. ; LEVIN, A. S. ; MARTINS, M. ; MEDEIROS, B. R. ; QUEIROZ, M. G. ; SABINO, E. C. ; FERNANDES-SVARTMAN, F. ; Finger, Marcelo. Discriminant audio properties in deep learning based respiratory insufficiency detection in Brazilian Portuguese. Ithaca: arXiv. 2024. Relatório Técnico
29.   GEROSA, MARCO; TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA. Can AI serve as a substitute for human subjects in software engineering research?. Automated Software Engineering. v. 31, p. 1, 2024. Qualis: A3
30.   GUERRA, EDUARDO ; GOMES, EVERALDO ; FERREIRA, J. ; WIESE, IGOR ; LIMA, PHYLLIPE ; GEROSA, M. A. ; Meirelles, Paulo. How do annotations affect Java code readability?. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (DORDRECHT. ONLINE). 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (ONLINE))
32.   HAMIDISHAD, NAYEREH ; CESAR, ROBERTO MARCONDES. Man-made object segmentation around reservoirs by an end-to-end two-phase deep learning-based workflow. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing. v. 18, p. 1, 2024. Qualis: A3
33.   HIRATA, N. S. T. Inteligência Artificial como Ferramenta de Transformação Digital. 2024. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário
34.   KON, F. Rethinking Sustainability in Urban Areas: São Paulo, London, Berlin. 1 ed. 2024. .
35.   Leite, Leonardo ; Paulo Meirelles ; KON, F.. Como se faz DevOps: Organizando pessoas, dos silos aos times de plataforma. 1 ed. São Paulo: Casa do Código, 2024. v. 1, p. 185.
36.   LIGABUE, P. M. ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; PERES, S. M. ; COZMAN, F. G. ; PIROZELLI, PAULO. Applying a Context-based Method to Build a Knowledge Graph for the Blue Amazon. Data Intelligence. v. 1, p. 1-63, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (DATA INTELLIGENCE)
37.   LOBO, João F. P. ; PRETO, S. ; Finger, Marcelo. Logical Approximation and Formal Verification of Neural Networks. Em: WORKSHOP BRASILEIRO DE LÓGICA, p. 1-8, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (WORKSHOP BRASILEIRO DE LÓGICA)
38.   MIZUTANI, WILSON KAZUO ; Kon, Fabio. : An Architectural Pattern for Self-Amending Mechanics in Digital Games. IEEE Transactions on Games. v. 1, p. 1-10, 2024. Qualis: A4
39.   MORIMITSU, H. ; ZHU, X. ; CESAR-JR, ROBERTO M ; JI, X. ; YIN, X.. RAPIDFlow: Recurrent Adaptable Pyramids with Iterative Decoding for efficient optical flow estimation. Em: IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2024.Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation)
40.   NACHTIGALL, PEDRO G ; DURHAM, ALAN M ; ROKYTA, DARIN R ; JUNQUEIRA-DE-AZEVEDO, INÁCIO L M. ToxCodAn-Genome: an automated pipeline for toxin-gene annotation in genome assembly of venomous lineages. GigaScience. v. 13, p. giad116, 2024. Qualis: A1
41.   NAKAZONO, L ; VALENÇA, R R ; SOARES, G ; IZBICKI, R ; IVEZI', ' ; LIMA, E V R ; HIRATA, N S T ; SODRÉ, L ; OVERZIER, R ; ALMEIDA-FERNANDES, F ; SCHWARZ, G B OLIVEIRA ; SCHOENELL, W ; KANAAN, A ; RIBEIRO, T ; DE OLIVEIRA, C MENDES. The Quasar Catalogue for S-PLUS DR4 (QuCatS) and the estimation of photometric redshifts. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. v. 531, p. 327-339, 2024. Qualis: A2
42.   NICOLA, VICTOR GOMES DE OLIVEIRA MARTINS ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia ; LAURETTO, MARCELO DE SOUZA. Imbalance-Robust Multi-Label Self-Adjusting kNN. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data. 2024. Qualis: A1
43.   NITSCHKE, G. ; ASLAN, B. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.. Multi-Objective Evolution for Chemical Product Design. Em: GECCO 2024: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, v. 1, p. 356-362, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (GECCO 2024: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference)
44.   OLIVEIRA, HUGO ; GAMA, PEDRO H.T. ; BLOCH, Isabelle ; CESAR, ROBERTO MARCONDES. Meta-learners for few-shot weakly-supervised medical image segmentation. PATTERN RECOGNITION. 2024. Qualis: A1
45.   OLIVEIRA, MARIANA BATISTA ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; YODER, JOSEPH. Information Security Investments: How to Prioritize?. Em: SBSI '24: XX Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems, p. 1, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (SBSI '24: XX Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems)
46.   PIROZELLI, PAULO ; JOSE, M. M. ; SILVEIRA, I. C. ; CACAO, F. N. ; PERES, S. M. ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; Costa, A.H.R ; COZMAN, F. G.. Benchmarks for Pirá 2.0, a Reading Comprehension Dataset about the Ocean, the Brazilian Coast, and Climate Change. Data Intelligence. v. 1, p. 1-36, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (DATA INTELLIGENCE)
47.   Ramos Saes, Keylla ; Alves Franco Brandão, Anarosa ; Manhas de Freitas, Elthon ; Vidigal de Paula, Fraulein. Educational Content Personalization for Neurodiversity: A Survey of Technologies Supporting Linguistic Development in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Em: Olney, A.M.; Chounta, IA.; Liu, Z., Santos, O.C.; Bittencourt, I.I.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham. : Springer Nature Switzerland. 2024.v. 14830, p. 234-241.
48.   Sampaio, Rudini M. ; SOBRAL, GABRIEL A.G. ; Wakabayashi, Yoshiko. Density of identifying codes of hexagonal grids with finite number of rows. RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH. v. 58, p. 1633-1651, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (RAIRO-OPERATIONS RESEARCH)
49.   SANTO, F. O. E. ; PERES, S. M. ; GRAMACHO, G. S. ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; COZMAN, F. G.. Legal Document-Based, Domain-Driven Q&A System: LLMs in Perspective. Em: International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), v. 1, p. 1-9, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN))
50.   SANTOS, L. F. D. ; Felipe A.S. Kleine ; MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Image Segmentation by Hierarchical Layered Oriented Image Foresting Transform Subject to Closeness Constraints. Em: Third International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM), 2024.Qualis: Não identificado (Third International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM))
51.   SERRAS, F. ; STURZENEKER, M. ; CARPI, M. M. ; PALMA, M. F. ; CRESPO, M. C. ; COSTA, A. S. ; MONTE, V. M. ; NAMIUTI, C. ; SOUSA, M. C. P. ; Finger, Marcelo. Exploring Computational Discernibility of Discourse Domains in Brazilian Portuguese within the Carolina Corpus. Em: PROPOR2024: 16th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (PROPOR2024: 16th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese)
52.   SERRAS, F. ; STURZENEKER, M. ; CRESPO, M. C. ; PALMA, M. F. ; CARPI, M. M. ; MELLO, G. L. ; MONTE, V. M. ; NAMIUTI, C. ; SOUSA, M. C. P. ; Finger, Marcelo. Carolina: a dual purpose corpus of contemporary Portuguese under continuous development. Em: 5th OpenCor: Latin American and Iberian Languages Open Corpora Forum Full program, 2024.Qualis: Não identificado (5th OpenCor: Latin American and Iberian Languages Open Corpora Forum Full program)
53.   SILVA, D. J. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V. ; ALVES, W. A. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F. ; KOSINKA, J. ; ROERDINK, J. B.. Differential Maximum Euclidean Distance Transform Computation in Component Trees. Em: Third International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM), 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (Third International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology (DGMM))
54.   TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; GEROSA, MARCO AURELIO ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Unraveling the Drivers of Sense of Belonging in Software Delivery Teams: Insights from a Large-Scale Survey. Em: ICSE '24: IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering, p. 1, 2024. Qualis: Não identificado (ICSE '24: IEEE/ACM 46th International Conference on Software Engineering)
55.   TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; GEROSA, MARCO AURELIO ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA. Guidelines for Cultivating a Sense of Belonging to Reduce Developer Burnout. IEEE SOFTWARE. v. 1, p. 1-7, 2024. Qualis: A1


1.   ALEIXO, ROBSON ; Kon, Fabio ; CAMARGO, RAPHAEL Y. DE. Predição de Surtos de Dengue e Diagnóstico de Sífilis Congênita Utilizando Aprendizado de Máquina. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde, p. 96-101, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde)
2.   AMARAL, LARISSA MANGOLIM ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; SIQUEIRA, FÁBIO LEVY. Using Metamodel Composition to Unify User Story and Use Case Metamodels. Em: Congresso IberoAmericano em Engenharia de Software, v. 1, p. 229-236, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Congresso IberoAmericano em Engenharia de Software)
3.   AMARIO DE SOUZA, HIGOR ; DE SOUZA LAURETTO, MARCELO ; Kon, Fabio ; LORDELLO CHAIM, MARCOS. Understanding the use of spectrum-based fault localization. Journal of Software-Evolution and Process. v. 36, p. 1, 2023. Qualis: A4 (JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE: EVOLUTION AND PROCESS)
4.   AMARIS, MARCOS ; CAMARGO, RAPHAEL ; CORDEIRO, DANIEL ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; TRYSTRAM, DENIS. Evaluating execution time predictions on GPU kernels using an analytical model and machine learning techniques. JOURNAL OF PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING. v. 171, p. 66-78, 2023. Qualis: A2
5.   Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; MITO, LEONARDO M. ; RAMÍREZ, HÉCTOR. Sequential Constant Rank Constraint Qualifications for Nonlinear Semidefinite Programming with Algorithmic Applications. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. v. 31, p. 3, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (SET-VALUED AND VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS)
6.   Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; MITO, LEONARDO M. ; RAMÍREZ, HÉCTOR ; SILVEIRA, THIAGO P.. First- and second-order optimality conditions for second-order cone and semidefinite programming under a constant rank condition. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING. v. 202, p. 473-513, 2023. Qualis: A1
7.   ARAUJO, K. A. G. ; Birgin, E. G. ; KAWAMURA, M. S. ; RONCONI, D. P.. Relax-and-Fix Heuristics Applied to a Real-World Lot Sizing and Scheduling Problem in the Personal Care Consumer Goods Industry. Operations Research Forum. v. 4, p. 47, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (OPERATIONS RESEARCH FORUM)
8.   Archela, Gisela M. Q. M. ; de Melo, Ana C. V. ; GAVA, V. L.. Technical Debt: Agile Estimation and Prioritization. Em: ESSE 2023: The 4th European Symposium on Software Engineering., 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (ESSE 2023: The 4th European Symposium on Software Engineering.)
9.   ARMIJO, NICOLAS F. ; BELLO-CRUZ, YUNIER ; Haeser, Gabriel. On the convergence of iterative schemes for solving a piecewise linear system of equations. LINEAR ALGEBRA AND ITS APPLICATIONS. v. 665, p. 291-314, 2023. Qualis: A3
10.   AVEGLIANO, Priscilla ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Equation-Based Versus Agent-Based Models: Why Not Embrace Both for an Efficient Parameter Calibration?. JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION. v. 26, p. 3, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (JASSS-THE JOURNAL OF ARTIFICIAL SOCIETIES AND SOCIAL SIMULATION)
11.   BADAIN, RAFAEL ; DAMINELI, DANIEL S. C. ; PORTES, MARIA TERESA ; FEIJÓ, JOSÉ ; BURATTI, STEFANO ; TORTORA, GIORGIA ; NEVES DE OLIVEIRA, HUGO ; Cesar, Roberto M.. AMEBaS: Automatic Midline Extraction and Background Subtraction of Ratiometric Fluorescence Time-Lapses of Polarized Single Cells. Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments. v. 1, p. 1, 2023. Qualis: B1 (JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS)
12.   BANDO, SILVIA Y. ; BERTONHA, FERNANDA B. ; MENEZES, PEDRO H. N. ; TAKAHARA, ANDRÉ K. ; KHALED, NATHÁLIA A. ; SANTOS, PAULA ; S. JUNQUEIRA, MARA ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; MOREIRA-FILHO, CARLOS A.. Transcriptomic analysis reveals distinct adaptive molecular mechanism in the hippocampal CA3 from rats susceptible or not-susceptible to hyperthermia-induced seizures. Scientific Reports. v. 13, p. 1, 2023. Qualis: A2
13.   BANDO, SILVIA Y. ; BERTONHA, FERNANDA B. ; VIEIRA, SANDRA E. ; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE B. L. ; CHALUP, VANESSA N. ; DURIGON, EDISON L. ; PALMEIRA, PATRICIA ; CURI, ANA CRISTINA P. ; FARIA, CAROLINE S. ; ANTONANGELO, LEILA ; LAUTERBACH, GERHARD DA P. ; REGALIO, FABIANE A. ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M. ; MOREIRA-FILHO, CARLOS A.. Blood leukocyte transcriptional modules and differentially expressed genes associated with disease severity and age in COVID-19 patients. Scientific Reports. v. 13, p. 1, 2023. Qualis: A2
14.   BAZALUK, B. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S. ; HOLANDA, M. ; SILVA, D.. Source Code Plagiarism in Computer Science Courses: Facts and Impressions. Em: Workshop sobre Educação em Computação (WEI), v. 1, p. 111-121, 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop sobre Educação em Computação (WEI))
16.   Birgin, E. G. (Minisymposium invited talk) Block Coordinate Descent for Smooth Nonconvex Constrained Minimization. Em: 2023 SIAM Conference on Optimization (OP23), 2023, Seattle. Book of Abstract of the 2023 SIAM Conference on Optimization, 2023.
17.   BIRGIN, E. G. ; FERNANDEZ, L. ; Haeser, Gabriel ; LAURAIN, A.. Optimization of the First Dirichlet Laplacian Eigenvalue with Respect to a Union of Balls. JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS. v. 33, p. 184, 2023. Qualis: A1 (THE JOURNAL OF GEOMETRIC ANALYSIS)
18.   Birgin, E. G.; ERTEL, P. C. R. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A heuristic method for the close enough traveling salesman problem. Em: 23rd Conference of the International Federation of Operational Research Societies (IFORS 2023), 2023, Santiago. Book of abstracts of the IFORS 2023, 2023.
19.   Birgin, E. G.; ERTEL, P. C. R. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. (Minisymposium invited talk) Ernesto Block coordinate descent and the close enough traveling salesman problem. Em: 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023), 2023, Tokyo. Book of abstracts of the ICIAM 2023, 2023.
20.   Birgin, E.; LAURAIN, A. ; MENEZES, T.. Sensitivity analysis and tailored design of minimization diagrams. MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION. v. 92, p. 2715-2768, 2023. Qualis: A1
21.   Birgin, Ernesto G.; GARDENGHI, JOHN L. ; LAURAIN, ANTOINE. Bounds on the Optimal Radius When Covering a Set with Minimum Radius Identical Disks. MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. 2023. Qualis: A2
22.   Birgin, Ernesto G.; ROMÃO, OBERLAN C. ; Ronconi, Débora P.. A forward-looking matheuristic approach for the multi-period two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting stock problem with usable leftovers. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS. v. 223, p. 119866, 2023. Qualis: A1
23.   BIRGIN, ERNESTO G; LAURAIN, ANTOINE. Shape Optimization for Covering Problems. American Mathematical Society. Notices. v. 70, p. 1-1591, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (NOTICES)
24.   BOTLER, F. H. ; Fernandes, Cristina G. ; GUTIERREZ, J.. Independent dominating sets in planar triangulations. Em: European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, 2023, Praga. Proceedings of the 12th European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications, p. 163-168, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 2023, PRAGA. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON COMBINATORICS, GRAPH THEORY AND APPLICATIONS)
25.   BOTLER, FÁBIO ; COLUCCI, LUCAS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu. The mod k $k$ chromatic index of random graphs. Journal of Graph Theory (Online). v. 103, p. 767-779, 2023. Qualis: A2
26.   Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco. IA na Autoria Científica: Transformando o Processo de Escrita. 2023. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
27.   BUZATO, FERNANDO H. L. ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Optimizing Microservices Performance and Resource Utilization through Containerized Grouping: An Experimental Study. Em: 2023 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops (SBACPADW), p. 115, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops (SBACPADW))
28.   CAMPOS, BRUNO P. ; HENRI, JOÃO ; BATISTA, DANIEL M. ; HIRATA JR, R. ; ULLAH, KIFAYAT. Comparativo de Estratégias para Resposta a Emergências usando Redes Ad Hoc Veiculares e Computação em Névoa. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, p. 168-175, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos)
29.   CAMPOS, M. ; Collares, M. ; Mota, G.O.. Counting orientations of random graphs with no directed k-cycles. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. 2023. Qualis: A2
30.   CAMPOS, P. ; MARTINS, T. ; MATTOS, L. ; MENDONCA, W. ; MOREIRA, L. ; Mota, G. O.. On the anti-Ramsey threshold for non-balanced graphs. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. 2023. Qualis: A3 (THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS)
31.   CARNEIRO, ALEX TORQUATO SOUZA ; GONZALES, CANDY VERONICA TENORIO ; MORIMOTO, CARLOS HITOSHI. EyePursuitLinks - an Eye-pursuit Based Interface for Web Browsing Using Smart Targets. Em: WebMedia '23: Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, p. 16, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (WebMedia '23: Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web)
32.   CARNEIRO, BRUNO ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO ; JUNIOR, ROBERTO HIRATA ; ULLAH, KIFAYAT. A Crash Response System using LoRa-based V2X Communications. Em: NOMS 20232023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, p. 1, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (NOMS 20232023 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium)
33.   CASTRO, A. B. ; PERES, S. M. ; FREITAS JUNIOR, W. L. ; PIROZELLI, PAULO ; COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI ; Alves Franco Brandão, Anarosa. A strategy for interpreting and visualizing the results of matrix-trifactorization-based coclustering algorithms. Em: Econtro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional 2023, v. 1, p. 839-853, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Econtro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional 2023)
34.   Condori, Marcos A. T. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Differential Oriented Image Foresting Transform and Its Applications to Support High-level Priors for Object Segmentation. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION (DORDRECHT. ONLINE). v. 65, p. 802-817, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (ONLINE))
35.   CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.; NITSCHKE, G. ; ASLAN, B.. A Computational Method to Support Chemical Product Design Based on Multi-objective Optimisation and Graph Transformers. Em: ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (ALIFE 2023: Ghost in the Machine)
36.   CRISPINO, G. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; DELGADO, K. V.. alpha--MCMP: Trade-Offs Between Probability and Cost in SSPs with the MCMP Criterion. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, v. 14195, p. 112-127, 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems)
37.   CRISPINO, GABRIEL NUNES ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia. GUBS criterion: Arbitrary trade-offs between cost and probability-to-goal in stochastic planning based on Expected Utility Theory. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. v. 316, p. 103848, 2023. Qualis: A1
38.   DA COSTA MARQUES, LUCIANA ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. A Preliminary Review of Function as a Service Platform Running with AWS Spot Instances. Em: 2023 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops (SBACPADW), p. 95, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops (SBACPADW))
39.   Damaceno, R. J. P. ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M.. A mobile device framework for video captioning using multimodal neural networks. Em: Workshop Works in Progress - Sibgrapi 2033, 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop Works in Progress - Sibgrapi 2033)
40.   Damaceno, R. J. P. ; Cesar Jr., R.M.. An end-to-end Deep Learning approach for video captioning through mobile devices. Em: 26th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition - CIARP 2023, 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (26th Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition - CIARP 2023)
41.   DANIEL, JOÃO ; GUERRA, EDUARDO ; ROSA, THATIANE ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Towards the Detection of Microservice Patterns Based on Metrics. Em: 2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), p. 132, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 49th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA))
42.   DE ARAÚJO JOSEPHIK, JOÃO GABRIEL ANDRADE ; SIQUEIRA, YAISSA ; MACHADO, KÉTLY GONÇALVES ; TERADA, ROUTO ; DOS SANTOS, ALDRI LUIZ ; NOGUEIRA, MICHELE ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. Applying Hoeffding Tree Algorithms for Effective Stream Learning in IoT DDoS Detection. Em: 2023 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM))
43.   de Carli Silva, Marcel K. Introduction to Semidefinite Programming. 2023. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
44.   de Souza, Jackson José ; Finger, Marcelo ; DE ARAÚJO, JORGE ALBERTO A. ; MARANHÃO, JULIANO. Selecting and ranking leading cases in Brazilian Supreme Court decisions. KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW. v. 38, p. e7, 2023. Qualis: A4
45.   DO NASCIMENTO, MARCOS D. ; BRANDÃO, ANAROSA A. F. ; DE OLIVEIRA BRANDÃO, LEÔNIDAS ; Casal, Tiago Melo. Towards iVProg4All: An Accessibility Test with Blind. Em: 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 2023, College Station. 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 01-5, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE , 2023, COLLEGE STATION. 2023 IEEE FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE)
46.   DURHAM, A. M. Alinhamento de Sequências. 2023. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
47.   DURHAM, A. M. Algoritmos em Genômica Computacional. 2023. Curso de curta duração ministrado/Extensão
48.   E S NARDI, EDNILZA ; PADILHA, BRUNO ; TADASHI KAMAURA, LEONARDO ; Ferreira, João Eduardo. Improved generalization of cyclist detection on security cameras with the OpenImages Cyclists dataset. Journal of Information and Data Management - JIDM. v. 14, p. 1, 2023. Qualis: B3
49.   ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; RODRIGUES, FRANCISCO C. M. ; Hirata, Nina S. T. ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU C.. Visualizing High-Dimensional Functions with Dense Maps. SN Computer Science. v. 4, p. 230, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (SN COMPUTER SCIENCE)
50.   ESTEVES, LUÍS G. ; IZBICKI, RAFAEL ; STERN, JULIO M. ; STERN, RAFAEL B.. Logical coherence in Bayesian simultaneous three-way hypothesis tests. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 152, p. 297-309, 2023. Qualis: A1
51.   EVANS, SIMON L. ; JONES, ROSALIND ; ALKAN, ERKAN ; Sichman, Jaime Simão ; HAQUE, AMANUL ; DE OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCO BRÁULIO SILVA ; MOUGOUEI, DAVOUD. The Emotional Impact of COVID-19 News Reporting: A Longitudinal Study Using Natural Language Processing. Human Behavior And Emerging Technologies. v. 2023, p. 1-16, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES)
52.   FARHAT, LUIS C. ; BLAKEY, RACHEL ; DAVEY SMITH, GEORGE ; Fujita, André ; SHEPHARD, ELIZABETH ; STERGIAKOULI, EVIE ; ELEY, THALIA C. ; THAPAR, ANITA ; POLANCZYK, GUILHERME V.. Networks of Neurodevelopmental Traits, Socioenvironmental Factors, Emotional Dysregulation in Childhood, and Depressive Symptoms Across Development in Two U.K. Cohorts. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. v. 180, p. 755-765, 2023. Qualis: A1 (THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY)
53.   FENG, ZIXUAN ; GUIZANI, MARIAM ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; SARMA, ANITA. The State of Diversity and Inclusion in Apache: A Pulse Check. Em: 2023 IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), p. 150, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE/ACM 16th International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE))
54.   Fernandes, Cristina G.; Lintzmayer, Carla N.. How heavy independent sets help to find arborescences with many leaves in DAGs. JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES. v. 135, p. 158-174, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES)
55.   FERREIRA LEITE, LEONARDO ALEXANDRE ; KON, F. ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. Como se faz DevOps: Organizando pessoas, dos silos aos times de plataforma. 1 ed. São Paulo: Casa do Código, 2023. v. 1, p. 185.
56.   Finger, Marcelo; Preto, Sandro. Polyhedral semantics and the tractable approximation of -ukasiewicz infinitely-valued logic. JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND COMPUTATION. v. 33, p. 1-18, 2023. Qualis: A3
57.   FRONCHETTI, FELIPE ; SHEPHERD, DAVID C. ; WIESE, IGOR ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Do CONTRIBUTING Files Provide Information about OSS Newcomers? Onboarding Barriers?. Em: ESEC/FSE '23: 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, p. 16, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (ESEC/FSE '23: 31st ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering)
58.   FUKUDA, ELLEN H. ; Haeser, Gabriel ; MITO, LEONARDO M.. On the Weak Second-order Optimality Condition for Nonlinear Semidefinite and Second-order Cone Programming. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. v. 31, p. 15, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (SET-VALUED AND VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS)
59.   GAMA, PEDRO HENRIQUE TARGINO ; OLIVEIRA, HUGO ; DOS SANTOS, JEFERSSON A. ; Cesar, Roberto M.. An overview on Meta-learning approaches for Few-shot Weakly-supervised Segmentation. COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK. v. 113, p. 77-88, 2023. Qualis: A2 (COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS)
60.   GARCIA, CRISTIANO P. ; WEIGANG, LI ; Hirata, Nina S. T. ; NEUMANN, CL'VIS. ISUAM: Intelligent and Safe UAM with Deep Reinforcement Learning. Em: 2023 IEEE 29th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), p. 378, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE 29th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS))
61.   GAUY, MARCELO MATHEUS ; BERTI, L. C. ; CANDIDO JR, A. ; CAMARGO NETO, A. C. ; GOLDMAN, A. ; LEVIN, A. S. ; MARTINS, M. ; MEDEIROS, B. R. ; QUEIROZ, M. G. ; SABINO, E. C. ; FERNANDES-SVARTMAN, F. ; Finger, Marcelo. Discriminant Audio Properties in Deep Learning Based Respiratory Insufficiency Detection in Brazilian Portuguese. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . 2023.v. 13897, p. 271.
62.   Gauy, Marcelo Matheus ; A. Goldman ; CAMARGO NETO, A. ; LEVIN, A. S. S. ; MARTINS, M. ; MEDEIROS, B. R. ; QUEIROZ, M. ; SABINO, E. C. ; SVARTMAN, F. R. F. ; M. Finger ; BERTI, L. C. ; CANDIDO JR, A.. Discriminant Audio Properties in Deep Learning Based Respiratory Insufficiency Detection in Brazilian Portuguese. Em: Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (Lecture Notes in Computer Science), v. 13897, p. 271-275, 2023.Qualis: A2
63.   GELORME SILVEIRA, MARCOS GABRIEL ; DE SOUZA, LUCAS MENDONÇA ; DE OLIVEIRA BRANDÃO, LEÔNIDAS ; FRANCO BRANDÃO, ANAROSA ALVES. Learning Analytics to Support Education for All: Learning from the Past. Em: 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE))
64.   GONCALVES, VINICIUS P. M. ; SILVA, LOURIVAL P. ; NUNES, FATIMA L. S. ; Ferreira, João E. ; ARAÚJO, LUCIANO V.. Concept drift adaptation in video surveillance: a systematic review. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS. v. I, p. 1, 2023. Qualis: A2
65.   GUPTA, SHANTANU ; PANDA, PRITAM KUMAR ; SILVEIRA, DANER A. ; AHUJA, RAJEEV ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F.. Quadra-Stable Dynamics of p53 and PTEN in the DNA Damage Response. Cells. v. 12, p. 1085, 2023. Qualis: A1
66.   GUPTA, SHANTANU ; SILVEIRA, DANER A ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F.. Boolean Model of the Oncogene Role of FAM111B in Lung Adenocarcinoma. COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY. v. 107926, p. 107926, 2023. Qualis: A3
67.   GUPTA, SHANTANU ; SILVEIRA, DANER A. ; MOMBACH, JOSÉ CARLOS M. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F.. The lncRNA DLX6-AS1/miR-16-5p axis regulates autophagy and apoptosis in non-small cell lung cancer: A Boolean model of cell death. Non-Coding Rna Research. v. 8, p. 605-614, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (NON-CODING RNA RESEARCH)
68.   GUPTA, SHANTANU ; SILVEIRA, DANER A. ; PIEDADE, GABRIEL P.S. ; OSTROWSKI, MIGUEL P. ; MOMBACH, JOSÉ CARLOS M. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F.. A dynamic Boolean network reveals that the BMI1 and MALAT1 axis is associated with drug resistance by limiting miR-145-5p in non-small cell lung cancer. Non-Coding Rna Research. v. 9, p. 185-193, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (NON-CODING RNA RESEARCH)
69.   GUZMAN, GROVER E C ; Fujita, André. A fast algorithm to approximate the spectral density of locally tree-like networks with assortativity. Journal Of Complex Networks. v. 11, p. cnad005, 2023. Qualis: A1
70.   HAMDAN, MOSAB ; ELDHAI, ARWA M. ; ABDELSALAM, SAMAH ; ULLAH, KIFAYAT ; BASHIR, ALI KASHIF ; MARSONO, MN ; Kon, Fabio ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. A Two-Tier Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Approach for IoT-Enabled Smart Cities. Em: IEEE INFOCOM 2023 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS), p. 1-7, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE INFOCOM 2023 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS))
71.   HIRATA, N. S. T.; MORIMISTSU, A. ; GOULART, A. J. H.. Separating Particles from Plankton Images. Em: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques; Kapralos, Bill. (Org.). Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, and Image Processing. ICPR 2022 International Workshops and Challenges. 1ed.Cham. : Springer Nature Switzerland. 2023.v. 13645, p. 445-459.
72.   HOSSEINI, MARYAM ; SEVTSUK, ANDRES ; MIRANDA, FABIO ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; SILVA, CLAUDIO T.. Mapping the walk: A scalable computer vision approach for generating sidewalk network datasets from aerial imagery. COMPUTERS ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS. v. 101, p. 101950, 2023. Qualis: A1 (COMPUTERS, ENVIRONMENT AND URBAN SYSTEMS)
73.   KLEINE, FELIPE A.S. ; SANTOS, LUIZ F.D. ; CAPPABIANCO, FÁBIO A.M. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Unsupervised Image Segmentation by Oriented Image Foresting Transform in Layered Graphs. Em: 2023 36th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 246, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 36th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics)
74.   KOHAYAKAWA, YOSHIHARU ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; PARCZYK, OLAF ; SCHNITZER, JAKOB. The anti-Ramsey threshold of complete graphs. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 346, p. 113343, 2023. Qualis: A3
75.   KON, F. Cidades Inteligentes: Ciências de Dados para a elaboração e monitoramento de Políticas Públicas. 2023. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
76.   KON, F. Ciência de Dados para Cidades. 2023. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário
77.   Leite, Leonardo ; Kon, Fabio ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. A grounded theory of organizational structures for development and infrastructure professionals in software-producing organizations. Em: Anais Estendidos do Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, p. 29, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática)
78.   LEITE, LEONARDO ; LAGO, N. P. ; MELO, CLAUDIA ; KON, F. ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. A Theory of Organizational Structures for Development and Infrastructure Professionals. Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering. v. 49, p. 1898-1911, 2023. Qualis: A1
79.   LEVIN, ANNA S. ; COSTA, SILVIA F. ; RAZZOLINI, MARIA TEREZA P. ; PADOVEZE, MARIA CLARA ; NUNES, FATIMA L.S. ; OLIVEIRA, MAURA S. ; FREIRE, MARISTELA P. ; TAVARES, BRUNO M. ; ASSIS, DENISE B. ; DE OLIVEIRA, VITOR F. ; LEAL, FABIO E. ; MARCONDES, MARTA A. ; DROPA, MILENA ; CONDE, MÔNICA T.R.P. ; OIKAWA, MARCIO K. ; Ferreira, João E. ; SABINO, ESTER ; MANULI, ERIKA R. ; RAYMUNDO, SUELI F.. Launch of the São Paulo Wellcome Trust-funded multidisciplinary research program on optimising antimicrobial use in highly populated urban environments. Lancet Regional Health-Americas. v. 25, p. 100574, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (LANCET REGIONAL HEALTH-AMERICAS)
80.   LIMA, PHYLLIPE ; MELEGATI, JORGE ; GOMES, EVERALDO ; PEREIRA, NATHALYA STEFHANY ; GUERRA, EDUARDO ; Meirelles, Paulo. CADV: A software visualization approach for code annotations distribution. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY. v. 154, p. 107089, 2023. Qualis: A1
81.   LIMA, PHYLLIPE ; PEREIRA, NATHALYA STEFHANY ; GOMES, EVERALDO ; GUERRA, EDUARDO ; Meirelles, Paulo. Annotation Visualizer: A software visualization tool for code annotations. Software Impacts. v. 1, p. 100491, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (SOFTWARE IMPACTS)
82.   LOPES, WASHINGTON ROBERTO ; ZILBERMAN, BE ; DA CRUZ, BRUNA MAGRINI ; CRUZ, LETICIA DOS SANTOS MONTE ; GOMES, RAFAELLA ALVES LUCENA ; Wassermann, Renata ; PERES, SARAJANE MARQUES ; FREIRE, VALDINEI. Eu, Tu, Ele, Ela, Elu, Nós, Vós, Eles, Elas, Elus por um Modelo de Linguagem Neutra. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 969, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
83.   MACHADO, I. ; MORAES, I. M. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; DIAS, G. N. ; FORSAN, H.. Impulsionando a Inovação em Cibersegurança por Meio do Apoio à Pesquisa e Experimentação pela RNP. 2023. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
84.   Machado, Warlles Carlos Costa ; dos Santos, Viviane Bonadia ; de Barros, Leliane Nunes ; DE MENEZES, MARIA VIVIANE. Specifying Preferences over Policies Using Branching Time Temporal Logic. Em: Naldi, M.C., Bianchi, R.A.C.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 222ed. : Springer Nature Switzerland. 2023.v. 14195, p. 128-143.
85.   MAGALHAES, A. T. ; HIRATA, N. S. T.. Spider Species Classification Using Vision Transformers and Convolutional Neural Networks. Em: Workshop de Trabalho de Graduação - XXXVI Conference on Graphics, p. 172-175, 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Trabalho de Graduação - XXXVI Conference on Graphics)
86.   MATOS, V. B. ; GRAVA, R. S. ; TAVARES, R. M. ; JOSE, M. M. ; PIROZELLI, PAULO ; Alves Franco Brandão, Anarosa ; PERES, S. M. ; COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI. Coordination within Conversational Agents with Multiple Sources. Em: XX Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, v. 1, p. 939-953, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (XX Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
87.   Mauá, Denis D.; Fabio Cozman. Specifying credal sets with probabilistic answer set programming. Em: International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications, v. 215, p. 321-332, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (International Symposium on Imprecise Probability: Theories and Applications)
88.   MEDEIROS, C. B. ; LAENDER, A. H. F. ; PACKER, A. ; VAL, A. L. ; CRUZ, C. H. B. ; CHAVEZ, C. V. F. G. ; MARQUES, E. C. L. ; KON, F. ; CENDES, I. L. ; BARCINSKI, M. A. ; SLUYS, M. V. ; ALMEIDA, U. B.. Open Science - Overview and General Recommendations. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2023. v. 1, p. 72.
90.   MORETTI, EDUARDO H ; RODRIGUES, ABNER C ; MARQUES, BRUNO V ; TOTOLA, LEONARDO T ; FERREIRA, CAROLINE B ; BRITO, CAMILA F ; MATOS, CAROLINE M ; DA SILVA, FILIPE A ; SANTOS, ROBSON A S ; LOPES, LUCIANA B ; MOREIRA, THIAGO S ; AKAMINE, ELIANA H ; BACCALA, LUIZ A ; Fujita, André ; STEINER, ALEXANDRE A. Autoregulation of blood flow drives early hypotension in a rat model of systemic inflammation induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. PNAS Nexus. v. 2, p. pgad014, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (PNAS NEXUS)
91.   MOSAIYEBZADEH, F. ; POURIYEH, S. ; PARIZI, R. M. ; HAN, M. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Intrusion Detection System for IoHT Devices using Federated Learning. Em: AidTSP 2023: International Workshop on AI-driven Trustworthy, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (AidTSP 2023: International Workshop on AI-driven Trustworthy)
92.   MOSAIYEBZADEH, F. ; POURIYEH, S. ; PARIZI, R. M. ; SHENG, Q. Z. ; HAN, M. ; ZHAO, L. ; SANNINO, G. ; RANIERI, C. M. ; UEYAMA, J. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Privacy-Enhancing Technologies in Federated Learning for the Internet of Healthcare Things: A Survey. Electronics. v. 12, p. 2703, 2023. Qualis: A2
93.   MOSAIYEBZADEH, FATEMEH ; POURIYEH, SEYEDAMIN ; PARIZI, REZA ; DEHBOZORGI, NASRIN ; DORODCHI, MOHSEN ; MACÊDO BATISTA, DANIEL. Exploring the Role of ChatGPT in Education: Applications and Challenges. Em: SIGITE '23: The 24th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education, p. 84, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (SIGITE '23: The 24th Annual Conference on Information Technology Education)
94.   MOSAIYEBZADEH, FATEMEH ; POURIYEH, SEYEDAMIN ; PARIZI, REZA M. ; HAN, MENG ; DEHBOZORGI, NASRIN ; DORODCHI, MOHSEN ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. Empowering Healthcare Professionals and Patients with ChatGPT: Applications and Challenges. Em: 2023 Congress in Computer Science, p. 01, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 Congress in Computer Science)
95.   MOURA, PHABLO F. S. ; Ota, Matheus J. ; Wakabayashi, Yoshiko. Balanced connected partitions of graphs: approximation, parameterization and lower bounds. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION. v. 45, p. 127, 2023. Qualis: A2
96.   NASCIMENTO, M. D. ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; BRANDÃO, LEÔNIDAS DE OLIVEIRA ; CASALS, T.. iVProg4All: uma abordagem de programação visual acessível para cegos. 2023. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
97.   NASCIMENTO, MARCOS D. DO ; Brandão, Anarosa A. F. ; BRANDÃO, LEONIDAS DE O. ; CASAL, TIAGO M.. iVProg4All: uma abordagem de programação visual acessível para pessoas cegas. Em: Anais Estendidos do Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, 2023, v. 1, p. 193, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO, 2023)
98.   NEPOMUCENO, P. I. S. ; BRAGHETTO, K. R.. Managing Semantic Evolutions in Semi-Structured Data. Em: International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, v. 14146, p. 179-185, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications)
99.   NERY, M. ; KON, F.. O caminho para Cidades (pouco) Inteligentes. IT Forum, 05 jun. 2023.
100.   OLIVEIRA, A. A. A. M. ; ESPADOTO, M. ; HIRATA JR., R. ; HIRATA, N. S. T. ; TELEA, A. C.. Improving Self-supervised Dimensionality Reduction: Exploring Hyperparameters and Pseudo-Labeling Strategies. Em: de Sousa, A. Augusto; Havran, Vlastimil; Paljic, Alexis; Peck, Tabitha; Hurter, Christophe; Purchase, Helen; Farinella, Giovanni Maria; Radeva, Petia; Bouatouch, Kadi. (Org.). Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. VISIGRAPP 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2023.v. 1691, p. 135-161.
101.   OLIVEIRA, ARTUR A. A. M. ; ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; Hirata, Roberto ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU C.. Stability Analysis of Supervised Decision Boundary Maps. SN Computer Science. v. 4, p. 226, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (SN COMPUTER SCIENCE)
102.   OLIVEIRA, ARTUR ANDRÉ ; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS S. ; Hirata, Roberto. Detecting tree and wire entanglements with deep learning. TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. v. 37, p. 147-159, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION)
103.   OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCO BRÁULIO ; MOUGOUEI, DAVOUD ; HAQUE, AMANUL ; Sichman, Jaime Simão ; DAM, HOA KHANH ; EVANS, SIMON ; GHOSE, ADITYA ; SINGH, MUNINDAR P.. Beyond fear and anger: A global analysis of emotional response to Covid-19 news on Twitter. Online Social Networks and Media. v. 36, p. 100253, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS AND MEDIA)
104.   OLIVEIRA, G. W. ; NOGUEIRA, MICHELE ; SANTOS, A. L. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Intelligent VNF Placement to Mitigate DDoS Attacks on Industrial IoT. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management. v. 20, p. 1319-1331, 2023. Qualis: A1 (IEEE ETRANSACTIONS ON NETWORK AND SERVICE MANAGEMENT)
105.   PENA, T. J. B. ; SOUZA, H. A. ; LEMOS, L. L. ; KON, F.. BikeScienceWeb: a tool for bicycle-related urban planning. Em: XXIV Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics (GEOINFO 2023), v. 24, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (XXIV Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics (GEOINFO 2023))
106.   PEREIRA, GABRIELY R. ; COSTA, LUCIANO DA F. ; Kon, Fabio. Análise e visualização do processo de regionalização do tema Único de Saúde (SUS): Uma perspectiva em sistemas complexos. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde, p. 84-89, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Computação Aplicada à Saúde)
107.   Preto, Sandro ; Finger, Marcelo. Proving properties of binary classification neural networks via -ukasiewicz logic. LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL. v. 31, p. 805-821, 2023. Qualis: A2
108.   Preto, Sandro ; Finger, Marcelo. Effective Reasoning over Neural Networks Using Łukasiewicz Logic. Em: Pascal Hitzler, Md Kamruzzaman Sarker, Aaron Eberhart. (Org.). Compendium of Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence. 1ed. : IOS Press. 2023.v. 369, p. 609-630.
109.   Preto, Sandro ; MANYÀ, FELIP ; Finger, Marcelo. Benchmarking ¿ukasiewicz Logic Solvers with Properties of Neural Networks. Em: 2023 IEEE 53rd International Symposium on MultipleValued Logic (ISMVL), p. 158, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE 53rd International Symposium on MultipleValued Logic (ISMVL))
110.   Preto, Sandro ; MANYÀ, FELIP ; Finger, Marcelo. Linking ¿ukasiewicz Logic and Boolean Maximum Satisfiability. Em: 2023 IEEE 53rd International Symposium on MultipleValued Logic (ISMVL), p. 164, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE 53rd International Symposium on MultipleValued Logic (ISMVL))
111.   PULIDO-GAYTAN, BERNARDO ; TCHERNYKH, ANDREI ; LEPRÉVOST, FRANCK ; BOUVRY, PASCAL ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Toward Understanding Efficient Privacy-Preserving Homomorphic Comparison. IEEE Access. v. 11, p. 102189-102206, 2023. Qualis: A1
112.   R. Gómez ; F.K. Miyazawa ; Y. Wakabayashi. Improved -hardness results for the minimum t-spanner problem on bounded-degree graphs. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 947, p. 113691, 2023. Qualis: A4
113.   RAMOS, TAIANE COELHO ; Mourão-Miranda, Janaina ; Fujita, André. Spectral density-based clustering algorithms for complex networks. Frontiers in Neuroscience. v. 17, p. 926321, 2023. Qualis: A2
114.   REIS, W. A. S. ; PAIS, D. B. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; DELGADO, K. V.. Forward-PECVaR Algorithm: Exact Evaluation for CVaR SSPs. Em: International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS), 2023, London. Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, p. 2364-2366, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS , 2023, LONDON. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2023 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS)
115.   RELVAS, CARLOS E. M. ; NAKATA, ASUKA ; CHEN, GUOAN ; BEER, DAVID G. ; Gotoh, Noriko ; Fujita, Andre. A model-based clustering algorithm with covariates adjustment and its application to lung cancer stratification. Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. v. 21, p. 2350019, 2023. Qualis: B1
116.   RIBEIRO, V. N. ; HIRATA, NINA S T. Combining YOLO and Visual Rhythm for Vehicle Counting. Em: Workshop de Trabalho de Graduação - XXXVI Conference on Graphics, p. 164-167, 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Trabalho de Graduação - XXXVI Conference on Graphics)
117.   Rocha, Victor Hugo Nascimento ; Silveira, Igor Cataneo ; Pirozelli, Paulo ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI ; COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI. Assessing Good, Bad and Ugly Arguments Generated by ChatGPT: a New Dataset, its Methodology and Associated Tasks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer Nature Switzerland. 2023.p. 428-440.
118.   RODRIGUES, NATÁLIA V N ; RAUL ABRAMO, L ; HIRATA, NINA S T. The information of attribute uncertainties: what convolutional neural networks can learn about errors in input data. Machine Learning-Science And Technology. v. 4, p. 045019, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (MACHINE LEARNING-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY)
119.   RODRIGUEZ, L. G. A. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Resource-intensive Fuzzing for MQTT Brokers: State of the Art, Performance Evaluation, and Open Issues. IEEE Networking Letters. v. 5, p. 100-104, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE NETWORKING LETTERS)
120.   ROSA, LUCAS ; Carastan-Santos, D ; A. Goldman. An Experimental Analysis of Regression-Obtained HPC Scheduling Heuristics. Em: Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing, v. 14283, p. 116-136, 2023.Qualis: Não identificado (Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing)
121.   ROSA, LUCAS ; CARASTAN-SANTOS, D. ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; D. Trystram. Sobre os limites das técnicas de Machine Learning no aprendizado de políticas de escalonamento. REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA. v. 21, p. 1, 2023. Qualis: C
122.   ROSA, LUCAS ; CARASTAN-SANTOS, DANILO ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Exploring Simplicity and Efficiency: Regression-based Scheduling Heuristics in HPC. Em: Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo, p. 41-44, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo)
123.   ROSA, THATIANE DE OLIVEIRA ; GUERRA, EDUARDO MARTINS ; CORREIA, FILIPE FIGUEIREDO ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. CharM - Evaluating a model for characterizing service-based architectures. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. v. 1, p. 111826, 2023. Qualis: A2 (THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE)
124.   SALVADOR, H. G. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; SANTOS, A. L. ; LIMA, M. N.. Detecção Eficiente de Anomalias em Redes de Data Centers Apoiada por Aprendizado de Máquina e Otimizador do Lobo Cinzento para Seleção de Atributos. Em: XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC), 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (XLI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC))
125.   SALVATORE, FELIPE DE SOUZA ; FINGER, MARCELO ; Hirata, Roberto ; PATRIOTA, ALEXANDRE G.. A resampling-based method to evaluate NLI models. Natural Language Engineering. v. 1, p. 1-28, 2023. Qualis: A1
126.   SANTOS, FABIO ; PENNEY, JACOB ; PIMENTEL, JOÃO FELIPE ; WIESE, IGOR ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. Tell Me Who Are You Talking to and I Will Tell You What Issues Need Your Skills. Em: 2023 IEEE/ACM 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), p. 611, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE/ACM 20th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR))
128.   SANTOS, ITALO ; PIMENTEL, JOÃO FELIPE ; WIESE, IGOR ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. Designing for Cognitive Diversity: Improving the GitHub Experience for Newcomers. Em: 2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society (ICSESEIS), p. 1, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society (ICSESEIS))
129.   SATO, JESSICA YUMI NAKANO ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. Modelagem das Áreas de Risco de Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusão para Cálculo de Métricas de Privacidade. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, p. 261, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais)
130.   Schmitt, Marcelo ; Meirelles, Paulo. Trusting Critical Open Source Components. Advances in Systems Analysis, Software Engineering, and High Performance Computing. 1ed. Em: . : IGI Global. 2023.p. 175-199.
131.   SILVA NEVES LIMA, PRISCILA DA ; ALMAS SILVA, LAIRA DAS ; BARROSO FERNANDES, ANTONIO KAIQUE ; MORIMOTO, CARLOS HITOSHI ; OLIVEIRA BRANDAO, LEONIDAS DE. iFractions 2.0: improving the feedback of a fractions Web learning game. Em: 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 1-9, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE))
132.   SOLER, DIEGO ; Hirata, Roberto ; ESPADOTO, MATEUS. Modeling and Interpreting 6-D Object Pose Estimation. Em: 2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), p. 2325, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP))
133.   SOLIS-LASTRA, JAVIER ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; DE CARVALHO ALBERTINI, BRUNO. Teaching-Learning Process Proposal For Remote Laboratories. Em: 2023 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE), p. 1, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE World Engineering Education Conference (EDUNINE))
134.   SOUSA, R. N. ; CAMPOS, C. G. S. ; WANG, W. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F. ; ARMELIN, H. A. ; REIS, M. S.. Exploring Identifiability in Hybrid Models of Cell Signaling Pathways. Em: M.S. Reis; R.C. de Melo-Minardi.. (Org.). Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology. 1ed. : Springer, Charm. 2023.v. 13954, p. 148-159.
135.   Stern, Julio Michael. Dynamic Oppositional Symmetries for Color, Jungian and Kantian Categories. Logica Universalis (Online). v. 2023, p. 1-48, 2023. Qualis: B1
136.   Stern, Julio Michael. Dilemas Éticos em Teologia Natural e Inferência Válida em Ensaios Clínicos. Em: Fábio Maia Bertato, Nicola Salvatore, Marcin Trepczynski. (Org.). Temas em Filosofia da Religião. 1ed.Campinas. : CLE. 2023.v. 94, p. 1-27.
137.   Stern, Julio Michael. Discurso de Julio Michael Stern por ocasião da posse da cadeira 18 da Academia Brasileira de Filosofia. In: Edgard Leite. (Org.). 200 Anos de Independência e 33 anos da Academia Brasileira de Filosofia. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro. Em: . : Jaguatirica / FAPERJ. 2023.p. 211-224.
138.   TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; STOL, KLAAS-JAN ; SARMA, ANITA ; GERMAN, DANIEL M. ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Do I Belong? Modeling Sense of Virtual Community Among Linux Kernel Contributors. Em: 2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), p. 319, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE))
139.   TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; STOL, KLAAS-JAN ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; SARMA, ANITA ; LARA, MARCELO ; FEATHERS, MICHAEL ; ROSS, NICHOLAS ; BISHOP, KEVIN. A Model for Understanding and Reducing Developer Burnout. Em: 2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSESEIP), p. 48, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSESEIP))
140.   UEMATSU, AKIRA A. DE MOURA GALVÃO ; Brandão, Anarosa A. F.. eMailMe: A Method to Build Datasets of Corporate Emails in Portuguese. Data. v. 8, p. 127, 2023. Qualis: C
141.   VALDÉS RAVELO, SANTIAGO ; Fernandes, Cristina G.. Complexity and approximability of Minimum Path-Collection Exact Covers. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 942, p. 21-32, 2023. Qualis: A4
142.   VELOZO, FILIPE T. ; FERREIRA, THIAGO D. ; PACHECO, EDUARDO F. ; ALVES, RENAN C. A. ; SIMPLICIO JR., MARCOS A. ; ALBERTINI, BRUNO C. ; BATISTA, DANIEL M.. Fuzzing para o Protocolo TLS: Estado da Arte e Comparação de Fuzzers Existentes. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, p. 303, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais)
143.   VENTURINI, DANIEL ; COGO, FILIPE ROSEIRO ; POLATO, IVANILTON ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; WIESE, IGOR SCALIANTE. I Depended on You and You Broke Me: An Empirical Study of Manifesting Breaking Changes in Client Packages. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY. v. 32, p. 1-26, 2023. Qualis: A2
144.   VERSISSIMO, THIAGO GOMES ; DE OLIVEIRA BRANDÃO, LEÔNIDAS ; Haar, Ewout ter. A Study on How to Classify Exercises in Introductory Programming Courses: A Moodle Plugin Contribution. Em: 2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 01-9, 2023. Qualis: Não identificado (2023 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE))
145.   WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; VARGOVICH, JOSEPH ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH. GitHub Actions: The Impact on the Pull Request Process. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. v. 28, p. 131, 2023. Qualis: A1
146.   WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; ZAIDMAN, ANDY ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Guidelines for Developing Bots for GitHub. IEEE SOFTWARE. v. 40, p. 72-79, 2023. Qualis: A1


1.   A. M. Durham. Alinhamento de Sequências. 2022. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
2.   A. Goldman; E. Uhura ; S. Bruschi. Coisas para Saber Antes de Fazer o Seu Próprio Benchmarks Game. Em: Lorenzon; Castro; Pilon. (Org.). Coisas para Saber Antes de Fazer o Seu Próprio Benchmarks Game. 1ed.Porto Alegre. : Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC). 2022.p. 1.
3.   A. Goldman; V. Terra ; S. Bruschi. Coisas para Fazer Antes de Paralelizar. Em: SBC; WSCAD. (Org.). Coisas para Fazer Antes de Paralelizar. 1ed. : SBC. 2022.p. 65.
4.   ABDELLATIF, AHMAD ; WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; SHIHAB, EMAD. BotHunter. Em: MSR '22: 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories, p. 6, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (MSR '22: 19th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories)
5.   ABILIO, S. ; LIMA, P. ; GOMES JUNIOR, E. A. ; GUERRA, EDUARDO ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Annotation Visualizer Plugin: An IDE-Integrated Tool for Code Annotations Visualization. SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (MACAÉ). v. 1, p. 28-37, 2022.Qualis: C
6.   ALEIXO, ROBSON ; Kon, Fabio ; ROCHA, RUDI ; CAMARGO, MARCELA SANTOS ; de Camargo, Raphael Y.. Predicting Dengue Outbreaks with Explainable Machine Learning. Em: 2022 22nd International Symposium on Cluster, p. 940, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 22nd International Symposium on Cluster)
7.   ALMEIDA, M. P. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; PERES, S. M. ; FANTINATO, M.. Using automatic planning to find the most probable alignment: A history-based approach. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 1-15, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
8.   ALUISIO, S. M. ; CAMARGO NETO, A. C. ; CASANOVA, E. ; FERNANDES-SVARTMAN, F. ; Finger, Marcelo ; GOLDMAN, A. ; LEYTON, P. ; LEVIN, A. S. ; GAUY, M. M. ; MARTINS, M. ; QUEIROZ, M. G. ; MEDEIROS, B. R. ; SABINO, E. C. ; CANDIDO JR, A. ; FERNANDES JR, R. ; GRIS, L. R. ; SILVA, D. ; SPAZZAPAN, E. A. ; BERTI, L. C. ; QUIRINO, J. H.. Detecting Respiratory Insufficiency Via Voice Analysis: The Spira Project. Em: Practical Machine Learning for Developing Countries on the Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations, v. 1, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Practical Machine Learning for Developing Countries on the Tenth International Conference on Learning Representations)
9.   AMARAL, LARISSA MANGOLIM ; SIQUEIRA, FÁBIO LEVY ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco. A survey on requirements notations in software engineering research. Em: SAC '22: The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, p. 1291, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (SAC '22: The 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing)
10.   AMARAL, V. S. ; ANDREANI, R. ; Birgin, E. G. ; MARCONDES, D. S. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On complexity and convergence of high-order coordinate descent algorithms for smooth nonconvex box-constrained minimization. JOURNAL OF GLOBAL OPTIMIZATION. v. 84, p. 527-561, 2022. Qualis: A3
11.   ANDREANI, R. ; FUKUDA, E. H. ; HAESER, G. ; RAMÍREZ, H. ; SANTOS, D. O. ; SILVA, P. J. S. ; SILVEIRA, T. P.. Erratum to: New Constraint Qualifications and Optimality Conditions for Second Order Cone Programs. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. v. 30, p. 329-333, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (SET-VALUED AND VARIATIONAL ANALYSIS)
12.   ANDREANI, R. ; HAESER, G. ; MITO, L. M. ; RAMÍREZ, H. ; SANTOS, D. O. ; SILVEIRA, T. P.. Naive constant rank-type constraint qualifications for multifold second-order cone programming and semidefinite programming. Optimization Letters. v. 16, p. 589-610, 2022. Qualis: A4
13.   ANDREANI, R. ; HAESER, G. ; SCHUVERDT, M. L. ; SECCHIN, L. D. ; SILVA, P. J. S.. On scaled stopping criteria for a safeguarded augmented Lagrangian method with theoretical guarantees. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING COMPUTATION. v. 14, p. 121-146, 2022. Qualis: A1
14.   Andreani, Roberto ; GÓMEZ, WALTER ; Haeser, Gabriel ; MITO, LEONARDO M. ; Ramos, Alberto. On Optimality Conditions for Nonlinear Conic Programming. MATHEMATICS OF OPERATIONS RESEARCH. v. 47, p. 2160-2185, 2022. Qualis: A2
15.   Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; MITO, LEONARDO M. ; Ramos, Alberto ; Secchin, Leonardo D.. On the best achievable quality of limit points of augmented Lagrangian schemes. NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS. v. 90, p. 851-877, 2022. Qualis: A4
16.   Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; MITO, LEONARDO M. ; Ramos, Alberto ; Secchin, Leonardo D.. Correction to: On the best achievable quality of limit points of augmented Lagrangian schemes. NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS. v. 90, p. 879-880, 2022. Qualis: A4
17.   Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; MITO, LEONARDO M. ; RAMÍREZ, C. HÉCTOR ; SILVEIRA, THIAGO P.. Global Convergence of Algorithms Under Constant Rank Conditions for Nonlinear Second-Order Cone Programming. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. v. 195, p. 42-78, 2022. Qualis: A3
18.   ARAUJO, K. A. G. ; Birgin, E. G. ; RONCONI, DÉBORA P. A constraint programming model for the flexible job shop scheduling problem with sequencing flexibility and position based learning effects. Em: 54° Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO 2022), v. 54, p. 152654, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (54° Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional (SBPO 2022))
19.   B. RIBEIRO, MURILO ; R. BRAGHETTO, KELLY. A Scalable Data Integration Architecture for Smart Cities: Implementation and Evaluation. Journal of Information and Data Management - JIDM. v. 13, p. 207-223, 2022. Qualis: B3
20.   BANDINI, S. ; GASPARINI, F. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.. Positive Artificial Intelligence Meets Affective Walkability. Em: Yukio Ohsawa. (Org.). Living Beyond Data. 1ed.Cham, Switzerland. : Springer Nature. 2022.v. 230, p. 161-178.
21.   BARRERA, JUNIOR ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; HIRATA, Nina S. T. ; HIRATA, R. ; REIS, MARCELO S.. From Mathematical Morphology to machine learning of image operators. SÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. v. 16, p. 616-657, 2022. Qualis: B3
22.   BARROS, G. F. ; CAVALAR, B. P. ; Mota, G. O. ; PARCZYK, OLAF. Anti-Ramsey threshold of cycles. DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 323, p. 228-235, 2022. Qualis: A2
23.   BELINASSI, GIULIANO ; BIENER, RICHARD ; HUBICKA, JAN ; CORDEIRO, DANIEL ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Compiling Files in Parallel: A Study with GCC. Em: 2022 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops (SBACPADW), p. 1, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops (SBACPADW))
24.   BERNARDINO, MATHEUS TAVARES ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Parallelizing Git Checkout: a Case Study of I/O Parallelism. Em: 2022 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBACPAD), p. 293, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBACPAD))
25.   Birgin, E. G. (Plenary talk) Safeguarded augmented Lagrangian methods for nonconvex optimization: convergence, complexity and experiments. Em: Seventh International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), 2022, Bethlehem, PA. Book of abstract of ICCOPT2022, 2022.
26.   Birgin, E. G. (Plenary talk) Complexity results in nonlinear optimization. Em: Encontro Conjunto Brasil-Portugal em Matemática, 2022, Salvador, BA. Book of abstracts of ECBPM, 2022.
27.   Birgin, E. G. Coverings with minimum radius identical balls. Em: XXI Latin Ibero-American Conference on Operations Research (CLAIO 2022), 2022, Buenos Aires. Book of abstracts of CLAIO 2022, 2022.
28.   Birgin, E. G.; Bueno, L. F. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On the complexity of solving feasibility problems with regularized models. OPTIMIZATION METHODS & SOFTWARE. v. 37, p. 405-424, 2022. Qualis: B1 (OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND SOFTWARE)
29.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Accelerated derivative-free nonlinear least-squares applied to the estimation of Manning coefficients. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 81, p. 689-715, 2022. Qualis: A4
30.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Block coordinate descent for smooth nonconvex constrained minimization. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 83, p. 1-27, 2022. Qualis: A4
31.   Birgin, E.G.; KREJI', N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J.M.. Inexact restoration for derivative-free expensive function minimization and applications. JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 410, p. 114193, 2022. Qualis: A3
32.   Birgin, Ernesto G.; LAURAIN, ANTOINE ; MASSAMBONE, RAFAEL ; SANTANA, ARTHUR G.. A Shape-Newton Approach to the Problem of Covering with Identical Balls. SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. v. 44, p. A798-A824, 2022. Qualis: A1
33.   Birgin, Ernesto G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Secant Acceleration of Sequential Residual Methods for Solving Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems of Equations. SIAM JOURNAL ON NUMERICAL ANALYSIS. v. 60, p. 3145-3180, 2022. Qualis: A1
34.   BOTLER, FÁBIO ; COLUCCI, LUCAS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu. The mod k $k$ chromatic index of graphs is O(k) $O(k)$. JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY. v. 102, p. 197-200, 2022. Qualis: A2
35.   BOTLER, FÁBIO ; HOPPEN, CARLOS ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA. Counting orientations of graphs with no strongly connected tournaments. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 345, p. 113024, 2022. Qualis: A3
36.   BRAZ, C. M. ; SANTOS, L. F. D. ; Miranda, Paulo André Vechiatto. Graph-Based Image Segmentation with Shape Priors and Band Constraints. Em: International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2022.v. 13493, p. 287-299.
37.   BRAZ, L. F. ; Sichman, J.S.. Using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) for Modeling Multiagent Systems. REVISTA DE INFORMÁTICA TEÓRICA E APLICADA: RITA. v. 29, p. 42-53, 2022. Qualis: C
38.   BRAZ, L. F. ; Sichman, Jaime Simao. Simulating Work Teams using MBTI agents. Em: 23th. International Workshop on Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS 2022), 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (23th. International Workshop on Multi-Agent Based Simulation (MABS 2022))
39.   BRAZ, L. F. ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Exploring a MBTI-based agent model in a Buyer-Seller Scenario. Em: Gama Days 2022, 2022, Toulouse. Gama Days 2022 Abstracts, 2022.
40.   CALEFATO, FABIO ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio ; IAFFALDANO, GIUSEPPE ; LANUBILE, FILIPPO ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Will you come back to contribute? Investigating the inactivity of OSS core developers in GitHub. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. v. 27, p. 76, 2022. Qualis: A1
42.   CARVALHO, HENRIQUE ARAÚJO DE ; RIBEIRO, JORGE MIGUEL ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO ; PINA, JOSÉ COELHO DE. HashifyPass - Uma Ferramenta para Visualização de Hashes de Senhas. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, p. 79, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais)
43.   Chang, Y. ; Han, J. ; Kohayakawa, Y. ; Morris, P. ; Mota, G.O.. Factors in randomly perturbed hypergraphs. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. v. 60, p. 153-165, 2022. Qualis: A2
44.   CHEANG, R. M. ; Brandão, Anarosa A.F. ; Sichman, Jaime Simao. Centralized norm enforcement in mixed-motive multiagent reinforcement learning. Em: International Workshop on Coordination, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (International Workshop on Coordination)
45.   CHEANG, R. M. ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; Sichman, Jaime. Centralized Norm Enforcement in Mixed-Motive Multiagent Reinforcement Learning. Em: Ajmeri, N.; Morris Martin, A.; Savarimuthu, B.T.R.. (Org.). Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XV. COINE 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham. : Springer. 2022.v. 13549, p. 121-133.
46.   CHOI, J. ; UEDA, E. K. ; DURAN, G. C. ; MIRANDA, PAULO A.V. VECHIATTO ; TSUZUKI, M. S. G.. Automatic Lung Segmentation with Seed Generation and ROIFT Algorithm for the Creation of Anatomical Atlas. Em: International Conference on Geometry and Graphics. (Org.). Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2022.v. 146, p. 636-647.
47.   CONDORI, MARCOS ADEMIR TEJADA ; MIRANDA, PAULO A. VECHIATTO. Differential Oriented Image Foresting Transform Segmentation by Seed Competition. Em: International Conference on Discrete Geometry and Mathematical Morphology. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2022.v. 13493, p. 300-311.
48.   CUNHA, B. C. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Avaliação da Integração do Protocolo MQTT em uma Plataforma de Cidades Inteligentes. REVISTA ELETRÔNICA DE INICIAÇÃO CIENTÍFICA. v. 20, p. 1-9, 2022.Qualis: C
49.   CUNHA, MATEUS TRINCONI ; DE SOUZA BORGES, ANA PAULA ; CARVALHO JARDIM, VINICIUS ; Fujita, André ; DE CASTRO, GILBERTO. Predicting survival in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients with poor ECOG-PS: A single-arm prospective study. Cancer Medicine. v. 1, p. 1-11, 2022. Qualis: A3
50.   DA COSTA, DIOGO RICARDO ; Fujita, André ; BATISTA, ANTONIO MARCOS ; SALES, MATHEUS ROLIM ; SZEZECH JR, JOSÉ DANILO. Conservative generalized bifurcation diagrams and phase space properties for oval-like billiards. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS. v. 155, p. 111707, 2022. Qualis: A3 (CHAOS, SOLITONS & FRACTALS)
51.   DA COSTA, DIOGO RICARDO ; Fujita, André ; SALES, MATHEUS ROLIM ; SZEZECH, JOSÉ D. ; BATISTA, ANTONIO MARCOS. Dynamical Properties for a Tunable Circular to Polygonal Billiard. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS. v. 52, p. 75, 2022. Qualis: A4
53.   DA SILVA OLIVEIRA, GIOVANNI APARECIDO ; LIMA, PRISCILA SERRA SILVA ; KON, FABIO ; TERADA, ROUTO ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACEDO ; Hirata, Roberto ; HAMDAN, MOSAB. A Stacked Ensemble Classifier for an Intrusion Detection System in the Edge of IoT and IIoT Networks. Em: 2022 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1-6, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM))
54.   DANIEL, JOAO FRANCISCO LINO ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; MARTINS, EDUARDO GUERRA. Are knowledge and usage of microservices patterns aligned? An exploratory study with professionals. Em: 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, p. 878, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers)
57.   DE MORAES LIGABUE, PEDRO ; FRANCO BRANDAO, ANAROSA ALVES ; PERES, SARAJANE MARQUES ; COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI ; PIROZELLI, PAULO. BlabKG: a Knowledge Graph for the Blue Amazon. Em: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph (ICKG), v. 1, p. 164, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph (ICKG))
58.   DIAS, DANIEL B. ; N. de Barros, Leliane ; V. DELGADO, KARINA ; MAUÁ, DENIS D.. Differentiable Planning with Indefinite Horizon. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, v. 10, p. 170-177, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Symposium on Knowledge Discovery)
59.   DURELLI, RAFAEL S. ; DURELLI, VINICIUS H. S. ; BETTIO, RAPHAEL W. ; DIAS, DIEGO R. C. ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Divinator: A Visual Studio Code Extension to Source Code Summarization. Em: Workshop de Visualização, p. 1, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Visualização)
60.   DURELLI, RAFAEL SERAPILHA ; CORDEIRO, RENATO ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Using Real Code to Teach Good Programming Practices. Em: SBQS '22: XXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, p. 1-9, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (SBQS '22: XXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality)
61.   DURHAM, A. M. Algoritmos em Genômica Computacional. 2022. Curso de curta duração ministrado/Extensão
62.   ELIAS, ERIK MIGUEL DE ; CARRIEL, VINICIUS SANCHES ; DE OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME WERNECK ; DOS SANTOS, ALDRI LUIZ ; NOGUEIRA, MICHELE ; JUNIOR, ROBERTO HIRATA ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACEDO. A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Model for IIoT Edge Privacy-Aware Intrusion Detection. Em: 2022 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM))
63.   ELMADJIAN, CARLOS ; GONZALES, CANDY ; COSTA, RODRIGO LIMA DA ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. Online eye-movement classification with temporal convolutional networks. Behavior Research Methods. v. 11, p. s13428-022-0197, 2022. Qualis: A1
64.   FERNANDES, CRISTINA G. ; DE PINA, JOSÉ C. ; RAMÍREZ ALFONSÍN, JORGE LUIS ; Robins, Sinai. Period collapse in Ehrhart quasi-polynomials of ({1,3})-graphs. Combinatorial Theory. v. 2, p. 1-42, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (COMBINATORIAL THEORY)
65.   Fernandes, Cristina G.; LINTZMAYER, C. N. ; San Felice, Mário César. Leafy spanning k-forests. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION. v. 44, p. 934-946, 2022. Qualis: A2
66.   Fernandes, Cristina G.; Lintzmayer, Carla N.. Leafy spanning arborescences in DAGs. DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 323, p. 217-227, 2022. Qualis: A2
67.   Fernandes, Cristina G.; Lintzmayer, Carla N. ; Moura, Phablo F. S.. Approximations for the Steiner Multicycle Problem. Em: Castañeda, A.; Rodríguez-Henríquez, F. (eds) LATIN 2022: 15th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham. : Springer International Publishing. 2022.v. 13568, p. 188-203.
68.   FERNANDES-SVARTMAN, FLAVIANE ; BERTI, LARISSA ; MARTINS, MARCUS ; MEDEIROS, BEATRIZ R. ; Queiroz, Marcelo. Temporal prosodic cues for COVID-19 in Brazilian Portuguese speakers. Em: Speech Prosody 2022, p. 210-214, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Speech Prosody 2022)
69.   FERREIRA, RENATO CORDEIRO ; GOMES, DAYANNE ; TAMAE, VITOR ; WERNKE, FRANCISCO ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. SPIRA: Building an Intelligent System for Respiratory Insufficiency Detection. Em: Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Inteligente, p. 19, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software Inteligente)
70.   Finger, Marcelo; GAUY, M. M.. Pretrained audio neural networks for Speech emotion recognition in Portuguese. Em: Speech Emotion Recognition in Portuguese, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Speech Emotion Recognition in Portuguese)
71.   Finger, Marcelo; SOUSA, M. C. P. ; STURZENEKER, M. ; CRESPO, M. C. ; ROCHA, M. L. ; MONTE, V. M. ; NAMIUTI, C.. Carolina?s Methodology: building a large corpus with provenance and typology information. Em: Second Workshop on Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing, v. 3128, p. 53-58, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Second Workshop on Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing)
72.   FOBE, JEAN LUC ANTOINE OLIVIER ; NOGUEIRA, MICHELE ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. A New Defensive Technique Against Sleep Deprivation Attacks Driven by Battery Usage. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, p. 85, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais)
74.   FREIRE, D. L. ; CARVALHO, A. C. P. L. F. ; FELTRAN, L. C. ; NAGAMATSU, L. A. ; SILVA, K. C. R. ; FIRMINO, C. ; FERREIRA, J.E. ; TAKECIAN, P. L. ; CARLOTTI, D. ; LIMA, F. A. C. ; PORTELA, R. M.. Lawsuits Document Images Processing Classification. Em: Progress in Artificial Intelligence 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, v. 1, p. 1, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Progress in Artificial Intelligence 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
75.   FREIRE, D. L. ; CARVALHO, A. C. P. L. F. ; FELTRAN, L. C. ; NAGAMATSU, L. A. ; SILVA, K. C. R. ; FIRMINO, C. ; Ferreira, João Eduardo ; TAKECIAN, P. L. ; CARLOTTI, D. ; LIMA, F. A. C. ; PORTELA, R. M.. Content-Based Lawsuits Document Image Retrieval. Em: Progress in Artificial Intelligence 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, v. 1, p. 1, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Progress in Artificial Intelligence 21st EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
76.   GALVÃO FERRARINI, MARIANA ; ZISKA, IRENE ; ANDRADE, RICARDO ; JULIEN-LAFERRIÈRE, ALICE ; DUCHEMIN, LOUIS ; CÉSAR, ROBERTO MARCONDES ; MARY, ARNAUD ; VINGA, SUSANA ; SAGOT, MARIE-FRANCE. Totoro: Identifying Active Reactions During the Transient State for Metabolic Perturbations. Frontiers in Genetics. v. 13, p. 1, 2022. Qualis: A2
77.   GARCIA DE OLIVEIRA, ALEXANDRE ; JASKELIOFF, MAURO ; Vieira de Melo, Ana Cristina. On Structuring Functional Programs with Monoidal Profunctors. ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 360, p. 134-150, 2022. Qualis: B2
78.   GAUY, M. M. ; Finger, Marcelo. Pretrained audio neural networks for Speech emotion recognition in Portuguese. arXiv. 2022. Relatório Técnico
79.   GAUY, M. M. ; Finger, Marcelo. Audio MFCC-gram Transformers for respiratory insufficiency detection in COVID-19. arXiv. 2022. Relatório Técnico
80.   Gobber, Charles F. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; ALVES, WONDER A.L.. An efficient algorithm to update non-flat and incremental attributes in morphological trees. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. v. 163, p. 47-54, 2022. Qualis: A2
81.   GUERRA, Paulo T. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Revising System Specifications in Temporal Logic. Journal of Logic Language and Information. v. 31, p. s1084902209379, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF LOGIC LANGUAGE AND INFORMATION)
82.   GUEVARA DIAZ, JORGE LUIS ; MENDEL, JERRY M ; HIRATA JUNIOR, ROBERTO. Fuzzy-System Kernel Machines: A Kernel Method Based on the Connections Between Fuzzy Inference Systems and Kernel Machines. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS. v. 1, p. 1-1, 2022. Qualis: A1
83.   GUIZANI, MARIAM ; TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; CASTRO-GUZMAN, AILEEN ABRIL ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO ; SARMA, ANITA. Perceptions of the state of D&I and D&I initiative in the ASF. Em: ICSE '22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, p. 130, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (ICSE '22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering)
84.   GUPTA, SHANTANU ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F.. Dynamical Analysis of a Boolean Network Model of the Oncogene Role of lncRNA ANRIL and lncRNA UFC1 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. BIOMOLECULES. v. 12, p. 420, 2022. Qualis: A1
85.   GUPTA, SHANTANU ; PANDA, PRITAM KUMAR ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; SAMAL, SHAILESH KUMAR ; MISHRA, SUMAN ; VERMA, SURESH KR. ; MISHRA, YOGENDRA KUMAR ; AHUJA, RAJEEV. Dynamical modeling of miR-34a, miR-449a, and miR-16 reveals numerous DDR signaling pathways regulating senescence, autophagy, and apoptosis in HeLa cells. Scientific Reports. v. 12, p. 4911, 2022. Qualis: A2
86.   GUPTA, SHANTANU ; PANDA, PRITAM KUMAR ; LUO, WEI ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; AHUJA, RAJEEV. Network analysis reveals that the tumor suppressor lncRNA GAS5 acts as a double-edged sword in response to DNA damage in gastric cancer. Scientific Reports. v. 12, p. 18312, 2022. Qualis: A2
87.   GUPTA, SHANTANU ; SILVEIRA, DANER A. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; MOMBACH, JOSE CARLOS M.. A Boolean Model of the Proliferative Role of the lncRNA XIST in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. BIOLOGY. v. 11, p. 480, 2022. Qualis: A1
88.   GUZMAN, GROVER E C ; STADLER, PETER F ; Fujita, André. Efficient eigenvalue counts for tree-like networks. Journal Of Complex Networks. v. 10, p. cnac040, 2022. Qualis: A1
89.   GUZMAN, GROVER E C ; TAKAHASHI, DANIEL YASUMASA ; Fujita, André. A fast parameter estimator for large complex networks. Journal Of Complex Networks. v. 10, p. cnac022, 2022. Qualis: A1
90.   GÓMEZ, RENZO ; MIYAZAWA, F ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Tree 3-Spanners on Generalized Prisms of Graphs. Em: Castañeda, Armando and Rodríguez-Henriques, Francisco. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LATIN 2022: Theoretical Informatics. 1ed.Cham. : Springer. 2022.v. 13568, p. 557-573.
91.   HAYASHI, SERGIO Y. ; Hirata, Nina S. T.. Understanding attention-based encoder-decoder networks: a case study with chess scoresheet recognition. Em: 2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), p. 1586, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 26th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR))
92.   IOSTE, A. ; Finger, Marcelo. Establishing the Parameters of a Decentralized Neural Machine Learning Model. Em: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E COMPUTACIONAL (ENIAC), p. 401-412, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E COMPUTACIONAL (ENIAC))
93.   IOSTE, A. R. ; DURHAM, A. M. ; Finger, Marcelo. Combined Learning of Neural Network Weights for Privacy in Collaborative Tasks. arXiv. 2022. Relatório Técnico
94.   JOSE, M. M. ; JOSE, M. A. ; MAUÁ, D. D. ; COZMAN, F. G.. Integrating Question Answering and Text-to-SQL in Portuguese. Em: Vládia Pinheiro, Pablo Gamallo, Raquel Amaro, Carolina Scarton, Fernando Batista, Diego Silva, Catarina Magro, Hugo Pinto. (Org.). Integrating Question Answering and Text-to-SQL in Portuguese. 1ed. : Lecture Notes in Computer Science,. 2022.v. 13208, p. 278-287.
95.   KAUFFMANN, PIERO C. ; TAKADA, HELLINTON H. ; TERADA, ANA T. ; STERN, JULIO M.. Learning Forecast-Efficient Yield Curve Factor Decompositions with Neural Networks. Econometrics. v. 10, p. 15, 2022. Qualis: A1 (ECONOMETRICA)
96.   KAWASHIMA, IRINA YURI ; LOPEZ, MARIA CLAUDIA NEGRET ; CUNHA, MARIELTON DOS PASSOS ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Aprendizagem de Máquina como essa técnica computacional está enfrentando os novos vírus. Ciência Hoje, 14 jun. 2022.
97.   KAWASHIMA, IRINA YURI ; LOPEZ, MARIA CLAUDIA NEGRET ; CUNHA, MARIELTON DOS PASSOS ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO. SARS-CoV-2 host prediction based on virus-host genetic features. Scientific Reports. v. 12, p. 4576, 2022. Qualis: A2
98.   KON, F. Keynote Speech no The Future of Research Software Workshop. 2022. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
99.   LASKOSKI, FELIPE F. ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. CienTec Guide: Application and Online Evaluation of a Context-Based Recommender System in Cultural Heritage. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação, p. 310, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação)
100.   Leite, Leonardo ; Lago, Nelson ; MELO, CLAUDIA ; KON, FABIO ; Meirelles, Paulo. A Theory of Organizational Structures for Development and Infrastructure Professionals. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. v. 1, p. 1-30, 2022. Qualis: A1
101.   LEVIN, ANNA S. ; FREIRE, MARISTELA P. ; OLIVEIRA, MAURA SALAROLI DE ; NASTRI, ANA CATHARINA S. ; HARIMA, LEILA S. ; PERDIGÃO-NETO, LAURO VIEIRA ; MAGRI, MARCELLO M. ; FIALKOVITZ, GABRIEL ; FIGUEIREDO, PEDRO H. M. F. ; SICILIANO, RINALDO FOCACCIA ; Sabino, Ester C. ; CARLOTTI, DANILO P. N. ; RODRIGUES, DAVI SILVA ; NUNES, FÁTIMA L. S. ; Ferreira, João Eduardo ; FILHO, GERALDO BUSATTO ; BONFÁ, ELOISA ; UTIYAMA, EDIVALDO ; SEGURADO, ALUISIO ; PERONDI, BEATRIZ. Correlating drug prescriptions with prognosis in severe COVID-19: first step towards resource management. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. v. 22, p. 1, 2022. Qualis: A2
102.   LIRA, T. ; Finger, Marcelo. Bayesian Neural Models for Time-Series Prediction of CS28 Compressive Strength in Cement Manufacturing. Em: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E COMPUTACIONAL (ENIAC), p. 660-669, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E COMPUTACIONAL (ENIAC))
103.   Lovatto, Ângelo ; BARROS, L. N. ; DERATANI MAUÁ, DENIS. Exploration Versus Exploitation in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning: An Empirical Study. Intelligent Systems. BRACIS 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(). 1ed.Berlin. Em: Xavier-Junior, J.C., Rios, R.A.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Intelligent Systems. BRACIS 2022.. 1ed. : Springer. 2022.v. 13654, p. 30-44.
105.   MARCELLINO, F. J. M. ; SICHMAN, J. S.. Oil Supply Chain Integrated Planning based on Holonic Agents and Constraint Programming. Polytechnica. v. 1, p. 1, 2022. Qualis: C
106.   MATOS, VINÍCIUS BITENCOURT ; WASSERMANN, R.. Repairing Ontologies via Kernel Pseudo-Contraction. Em: 20th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2022), p. 16-26, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (20th International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning (NMR 2022))
107.   MIGUEL, MIGUEL G. R. ; WAISSMAN, RAFAEL P. ; LAURETTO, MARCELO S. ; STERN, JULIO M.. Haphazard Intentional Sampling in Survey and Allocation Studies on COVID-19 Prevalence and Vaccine Efficacy. Entropy. v. 24, p. 225, 2022. Qualis: A4
108.   MIYAZAWA, FLÁVIO K. ; Wakabayashi, Yoshiko. Techniques and results on approximation algorithms for packing circles. SÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. v. 16, p. 585-615, 2022. Qualis: B3
109.   MONEDA, L. ; DERATANI MAUÁ, DENIS. Time Robust Trees: Using Temporal Invariance to Improve Generalization. Em: Xavier-Junior, J.C., Rios, R.A.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Intelligent Systems. BRACIS 2022. 1ed. : Springer. 2022.v. 13653, p. 385-397.
110.   MORAIS, MAURO CÉSAR CAFUNDÓ ; SILVA, DIOGO ; MILAGRE, MATHEUS MARQUES ; OLIVEIRA, MAYKON TAVARES DE ; PEREIRA, THAÍS ; SILVA, JOÃO SANTANA ; Costa, Luciano Da F. ; MINOPRIO, PAOLA ; JUNIOR, ROBERTO MARCONDES CESAR ; GAZZINELLI, RICARDO ; DE LANA, MARTA ; NAKAYA, HELDER I.. Automatic detection of the parasite in blood smears using a machine learning approach applied to mobile phone images. PeerJ. v. 10, p. e13470, 2022. Qualis: A2
111.   MOURA, P. F. S. ; OTA, M. J. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. Approximation and Parameterized Algorithms for Balanced Connected Partition Problem In:. Em: Balachandran, N., Inkulu, R. (eds) Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (Org.). Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics - CALDAM 2022.. 1ed.Cham. : Springer. 2022.v. 13174., p. 211-223.
112.   NARDI, EDNILZA EVANGELISTA DA SILVA ; PADILHA, BRUNO ; KAMAURA, LEONARDO TADASHI ; Ferreira, João Eduardo. OpenImages Cyclists: Expandindo a Generalização na Detecção de Ciclistas em Câmeras de Segurança. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, p. 229, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados)
113.   OKU, AMANDA YUMI AMBRIOLA ; BARRETO, CANDIDA ; BRUNERI, GUILHERME ; BROCKINGTON, GUILHERME ; Fujita, Andre ; SATO, João Ricardo. Applications of graph theory to the analysis of fNIRS data in hyperscanning paradigms. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience. v. 16, p. 975743, 2022. Qualis: A3
114.   OLIVEIRA, A. A. A. M. ; ESPADOTO, M. ; Hirata, R. ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU C.. SDBM: Supervised Decision Boundary Maps for Machine Learning Classifiers. Em: 13th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications IVAPP, p. 77-87, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (13th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications IVAPP)
115.   OLIVEIRA, A. A. A. M. ; WANG, Z. ; HIRATA JUNIOR, ROBERTO. Locating Urban Trees Near Electric Wires Using Google Street View Photos: A New Dataset and a Semi-Supervised Learning Approach in the Wild. Em: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshops, p. 4286-4294, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - Workshops)
116.   OLIVEIRA, D. A. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; LAURETTO, M.. Ensemble Algorithm for Classification in Data Streams with Unbalanced Data and Concept Drift. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 1-15, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
117.   OLIVEIRA, F. B. ; HAQUE, A. ; MOUGOUEI, D. ; J. S. Sichman ; SINGH, MUNINDAR P. ; EVANS, S.. Investigating the Emotional Response to COVID-19 News on Twitter: A Topic Modeling and Emotion Classification Approach. IEEE Access. v. 10, p. 16883-16897, 2022. Qualis: A1
118.   OLIVEIRA, HUGO ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; GAMA, PEDRO H. T. ; SANTOS, JEFERSSON A. DOS. Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation via Meta-Learners. Em: 2022 35th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 288, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 35th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics)
119.   PAIVA, G. O. ; QUEIROZ, M. ; MACHADO, M. R.. Study of the Influence of Wood Mechanical Properties Variability on the Sound Synthesis of a Simplified String Instrument. Em: Dimitrovová, Z.; Biswas, P.; Gonçalves, R.; Silva, T.. (Org.). Recent Trends in Wave Mechanics and Vibrations. WMVC 2022.. 1ed.Cham. : Springer. 2022.v. 125, p. 1.
120.   PAIVA, THALES B. ; Terada, Routo. Faster Constant-Time Decoder for MDPC Codes and Applications to BIKE KEM. IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems. v. 1, p. 110-134, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (IACR TRANSACTIONS ON CRYPTOGRAPHIC HARDWARE AND EMBEDDED SYSTEMS)
121.   PASTOR, H. D. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; BARROS, L. N.. Approximate and Partial Risk-Sensitive Policies for Controlling the Spread of Infectious Diseases. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 1-15, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
122.   PASTOR, HENRIQUE DIAS ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; BARROS, LELIANE NUNES DE. Políticas Aproximadas e Parciais Sensíveis a Risco para o Controle da Propagação de Doenças Infecciosas. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, v. 19, p. 210, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
123.   PENNACCHIO, ALAN A. ; BARROS, LELIANE N. DE ; MAUÁ, DENIS D.. Differentiable Planning for Optimal Liquidation. Em: Brazilian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Finance, p. 48-57, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Brazilian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Finance)
124.   PEREIRA, J. P. A. ; FRANCO BRANDAO, ANAROSA ALVES ; da SILVA BEVILACQUA, J. ; Correa Giannella, Maria Lúcia Cardillo. A Multi-Agent Approach Used to Predict Long-Term Glucose Oscillation in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes. Applied Sciences-Basel. v. 12, p. 9641, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL)
125.   PERIN, G. J. ; NAKAZONO, L M I ; MENDES DE OLIVEIRA, C ; HIRATA, N. S. T.. Combinação de Dados Tabulares e Imagens para a Classificação de Objetos Astronômicos. Em: Workshop de Trabalho de Graduação - XXXVI Conference on Graphics, p. 160-163, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Trabalho de Graduação - XXXVI Conference on Graphics)
126.   PIMENTA-ZANON, M. H. ; de Souza, V.A ; HASHIMOTO, R. F. ; LOPES, F. M.. Biological Sequence Analysis Using Complex Networks and Entropy Maximization: A Case Study in SARS-CoV-2. Em: Swarnkar, T., Patnaik, S., Mitra, P., Misra, S., Mishra, M.. (Org.). Ambient Intelligence in Health Care. 1ed.Singapore. : Springer. 2022.v. 317, p. 459-469.
127.   Pina, Diogo ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; Seaman, Carolyn. Sonarlizer xplorer. Em: TechDebt '22: International Conference on Technical Debt, 2022, p. 71, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (TECHDEBT '22: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNICAL DEBT, 2022)
128.   Pina, Diogo ; Seaman, Carolyn ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Technical debt prioritization. Em: TechDebt '22: International Conference on Technical Debt, p. 46, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (TechDebt '22: International Conference on Technical Debt)
129.   PINTO, F. A. C. ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; SIQUEIRA, F. L.. Design Thinking and Non-Functional Requirements Elicitation: A Survey. Em: Workshop de Engenharia de Requisitos - WER, v. 1, p. 1, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Engenharia de Requisitos - WER)
130.   PIROZELLI, PAULO ; CASTRO, A. B. ; OLIVEIRA, A. L. C. ; SEIDEL, A. ; CACAO, F. N. ; SILVEIRA, I. C. ; CAMPOS, J. G. M. ; MOTHEO, L. C. ; FIGUEIREDO, L. F. ; PELLICER, L. F. ; JOSE, M. A. ; JOSE, M. M. ; LIGABUE, P. M. ; GRAVA, R. S. ; TAVARES, R. M. ; MATOS, V. B. ; SYM, Y. V. ; Costa, A.H.R ; FRANCO BRANDÃO, ANAROSA ALVES ; MAUA, D. D.. The BLue Amazon Brain (BLAB): A Modular Architecture of Services about the Brazilian Maritime Territory. Em: AI: Modeling Oceans and Climate Change 2022 - AIMOCC at IJCAI 2022, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (AI: Modeling Oceans and Climate Change 2022 - AIMOCC at IJCAI 2022)
131.   PIROZELLI, PAULO ; FRANCO BRANDAO, ANAROSA ALVES ; PERES, S. M. ; COZMAN, F. G.. To Answer or Not to Answer? Filtering Questions for QA Systems. Em: J. C. Xavier-Junior; R. A. Rios. (Org.). BRACIS 2022. 1ed.Cham. : Springer Nature. 2022.v. 13654, p. 1-15.
132.   PRETO, S. ; FERME, E. ; Finger, Marcelo. Coherence of probabilistic constraints on Nash equilibria. arXiv. 2022. Relatório Técnico
133.   Preto, Sandro ; FERMÉ, EDUARDO ; Finger, Marcelo. Coherence of probabilistic constraints on Nash equilibria. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY (ONLINE). v. 28, p. 38-51, 2022. Qualis: B1
134.   Preto, Sandro ; Finger, Marcelo. Efficient representation of piecewise linear functions into -ukasiewicz logic modulo satisfiability. MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 32, p. 1-26, 2022. Qualis: B1 (MSCS. MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE)
135.   R. Gómez ; F.K. Miyazawa ; Y. Wakabayashi. Minimum t-Spanners on Subcubic Graphs. Em: International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation -WALCOM 2022, v. 13174, p. 365-380, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation -WALCOM 2022)
136.   RIBEIRO, ERIC ; NASCIMENTO, RONAN ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; XAVIER, LAERTE ; GEROSA, MARCO ; DE PAULA, HUGO ; WESSEL, MAIRIELI. Together or Apart? Investigating a mediator bot to aggregate bot?s comments on pull requests. Em: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), p. 434, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME))
137.   RIUS, FLÁVIA E. ; PAPAIZ, DEBORA D. ; AZEVEDO, HATYLAS F. Z. ; AYUB, ANA LUÍSA P. ; PESSOA, DIOGO O. ; OLIVEIRA, TIAGO F. ; LOUREIRO, ANA PAULA M. ; ANDRADE, FERNANDO ; Fujita, André ; REIS, EDUARDO M. ; MASON, CHRISTOPHER E. ; JASIULIONIS, MIRIAM G.. Genome-wide promoter methylation profiling in a cellular model of melanoma progression reveals markers of malignancy and metastasis that predict melanoma survival. Clinical Epigenetics. v. 14, p. 68, 2022. Qualis: A1
138.   RODRIGUES, DAVI SILVA ; NASTRI, ANA CATHARINA S. ; MAGRI, MARCELLO M. ; OLIVEIRA, MAURA SALAROLI DE ; Sabino, Ester C. ; FIGUEIREDO, PEDRO H. M. F. ; LEVIN, ANNA S. ; FREIRE, MARISTELA P. ; HARIMA, LEILA S. ; NUNES, FÁTIMA L. S. ; Ferreira, João Eduardo ; BUSATTO, GERALDO ; BONFÁ, ELOISA ; UTIYAMA, EDIVALDO ; SEGURADO, ALUISIO ; PERONDI, BEATRIZ ; MORAIS, ANNA M. ; MONTAL, AMANDA ; FUSCO, SOLANGE ; FREGONESI, MARJORIE. Predicting the outcome for COVID-19 patients by applying time series classification to electronic health records. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. v. 22, p. 1, 2022. Qualis: A2
139.   ROSA, LUCAS ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. In search of efficient scheduling heuristics from simulations and Machine Learning. Em: Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho, p. 17, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho)
140.   Ruiz-Olazar, Margarita ; ROCHA, EVANDRO SANTOS ; VARGAS, CLAUDIA D. ; Braghetto, Kelly Rosa. The Neuroscience Experiments System (NES)-A Software Tool to Manage Experimental Data and Its Provenance. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics. v. 15, p. 768615, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (FRONTIERS IN NEUROINFORMATICS)
142.   Sampaio, Rudini M. ; Sobral, G. A. ; Wakabayashi, Y.. Minimum Density of Identifying Codes of Hexagonal Grids with a Finite Number of Rows. Em: Encontro de Teoria da Computação (ETC) - evento da SBC, 2022, Rio de Janeiro. Anais do VII Encontro de Teoria da Computação (ETC 2022), p. 145-148, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (ENCONTRO DE TEORIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO - EVENTO DA SBC, 2022, RIO DE JANEIRO. ANAIS DO VII ENCONTRO DE TEORIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO)
143.   SANTOS, FABIO ; TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; PIMENTEL, JOÃO FELIPE ; WIESE, IGOR ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. How to Choose a Task? Mismatches in Perspectives of Newcomers and Existing Contributors. Em: ESEM '22: ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, p. 114, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (ESEM '22: ACM / IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement)
144.   SANTOS, ITALO ; WIESE, IGOR ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. Hits and Misses: Newcomers' ability to identify Skills needed for OSS tasks. Em: 2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, p. 174, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis)
145.   Santos, V. B. ; BARROS, L. N. ; PEREIRA, S. L. ; MENEZES, M. V.. Symbolic FOND Planning for Temporally Extended Goals. Em: 2022 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling. An ICAPS'22 Workshop, p. 1-9, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (2022 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling. An ICAPS'22 Workshop)
146.   Santos, V. B. ; BARROS, L. N. ; PEREIRA, S. L. ; Menezes, M. V.. Symbolic FOND planning for temporally extended goals. 2022. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
147.   SARAFIM, D. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; CORDEIRO, D.. Random Forest for Code Smell Detection in JavaScript. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 1-15, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
148.   SATO, JESSICA YUMI NAKANO ; RIBEIRO, JORGE MIGUEL ; ARAUJO, ROBERTO SAMARONE ; PINA, JOSÉ COELHO DE ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. Utilização de Animações para Comparação de Hashes em Votação Eletrônica via Internet. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, p. 256, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais)
149.   SERRAS, F. ; Finger, Marcelo. verBERT: Automating Brazilian Case Law Document Multi-label Categorization Using BERT. arXiv. 2022. Relatório Técnico
150.   SILVA, D. ; CASANOVA, E. ; GRIS, LUCAS RAFAEL STEFANEL ; CANDIDO JR., ARNALDO ; Finger, Marcelo ; FERNANDES-SVARTMAN, FLAVIANE ROMANI ; MEDEIROS, B. R. ; MARTINS, M. ; ALUISIO, SANDRA ; BERTI, LARISSA CRISTINA. Interpretability Analysis of Deep Models for COVID-19 Detection. arXiv. 2022. Relatório Técnico
151.   SILVA, G. M. C. ; J. S. Sichman. Impersonation fraud detection on building access control systems: An approach based on anomalous social and spatio-temporal behaviors. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING. v. 118, p. 108310, 2022. Qualis: A1
152.   SIQUEIRA NEPOMUCENO, PEDRO IVO ; ULLAH, KIFAYAT ; Braghetto, Kelly Rosa ; MACUDO BATISTA, DANIEL. A Pothole Warning System using Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs). Em: 2022 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT), p. 147, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology (FIT))
153.   SOARES, F. M. ; CORREA, F. E. ; PIRES, L. F. ; SANTOS, L. O. B. S. ; DRUCKER, D. P. ; BRAGHETTO, K. R. ; MOREIRA, D. A. ; DELBEM, A. C. B. ; SILVA, R. F. ; LOPES, C. O. S. ; SARAIVA, A. M.. Building a Community-Based FAIR Metadata Schema for Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Trading Data. Em: 1st Workshop on Ontologies for FAIR and FAIR Ontologies, v. 3235, 2022.Qualis: Não identificado (1st Workshop on Ontologies for FAIR and FAIR Ontologies)
154.   SOUZA, MARLO ; Wassermann, Renata. Hyperintensional Partial Meet Contractions. Em: 19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR2022}, p. 341, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (19th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR2022})
155.   STERN, J. M.; Julio Michael Stern ; Stern, Julio Michael. Color-Coded Epistemic Modes in a Jungian Hexagon of Opposition. Em: Julio Michael Stern; Jean-Yves Beziau; Ioannis Vandoulakis. (Org.). The Exoteric Square of Opposition. 1ed.Cham. : Birkhauser. 2022.v. 20, p. 303-332.
156.   SUPREM, ABHIJIT ; VAIDYA, SANJYOT ; CHERKADI, SUMA ; SINGH, PURVA ; Ferreira, Joao Eduardo ; Pu, Calton. Constructive Interpretability with CoLabel: Corroborative Integration, Complementary Features, and Collaborative Learning. Em: 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI), p. 74, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI))
157.   TERADA, ROUTO; VILLENA, R. C.. Vulnerability - Information Leakage of Reused Secret Key in NewHope. IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRONICS, COMMUNICATIONS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. E105.A, p. 952-964, 2022. Qualis: B2
158.   TININI, R. I. ; SANTOS, M. R. P. ; FIGUEIREDO, G. B. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; KAMIENSKI, C. A.. B5GSim - Um Simulador para Redes Beyond 5G. Em: Salão de Ferramentas do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2022), 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Salão de Ferramentas do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC 2022))
159.   TOFANI, ARTHUR ; BORGES, RODRIGO ; Queiroz, Marcelo. Dynamic session-based music recommendation using information retrieval techniques. USER MODELING AND USER-ADAPTED INTERACTION. v. 32, p. 1-35, 2022. Qualis: A1
160.   TOKUDA, E. ; ARRUDA, H. ; Domingues, G ; COSTA, L. F. ; SHIBATA, F. ; Cesar, Roberto M. ; COMIN, CESAR. Estimating the effects of urban green regions in terms of diffusion. Environment And Planning B-Urban Analytics And City Science. v. 1, p. 1, 2022. Qualis: A3 (ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING B: URBAN ANALYTICS AND CITY SCIENCE)
161.   TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; BRITTO, RICARDO ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. An empirical investigation on the challenges faced by women in the software industry. Em: ICSE '22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, p. 24, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (ICSE '22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering)
162.   TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; WIESE, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA ; GEROSA, MARCO ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Women?s Participation in Open Source Software: A Survey of the Literature. ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY. v. 31, p. 1-37, 2022. Qualis: A2
163.   VILLANUEVA, JULISSA ; MAUÁ, DENIS. Tractable Classification with Non-Ignorable Missing Data Using Generative Random Forests. Em: Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 42-49, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Symposium on Knowledge Discovery)
164.   VILLENA, REYNALDO C. ; Terada, Routo. The Importance of the Public Global Parameter on Ring-LWE problem-based Key Encapsulation Mechanims. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, p. 378-381, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais)
165.   WANG, JIEYING ; SILVA, DENNIS J. ; KOSINKA, JI'Í ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; ROERDINK, JOS B.T.M.. Interactive image manipulation using morphological trees and spline-based skeletons. COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK. v. 108, p. 61-73, 2022. Qualis: A2 (COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS)
166.   WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; ABDELLATIF, AHMAD ; WIESE, IGOR ; CONTE, TAYANA ; SHIHAB, EMAD ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Bots for pull requests. Em: ICSE '22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering, p. 274, 2022. Qualis: Não identificado (ICSE '22: 44th International Conference on Software Engineering)
167.   WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; SEREBRENIK, ALEXANDER ; WIESE, IGOR ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. Quality gatekeepers: investigating the effects of code review bots on pull request activities. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. v. 27, p. 1, 2022. Qualis: A1


1.   ABELLO, ANTONIO AUGUSTO ; HIRATA JR., R. ; WANG, Z.. Dissecting the High-Frequency Bias in Convolutional Neural Networks. Em: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - CVPR, v. 1, p. 863-871, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition - CVPR)
2.   ALMEIDA DE MACEDO OLIVEIRA, ARTUR ANDRÉ ; Hirata, Roberto. INACITY - INvestigate and Analyze a CITY. SoftwareX. v. 15, p. 100777, 2021. Qualis: A2
3.   ANDREANI, R. ; FUKUDA, E. H. ; HAESER, G. ; SANTOS, D. O. ; SECCHIN, L. D.. On the use of Jordan Algebras for improving global convergence of an Augmented Lagrangian method in nonlinear semidefinite programming. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 79, p. 633-648, 2021. Qualis: A4
4.   ANTUNES, M. ; SANTO, G. F. E. ; MANZOLLI, J. ; Queiroz, M. A psychoacoustic-based methodology for sound mass music analysis. Em: Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, p. 135-144, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research)
5.   ARAUJO RODRIGUEZ, LUIS GUSTAVO ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACEDO. Towards Improving Fuzzer Efficiency for the MQTT Protocol. Em: 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC))
6.   ARBEX, GUSTAVO VITRAL ; MACHADO, KETLY GONCALVES ; NOGUEIRA, MICHELE ; BATISTA, DANIEL M. ; Hirata, Roberto. IoT DDoS Detection Based on Stream Learning. Em: 2021 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF))
7.   AUTILI, MARCO ; PERUCCI, ALEXANDER ; Leite, Leonardo ; TIVOLI, MASSIMO ; Kon, Fabio ; DI SALLE, AMLETO. Highly collaborative distributed systems: Synthesis and enactment at work. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. v. 33, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: A4 (CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE)
8.   BANDIERA PAIVA, THALES ; Yaissa Siqueira ; Daniel Macedo Batista ; HIRATA JR., R. ; TERADA, Routo. BGP Anomalies Classification using Features based on AS Relationship Graphs. 2021. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
9.   BARROS, G. F. ; CAVALAR, B. P. ; KOHAYAKAWA, YOSHIHARU ; Mota, G. O. ; Naia, T.. Oriented Graphs with Lower Orientation Ramsey Thresholds. Em: EuroComb 2021, 2021. Extended Abstracts EuroComb 2021, p. 799-804, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROCOMB 2021, 2021. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS EUROCOMB 2021)
10.   BARROS, GABRIEL FERREIRA ; CAVALAR, BRUNO PASQUALOTTO ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; NAIA, TÁSSIO. Orientation Ramsey Thresholds for Cycles and Cliques. SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 35, p. 2844-2857, 2021. Qualis: A3
11.   BARZILAY, ALAN ; MARTINELLI, CAIO L. ; NOGUEIRA, MICHELE ; BATISTA, DANIEL M. ; Hirata, Roberto. AnubisFlow: A Feature Extractor for Distributed Denial of Service Attack Classification. Em: 2021 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF), p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 12th International Conference on Network of the Future (NoF))
12.   BERTI, L. C. ; MARTINS, M. ; FERNANDES-SVARTMAN, F. ; QUEIROZ, M. G. ; MEDEIROS, B. R. ; FERREIRA, L. S. ; SILVA, I. G. G. ; LEYTON, P. ; SPAZZAPAN, E. A. ; Finger, M. A PAUSA COMO UM BIOMARCADOR NA FALA DE PACIENTES COM COVID-19. Em: XXIX Congresso Brasileiro e o IX Congresso Internacional de Fonoaudiologia 2021, 2021, On line. XXIX Congresso Brasileiro e o IX Congresso Internacional de Fonoaudiologia 2021, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (XXIX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO E O IX CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE FONOAUDIOLOGIA 2021, 2021, ON LINE. XXIX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO E O IX CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE FONOAUDIOLOGIA 2021)
13.   BERTI, L. C. ; SPAZZAPAN, E. A. ; LEYTON, P. ; QUEIROZ, M. G. ; FERNANDES-SVARTMAN, F. ; MEDEIROS, B. R. ; MARTINS, M. ; FERREIRA, L. S. ; SILVA, I. G. G. ; Finger, M. MUDANÇAS NOS PARÂMETROS ACÚSTICOS DA VOZ EM BRASILEIROS COM COVID-19. Em: XXIX Congresso Brasileiro e o IX Congresso Internacional de Fonoaudiologia 2021, 2021, Online. XXIX Congresso Brasileiro e o IX Congresso Internacional de Fonoaudiologia 2021, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (XXIX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO E O IX CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE FONOAUDIOLOGIA 2021, 2021, ONLINE. XXIX CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO E O IX CONGRESSO INTERNACIONAL DE FONOAUDIOLOGIA 2021)
15.   BERTRAND'MARTINEZ, EDDAS ; DIAS FEIO, PHELIPE ; BRITO NASCIMENTO, VAGNER DE ; Kon, Fabio ; ABELÉM, ANTÔNIO. Classification and evaluation of IoT brokers: A methodology. International Journal of Network Management. v. 31, p. 1-1, 2021. Qualis: A4
16.   Birgin, E. G.; GARDENGHI, J. L. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; SANTOS, S. A.. On the solution of linearly constrained optimization problems by means of barrier algorithms. Top. v. 29, p. 417-441, 2021. Qualis: A2
17.   Birgin, E. G.; LAURAIN, A. ; MASSAMBONE, R. ; SANTANA, A. G.. A Shape Optimization Approach to the Problem of Covering a Two-Dimensional Region with Minimum-Radius Identical Balls. SIAM JOURNAL ON SCIENTIFIC COMPUTING. v. 43, p. A2047-A2078, 2021. Qualis: A1
18.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; RAMOS, A.. On constrained optimization with nonconvex regularization. NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS. v. 86, p. 1165-1188, 2021. Qualis: A4
19.   BLANGER, LEONARDO ; Hirata, Nina S. T. ; JIANG, XIAOYI. Reducing the need for bounding box annotations in Object Detection using Image Classification data. Em: 2021 34th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 199, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 34th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics)
20.   BODO, R. ; BENETOS, E. ; Queiroz, M. A Framework for Music Similarity and Cover Song Identification. Em: Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, p. 205-214, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research)
21.   Borlido Barcelos, Isabela ; Belém, Felipe ; MIRANDA, PAULO ; Falcão, Alexandre Xavier ; do Patrocínio, Zenilton K. G. ; Guimarães, Silvio Jamil F.. Towards Interactive Image Segmentation by Dynamic and Iterative Spanning Forest. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2021.p. 351-364.
22.   BOROVINA JOSKO, JOÃO MARCELO ; Ferreira, João Eduardo. Using visual-interactive properties to support data quality visual assessment on abstract and timeless data. Journal of Information and Data Management - JIDM. v. 12, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: B3
23.   Botler, F. ; Collares, M. ; MARTINS, T. ; MENDONCA, W. ; Morris, R. ; Mota, G. O.. Combinatória. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora do IMPA, 2021. v. 1, p. 315.
24.   BOTLER, F. ; JIMENEZ, A. ; SAMBINELLI, M. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. The 2-Decomposition Conjecture for a new class of graphs. Em: XI Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, 2021, São Paulo - SP. Procedia Computer Science. Amsterdam: Elsevier, v. 195, p. 359-367, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (XI LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, 2021, SÃO PAULO - SP. PROCEDIA COMPUTER SCIENCE. AMSTERDAM: ELSEVIER)
25.   BOTLER, F. H. ; Fernandes, Cristina G. ; GUTIERREZ, J.. On Tuza’s conjecture for triangulations and graphs with small treewidth. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 344, p. 112281, 2021. Qualis: A3
26.   BRANDOLINI, L. ; COLZANI, L. ; ROBINS, S. ; TRAVAGLINI, G.. Pick?s Theorem and Convergence of Multiple Fourier Series. AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY. v. 128, p. 41-49, 2021. Qualis: B3 (THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL MONTHLY)
27.   BRANDOLINI, LUCA ; COLZANI, LEONARDO ; Robins, Sinai ; TRAVAGLINI, GIANCARLO. An Euler-MacLaurin formula for polygonal sums. TRANSACTIONS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 375, p. 151-172, 2021. Qualis: A1
28.   BRAZ, L. F. ; J. S. Sichman. Using MBTI agents to simulate human behavior in a work context. Em: 16th annual Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2021), 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (16th annual Social Simulation Conference (SSC 2021))
29.   BRAZ, L. F. ; Sichman, J.S.. Extending BEN architecture for modeling MTBI agents. Em: Gama Days 2021, 2021, Toulouse. Gama Days 2021 Abstracts, p. 46-46, 2021.
30.   CAMARGO NETO, A. C. ; CARVALHO, W. S. ; PERESSIM, F. ; Finger, Marcelo. Text-to-hashtag Generation using Seq2seq Learning. arXiv. 2021. Relatório Técnico
31.   CAMARGO, AUGUSTO ; CARVALHO, WESLEY ; PERESSIM, FELIPE ; BARZILAY, ALAN ; Finger, Marcelo. Text-to-hashtag Generation using Seq2Seq Learning. Em: Brazilian eScience Workshop, p. 121, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Brazilian eScience Workshop)
32.   CAMPOS, M. ; Collares, M. ; Mota, G. O.. Counting C_k-free Orientations of G(n, p). Em: EuroComb 2021, p. 784-791, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROCOMB 2021)
33.   CARASTAN-SANTOS, DANILO ; DA SILVA, ANDERSON ANDREI ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; MITRA, ANGAN ; NGOKO, YANIK ; MOMMESSIN, CLEMENT ; TRYSTRAM, DENIS. Short-Term Ambient Temperature Forecasting for Smart Heaters. Em: 2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC))
34.   CARDOZO, RENÊ EDUARDO PEREIRA ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. Extração de Parâmetros para Simulação de Redes em Aplicativos Móveis de Grande Utilização. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, p. 233, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos)
35.   CARPI, MIGUEL DE MELLO ; DE CARVALHO JUNIOR, ANTONIO DEUSANY ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Validação de arcabouço de WoT para uma assistente virtual. Em: Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo, p. 29, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo)
36.   CARVALHO, H. A. ; RIBEIRO, J. M. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; PINA, J. C.. Análise de Desempenho de uma Ferramenta para Visualização de Hashes em Dispositivos Móveis. Em: Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e de Graduação (WTICG) do SBSeg, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e de Graduação (WTICG) do SBSeg)
37.   CARVALHO, V. R. ; ÖZCAN, ENDER ; Sichman, J.S.. Comparative analysis of selection hyper-heuristics for real-world multi- objective optimization problems. Em: X Workshop de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia da Computação (WPGEC 2021), 2021, Sào Paulo. Anais do X Workshop de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia da Computação. SÃO PAULO: PCS/PPGEE USP, p. 26-26, 2021.
38.   CASANOVA, EDRESSON ; CANDIDO JR., ARNALDO ; FERNANDES JR., RICARDO CORSO ; Finger, Marcelo ; GRIS, LUCAS RAFAEL STEFANEL ; PONTI, MOACIR ANTONELLI ; PINTO DA SILVA, DANIEL PEIXOTO. Transfer Learning and Data Augmentation Techniques to the COVID-19 Identification Tasks in ComParE 2021. Em: Interspeech 2021, p. 446, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Interspeech 2021)
39.   CASANOVA, EDRESSON ; GRIS, LUCAS ; CAMARGO, AUGUSTO ; DA SILVA, DANIEL ; GAZZOLA, MURILO ; SABINO, ESTER ; LEVIN, ANNA ; CANDIDO JR, ARNALDO ; ALUISIO, SANDRA ; Finger, Marcelo. Deep Learning against COVID-19: Respiratory Insufficiency Detection in Brazilian Portuguese Speech. Em: Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACLIJCNLP 2021, p. 625, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACLIJCNLP 2021)
40.   CASTRO GUZMAN, GROVER E. ; Fujita, Andre. Convolution-based linear discriminant analysis for functional data classification. INFORMATION SCIENCES. v. 581, p. 469-478, 2021. Qualis: A1
41.   CATARINO, MARINO HILARIO ; PADILHA, BRUNO ; Ferreira, João Eduardo. DataUSP: Conjunto de serviços analíticos para apoio à tomada de decisões em uma instituição de ensino superior. Latin American Journal of Development. v. 3, p. 2495-2500, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (LATIN AMERICAN JOURNAL OF DEVELOPMENT)
42.   CHANG, YULIN ; HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MORRIS, PATRICK ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA. Factors in randomly perturbed hypergraphs. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. v. 60, p. 153-165, 2021. Qualis: A2
43.   CHEANG, R. M. ; Brandão, Anarosa A. F. ; Sichman, J.S.. A Brief Overview of Social Dilemmas: From Social Sciences to Multiagent Based Simulations. Em: X Workshop de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia da Computação (WPGEC 2021), 2021, SÃO PAULO. Anais do X Workshop de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia da Computação. SÃO PAULO: PCS/PPGEE USP, p. 44-44, 2021.
44.   CHEANG, R. M. ; Brandão, Anarosa A. F. ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. A Brief Overview of Social Dilemmas: From Social Sciences to Multiagent Based Simulations. Em: XV Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, v. 1, p. 47-58, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (XV Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes)
45.   CHEN, GUANTAO ; FENG, XING ; LU, FULIANG ; Lucchesi, Cláudio L. ; ZHANG, LIANZHU. Laminar tight cuts in matching covered graphs. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B. v. 150, p. 177-194, 2021. Qualis: A2 (JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY. SERIES B)
46.   Collares, M. ; KOHAYAKAWA, YOSHIHARU ; Moreira, C. G. ; Mota, G. O.. Constrained colourings of random graphs. Em: LAGOS 2021, 2021. Proceedings of the {XI} Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, {LAGOS} 2021, v. 195, p. 368-375, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS 2021, 2021. PROCEEDINGS OF THE {XI} LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM, {LAGOS} 2021)
47.   COLLARES, MAURÍCIO ; FERNANDES, ANTÔNIO K. B. ; MOTA, GUILHERME O. ; VICENTE, HUGO M.. Árvores Ramsey-restritas mínimas. Em: Encontro de Teoria da Computação, 2021, Brasil. Anais do VI Encontro de Teoria da Computação (ETC 2021), p. 46-49, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (ENCONTRO DE TEORIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO, 2021, BRASIL. ANAIS DO VI ENCONTRO DE TEORIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO)
48.   COSTA, Anna Helena Reali ; BARROS, Leliane Nunes de ; REZENDE, Solange de Oliveira ; Sichman, J.S. ; NERI, H.. Trajetória acadêmica da Inteligência Artificial no Brasil. Em: Fabio G. Cozman; Guilherme Ary Plonski ; Hugo Neri. (Org.). Inteligência artificial: avanços e tendências. 1ed.São Paulo. : Instituto de Estudos Avançados da USP. 2021.v. 1, p. 30-66.
49.   CUNHA, BRUNO CARNEIRO DA ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. Avaliação da Integração do Protocolo MQTT em uma Plataforma de Cidades Inteligentes. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, p. 217, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos)
50.   D. FILHO, EDUARDO ; PADILHA, BRUNO ; Ferreira, João E.. Compiladores para as Linguagens da Abordagem WED-flow. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, 2021, Brasil. Anais Estendidos do XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados (SBBD Estendido 2021), p. 75, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS, 2021, BRASIL. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO XXXVI SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS)
51.   DE CAMARGO, ANDRÉ PIERRO ; Haeser, Gabriel. A note on linearly dependent symmetric matrices. LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA. v. 69, p. 2539-2545, 2021. Qualis: A4 (LINEAR AND MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA)
52.   DE CARLI SILVA, MARCEL K. Some Discrete Aspects of Semidefinite Programming. 2021. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
53.   de Carvalho, Vinicius Renan ; ÖZCAN, ENDER ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Comparative Analysis of Selection Hyper-Heuristics for Real-World Multi-Objective Optimization Problems. Applied Sciences-Basel. v. 11, p. 9153, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL)
54.   DE ELIAS, ERIK MIGUEL ; TASINAFFO, PAULO MARCELO ; Hirata Jr., Roberto. Optical Mark Recognition: Advances, Difficulties, and Limitations. SN Computer Science. v. 2, p. 1-13, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (SN COMPUTER SCIENCE)
55.   DE MEDEIROS OLIVEIRA, MAURO ; BONADIO, IGOR ; LIE DE MELO, ALICIA ; MENDES SOUZA, GLAUCIA ; Durham, Alan Mitchell. TSSFinder-fast and accurate ab initio prediction of the core promoter in eukaryotic genomes. BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS. v. 22, p. 1-12, 2021. Qualis: A1
56.   DE OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME WERNECK ; TOSCANO NEY, RODRIGO ; HERRERA, JUAN LUIS ; MACEDO BATISTA, DANIEL ; Hirata, R. ; GALAN-JIMENEZ, JAIME ; BERROCAL, JAVIER ; MURILLO, JUAN MANUEL ; LUIZ DOS SANTOS, ALDRI ; NOGUEIRA, MICHELE. Predicting Response Time in SDN-Fog Environments for IIoT Applications. Em: 2021 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM))
57.   DE SOUZA, LUCAS MENDONÇA ; FELIX, IGOR MOREIRA ; Ferreira, Bernardo Martins ; BRANDÃO, ANAROSA ALVES FRANCO ; BRANDÃO, LEÔNIDAS DE OLIVEIRA. I know what you coded last summer. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação, v. 1, p. 909-920, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação)
58.   DIAS, EDSON ; Meirelles, Paulo ; CASTOR, FERNANDO ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; WIESE, IGOR ; PINTO, GUSTAVO. What Makes a Great Maintainer of Open Source Projects?. Em: 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), p. 982, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE))
59.   DIGIAMPIETRI, LUCIANO ANTONIO ; TUESTA, ESTEBAN FERNANDEZ ; KÖHLER, ANDRÉ FONTAN ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia ; BERNARDES JÚNIOR, JOÃO LUIZ. Caracterizando o processo de doutoramento no Brasil ao longo dos anos: período de formação, sexo e produção acadêmica. EM QUESTÃO. v. 27, p. 361-387, 2021. Qualis: A3
60.   DURHAM, A. M. Alinhamento de Sequências. 2021. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
61.   DURHAM, A. M. Algoritmos em Genômica Computacional. 2021. Curso de curta duração ministrado/Extensão
62.   E SILVA, JOELMA C.C. ; DA SILVA, FLAVIO S.C.. Contextual analysis of pedestrian mobility in transport terminals. ICT Express. v. 6, p. ICTE 324, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (ICT EXPRESS)
63.   ELMADJIAN, CARLOS ; MORIMOTO, CARLOS H. GazeBar: Exploiting the Midas Touch in Gaze Interaction. Em: CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2021, Yokohama Japan. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. New York, NY, USA: ACM, p. 1, 2021.
64.   ENDRISS, ULLE ; NOWÉ, ANN ; GINI, MARIA ; LESSER, VICTOR ; LUCK, MICHAEL ; PAIVA, ANA ; Sichman, Jaime. Autonomous agents and multiagent systems. AI Matters. v. 7, p. 29-37, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (AI MATTERS)
65.   ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; HIRATA, NINA ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU. Self-supervised Dimensionality Reduction with Neural Networks and Pseudo-labeling. Em: 12th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, p. 27, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (12th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications)
66.   ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; MARTINS, RAFAEL M. ; KERREN, ANDREAS ; Hirata, Nina S. T. ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU C.. Toward a Quantitative Survey of Dimension Reduction Techniques. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON VISUALIZATION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS. v. 27, p. 2153-2173, 2021. Qualis: A1
67.   ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; RODRIGUES, FRANCISCO ; HIRATA, NINA ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU. OptMap: Using Dense Maps for Visualizing Multidimensional Optimization Problems. Em: 12th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, p. 123, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (12th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications)
68.   FENG, WENXIN ; ZOU, J. ; Kurauchi, A. T. ; MORIMOTO, CARLOS H ; BETKE, MARGRIT. HGaze Typing: Head-Gesture Assisted Gaze Typing. Em: ETRA, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (ETRA)
69.   FERNANDES, CRISTINA G. ; DE PINA, JOSÉ C. ; RAMÍREZ ALFONSÍN, JORGE LUIS ; Robins, Sinai. Cubic Graphs, Their Ehrhart Quasi-Polynomials, and a Scissors Congruence Phenomenon. DISCRETE & COMPUTATIONAL GEOMETRY. v. 65, p. 227-243, 2021. Qualis: A2
70.   FINGER, M. ; ALUISIO, S. M. ; SPAZZAPAN, E. A. ; BERTI, L. C ; CANDIDO JUNIOR, A ; SVARTMAN, F.R.F. ; CAMARGO NETO, A. C. ; CASANOVA, E. ; FERREIRA, R. C. ; FERNANDES JR., R. ; GOLDMAN, A. ; GRIS, L. R. ; LEYTON, P. ; LEVIN, A. S. S. ; MARTINS, M. V. M. ; Queiroz, M ; QUIRINO, J. H. ; MEDEIROS, B. R. ; SABINO, E. C. ; SILVA, D.. Detecting respiratory insufficiency by voice analysis: the SPIRA project. Em: Emma Otta; Patrícia Ferreira Monticelli. (Org.). Acoustic communication: an interdisciplinary approach. 1ed.São Paulo. : Instituto de Psicologia ? Universidade de São Paulo. 2021.v. 1, p. 164-180.
71.   Finger, Marcelo. Inteligência Artificial e os rumos do processamento do português brasileiro. ESTUDOS AVANÇADOS (ONLINE). v. 35, p. 51-72, 2021. Qualis: A1
72.   Finger, Marcelo. Quando se compra inteligência artificial, o que de fato se leva para casa? Além do ?oba-oba?. Em: Fabio G. Cozman GuilhermeAry Plonski Hugo Neri. (Org.). Inteligência Artificial: Avanços e Tendências. 1ed.São Paulo. : Universidade de São Paulo/INSTITUTO DE ESTUDOS AVANÇADOS. 2021.p. 95-109.
73.   FURUKITA, F. N. T. ; MARCELLINO, F. ; J. S. Sichman. Combining DCOP and MILP for Complex Local Optimization Problems. Em: 20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2021), 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (20th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA 2021))
74.   FURUKITA, F. N. T. ; MARCELLINO, F. ; Sichman, J.S.. Distributed Optimization via Integration of Local Models. Em: 2th Workshop on Optimization and Learning in Multiagent Systems (OptLearnMAS2021), 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (2th Workshop on Optimization and Learning in Multiagent Systems (OptLearnMAS2021))
75.   GAUY, MARCELO MATHEUS ; Finger, Marcelo. Audio MFCC-gram Transformers for respiratory insufficiency detection in COVID-19. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana, p. 143, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana)
76.   GEH, R. L. ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI. Fast And Accurate Learning of Probabilistic Circuits by Random Projections. Em: 4th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (4th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling)
77.   GEH, R. L. ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI. Learning probabilistic sentential decision diagrams under logic constraints by sampling and averaging. Em: Thirty-Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, v. 161, p. 2039-2049, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (Thirty-Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence)
78.   GENG, TONGSHENG ; AMARIS, MARCOS ; ZUCKERMAN, STÉPHANE ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; GAO, GUANG R. ; GAUDIOT, JEAN-LUC. A Profile-Based AI-Assisted Dynamic Scheduling Approach for Heterogeneous Architectures. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PARALLEL PROGRAMMING. v. 1, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: B1
79.   GEROSA, MARCO; WIESE, IGOR ; TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; LINK, GEORG ; ROBLES, GREGORIO ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA. The Shifting Sands of Motivation: Revisiting What Drives Contributors in Open Source. Em: 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), p. 1046, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE))
80.   GONEALVES, VINICIUS P. M. ; SILVA, LOURIVAL P. ; NUNES, FATIMA L. S. ; FERREIRA, JOAO E. ; ARAUJO, LUCIANO V.. Evaluation of Traditional and Deep Learning Human Detection Techniques Applied to Surveillance: A Performance Comparison at Distinct Object Sizes. Em: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing)
81.   GOULART, ANTONIO JOSE HOMSI ; MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; JACOMASSI, RENAN ; HIRATA, NINA ; LOPES, RUBENS. Deep learning and t-SNE projection for plankton images clusterization. Em: OCEANS 2021: San Diego - Porto, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (OCEANS 2021: San Diego - Porto)
82.   GUIZANI, MARIAM ; CHATTERJEE, AMREETA ; TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; MAY, MARY EVELYN ; NOA-GUEVARA, GERALDINE J. ; RUSSELL, LIAM JAMES ; CUEVAS ZAMBRANO, GRISELDA G. ; IZQUIERDO-CORTAZAR, DANIEL ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; SARMA, ANITA. The Long Road Ahead: Ongoing Challenges in Contributing to Large OSS Organizations and What to Do. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. v. 5, p. 1-30, 2021. Qualis: C
83.   GUZMAN, GROVER E. C. ; STADLER, PETER F. ; Fujita, André. Efficient Laplacian spectral density computations for networks with arbitrary degree distributions. NETWORK SCIENCE. v. 9, p. 312-327, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (NETWORK SCIENCE)
84.   HAESER, G.; RAMOS, A.. On constraint qualifications for second-order optimality conditions depending on a single Lagrange multiplier. OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS. v. 49, p. 883-889, 2021. Qualis: B1
85.   Haeser, Gabriel; HINDER, OLIVER ; YE, YINYU. On the behavior of Lagrange multipliers in convex and nonconvex infeasible interior point methods. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING. v. 186, p. 257-288, 2021. Qualis: A1
86.   HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; LETZTER, SHOHAM ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; PARCZYK, OLAF. The size-Ramsey number of 3-uniform tight paths. Advances in Combinatorics. v. 2021, p. 5, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (ADVANCES IN COMBINATORICS)
87.   Hirata, Nina S. T.; PAPAKOSTAS, GEORGE A.. On Machine-Learning Morphological Image Operators. Mathematics. v. 9, p. 1854, 2021. Qualis: C
88.   HOPPEN, CARLOS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Lang, Richard ; LEFMANN, HANNO ; Stagni, Henrique. On the Query Complexity of Estimating the Distance to Hereditary Graph Properties. SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 35, p. 1238-1251, 2021. Qualis: A3
89.   Jaime S. Sichman; SIQUEIRA, F. L.. Experiências de ensino on-line na disciplina PCS 3111: lições aprendidas no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19 no ensino de um laboratório de programação. Em: 6º Congresso de Graduação da USP, 2021, SÃO PAULO. Anais do 6º Congresso de Graduação da USP, 2021.
90.   KINSMAN, TIMOTHY ; WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH. How Do Software Developers Use GitHub Actions to Automate Their Workflows?. Em: 2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), p. 420, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR))
91.   Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; LEE, SANG JUNE ; Moreira, Carlos Gustavo ; RÖDL, VOJTě. On strong Sidon sets of integers. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A. v. 183, p. 105490, 2021. Qualis: A2 (JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY. SERIES A)
92.   KOHAYAKAWA, YOSHIHARU ; MENDONÇA, WALNER ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; SCHÜLKE, BJARNE. Covering 3-Edge-Colored Random Graphs with Monochromatic Trees. SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 35, p. 1447-1459, 2021. Qualis: A3
93.   Kon, Fabio; FERREIRA, ÉDERSON CÁSSIO ; DE SOUZA, HIGOR AMARIO ; DUARTE, FÁBIO ; SANTI, PAOLO ; RATTI, CARLO. Abstracting mobility flows from bike-sharing systems. Public Transport. v. 1, p. 1-37, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (PUBLIC TRANSPORT)
94.   KULA, RAULA GAIKOVINA ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH ; HATA, HIDEAKI ; BALTES, SEBASTIAN ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO AURELIO ; KULA AMINI, WINIFRED. Challenges for Inclusion in Software Engineering: The Case of the Emerging Papua New Guinean Society. IEEE SOFTWARE. v. 1, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: A1
95.   LAURINDO, JULIANNE AMANDA DE SÁ ; DE CARVALHO JUNIOR, ANTONIO DEUSANY ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. A utilização de VPN para integrar WoT em uma assistente virtual. Em: Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo, p. 37, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo)
96.   Leite, Leonardo ; PINTO, GUSTAVO ; KON, FABIO ; Meirelles, Paulo. The organization of software teams in the quest for continuous delivery: A grounded theory approach. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY. v. 139, p. 106672, 2021. Qualis: A1
97.   LENTE, CAIO ; Hirata Jr., Roberto ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. An Improved Tool for Detection of XSS Attacks by Combining CNN with LSTM. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais)
98.   LEON, LEISSI M.C. ; CIESIELSKI, KRZYSZTOF C. ; MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Efficient Hierarchical Multi-Object Segmentation in Layered Graphs. Mathematical Morphology - Theory and Applications. v. 5, p. 21-42, 2021. Qualis: C
99.   LI, SIYUAN ; REN, WENQI ; WANG, FENG ; ARAUJO, IAGO BRENO ; TOKUDA, ERIC K. ; JUNIOR, ROBERTO HIRATA ; CESAR, ROBERTO M. ; WANG, ZHANGYANG ; CAO, XIAOCHUN. A Comprehensive Benchmark Analysis of Single Image Deraining: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION. v. 129, p. 1301-1322, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION)
100.   Lintzmayer, C. N. ; Mota, G.O. ; SAMBINELLI, M.. Decomposing split graphs into locally irregular graphs. DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 292, p. 33-44, 2021. Qualis: A2
101.   LLERENA, JULISSA VILLANUEVA ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI ; ANTONUCCI, ALESSANDRO. Cautious Classification with Data Missing Not at Random Using Generative Random Forests. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2021.v. 12897, p. 284-298.
102.   LOVATTO, A. G. ; Bueno, T. P. ; BARROS, L. N.. Gradient Estimation in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning: A Study on Linear Quadratic Environments. Em: André Britto; Karina Valdivia Delgado,. (Org.). Intelligent Systems 10th Brazilian Conference, BRACIS 2021, Virtual Event, November 29 ? December 3, 2021, Proceedings, Part I. 1ed. 2021.v. 13073, p. 33-47.
103.   LUNARDI, WILLIAN T. ; Birgin, Ernesto G. ; Ronconi, Débora P. ; VOOS, HOLGER. Metaheuristics for the online printing shop scheduling problem. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. v. 293, p. 419-441, 2021. Qualis: A1
104.   MARQUEZ, JULIANA ORRO ; Meirelles, Paulo ; DA SILVA, TIAGO SILVA. Interactive Web Maps: Usability Heuristics Proposal. Proceedings of the ICA. v. 4, p. 1-8, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (PROCEEDINGS OF THE ICA)
105.   MARQUEZ, JULIANA ORRO ; Meirelles, Paulo ; DA SILVA, TIAGO SILVA. Towards Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps. Em: IHC '21: XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (IHC '21: XX Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems)
106.   MARTINAZZO, ANA ; ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; Hirata, Nina S. T.. Self-supervised Learning for Astronomical Image Classification. Em: 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), p. 4176, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR))
107.   MARTINS, TALLYS G. ; LAGO, NELSON ; SANTANA, EDUARDO F. Z. ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU ; Kon, Fabio ; DE SOUZA, HIGOR A.. Using bundling to visualize multivariate urban mobility structure patterns in the São Paulo Metropolitan Area. JOURNAL OF INTERNET SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS. v. 12, p. 6, 2021. Qualis: A2
108.   Mascarenhas, W.F. Computing the exact sign of sums of products with floating point arithmetic. 2021. artigo no arxiv
109.   Mascarenhas, W.F. Solving systems of inequalities in two variables with floating point arithmetic. 2021. artigo no arxiv
110.   Mascarenhas, W.F. Root Finding With Interval Arithmetic. 2021. artigo no arxiv
111.   Mascarenhas, W.F. On the differentiability of interval functions. 2021. artigo no arxiv
112.   MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI; DE CAMPOS, CASSIO POLPO. Special Issue on Robustness in Probabilistic Graphical Models. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 137, p. 113, 2021. Qualis: A1
113.   MEDINA-RODRÍGUEZ, ROSARIO ; BELTRÁN-CASTAÑÓN, CÉSAR ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO. An Approach to Growth Delimitation of Straight Line Segment Classifiers Based on a Minimum Bounding Box. Entropy. v. 23, p. 1541, 2021. Qualis: A4
114.   MIGUEL, MIGUEL ; WAISSMAN, RAFAEL ; LAURETTO, MARCELO ; STERN, JULIO. Survey Optimization via the Haphazard Intentional Sampling Method. Physical Sciences Forum. v. 3, p. 4, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (PHYSICAL SCIENCES FORUM)
115.   MIYAZAWA, FLÁVIO K. ; MOURA, PHABLO F.S. ; Ota, Matheus J. ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Partitioning a graph into balanced connected classes: Formulations, separation and experiments. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. v. 293, p. 826-836, 2021. Qualis: A1
116.   MIZUTANI, WILSON K. ; K. DAROS, VINÍCIUS ; Kon, Fabio. Software architecture for digital game mechanics: A systematic literature review. ENTERTAINMENT COMPUTING. v. 38, p. 100421, 2021. Qualis: A4
117.   MOREIRA, DANIEL A.M. ; VALDIVIA DELGADO, KARINA ; de Barros, Leliane Nunes ; DERATANI MAUÁ, DENIS. Efficient algorithms for Risk-Sensitive Markov Decision Processes with limited budget. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING,. v. 139, p. 143-165, 2021. Qualis: A1 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING)
118.   MORIMOTO, CARLOS H; DIAZ-TULA, ANTONIO. Métodos Experimentais em Interação Humano Computador. Em: Aline M. S. Andrade; Raul S. Wazlawick. (Org.). Jornada de Atualização em Informática 2021. 1ed.Porto Alegre. : SBC. 2021.v. 1, p. 1-43.
119.   MOSAIYEBZADEH, FATEMEH ; ARAUJO RODRIGUEZ, LUIS GUSTAVO ; MACEDO BATISTA, DANIEL ; Hirata, R.. A Network Intrusion Detection System using Deep Learning against MQTT Attacks in IoT. Em: 2021 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM))
120.   NACHTIGALL, PEDRO G ; KASHIWABARA, ANDRE Y ; DURHAM, ALAN M. CodAn: predictive models for precise identification of coding regions in eukaryotic transcripts. BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS. v. 22, p. 1-11, 2021. Qualis: A1
122.   Oliveira, Débora E. C. ; DEMARIO, CAIO L. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Image Segmentation by Relaxed Deep Extreme Cut with Connected Extreme Points. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2021.p. 441-453.
123.   OLIVEIRA, G. W. ; PORTO, J. R. ; PRATES JR., N. G. ; SANTOS, A. L. ; LIMA, M. N. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Virtualização de Funções de Rede na IoT: Um Panorama do Gerenciamento de Desempenho x Segurança. Em: José Ferreira de Rezende; Kleber Vieira Cardoso; Pedro Frosi Rosa; Flávio de Oliveira Silva. (Org.). Minicursos do XXXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos. 1ed. 2021.p. 101-145.
124.   OLIVEIRA, G. W. ; PORTO, J. R. ; PRATES JR., N. G. ; SANTOS, A. L. ; LIMA, M. N. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Virtualização de Funções de Rede na IoT: Um Panorama do Gerenciamento de Desempenho x Segurança. 2021. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
125.   OLIVEIRA, HUGO ; PENTEADO, LARISSA ; MACIEL, JOSE LUIZ ; FERRACIOLLI, SUELY FAZIO ; TAKAHASHI, MARCELO STRAUS ; BLOCH, Isabelle ; Junior, Roberto Cesar. Automatic Segmentation of Posterior Fossa Structures in Pediatric Brain MRIs. Em: 2021 34th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 121, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 34th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics)
126.   OLIVEIRA, L. S. ; PATERA, A. C. ; DOMINGUES, D. ; SANCHES, D. S. ; LOPES, F. M. ; BUGATTI, P. H. ; SAITO, P. T. M. ; Maracaja-Coutinho, Vinicius ; DURHAM, A. M. ; PASCHOAL, A. R.. Computational Analysis of Transposable Elements and CircRNAs in Plants. Em: Jungnam Cho. (Org.). Circular RNA in Plants. Methods in Molecular Biology series.. 1ed.New York, EUA. : Humana (Springer). 2021.v. 2362, p. 147-172.
127.   PADILHA, BRUNO ; TAKECIAN, PEDRO LOSCO ; LAURO SOARES, DECIO ; SCHWERZ, ANDRE LUIS ; TADASHI KAMAURA, LEONARDO ; Ferreira, Joao Eduardo. Metricam: Fast and Reliable Social Distancing Analysis in Online Security Cameras. Em: 2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI), p. 1567, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI))
128.   PAIVA, THALES B. ; SIQUEIRA, YAISSA ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACEDO ; HIRATA, R. ; Terada, R.. BGP Anomalies Classification using Features based on AS Relationship Graphs. Em: 2021 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM))
129.   Paiva, Thales Bandiera ; Terada, Routo. Cryptanalysis of the Binary Permuted Kernel Problem. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2021.v. 12727, p. 396-423.
130.   PASCHOAL, ANDRÉ F. A. ; PIROZELLI, PAULO ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; DELGADO, KARINA V. ; PERES, SARAJANE M. ; JOSÉ, MARCOS M. ; NAKASATO, FLÁVIO ; OLIVEIRA, ANDRÉ S. ; BRANDÃO, ANAROSA A. F. ; COSTA, ANNA H. R. ; COZMAN, FABIO G.. Pirá: A Bilingual Portuguese-English Dataset for Question-Answering about the Ocean. Em: CIKM '21: The 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, p. 4544-4553, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (CIKM '21: The 30th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management)
131.   PEREIRA, N. S. ; LIMA, PHYLLIPE ; GUERRA, EDUARDO ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Towards Automated Playtesting in Game Development. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Games and Digital Entertainment, 2021, Gramado. Proceedings SBGames 2021, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER GAMES AND DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT, 2021, GRAMADO. PROCEEDINGS SBGAMES 2021)
132.   Pina, Diogo ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; TONIN, GRAZIELA. Technical Debt Prioritization: Taxonomy, Methods Results, and Practical Characteristics. Em: 2021 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA), p. 206, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 47th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA))
133.   PROENÇA, NATHAN BENEDETTO ; DE CARLI SILVA, MARCEL K. ; Coutinho, Gabriel. Dual Hoffman Bounds for the Stability and Chromatic Numbers Based on Semidefinite Programming. SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 35, p. 2880-2907, 2021. Qualis: A3
134.   Queiroz, M; TOFANI, A.. Using tf-idf and cosine similarity into Shazam-based fingerprinting algorithms. Em: International Computer Music Conference, p. 228-232, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (International Computer Music Conference)
135.   RESINA, F. M. X. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Multiple Selective Revision. Em: International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning)
136.   RIBEIRO, ADÈLE HELENA ; VIDAL, MACIEL CALEBE ; SATO, João Ricardo ; Fujita, André. Granger Causality among Graphs and Application to Functional Brain Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Entropy. v. 23, p. 1204, 2021. Qualis: A4
137.   RIBEIRO, MURILO BORGES ; Braghetto, Kelly Rosa. A Data Integration Architecture for Smart Cities. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados, p. 205-216, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados)
138.   ROCHA, F. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI. Short-term inbetweening of 3D human motion. Em: 18th National Meeting on Artificial and Computational Intelligence (ENIAC), p. 1-12, 2021.Qualis: Não identificado (18th National Meeting on Artificial and Computational Intelligence (ENIAC))
139.   SANTANA, EDUARDO FELIPE ZAMBOM ; COVAS, GUSTAVO ; DUARTE, FÁBIO ; SANTI, PAOLO ; RATTI, CARLO ; Kon, Fabio. Transitioning to a driverless city: Evaluating a hybrid system for autonomous and non-autonomous vehicles. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. v. 107, p. 102210, 2021. Qualis: A1
140.   SANTANA, ERICK RODRIGUES DE ; ROSA, THATIANE DE OLIVEIRA ; DANIEL, JOÃO FRANCISCO LINO ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Desenvolvendo o Sorting Hat: uma Ferramenta para Caracterização de Arquitetura Baseada em Serviços. Em: Anais Estendidos do Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, p. 127, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática)
141.   Santos, Alessandro S. ; Teixeira, Igor C. ; Neves, Rodrigo ; Gonçales, Icaro ; Inacio, Angelina ; Ueda, Eduardo T. ; SANTANA, EDUARDO F. Z. ; DE SOUZA, HIGOR A. ; Kon, Fabio. Challenges and Strategies for Information Systems in the Decision-Making Process to Face the COVID-19 Pandemic: The São Paulo Case. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 1ed.Heidelberg. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2021.v. 1, p. 630-640.
142.   SANTOS, FABIO ; WIESE, IGOR ; TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. Can I Solve It? Identifying APIs Required to Complete OSS Tasks. Em: 2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR), p. 346, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (2021 IEEE/ACM 18th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR))
143.   SANTOS, LEONARDO COSTA ; DE CARVALHO JUNIOR, ANTONIO DEUSANY ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Comparação dos modelos BERT e Snips para compreensão de linguagem natural para assistente virtual ADA. Em: Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo, p. 33, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo)
144.   SANTOS, SUZANA DE SIQUEIRA ; Fujita, André ; MATIAS, CATHERINE. Spectral density of random graphs: convergence properties and application in model fitting. JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS. v. 9, p. cnab041, 2021. Qualis: A1
145.   SANTOS-SILVA, DÉBORA ; MARKUS, REGINA P ; RIBEIRO-PAZ, EDSON D ; MORAES, CAROLINA BORSOI ; NAKAYA, HELDER I ; Fujita, André ; FERNANDES, PEDRO A ; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS S ; KINKER, GABRIELA S ; MUXEL, SANDRA M ; JARDIM, VINICIUS C ; CÓRDOBA-MORENO, MARLINA O ; NAVARRO, BRUNO V. Melatonin-Index as a biomarker for predicting the distribution of presymptomatic and asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers. Melatonin Research. v. 4, p. 189-205, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (MELATONIN RESEARCH)
146.   SERRAS, FELIPE R. ; Finger, Marcelo. verBERT: Automating Brazilian Case Law Document Multi-label Categorization Using BERT. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana, p. 237, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Tecnologia da Informação e da Linguagem Humana)
147.   Sichman, Jaime Simão. Inteligência Artificial e sociedade: avanços e riscos. ESTUDOS AVANÇADOS (ONLINE). v. 35, p. 37-50, 2021. Qualis: A1
148.   SILVA, A. (Org.) ; WASSERMANN, R. (Org.) ; QUEIROZ, R. (Org.). Logic, Language, Information, and Computation. 1 ed. 2021. .
149.   Sinai Robins. A friendly invitation to Fourier analysis on polytopes. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: SBM, IMPA, 2021. v. 1, p. 270.
150.   SOUZA, H. A. ; VIANNA, E. O. ; SOUZA, E. C. ; KON, F.. Implantação e uso da ferramenta de análise de mobilidade de bicicletas BikeScience na CET: Identificando caminhos cicláveis em São Paulo. Revista UniCET, , v. 1, 07 abr. 2021.
151.   Stabile, Marcio Fernando ; Sichman, Jaime S.. The LTI-USP Strategy to the 2020/2021 Multi-Agent Programming Contest. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2021.p. 108-133.
153.   TININI, RODRIGO IZIDORO ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACEDO ; FIGUEIREDO, GUSTAVO BITTENCOURT ; TORNATORE, MASSIMO ; MUKHERJEE, BISWANATH. Energy-Efficient vBBU Migration and Wavelength Reassignment in Cloud-Fog RAN. IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking. v. 5, p. 1-1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GREEN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING)
154.   TININI, RODRIGO IZIDORO ; SANTOS, MATIAS R. P. DOS ; KAMIENSKI, CARLOS ; FIGUEIREDO, GUSTAVO BITTENCOURT ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO. Alocação Eficiente de vBBUs e VPONs em uma Arquitetura Cloud-Fog RAN Virtualizada sobre TWDM-PON. Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, p. 43, 2021. Qualis: C (REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE REDES DE COMPUTADORES E SISTEMAS DISTRIBUÍDOS)
155.   TOKUDA, E. ; ARRUDA, H. ; COMIN, CESAR ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M. ; SILVA, C. ; COSTA, L. F.. Spatial distribution of graffiti types: a complex network approach. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL B. v. 94, p. 192, 2021. Qualis: NP (EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL PLUS)
156.   TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; GUIZANI, MARIAM ; WIESE, IGOR SCALIANTE ; CONTE, TAYANA ; GEROSA, MARCO ; SARMA, ANITA ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Pots of Gold at the End of the Rainbow: What is Success for Open Source Contributors. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. v. 1, p. 1-1, 2021. Qualis: A1
157.   VELLOSO, EDUARDO ; MORIMOTO, CARLOS H. A Probabilistic Interpretation of Motion Correlation Selection Techniques. Em: CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, p. 1, 2021. Qualis: Não identificado (CHI '21: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems)
158.   VIRGINIO, FLÁVIA ; DOMINGUES, VICTOR ; DA SILVA, LETÍCIA CECÍLIA GOMES ; ANDRADE, LUCAS ; Braghetto, Kelly Rosa ; SUESDEK, LINCOLN. WingBank: A Wing Image Database of Mosquitoes. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. v. 9, p. 1-15, 2021. Qualis: A2
159.   WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; WIESE, IGOR ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO AURELIO. Don't Disturb Me: Challenges of Interacting with Software Bots on Open Source Software Projects. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction. v. 5, p. 1-21, 2021. Qualis: C
160.   XAVIER CEJNOG, LUCIANO WALENTY ; DE CAMPOS, TEOFILO ; CARRIL ELUI, VALÉRIA MEIRELLES ; CESAR, ROBERTO MARCONDES. A framework for automatic hand range of motion evaluation of Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. Informatics in Medicine Unlocked. v. 23, p. 100544, 2021. Qualis: B1
161.   Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; Miyazawa, Flávio Keidi ; Wakabayashi, Yoshiko. A tight lower bound for the online bounded space hypercube bin packing problem. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (ONLINE). v. vol. 23, no. 3, p. 1-13, 2021. Qualis: A4


1.   ABRAHAO, PATRICK ; IMMICH, ROGER ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Análise da Performance de Streaming de Vídeos Adaptativos em Redes Veiculares V2I. Em: XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, p. 233, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (XXXVIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos)
2.   ALVES, WONDER A.L. ; Gobber, Charles F. ; J. SILVA, DENNIS ; MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F. ; MARCOTEGUI, BEATRIZ. Image segmentation based on ultimate levelings: from attribute filters to machine learning strategies. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. v. 133, p. 264-271, 2020. Qualis: A2
3.   ALVIM, A. L. S. ; PIMENTA, F. G. ; Meirelles, Paulo. Técnicas de aprendizagem de máquina aplicadas à identificação de pacientes com sepse. Journal of Infection Control. v. 9, p. 7, 2020.Qualis: B4
4.   AMBRIOLA OKU, AMANDA YUMI ; ZIMEO MORAIS, GUILHERME AUGUSTO ; ARANTES BUENO, ANA PAULA ; Fujita, André ; SATO, João Ricardo. Potential Confounders in the Analysis of Brazilian Adolescent?s Health: A Combination of Machine Learning and Graph Theory. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. v. 17, p. 90, 2020. Qualis: A2
5.   ANDRADE, F. ; NAKATA, A. ; GOTOH, N. ; FUJITA, A.. Large miRNA survival analysis reveals a prognostic four-biomarker signature for triple negative breast cancer. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. v. 1, p. 1, 2020. Qualis: A4
6.   ANDREANI, R. ; HAESER, G. ; VIANA, D. S.. Optimality conditions and global convergence for nonlinear semidefinite programming. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING. v. 180, p. 203-235, 2020. Qualis: A1
7.   ARAUJO RODRIGUEZ, LUIS GUSTAVO ; MACÊDO BATISTA, DANIEL. Program-aware fuzzing for MQTT applications. Em: ISSTA '20: 29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis, 2020, Virtual Event USA. Proceedings of the 29th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis. New York: ACM, p. 582-586, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ISSTA '20: 29TH ACM SIGSOFT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE TESTING AND ANALYSIS, 2020, VIRTUAL EVENT USA. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 29TH ACM SIGSOFT INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE TESTING AND ANALYSIS. NEW YORK: ACM)
8.   ARAUJO, I. B. ; TOKUDA, E. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M.. The Impact of Real Rain in a Vision Task. Em: Real-World Computer Vision from Inputs with Limited Quality (RLQ) Workshop - ECCV, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Real-World Computer Vision from Inputs with Limited Quality (RLQ) Workshop - ECCV)
9.   BALALI, SOGOL ; ANNAMALAI, UMAYAL ; PADALA, HEMA SUSMITA ; TRINKENREICH, BIANCA ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; SARMA, ANITA. Recommending Tasks to Newcomers in OSS Projects. Em: OpenSym 2020: 16th International Symposium on Open Collaboration, p. 1, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (OpenSym 2020: 16th International Symposium on Open Collaboration)
10.   BARBOSA, J. V. O. ; SANTOS, F. C. ; MELO, F. S. ; COSTA, Anna Helena Reali ; Sichman, J.S.. Emergence of Cooperation in N-Person Dilemmas through Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning. Em: 12th Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop (ALA 2020), 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (12th Adaptive and Learning Agents Workshop (ALA 2020))
11.   BEJAR, HANS H.C. ; FERZOLI GUIMARAES, SILVIO JAMIL ; MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Efficient hierarchical graph partitioning for image segmentation by optimum oriented cuts. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. v. 131, p. 185-192, 2020. Qualis: A2
13.   BERNARDINO, MATHEUS TAVARES ; BELINASSI, GIULIANO ; Meirelles, Paulo ; GUERRA, EDUARDO MARTINS ; Goldman, Alfredo. Improving Parallelism in Git and GCC: Strategies, Difficulties, and Lessons Learned. IEEE SOFTWARE. v. 38, p. 92-100, 2020. Qualis: A1
14.   Birgin, Ernesto G.; GÓMEZ, WALTER ; HAESER, GABRIEL ; MITO, LEONARDO M. ; SANTOS, DAIANA O.. An Augmented Lagrangian algorithm for nonlinear semidefinite programming applied to the covering problem. COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 39, p. 10, 2020. Qualis: B1 (COMPUTATIONAL & APPLIED MATHEMATICS)
15.   Birgin, E. G.; GARDENGHI, J. L. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; SANTOS, S. A.. On the use of third-order models with fourth-order regularization for unconstrained optimization. Optimization Letters. v. 14, p. 815-838, 2020. Qualis: A4
16.   Birgin, E. G.; KREJI', N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Iteration and evaluation complexity for the minimization of functions whose computation is intrinsically inexact. MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION. v. 89, p. 253-278, 2020. Qualis: A1
17.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. Complexity and performance of an Augmented Lagrangian algorithm. OPTIMIZATION METHODS & SOFTWARE. v. 35, p. 885-920, 2020. Qualis: B1 (OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND SOFTWARE)
18.   BIRGIN, E. G.; ROMÃO, O. C. ; RONCONI, D. P.. The multiperiod two-dimensional non-guillotine cutting stock problem with usable leftovers. International Transactions in Operational Research. v. 27, p. 1392-1418, 2020. Qualis: A2
19.   Birgin, E.G.; FERREIRA, J.E. ; RONCONI, D.P.. A filtered beam search method for the m-machine permutation flowshop scheduling problem minimizing the earliness and tardiness penalties and the waiting time of the jobs. COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH. v. 114, p. 104824, 2020. Qualis: A1
20.   Birgin, Ernesto G. Preface of the special issue dedicated to the XII Brazilian workshop on continuous optimization. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 76, p. 615-619, 2020. Qualis: A4
21.   BOSSE, Yorah ; Igor Scaliante Wiese ; Marco Aurélio Graciotto Silva ; Nelson Lago ; BRANDÃO, LEÔNIDAS ; David Redmiles ; Fabio Kon ; GEROSA, M.A.. Catalogs of C and Python: Antipatterns by CS1 Students. São Paulo: Technical Report RT-MAC-2021-01 / Department of Computer Science - IME / USP. 2020. Technical Report RT-MAC-2021-01 / Department of Computer Science - IME / USP
22.   BRAZ, C. M. ; de Miranda, Paulo André Vechiatto ; Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski ; CAPPABIANCO, F. A. M.. Optimum Cuts in Graphs by General Fuzzy Connectedness with Local Band Constraints. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION (DORDRECHT. ONLINE). v. 62, p. 659-672, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ONLINE))
23.   BRAZ, L. F. ; Sichman, J.S.. Um estudo do Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) para modelagem de sistemas multiagentes no apoio a processos de recrutamento e seleção nas empresas. Em: 14th Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications (WESAAC 2020), 2020, Ponta Grossa. Anais do 14th Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications (WESAAC 2020). Ponta Grossa: UTFPR, p. 250-255, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (14TH WORKSHOP-SCHOOL ON AGENTS, ENVIRONMENTS, AND APPLICATIONS , 2020, PONTA GROSSA. ANAIS DO 14TH WORKSHOP-SCHOOL ON AGENTS, ENVIRONMENTS, AND APPLICATIONS . PONTA GROSSA: UTFPR)
24.   BUENO, L. F. ; HAESER, G. ; LARA, F. ; ROJAS, F. N.. An Augmented Lagrangian method for quasi-equilibrium problems. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 76, p. 737-766, 2020. Qualis: A4
25.   BUENO, LUÍS FELIPE ; Haeser, Gabriel ; SANTOS, LUIZ-RAFAEL. Towards an efficient augmented Lagrangian method for convex quadratic programming. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 76, p. 767-800, 2020. Qualis: A4
27.   Capuani, Ligia ; BIERRENBACH, ANA LUIZA ; ALENCAR, AIRLANE PEREIRA ; MENDRONE, ALFREDO ; Ferreira, João Eduardo ; Custer, Brian ; RIBEIRO, ANTONIO LUIZ P. ; SABINO, ESTER CERDEIRA. Correction: Mortality among blood donors seropositive and seronegative for Chagas disease (1996-2000) in São Paulo, Brazil: A death certificate linkage study. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. v. 14, p. e0008871, 2020. Qualis: A1
28.   CARLOTTI, D. ; NUNES, F. L. S. ; FERREIRA, J.E.. Relational data model and programs to use and view data from the FAPESP COVID-19 Data Sharing/BR repository. Repositório de Dados Científicos da USP. 2020. Repositório de Dados Cientíticos
29.   CARVALHO, VINICIUS RENAN DE ; LARSON, KATE ; BRANDÃO, Anarosa Alves Franco ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Applying Social Choice Theory to Solve Engineering Multi-objective Optimization Problems. JOURNAL OF CONTROL, AUTOMATION AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. v. 31, p. 119-129, 2020. Qualis: A4
30.   Castro Guzman, Grover Enrique ; BALARDIN, JOANA BISOL ; Biazoli, Claudinei Eduardo ; SATO, João Ricardo ; Fujita, Andre. Network analysis of neuropsychiatry disorders. Precision Medicine for Investigators, Practitioners and Providers. 1ed. Em: . : Elsevier. 2020.p. 397-408.
31.   CERIOLI, MÁRCIA R. ; FERNANDES, C. G. ; DIAZ, R. G. G. ; GUTIÉRREZ, JUAN ; LIMA, PALOMA T.. Transversals of longest paths. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 343, p. 111717, 2020. Qualis: A3
32.   CHAVES, ANA PAULA ; GEROSA, MARCO AURELIO. How Should My Chatbot Interact? A Survey on Social Characteristics in Human-Chatbot Interaction Design. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION. v. 1, p. 1-30, 2020. Qualis: A3
33.   CIRIACO, D. L. ; PESSOA, A. ; SALVADOR, L. ; Wassermann, R.. Integração Semântica das Bases de Dados do Sistema Único de Saúde: Um Estudo de Caso com o Município de São Paulo (Semantic Data Integration for the Brazilian Public Health System: A Case Study With São Paulo). Em: XIII Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (Ontobras), 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (XIII Seminar on Ontology Research in Brazil (Ontobras))
34.   COLLARES, M. ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MORRIS, ROBERT ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA. Counting restricted orientations of random graphs. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. v. 56, p. 1016-1030, 2020. Qualis: A2
35.   CONCEICAO, A. F. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.. Dados Abertos e Inovação. Em: Maria Elizete Kunkel. (Org.). Fundamentos e Tendências em Inovação Tecnológica. 1ed.Seattle. : Kindle Direct Publishing. 2020.v. 1, p. 33-48.
36.   Fernandez, Milton Condori ; de Barros, Leliane N. ; MAUÁ, DENIS ; Delgado, Karina V. ; Freire, Valdinei. Finding Feasible Policies for Extreme Risk-Averse Agents in Probabilistic Planning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: Cerri, R.; Prati, R.C.. (Org.). Intelligent Systems. BRACIS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Serie LNAI. 1ed.Berlin. : Springer International Publishing. 2020.v. 12320, p. 497-508.
37.   CONDORI, MARCOS A.T. ; CAPPABIANCO, FÁBIO A.M. ; Falcão, Alexandre X. ; MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. An Extension of the Differential Image Foresting Transform and its Application to Superpixel Generation. JOURNAL OF VISUAL COMMUNICATION AND IMAGE REPRESENTATION. v. 71, p. 102748, 2020. Qualis: A1
38.   CORREA DA SILVA, F. S. Positive Artificial Intelligence. Em: The 19th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence, v. 1, p. 1-13, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (The 19th International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence)
39.   COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI. The joy of Probabilistic Answer Set Programming: Semantics, complexity, expressivity, inference. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 125, p. 218-239, 2020. Qualis: A1
40.   CRISPINO, G. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI. Monte Carlo Tree Search Algorithm for SSPs Under the GUBS Criterion. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), p. 1-12, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC))
41.   Cukier, Daniel ; Kon, Fabio ; Gjini, Enxhi ; WANG, XIAOFENG. Startup Ecosystem Maturity and Visualization: The Cases of New York, Tel Aviv, and San Paolo. Em: Anh Nguyen-Duc; Jürgen Münch; Rafael Prikladnicki; Xiaofeng Wang; Pekka Abrahamsson. (Org.). Fundamentals of Software Startups. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2020.p. 179-194.
42.   DA SILVA NEVES LIMA, PRISCILA ; DAS ALMAS SILVA, LAIRA ; DOS SANTOS OLIVEIRA, JOAO LUCAS ; FRANCO BRANDAO, ANAROSA ALVES ; DE OLIVEIRA BRANDAO, LEONIDAS. Computational games in STEM courses: a systematic review of the literature. Em: 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE))
43.   da Silva Rodrigues, Letícia ; Mamedio Oliveira, Sóstenes Gutembergue ; Fernandez Lopez, Luiz ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Agent Based Simulation of the Dengue Virus Propagation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2020.p. 100-111.
44.   DA SILVA, ALÉXIA C. S. ; ROSA, THATIANE DE O. ; SCATTONE, FERNANDO F. ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Um Estudo Exploratório sobre Infraestrutura de Operação para uma Assistente Virtual Inteligente. Em: Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo, p. 26, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo)
45.   DA SILVA, FLAVIO S. CORREA; COSTA, FREDERICO P. ; IEMMA, ANTONIO F.. Practical considerations regarding classification learning for clinical diagnosis and therapy advice in oncology. ICT Express. v. 6, p. ICTE 235, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ICT EXPRESS)
46.   DE CARLI SILVA, MARCEL K.; Tunçel, Levent. A Notion of Total Dual Integrality for Convex, Semidefinite, and Extended Formulations. SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 34, p. 470-496, 2020. Qualis: A3
47.   DE OLIVEIRA ROSA, THATIANE ; DANIEL, JOÃO FRANCISCO LINO ; GUERRA, EDUARDO MARTINS ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. A Method for Architectural Trade-off Analysis Based on Patterns. Em: EuroPLoP '20: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020, p. 1, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (EuroPLoP '20: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020)
48.   DE OLIVEIRA ROSA, THATIANE ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Is It Possible to Apply Agile Methods to Contribute to the Linux Kernel?. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2020.p. 291-297.
49.   DE REZENDE MARTINS, MARCELO ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio. CoNCRA. Em: SBES '20: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, p. 526, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (SBES '20: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering)
50.   DE SOUSA, EMANUEL LIMA ; BRUEL, PEDRO ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Autotuning LLVM OptimizationPasses for Matrix Multiplication in Rust. Em: Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo, 2020, Brasil. Anais da XI Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo (ERAD-SP 2020), p. 34, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ALTO DESEMPENHO DE SÃO PAULO, 2020, BRASIL. ANAIS DA XI ESCOLA REGIONAL DE ALTO DESEMPENHO DE SÃO PAULO)
51.   de Souza, Jackson José ; Finger, Marcelo. Robust Ranking of Brazilian Supreme Court Decisions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2020.p. 581-594.
52.   DINIZ, MARCIO A. ; B. PEREIRA, CARLOS A. ; STERN, JULIO M.. Cointegration and Unit Root Tests: A Fully Bayesian Approach. Entropy. v. 22, p. 968, 2020. Qualis: A4
53.   DOS SANTOS, GIOVANNE MARCELO ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACEDO. On -Demand Placement and Scheduling of Virtual Network Functions with Software Requirements. Em: 2020 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM), p. 1-5, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 IEEE LatinAmerican Conference on Communications (LATINCOM))
54.   DREZNER, RENE ; LAMAS, L. ; DE FARIAS, CLÉVER R.G. ; BARRERA, Junior ; Dantas, Luis. A method for classifying and evaluating the efficiency of offensive playing styles in soccer. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT. v. 20, p. 1284-1294, 2020.Qualis: B3
55.   DURHAM, A. M. Alinhamento de Sequências. 2020. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
56.   ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; HIRATA, NINA SUMIKO TOMITA ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU C. Deep learning multidimensional projections. Information Visualization. v. 19, p. 147387162090948, 2020. Qualis: B1
57.   ESTRELA, GUSTAVO ; GUBITOSO, MARCO DIMAS ; FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO ; BARRERA, JUNIOR ; REIS, MARCELO S.. An Efficient, Parallelized Algorithm for Optimal Conditional Entropy-Based Feature Selection. Entropy. v. 22, p. 492, 2020. Qualis: A4
58.   Fernandes, Cristina G.; Lintzmayer, Carla N.. Leafy Spanning Arborescences in DAGs. Em: Kohayakawa Y.; Miyazawa F.K. (eds) LATIN 2020: 14th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Suíça. : Springer International Publishing. 2020.v. 12118, p. 50-62.
59.   FERNANDEZ, M. C. ; BARROS, L. N. ; MAUA, D. D. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI. Finding Feasible Policies for Extreme Risk-Averse Agents in Probabilistic Planning. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), v. 12320, p. 93-107, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS))
60.   FERREIRA LEITE, LEONARDO ALEXANDRE ; Kon, Fabio ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. Understanding context and forces for choosing organizational structures for continuous delivery. Em: XI Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, v. 1, p. 54, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (XI Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática)
61.   FERREIRA LEITE, LEONARDO ALEXANDRE ; KON, FABIO ; Meirelles, Paulo. Understanding context and forces for choosing organizational structures for continuous delivery. Em: XI Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, 2020, Brasil. Anais Estendidos do XI Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft 2020), p. 54, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (XI CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SOFTWARE: TEORIA E PRÁTICA, 2020, BRASIL. ANAIS ESTENDIDOS DO XI CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE SOFTWARE: TEORIA E PRÁTICA)
62.   Ferreira, Joao Eduardo; Palanisamy, Balaji (Org.) ; Ye, Kejiang (Org.) ; Kantamneni, Siva (Org.) ; Zhang, Liang-Jie (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1 ed. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2020. v. 1, p. 76.
63.   FIGUEIREDO, N. ; Queiroz, M. Detection of musically relevant regions in multiresolution time-frequency representations evaluated on piano recordings. Em: Sound and Music Computing Conference, p. 94-101, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (Sound and Music Computing Conference)
64.   Finger, Marcelo. Logic in Times of Big Data. Em: J. Acacio de Barros and Décio Kraus. (Org.). A True Polymath -- A Tribute to Francisco Antonio Doria. 1ed.Rickmansworth. : College Publications. 2020.p. 184-198.
65.   Finger, Marcelo. Detecting Respiratory Insufficiency by Voice Analysis. Em: Acoustic Communication: An Interdisciplinary Approach, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Acoustic Communication: An Interdisciplinary Approach)
66.   Finger, Marcelo. A System for Precocious Detection of Respiratory Insufficiency via Audio. Em: First Virtual Workshop on Automatic Diagnostics of COVID-19 Sounds, 2020, Cambridge. UK. First Virtual Workshop on Automatic Diagnostics of COVID-19 Sounds, 2020.
67.   Finger, Marcelo; Preto, Sandro. Probably Partially True: Satisfiability for -ukasiewicz Infinitely-Valued Probabilistic Logic and Related Topics. JOURNAL OF AUTOMATED REASONING. v. 1, p. 1-20, 2020. Qualis: A2
68.   FRANCH, I. A. ; BARROS, L. N. ; VALDIVIA DELGADO, KARINA. Human-aware Contingent Planning. FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE. v. 174, p. 63-81, 2020. Qualis: A2
69.   FREIRE, FERNANDO ; ROSA, THATIANE ; FEULO, GUILHERME ; ELMADJIAN, CARLOS ; CORDEIRO, RENATO ; MOURA, SHAYENNE ; ANDRADE, ACÁCIO ; DE OMENA, LUCY ANNE ; VICENTE, AUGUSTO ; MARQUES, FELIPE ; SHEFFER, ALÉXIA ; HIDEKI, OTÁVIO ; NASCIMENTO, PATRÍCIA ; CORDEIRO, DANIEL ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Toward Development of A.D.A. - Advanced Distributed Assistant. Em: XXI Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho, p. 203, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (XXI Simpósio em Sistemas Computacionais de Alto Desempenho)
70.   FREITAS, E. M. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; DELGADO, K. V.. Risk Sensitive Stochastic Shortest Path and LogSumExp: From Theory to Practice. Em: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), v. 12320, p. 123-139, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS))
71.   G. JATOBÁ, VICTOR M. ; FARIAS, JORGE S. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; RUELA, ANDRÉ S. ; DELGADO, KARINA V.. ALICAT: a customized approach to item selection process in computerized adaptive testing. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY (ONLINE). v. 26, p. 4-13, 2020. Qualis: B1
72.   GEH, R. L. ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI ; ANTONUCCI, A.. Learning Probabilistic Sentential Decision Diagrams by Sampling. Em: VIII Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 129-136, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (VIII Symposium on Knowledge Discovery)
73.   GENG, TONGSHENG ; M. Amaris ; ZUCKERMAN, STÉPHANE ; A. Goldman ; GAO, GUANG R. ; GAUDIOT, JEAN-LUC. PDAWL: Profile-Based Iterative Dynamic Adaptive WorkLoad Balance on Heterogeneous Architectures. Em: Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel Processing. (Org.). PDAWL: Profile-Based Iterative Dynamic Adaptive WorkLoad Balance on Heterogeneous Architectures. 20ed. : Springer. 2020.p. 1-1.
74.   GUERRA, EDUARDO ; LIMA, PHYLLIPE ; CHOMA, JOELMA ; NARDES, MARCO ; SILVA, TIAGO ; LANZA, MICHELE ; Meirelles, Paulo. A Metadata Handling API for Framework Development. Em: SBES '20: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, p. 499-508, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (SBES '20: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering)
75.   GUEVARA, JORGE ; MENDEL, JERRY M. ; Hirata, R.. Connections Between Fuzzy Inference Systems and Kernel Machines. Em: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE), p. 1-8, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZIEEE))
76.   GÓMEZ, RENZO ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Nontrivial path covers of graphs: existence, minimization and maximization. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL OPTIMIZATION. v. 39, p. 437-456, 2020. Qualis: A2
77.   HAESER, G.; RAMOS, A.. New Constraint Qualifications with Second-Order Properties in Nonlinear Optimization. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. v. 184, p. 494-506, 2020. Qualis: A3
78.   HAESER, G.; RAMOS, A.. Constraint Qualifications for Karush-Kuhn-Tucker Conditions in Multiobjective Optimization. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. v. 187, p. 469-487, 2020. Qualis: A3
79.   HAN, JIE ; JENSSEN, MATTHEW ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; Roberts, Barnaby. The multicolour size-Ramsey number of powers of paths. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES B. v. 145, p. 359-375, 2020. Qualis: A2 (JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY. SERIES B)
80.   HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MORRIS, PATRICK ; Person, Yury. Finding any given 2¿factor in sparse pseudorandom graphs efficiently. JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY. v. 96, p. 87-108, 2020. Qualis: A2
81.   HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Person, Yury. Near-perfect clique-factors in sparse pseudorandom graphs. COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING. v. 30, p. 570-590, 2020. Qualis: A2 (COMBINATORICS, PROBABILITY & COMPUTING)
82.   Hirata, N.S.T. Introdução a Machine Learning a partir de uma perspectiva computacional. Em: Edna Alves de Souza; Mariana Claudia Broens; Maria Eunice Quilici Gonzalez. (Org.). Big Data: implicações epistemológicas e éticas. 1ed. : Coleção CLE -- CLE-UNICAMP/Editora FiloCzar. 2020.v. 89, p. 93-113.
83.   HIRATA, NINA; ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; MARTINAZZO, ANA. Deep Learning for Astronomical Object Classification: A Case Study. Em: 15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, p. 87-95, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (15th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications)
84.   HOPPEN, CARLOS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Lang, Richard ; LEFMANN, HANNO ; Stagni, Henrique. Estimating parameters associated with monotone properties. COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING. v. 29, p. 616-632, 2020. Qualis: A2 (COMBINATORICS, PROBABILITY & COMPUTING)
85.   JORGE, CARLOS A. C. ; NERY, ALEXANDRE S. ; MELO, ALBA C. M. A. ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. A CPU-FPGA heterogeneous approach for biological sequence comparison using high-level synthesis. CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. v. 1, p. 1, 2020. Qualis: A4 (CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION: PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE)
86.   JULCA-AGUILAR, FRANK ; MOUCHÈRE, HAROLD ; VIARD-GAUDIN, CHRISTIAN ; Hirata, Nina S. T.. A general framework for the recognition of online handwritten graphics. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition. v. 23, p. 143-160, 2020. Qualis: A3
87.   KIWI, MARCOS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; RAJSBAUM, SERGIO ; RODRÍGUEZ-HENRÍQUEZ, FRANCISCO ; SZWARCFITER, JAYME LUIZ ; VIOLA, ALFREDO. A perspective on theoretical computer science in Latin America. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM. v. 63, p. 102-107, 2020. Qualis: A1
88.   Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; Miyazawa, Flávio Keidi (Org.). LATIN 2020: Theoretical Informatics. 1 ed. Cham: Springer Nature, 2020. p. xiii + 650.
89.   KOLPAKOV, ALEXANDER ; Robins, Sinai. Spherical tetrahedra with rational volume, and spherical Pythagorean triples. MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION (ONLINE). v. 89, p. 2031-2046, 2020. Qualis: A1
90.   KON, F. Keynote Speech no ACM/IFIP International Middleware Conference'2020: Developing and Assessing Middleware and Applications for Smart Cities. 2020. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
91.   KON, F. ; LAGO, N. P. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; SANTOS JR., C.. Direitos autorais, licenças e patentes. Em: Cristiano Macie l; José Viterbo. (Org.). Computação e Sociedade: A tecnologia. 1ed.Cuiabá/MT. : EdUFMT. 2020.v. 3, p. 12-46.
92.   KON, FABIO ; BRAGHETTO, KELLY ; SANTANA, EDUARDO Z. ; SPEICYS, ROBERTO ; GUERRA, JORGE GUERRA. Toward smart and sustainable cities. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM. v. 63, p. 51-52, 2020. Qualis: A1
93.   KOTHARI, N. ; CARVALHO, M. H. ; Lucchesi, Cláudio L. ; LITTLE, C. H. C.. On essentially 4-edge-connected cubic bricks. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 27, p. 22-44, 2020.Qualis: A3 (THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS)
94.   KURAUCHI, ANDREW T.N. ; FENG, WENXIN ; JOSHI, AJJEN ; Morimoto, Carlos H. ; Betke, M.. Swipe&Switch: Text Entry Using Gaze Paths and Context Switching. Em: ACM UIST '20, 2020, Virtual Event, USA. Adjunct Publication of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. Virtual Event: ACM, v. 1, p. 84-86, 2020.
95.   LEITE, L. ; KON, F. ; PINTO, GUSTAVO ; Meirelles, Paulo. Building a Theory of Software Teams Organization in a Continuous Delivery Context. Em: International Conference on Software Engineering, 2020, Seoul. International Conference on Software Engineering: Posters Track, 2020.
96.   LEITE, L. ; PINTO, GUSTAVO ; KON, FABIO ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. Platform Teams: An Organizational Structure for Continuous Delivery. Em: 6th International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (6th International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering)
97.   Leite, Leonardo ; Kon, Fabio ; PINTO, GUSTAVO ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. Platform Teams. Em: ICSE '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, p. 505, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ICSE '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering)
98.   Leite, Leonardo ; Kon, Fabio ; PINTO, GUSTAVO ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. Building a theory of software teams organization in a continuous delivery context. Em: ICSE '20: 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering, 2020, Seoul South Korea. Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceedings. New York: ACM, v. 1, p. 296, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ICSE '20: 42ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, 2020, SEOUL SOUTH KOREA. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ACM/IEEE 42ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING: COMPANION PROCEEDINGS. NEW YORK: ACM)
99.   Leite, Leonardo ; ROCHA, CARLA ; Kon, Fabio ; MILOJICIC, DEJAN ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. A Survey of DevOps Concepts and Challenges. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS. v. 52, p. 1-35, 2020. Qualis: A1
100.   LENS, F. ; LIANG, C. ; GUO, Y. ; TANG, X. ; JAHANBANIFARD, M. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S. ; CECCANTINI, G. ; VERBEEK, F. J.. Computer-assisted timber identification based on features extracted from microscopic wood sections. IAWA JOURNAL. v. 41, p. 1-21, 2020. Qualis: A3
101.   Lima Dantas, Douglas ; Filgueiras, Lucia Vilela Leite ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; Machado Domingues, Maria Cristina ; Ferreira, Maria Rosilene. Detecting IoT Applications Opportunities and Requirements Elicitation: A Design Thinking Based Approach. Em: N. Streitz; S. Konomi. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham. : Springer International Publishing. 2020.v. 12203, p. 85-100.
102.   LIMA, P. ; GUERRA, EDUARDO ; Meirelles, Paulo. Annotation Sniffer: A tool to Extract Code Annotations Metrics. Journal of Open Source Software. v. 5, p. 1960, 2020. Qualis: B4 (THE JOURNAL OF OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE)
103.   LIMA, P. ; GUERRA, EDUARDO ; Meirelles, Paulo. Towards Visualizing Code Annotations Distribution. Em: Computer on the Beach, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Computer on the Beach)
104.   LIMA, R. A. ; KIMBALL, J. ; Ferreira, João E. ; Pu, Calton. Wise Toolkit: Enabling Microservice-Based System Performance Experiments. Em: International Conference on Cloud Computing, v. 1, p. 152-163, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Cloud Computing)
105.   LJUBENKOV, DAVOR ; Kon, Fabio ; RATTI, CARLO. Optimizing Bike Sharing System Flows Using Graph Mining, Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks. Em: 2020 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (ETEMS), p. 1, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit (ETEMS))
106.   LOVATTO, A. G. ; Bueno, T. P. ; Mauá. D. D. ; BARROS, L. N.. Decision-aware model learning for actor-critic methods: when theory does not meet practice. Em: Proceedings on 'I Can't Believe It's Not Better!' at NeurIPS Workshops, v. 137, p. 76-86, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Proceedings on 'I Can't Believe It's Not Better!' at NeurIPS Workshops)
107.   LUDESCHER, L. G. ; Sichman, J.S.. Effects of reward distribution strategies and perseverance profiles on agent-based coalitions dynamics. REVISTA DE INFORMÁTICA TEÓRICA E APLICADA: RITA. v. 27, p. 96-106, 2020. Qualis: C
108.   LUNARDI, WILLIAN T. ; Birgin, Ernesto G. ; LABORIE, PHILIPPE ; Ronconi, Débora P. ; VOOS, HOLGER. Mixed Integer Linear Programming and Constraint Programming Models for the Online Printing Shop Scheduling Problem. COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH. v. 123, p. 105020, 2020. Qualis: A1
109.   MAIA, ARTUR VIDAL ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Representing planning autonomy in agent organizational models. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 805, p. 92-108, 2020. Qualis: A4
110.   MARQUES, FELIPE R. DE C. ; HIGA, OTÁVIO H. ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Escalonamento de Operações em Dispositivos IoT para Assistentes Virtuais. Em: Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo, p. 14, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo)
111.   MARTIN, MATEUS ; Birgin, Ernesto G. ; Lobato, Rafael D. ; MORABITO, REINALDO ; MUNARI, PEDRO. Models for the two¿dimensional rectangular single large placement problem with guillotine cuts and constrained pattern. International Transactions in Operational Research. v. 27, p. 767-793, 2020. Qualis: A2
112.   MARTINS, LARISSA ALMEIDA ; PALMISANO, GIUSEPPE ; CORTEZ, MAURO ; KAWAHARA, REBECA ; DE FREITAS BALANCO, JOSÉ MARIO ; Fujita, André ; ALONSO, BEATRIZ IGLESIAS ; BARROS-BATTESTI, DARCI MORAES ; BRAZ, GLORIA REGINA CARDOSO ; TIRLONI, LUCAS ; ESTEVES, ELIANE ; DAFFRE, SIRLEI ; FOGAÇA, ANDRÉA CRISTINA. The intracellular bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii exerts an inhibitory effect on the apoptosis of tick cells. Parasites & Vectors. v. 13, p. 1, 2020. Qualis: A1
113.   MARTINS, TALLYS GUSTAVO ; LAGO, NELSON ; DE SOUZA, HIGOR AMARIO ; SANTANA, EDUARDO FELIPE ZAMBOM ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU ; Kon, Fabio. Visualizing the structure of urban mobility with bundling: A case study of the city of São Paulo. Em: Workshop de Computação Urbana, v. 1, p. 178, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Computação Urbana)
115.   MAUA, DENIS DERATANI; Reis, Heitor Ribeiro ; Katague, Gustavo Perez ; ANTONUCCI, A.. Two Reformulation Approaches to Maximum-A-Posteriori Inference in Sum-Product Networks. Em: 10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models, v. 138, p. 293-304, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (10th International Conference on Probabilistic Graphical Models)
116.   MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI; COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI. Complexity results for probabilistic answer set programming. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 118, p. 133-154, 2020. Qualis: A1
117.   MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI; COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI. Thirty years of credal networks: Specification, algorithms and complexity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 126, p. 133-157, 2020. Qualis: A1
118.   MELEGATI, JORGE ; Kon, Fabio. Early-Stage Software Startups: Main Challenges and Possible Answers. Fundamentals of Software Startups. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2020.p. 129-143.
119.   MELLO, L. E. ; SUMAN, A. ; MEDEIROS, C. B. ; PRADO, C. ; RIZZATTI, E. ; NUNES, F. L. S. ; BARNABE, G. ; FERREIRA, J. E. ; SA, J. ; REIS, L. F. ; RIZZO, L. V. ; SARNO, L. ; LAMONICA, R. ; MACIEL, R. M. B. ; CESAR JR, R. M. ; CARVALHO, R.. Opening Brazilian COVID-19 patient data to support world research on pandemics. Zenodo. 2020. Open access
120.   Miyazawa, Flávio K. ; MOURA, PHABLO F. S. ; Ota, Matheus J. ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Cut and Flow Formulations for the Balanced Connected k-Partition Problem. In:. Em: Baïou M., Gendron B., Günlük O., Mahjoub A. (eds) Combinatorial Optimization. ISCO 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12176. Springer. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Berlin. : Springer International Publishing. 2020.v. 12176, p. 128-139.
121.   MIZUTANI, WILSON KAZUO ; Kon, Fabio. Unlimited Rulebook: a Reference Architecture for Economy Mechanics in Digital Games. Em: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), p. 58, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA))
122.   MONTEIRO SILVA, AUGUSTO CESAR ; Hirata, Nina S. T. ; JIANG, XIAOYI. Skeletal Similarity based Structural Performance Evaluation for Document Binarization. Em: 2020 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR), p. 37, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition (ICFHR))
123.   MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; PASSAT, NICOLAS ; ALVES, WONDER A.L. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F.. Efficient component-hypertree construction based on hierarchy of partitions. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. v. 135, p. 30-37, 2020. Qualis: A2
124.   Morimoto, Carlos H.; COUTINHO, FLÁVIO L. ; HANSEN, DAN W.. Screen-Light Decomposition Framework for Point-of-Gaze Estimation Using a Single Uncalibrated Camera and Multiple Light Sources. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION (DORDRECHT. ONLINE). v. 62, p. 585-605, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ONLINE))
125.   MOURA, P. F. S. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y. Strong intractability results for generalized convex recoloring problems. DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 281, p. 252-260, 2020. Qualis: A2
126.   NETTO, Caio ; TANNURI, Eduardo ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI ; COZMAN, FABIO G.. Prediction of Environmental Conditions for Maritime Navigation using a Network of Sensors: A Practical Application of Graph Neural Networks. Em: VIII Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, p. 233-240, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (VIII Symposium on Knowledge Discovery)
127.   NICOLA, V. ; LAURETTO, M. ; DELGADO, K. V.. Avaliação empírica de classificadores e métodos de balanceamento para detecção de fraudes em transações com cartões de créditos. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), p. 1-12, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC))
129.   Paiva, Thales Bandiera ; Terada, Routo. A Timing Attack on the HQC Encryption Scheme. Em: Paterson, Kenneth G. and Stebila, Douglas. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.New York, NY, EUA. : Springer International Publishing. 2020.v. 11959, p. 551-573.
130.   PAOLUCCI, MARIO (Org.) ; Sichman, J.S. (Org.) ; VERHAGEN, H. (Org.). Multi-Agent-Based Simulation XX. 1 ed. Heidelberg: Springer International Publishing, 2020. v. 1, p. 125.
131.   PASTOR, H. D. ; BORGES, I. O. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; DELGADO, K. V. ; BARROS, L. N.. Risk-Sensitive Piecewise-Linear Policy Iteration for Stochastic Shortest Path Markov Decision Processes. Em: Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI), v. 12468, p. 383-395, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI))
132.   PASTOR, H. D. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; BARROS, L. N. ; DELGADO, K. V.. Políticas Sensíveis ao Risco para o Controle da Propagação de Doenças Infecciosas. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), p. 1-12, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC))
133.   PASTOR, HENRIQUE DIAS ; BORGES, I. O. ; FREIRE, V. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; BARROS, L. N.. Risk-Sensitive Piecewise-Linear Policy Iteration for Stochastic Shortest Path Markov Decision Processes. Em: Martínez-Villaseñor, L.; Herrera-Alcántara, O.; Ponce, H.; Castro-Espinoza, F.A.. (Org.). Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence MICAI 2020: Advances in Soft Computing. 12ed. 2020.v. 12468, p. 383-395.
134.   PEREIRA NETO, E. L. ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; DELGADO, K. V.. Risk Sensitive Markov Decision Process for Portfolio Management. Em: Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI), v. 12468, p. 370-382, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI))
135.   PEREIRA, C. A. B. ; STERN, J. M.. The e-value: a fully Bayesian significance measure for precise statistical hypotheses and its research program. SÃO PAULO JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES. v. 16, p. 566-584, 2020. Qualis: B3
136.   PEREIRA, G. ; STANKUS, L. ; CARLOS, G. ; PINHEIRO, E. ; MANZO, R. ; BRAGHETTO, K. R. ; KON, FABIO ; MEIRELLES, Paulo. HealthDashboard: A Urban Public Health Geospatial Visualization Platform. Em: 11th workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC), v. 1, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (11th workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC))
137.   Pereira, João Paulo Aragão ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; da Silva Bevilacqua, Joyce ; Correa Giannella, Maria Lúcia Cardillo. A Hybrid Model to Predict Glucose Oscillation for Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and Suggest Customized Recommendations. Em: Bi Y.; Bhatia R.; Kapoor S.. (Org.). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. 1ed.Cham. : Springer International Publishing. 2020.v. 1038, p. 790-801.
138.   PEREIRA, TÚLIO FELIPE ; LEVIN, GABRIEL ; DEOCESANO-PEREIRA, CARLOS ; CAODAGLIO, AMANDA SCHIERSNER ; Fujita, André ; TONSO, ALDO ; SOGAYAR, Mari Cleide. Fluorescence-based method is more accurate than counting-based methods for plotting growth curves of adherent cells. BMC RESEARCH NOTES. v. 13, p. 57-1, 2020. Qualis: B1
139.   PERES, S. M. ; DELGADO, K. V.. Mulheres na Computação. 2020. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra
140.   Preto, Sandro ; Finger, Marcelo. An Efficient Algorithm for Representing Piecewise Linear Functions into Logic. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 351, p. 167-186, 2020. Qualis: B1
141.   Preto, Sandro ; Finger, Marcelo. An Efficient Algorithm for Representing Piecewise Linear Functions into Logic. Em: 15th International Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (15th International Workshop on Logical and Semantic Frameworks)
142.   Pu, Calton ; SUPREM, ABHIJIT ; LIMA, RODRIGO ALVES ; Musaev, Aibek ; WANG, DE ; IRANI, DANESH ; WEBB, STEVE ; Ferreira, Joao Eduardo. Beyond Artificial Reality. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology. v. 20, p. 1-21, 2020. Qualis: A2
143.   Queiroz, M. Percepção de Ritmos Assimétricos na Música Tradicional Grega (MusicTec2 e Areté Centro de Estudos Helênicos). 2020. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
144.   REGO, ERIK EDUARDO ; COSTA, OSWALDO L.V. ; RIBEIRO, CELMA DE OLIVEIRA ; LIMA FILHO, ROBERTO IVO DA R. ; TAKADA, HELLINTON ; STERN, JULIO. The trade-off between demand growth and renewables: A multiperiod electricity planning model under C O 2 emission constraints. ENERGY. v. 213, p. 118832, 2020. Qualis: A1
145.   RESINA, F. M. X. ; WASSERMANN, R.. A Survey on Multiple Revision. Em: International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (International Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning)
146.   RESINA, FILLIPE ; GARAPA, MARCO ; Wassermann, Renata ; FERMÉ, EDUARDO ; REIS, MAURÍCIO. Choosing What to Believe - New Results in Selective Revision. Em: 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR2020}, 2020, Rhodes. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, p. 687, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (17TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRINCIPLES OF KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND REASONING {KR2020}, 2020, RHODES. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PRINCIPLES OF KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND REASONING)
147.   RIBEIRO, JORGE MIGUEL ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACÊDO ; PINA, JOSÉ COELHO DE. hashify: Uma Ferramenta para Visualização de Hashes com Animações. Em: Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais, p. 109, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (Anais Estendidos do Simpósio Brasileiro de Segurança da Informação e de Sistemas Computacionais)
148.   RIVA, M. ; YGER, F. ; GORI, P. ; CESAR JUNIOR, R. M. ; BLOCH, Isabelle. Template-Based Graph Clustering. Em: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML)
149.   ROSA, THATIANE DE OLIVEIRA ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; GUERRA, EDUARDO MARTINS. How `micro? are your services?. Em: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSAC), p. 75, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Companion (ICSAC))
150.   ROSA, THATIANE DE OLIVEIRA ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; GUERRA, EDUARDO MARTINS. Modelo para Caracterização e Evolução de Sistemas com Arquitetura Baseada em Serviços. Em: XI Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática, p. 38, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (XI Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática)
151.   RUELA, A. S. ; VALDIVIA DELGADO, KARINA ; BERNARDES JUNIOR, J. L.. A multi-objective evolutionary approach for the nonlinear scale-free level problem. APPLIED INTELLIGENCE. v. 50, p. 4223-4240, 2020. Qualis: A3
152.   SANTOS, ALESSANDRO S. ; CORSI, ALESSANDRA C. ; TEIXEIRA, IGOR C. ; GAVA, VAGNER L. ; FALCETTA, FILIPE A. M. ; MACEDO, EDUARDO S. DE ; AZEVEDO, CAIO DA S. ; LIMA, KARLSON T. B. DE ; BRAGHETTO, KELLY R.. Brazilian natural disasters integrated into cyber-physical systems: computational challenges for landslides and floods in urban ecosystems. Em: 2020 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), p. 1-8, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference (ISC2))
153.   SANTOS, ​ ; FREITAS, L. G. ; TEIXEIRA, I. C. ; GAVA, V. L. ; TAIRA, G. R. ; QUILLE, R. V. E. ; BRAGHETTO, K. R.. Desafios e oportunidades da aplicação de Sistemas Ciberfísicos no monitoramento da poluição urbana. Em: Workshop de Computação Urbana, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop de Computação Urbana)
154.   Scaroni, Renato ; BUENO, THIAGO P. ; de Barros, Leliane N. ; MAUÁ, DENIS. On the Performance of Planning Through Backpropagation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: Cerri, R.;Prati, R.C.. (Org.). Intelligent Systems. BRACIS 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science(). 1ed.Berlin. : Springer International Publishing. 2020.v. 12320, p. 108-122.
155.   SCATTONE, F. F. ; BRAGHETTO, K. R.. Processamento Distribuído de Eventos Complexos Aplicado à Detecção de Eventos no Trânsito em Tempo Real. Em: 11ª Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (11ª Escola Regional de Alto Desempenho de São Paulo)
156.   Sichman, J.S. Inteligência Artificial: Histórico e Perspectivas. 2020. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
157.   SILVA, JEFFERSON ; WIESE, IGOR ; GERMAN, DANIEL M. ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. A theory of the engagement in open source projects via summer of code programs. Em: ESEC/FSE '20: 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering, p. 421, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ESEC/FSE '20: 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering)
158.   SOUZA, J. J. ; Finger, Marcelo. Robust Ranking of Brazilian Supreme Court Decisions. Em: BRACIS 2020 -- Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, p. 581-594, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (BRACIS 2020 -- Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems)
159.   SOUZA, MARLO ; Wassermann, Renata. Belief Contraction in Non-classical logics as Hyperintensional Belief Change. Em: 18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR2021}, p. 588, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (18th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning {KR2021})
160.   Stern, Julio Michael. Prof Carlos Edgard Harle: Boas lembranças e sábias lições. Revista Matemática Universitária. v. 2, p. 56-61, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (REVISTA MATEMÁTICA UNIVERSITÁRIA)
161.   Stern, Julio Michael. A sharper image: the quest of science and recursive production of objective realities. PRINCIPIA (FLORIANÓPOLIS. ONLINE). v. 24, p. 255-297, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (ONLINE))
162.   SUPREM, ABHIJIT ; ARULRAJ, JOY ; Pu, Calton ; FERREIRA, JOAO. ODIN. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment. v. 13, p. 2453-2465, 2020. Qualis: A1 (PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWNMENT)
163.   SUPREM, ABHIJIT ; Pu, Calton ; Ferreira, João E.. Small, Accurate, and Fast Re-ID on the Edge: The SAFR Approach. Em: International Conference on Edge Computing, v. 1, p. 33-49, 2020.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Edge Computing)
164.   TAKADA, HELLINTON H. ; RIBEIRO, CELMA O. ; Costa, Oswaldo L. V. ; STERN, JULIO M.. Gini and Entropy-Based Spread Indexes for Primary Energy Consumption Efficiency and CO2 Emission. Energies. v. 13, p. 4938, 2020. Qualis: A1
165.   TELEA, ALEXANDRU ; ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; FALCÃO, ALEXANDRE ; HIRATA, NINA. Improving Neural Network-based Multidimensional Projections. Em: 11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, p. 29-41, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (11th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications)
166.   THOMAZ, Guilherme ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI ; BARROS, LELIANE N. DE. A Contact Network-Based Approach for Online Planning of Containment Measures for COVID-19. Em: XVII Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, v. 17, p. 234-245, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (XVII Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
167.   TININI, R. I. ; SANTOS, M. R. P. ; FIGUEIREDO, G. B. ; BATISTA, D. M.. 5GPy: A SimPy-based Simulator for Performance Evaluations in 5G Hybrid Cloud-Fog RAN Architectures. SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY. v. 101, p. 102030, 2020. Qualis: A1
168.   TOKUDA, ERIC ; COMIN, CESAR ; CESAR, ROBERTO ; COSTA, LUCIANO. On the Relationship between City Mobility and Blocks Uniformity. Proceedings. v. 46, p. 22, 2020. Qualis: C
170.   VENDRAMINI, VINÍCIUS JORGE ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; MOUNIÉ, GRÉGORY. Improving mobile app development using transpilers with maintainable outputs. Em: SBES '20: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, p. 354, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (SBES '20: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering)
171.   VILLANUEVA LLERENA, JULISSA ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI. Efficient Algorithms for Robustness Analysis of Maximum A Posteriori Inference in Selective Sum-Product Networks. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 126, p. 158-180, 2020. Qualis: A1
172.   Wakabayashi, Y. Partições conexas balanceadas de grafos. Computação Brasil No. 43 - Revista da SBC. 2020. Artigo de divulgação
173.   WANG, JAQUELINE YU TING ; WHITTLE, MARTIN R. ; PUGA, Renato David ; YAMBARTSEV, ANATOLY ; Fujita, André ; NAKAYA, HELDER I.. Noninvasive prenatal paternity determination using microhaplotypes: a pilot study. BMC Medical Genomics. v. 13, p. 1, 2020. Qualis: A3
174.   WEN, MELISSA ; Leite, Leonardo ; Kon, Fabio ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. Understanding FLOSS through community publications: Strategies for Grey Literature Review. Em: EEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results Track (ICSE2020-NIER), p. 89, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (EEE/ACM 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results Track (ICSE2020-NIER))
175.   WEN, MELISSA ; SIQUEIRA, RODRIGO ; LAGO, NELSON ; CAMARINHA, DIEGO ; TERCEIRO, ANTONIO ; Kon, Fabio ; MEIRELLES, PAULO. Leading successful government-academia collaborations using FLOSS and agile values. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE,. v. 164, p. 110548, 2020. Qualis: A2 (THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE)
176.   WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; SEREBRENIK, ALEXANDER ; WIESE, IGOR ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. Effects of Adopting Code Review Bots on Pull Requests to OSS Projects. Em: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME), p. 1, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (2020 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME))
177.   WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; SEREBRENIK, ALEXANDER ; WIESE, IGOR ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. What to Expect from Code Review Bots on GitHub?. Em: SBES '20: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, p. 457, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (SBES '20: 34th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering)
178.   YOSHIMURA, G. ; Queiroz, M ; WERTZNER, H. ; FRANCISCO, D.. Speech sound disorder classification based on time-aligned dissimilarity profiles. Em: Sound and Music Computing Conference, p. 88-93, 2020. Qualis: Não identificado (Sound and Music Computing Conference)


1.   ABELLO, ANTONIO AUGUSTO ; Hirata, R.. Optimizing Super Resolution for Face Recognition. Em: 2019 32nd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 194, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 32nd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics)
2.   AGUILAR, L. C. F. P. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Effectiveness of Implementing Load Balancing via SDN. Em: II Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e Graduação (WTG), p. 44-51, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (II Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e Graduação (WTG))
3.   ALVES, WONDER ALEXANDRE LUZ ; Gobber, Charles Ferreira ; da Silva, Dennis José ; MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO ; MARCOTEGUI, BEATRIZ. Ultimate Levelings with Strategy for Filtering Undesirable Residues Based on Machine Learning. Em: Burgeth B., Kleefeld A., Naegel B., Passat N., Perret B.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2019.v. 11564, p. 297-309.
4.   Andreani, Roberto ; Haeser, Gabriel ; Secchin, Leonardo D. ; Silva, Paulo J. S.. New Sequential Optimality Conditions for Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints and Algorithmic Consequences. SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION. v. 29, p. 3201-3230, 2019. Qualis: A1
5.   ANICHE, MAURICIO ; YODER, JOSEPH ; Kon, Fabio. Current Challenges in Practical Object-Oriented Software Design. Em: 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSENIER), v. 1, p. 113, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: New Ideas and Emerging Results (ICSENIER))
6.   AVEGLIANO, Priscilla ; Sichman, J.S.. Using surrogate models to calibrate agent-based model parameters under data scarcity (Extended Abstract). Em: 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019), 2019, Montreal. Proc. of 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2019), 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (19TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS , 2019, MONTREAL. PROC. OF 19TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AUTONOMOUS AGENTS AND MULTIAGENT SYSTEMS)
7.   BANDIERA PAIVA, THALES ; NAVARIDAS, J. ; TERADA, Routo. Robust Covert Channels Based on DRAM Power Consumption. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
8.   BANDIERA PAIVA, THALES ; TERADA, Routo. A Timing Attack on the HQC Encryption Scheme. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
9.   BANDO ; IAMASHITA ; SILVA ; COSTA ; ABE ; BERTONHA ; GUTH ; Fujita ; MOREIRA-FILHO. Dynamic Gene Network Analysis of Caco-2 Cell Response to Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli-Associated Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome. Microorganisms. v. 7, p. 195-217, 2019. Qualis: B1
10.   BARROS, G. F. ; CAVALAR, B. P. ; Mota, G. O. ; PARCZYK, O.. Anti-Ramsey Threshold of Cycles for Sparse Graphs. Em: LAGOS, 2019, Belo Horizonte. The proceedings of Lagos 2019, the tenth Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2019), v. 346, p. 89-98, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS, 2019, BELO HORIZONTE. THE PROCEEDINGS OF LAGOS 2019, THE TENTH LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM)
11.   Bastos, J. O. ; Mota, G.O. ; Schacht, M. ; Schnitzer, J. ; Schulenburg, F.. Loose Hamiltonian cycles forced by large (k-2)-degree - sharp version. Contributions to Discrete Mathematics. v. 2, p. 88-100, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (CONTRIBUTIONS TO DISCRETE MATHEMATICS)
12.   BEDENKNECHT, W. ; HAN, JIE ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y ; MOTA, G. O.. Powers of tight Hamilton cycles in randomly perturbed hypergraphs. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS,. v. 55, p. 795-807, 2019. Qualis: A2 (RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS)
13.   BEDENKNECHT, WIEBKE ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; REIHER, CHRISTIAN ; SCHACHT, MATHIAS. On the local density problem for graphs of given odd-girth. JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY. v. 90, p. 137-149, 2019. Qualis: A2
14.   BELINASSI, GIULIANO ; Goldman, Afredo ; GUBITOSO, MARCO DIMAS ; CARRION, RONALDO. Vibration soil isolation analysis based on a 3-D frequency domain Direct Boundary Element implementation: GPGPU acceleration. ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS. v. 105, p. 178-187, 2019. Qualis: A1
15.   Benedetto Proença, Nathan ; DE CARLI SILVA, MARCEL K. ; Coutinho, Gabriel. Dual Hoffman Bounds for the Stability and Chromatic Numbers Based on SDP. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
16.   BERGER, S. ; Kohayakawa, Y. ; MAESAKA, G. ; MARTINS, T. ; MENDONCA, W. ; Mota, G. O. ; PARCZYK, O.. The size-Ramsey number of powers of bounded degree trees. Em: Eurocomb, 2019. Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, v. 88, p. 451-456, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROCOMB, 2019. ACTA MATH. UNIV. COMENIANAE)
17.   Birgin, E. G. (Plenary talk) Augmented Lagrangian methods: complexity and performance. Em: XIII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2019, Rio de Janeiro. Book of abstracts of the XIII Brazopt, 2019.
18.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A Newton-like method with mixed factorizations and cubic regularization for unconstrained minimization. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 73, p. 707-753, 2019. Qualis: A4
19.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A Newton-like method with mixed factorizations and cubic regularization for unconstrained minimization. Em: 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2019, València.. Book of abstracts of the ICIAM 2019, 2019.
20.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. A Newton-like method with mixed factorizations and cubic regularization and its usage in an Augmented Lagrangian framework. Em: 6th International Conference on Continuous Optimization, 2019, Berlin. Book of abstracts of the ICCOPT 2019, 2019.
21.   Birgin, E.G.; Lobato, R.D.. A matheuristic approach with nonlinear subproblems for large-scale packing of ellipsoids. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH. v. 272, p. 447-464, 2019. Qualis: A1
22.   Birgin, Ernesto G.; FERREIRA DE JESUS FILHO, JOSÉ EURÍPEDES ; PRETTI RONCONI, DEBORA. Um Algoritmo do tipo list scheduling para o Problema Flowshop minimizando o Adiantamento e Atraso das Tarefas. Em: ANAIS DO SIMPóSIO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISA OPERACIONAL, v. 51, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (ANAIS DO SIMPóSIO BRASILEIRO DE PESQUISA OPERACIONAL)
23.   BLANGER, LEONARDO ; Hirata, Nina S. T.. An Evaluation of Deep Learning Techniques for Qr Code Detection. Em: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), p. 1625, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP))
24.   BODO, R. ; BENETOS, E. ; Queiroz, M. The Impact of Dataset Modifications on Music Similarity Measures. Em: Digital Music Research Network Workshop, 2019, London. Proceedings of the Digital Music Research Network (DMRN+14) Workshop, p. 10-10, 2019.
25.   BONGIORNO, CHRISTIAN ; SANTUCCI, DANIELE ; Kon, Fabio ; SANTI, PAOLO ; RATTI, CARLO. Comparing bicycling and pedestrian mobility: Patterns of non-motorized human mobility in Greater Boston. Journal of Transport Geography. v. 80, p. 102501, 2019. Qualis: A1
26.   Bordeleau, Francis ; Meirelles, Paulo ; Sillitti, Alberto. Fifteen Years of Open Source Software Evolution. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2019.p. 61-67.
27.   BORSATO, FRANK H. ; DIAZ-TULA, ANTONIO ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. xSDL: stroboscopic differential lighting eye tracker with extended temporal support. MACHINE VISION AND APPLICATIONS (INTERNET). v. 30, p. 689-703, 2019. Qualis: A2
28.   BORSATO, FRANK H. ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. Towards a low cost and high speed mobile eye tracker. Em: the 11th ACM Symposium, p. 1, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (the 11th ACM Symposium)
29.   BOSSE, YORAH ; REDMILES, DAVID ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. Pedagogical Content for Professors of Introductory Programming Courses. Em: the 2019 ACM Conference, p. 429, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (the 2019 ACM Conference)
30.   BOSSE, YORAH ; REDMILES, DAVID F ; GEROSA, MARCO. Connections and Influences Among Topics of Learning How to Program. Em: 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), p. 1, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE))
31.   BOTLER, F. H. ; FERNANDES, C. G. ; GUTIERREZ, J.. On Tuza's Conjecture for Triangulations and Graphs with Small Treewidth. Em: X Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), 2019, Belo Horizonte. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, v. 18878, p. 171-183, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (X LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM , 2019, BELO HORIZONTE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE)
32.   BRAGHETTO, K. R. Tecnologias emergentes e disruptivas para as cidades inteligentes. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
33.   BRUEL, PEDRO ; QUINITO MASNADA, STEVEN ; VIDEAU, BRICE ; LEGRAND, ARNAUD ; VINCENT, JEAN-MARC ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Autotuning Under Tight Budget Constraints: A Transparent Design of Experiments Approach. Em: 2019 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, p. 147, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 19th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster)
34.   Bueno, L. F. ; HAESER, G. ; ROJAS, F. N.. Optimality Conditions and Constraint Qualifications for Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems and Their Practical Implications. SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION. v. 29, p. 31-54, 2019. Qualis: A1
35.   Bueno, T. P. ; BARROS, L. N. ; Mauá. D. D. ; SANNER, S.. Deep Reactive Policies for Planning in Stochastic Nonlinear Domains. Em: Pascal Van Hentenryck; Zhi-Hua Zhou. (Org.). The Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1ed. : Elsevier. 2019.v. 33, p. 7530-7537.
36.   BUENO, THIAGO P. ; BARROS, LELIANE N. DE ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI ; SANNER, S.. Deep Reactive Policies for Planning in Stochastic Nonlinear Domains. Em: Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
37.   Böttcher, Julia ; HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MONTGOMERY, RICHARD ; PARCZYK, OLAF ; Person, Yury. Universality for bounded degree spanning trees in randomly perturbed graphs. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. v. 55, p. 854-864, 2019. Qualis: A2
38.   CAPPABIANCO, FABIO A. M. ; RIBEIRO, PEDRO F. O. ; de Miranda, Paulo A. V. ; UDUPA, JAYARAM K.. A General and Balanced Region-Based Metric for Evaluating Medical Image Segmentation Algorithms. Em: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), p. 1525, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP))
39.   CARNEIRO, ALEX TORQUATO S. ; ELMADJIAN, CARLOS EDUARDO L. ; GONZALES, CANDY ; Coutinho, Flavio L. ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. PursuitPass: A Visual Pursuit-Based User Authentication System. Em: 2019 32nd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 226, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 32nd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics)
40.   CARVALHO, SUELEN GOULARTE ; ANICHE, MAURÍCIO ; VERÍSSIMO, JÚLIO ; DURELLI, RAFAEL S. ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio. An empirical catalog of code smells for the presentation layer of Android apps. EMPIRICAL SOFTWARE ENGINEERING. v. 1, p. 1, 2019. Qualis: A1
41.   CARVALHO, V. R. ; Sichman, J.S.. Applying Social Choice Theory to Solve Engineering Multi-objective Optimization Problems. Em: VIII Workshop de Pós-Graduação Engenharia de Computação, 2019, São Paulo. Anais do VIII Workshop de Pós-Graduação Engenharia de Computação, p. 132-132, 2019.
43.   CERVANTES, EVELYN PEREZ ; COMIN, CESAR HENRIQUE ; JUNIOR, ROBERTO MARCONDES CESAR ; COSTA, LUCIANO DA FONTOURA. Morphological Neuron Classification Based on Dendritic Tree Hierarchy. NEUROINFORMATICS. v. 17, p. 147-161, 2019. Qualis: A1
44.   CHAVES, ANA PAULA ; DOERRY, ECK ; EGBERT, JESSE ; GEROSA, MARCO. It's How You Say It. Em: the 7th International Conference, p. 102, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (the 7th International Conference)
45.   CHAVES, ANA PAULA ; EGBERT, J. ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio. Chatting like a robot: the relationship between linguistic choices and users? experiences. Em: ACM CHI Workshop on Conversational Agents: Acting on the Wave of Research and Development, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (ACM CHI Workshop on Conversational Agents: Acting on the Wave of Research and Development)
46.   CINTHO OZAHATA, MINA ; PAGE, GRIER P. ; GUO, YUELONG ; FERREIRA, J. E. ; DINARDO, CARLA LUANA ; Carneiro-Proietti, A. B. ; Loureiro, Paula ; MOTA, ROSIMERE AFONSO ; RODRIGUES, DANIELA O.W. ; BELISARIO, ANDRÉ ROLIM ; MAXIMO, CLAUDIA ; FLOR-PARK, MIRIAM V. ; Custer, Brian ; KELLY, SHANNON ; SABINO, ESTER CERDEIRA. Clinical and Genetic Predictors of Priapism in Sickle Cell Disease: Results from the Recipient Epidemiology and Donor Evaluation Study III Brazil Cohort Study. Journal of Sexual Medicine. v. 16, p. 1988-1999, 2019. Qualis: A1 (THE JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE)
47.   CLEMENS, DENNIS ; JENSSEN, MATTHEW ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MORRISON, NATASHA ; MOTA, GUILHERME OLIVEIRA ; REDING, DAMIAN ; Roberts, Barnaby. The size-Ramsey number of powers of paths. JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY. v. 91, p. 290-299, 2019. Qualis: A2
48.   COELHO, T. P. B. ; FRACOLLI, L. A. ; CHIESA, A. M. ; SILVA, L. A. ; SOUZA JUNIOR, H. M. F. E. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S.. A abordagem Design Thinking como proposta de inovação social em um programa de visitação domiciliar na primeira infância. Revista de Saúde Digital e Tecnologias Educacionais. v. 4, p. 8-19, 2019.Qualis: B2
49.   CORREA, ANDREIWID SHEFFER ; SOUZA, RAUL MENDES DE ; SILVA, FLAVIO SOARES CORREA DA. Towards an automated method to assess data portals in the deep web. GOVERNMENT INFORMATION QUARTERLY. v. 36, p. 412-426, 2019. Qualis: A1
50.   Coutinho, Luciano R. ; Brandão, Anarosa A. F. ; BOISSIER, Olivier ; Sichman, Jaime S.. Towards Agent Organizations Interoperability: A Model Driven Engineering Approach. Applied Sciences-Basel. v. 9, p. 2420-2457, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL)
51.   COVAS, GUSTAVO ; SANTANA, EDUARDO F. Z. ; Kon, Fabio. Evaluating Exclusive Lanes For Autonomous Vehicle Platoons. Em: 33rd International ECMS Conference on Modelling and Simulation, v. 1, p. 206, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (33rd International ECMS Conference on Modelling and Simulation)
52.   COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI. The finite model theory of Bayesian network specifications: Descriptive complexity and zero/one laws. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 110, p. 107-126, 2019. Qualis: A1
53.   da Silva, Dennis José ; ALVES, WONDER ALEXANDRE LUZ ; MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; Gobber, Charles Ferreira ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO. Incremental Bit-Quads Count in Tree of Shapes. Em: Burgeth B., Kleefeld A., Naegel B., Passat N., Perret B.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2019.v. 11564, p. 162-173.
55.   DE CARLI SILVA, MARCEL K.; Tunçel, Levent. Strict Complementarity in Semidefinite Optimization with Elliptopes Including the MaxCut SDP. SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION. v. 29, p. 2650-2676, 2019. Qualis: A1
56.   de Carvalho, Vinicius Renan ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Evolutionary Computation Meets Multiagent Systems for Better Solving Optimization Problems. Em: Fernando Koch; Atsushi Yoshikawa; Shihan Wang; Takao Terano. (Org.). Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1ed.Cingapura. : Springer Singapore. 2019.v. 999, p. 27-41.
57.   DE ELIAS, ERIK MIGUEL ; TASINAFFO, PAULO MARCELO ; Hirata, Roberto. Alignment, Scale and Skew Correction for Optical Mark Recognition Documents Based. Em: 2019 XV Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC), p. 26, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 XV Workshop de Visão Computacional (WVC))
58.   DE LIMA, DHANIELLY P. R. ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; CONTE, TAYANA U. ; DE M. NETTO, JOSÉ FRANCISCO. What to expect, and how to improve online discussion forums: the instructors? perspective. JOURNAL OF INTERNET SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS. v. 10, p. 22, 2019. Qualis: A2
59.   de Lima, Igor Conrado Alves ; NARDIN, Luis Gustavo ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Gavel: A Sanctioning Enforcement Framework. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2019.p. 225-241.
60.   DE MORAES BRAZ, CAIO ; Miranda, Paulo A. V. ; CIESIELSKI, KRZYSZTOF CHRIS ; Cappabianco, Fábio A. M.. Graph-Based Segmentation with Local Band Constraints. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2019.p. 155-166.
61.   DE SOUZA, LUCAS MENDONCA ; Ferreira, Bernardo Martins ; FELIX, IGOR MOREIRA ; DE OLIVEIRA BRANDAO, LEONIDAS ; BRANDAO, ANAROSA ALVES FRANCO ; PEREIRA, PATRICIA ALVES. Mathematics and programming: marriage or divorce?. Em: 2019 IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education (EDUNINE), v. 1, p. 1-5, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education (EDUNINE))
62.   DEMARIO, CAIO L. ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Relaxed Oriented Image Foresting Transform for Seeded Image Segmentation. Em: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), p. 1520, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP))
63.   DIGIAMPIETRI, LUCIANO A. ; MUGNAINI, ROGÉRIO ; TRUCOLO, C. C. ; VALDIVIA DELGADO, KARINA ; MENA-CHALCO, JESÚS P. ; KOHLER, A. F.. Geographic and disciplinary distribution of the Brazilian's PhD community. BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE. v. 13, p. 113-131, 2019.Qualis: A3
64.   DO NASCIMENTO, MARCOS DEVANER ; FELIX, IGOR MOREIRA ; Ferreira, Bernardo Martins ; DE SOUZA, LUCAS MENDONCA ; Dantas, Douglas Lima ; DE OLIVEIRA BRANDAO, LEONIDAS ; DE OLIVEIRA BRANDAO, ANAROSA. Which visual programming language best suits each school level? A look at Alice, iVProg, and Scratch. Em: 2019 IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education (EDUNINE), v. 1, p. 1-16, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE World Conference on Engineering Education (EDUNINE))
65.   DURHAM, A. M. Alinhamento de Sequências. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
66.   DURHAM, A. M. Algoritmos em Genômica Computacional. 2019. Curso de curta duração ministrado/Extensão
67.   ESPADOTO, M. ; RODRIGUES, FRANCISCO CAIO MAIA ; HIRATA JR., R. ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU CRISTIAN. Deep Learning Inverse Multidimensional Projections. Em: EuroVA: International Workshop on Visual Analytics, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (EuroVA: International Workshop on Visual Analytics)
68.   DE M. DEL ESPOSTE, ARTHUR ; SANTANA, EDUARDO F.Z. ; KANASHIRO, LUCAS ; COSTA, FABIO M. ; BRAGHETTO, KELLY R. ; LAGO, N. P. ; KON, F.. Design and evaluation of a scalable smart city software platform with large-scale simulations. Future Generation Computer Systems. v. 93, p. 427-441, 2019. Qualis: A1
69.   ESTEVES, LUIS GUSTAVO ; IZBICKI, RAFAEL ; Stern, Julio Michael ; STERN, RAFAEL BASSI. Pragmatic Hypotheses in the Evolution of Science. Entropy. v. 21, p. 883-883-17, 2019. Qualis: A4
70.   FELIX, IGOR MOREIRA ; SOUZA, LUCAS MENDES ; Ferreira, Bernardo Martins ; BRANDaO, LEoNIDAS DE OLIVEIRA. A study to build a new Visual Programming system: Fixed or contextual menu?. Em: 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE))
71.   Fernandes, Cristina G. ; Ferreira, Carlos E. ; Miyazawa, Flávio K. ; WAKABAYASHI, YOSHIKO. Prices of Anarchy of Selfish 2D Bin Packing Games. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 30, p. 355-374, 2019. Qualis: B2
72.   Fernandes, Cristina G.; HERNANDEZ-VELEZ, C. ; PINA, J. ; RAMÏREZ ALFONSIN, J. L.. Counting Hamiltonian Cycles in the Matroid Basis Graph. GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS. v. 35, p. 539-550, 2019. Qualis: B1
73.   FERREIRA, B. ; SOUZA, L. M. ; SILVA, L. ; FELIX, IGOR ; BRANDÃO, LEÔNIDAS ; Brandao, Anarosa. The Marriage of Mathematics and Programming. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE), v. 1, p. 1790-1797, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education (Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação - SBIE))
74.   FERREIRA, J.E.; Segurado, Aluisio Cotrim. Interoperabilidade de Dados, Desempenho Acadêmico e Impacto Social: USP no Horizonte 2022. Em: Marcovitch, Jacques. (Org.). Repensar a Universidade II: Impactos para a Sociedade. 1ed.São Paulo. : EDUSP. 2019.v. II, p. 43-60.
75.   Ferreira, Joao Eduardo; Musaev, Aibek (Org.) ; Zhang, Liang-Jie (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1 ed. San Diego, CA, USA: Springer International Publishing, 2019. v. 1, p. 123.
76.   Finger, Marcelo. Quantitative Logic Reasoning. arXiv e-prints. v. 1905.05665, p. 1-40, 2019.Qualis: NP (ARXIV E-PRINT)
77.   Finger, Marcelo. Sparse Models: a tractable fragment for SAT, MAXSAT and PSAT. Em: EBL 2019 -- Brazilian Logic Conference, 2019, João Pessoa. EBL 2019 -- Brazilian Logic Conference, p. 1-5, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (EBL 2019 -- BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE, 2019, JOÃO PESSOA. EBL 2019 -- BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE)
78.   Finger, Marcelo. Artificial intelligence symposium: where do we stand in the substitution of physicians by machines. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
79.   Finger, Marcelo. Extending Description Logic EL++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms. Ithaca: ArXiv. 2019. Relatório Técnico
80.   Finger, Marcelo. Extending ℰℒ++ with Linear Constraints on the Probability of Axioms. In: Lutz C., Sattler U., Tinelli C., Turhan AY., Wolter F. (Org.). Description Logic, Theory Combination, and All That. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11560.. 1ed. Em: . : Springer. 2019.v. 11560, p. 286-300.
81.   FUJITA, A.; LIRA, E. ; SANTOS, S. S. ; SOARES, G. E. ; BANDO, S. Y. ; TAKAHASHI, D. Y.. A semi-parametric statistical test to compare complex networks. JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS. v. 1, p. 1, 2019. Qualis: A1
82.   GEH, RENATO ; MAUÁ, DENIS. End-To-End Imitation Learning of Lane Following Policies Using Sum-Product Networks. Em: XVI Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 297, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (XVI Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
83.   GOLDMAN, ALFREDO; DE OLIVEIRA ROSA, THATIANE ; Santos, Viviane A.. Having Fun Doing Research on Agile Methods. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2019.p. 147-164.
84.   GOULART, A. J. H. ; Queiroz, M ; TIMONEY, J. ; LAZZARINI, V.. CPU consumption for AM/FM audio effects. Em: Linux Audio Conference, p. 1-4, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (Linux Audio Conference)
85.   GREN, LUCAS ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; JACOBSSON, CHRISTIAN. Agile ways of working: A team maturity perspective. Journal of Software-Evolution and Process. v. n/a, p. e2244, 2019. Qualis: A4 (JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE: EVOLUTION AND PROCESS)
86.   GREN, LUCAS ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; JACOBSSON, CHRISTIAN. The Perceived Effects of Group Developmental Psychology Training on Agile Software Development Teams. IEEE SOFTWARE. v. n/a, p. eletronico, 2019. Qualis: A1
87.   GUERRA, EDUARDO ; Meirelles, Paulo ; LIMA, PHYLLIPE ; BRAGA, LYDIA. Attribute Sniffer: Collecting Attribute Metrics for C# Code. Em: X Conferência Brasileira de Software: Teoria e Prática, p. 96, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (X Conferência Brasileira de Software: Teoria e Prática)
88.   GUERRA, Paulo T. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Two AGM-style characterizations of model repair. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence (Dordrecht. Online). v. -, p. 1-25, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (ONLINE))
89.   HAESER, G.; LIU, H. ; YE, Y.. Optimality condition and complexity analysis for linearly-constrained optimization without differentiability on the boundary. MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING. v. 178, p. 263-299, 2019. Qualis: A1
90.   HAMIDISHAD, NAYEREH ; JUNIOR, ROBERTO CESAR. Object-based Method for Identifying New Constructions around Water Reservoirs: Preliminary Results. Em: XXXII Conference on Graphics, p. 172, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (XXXII Conference on Graphics)
91.   HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; MORRIS, P. ; Person, Yury. Clique-factors in sparse pseudorandom graphs. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 82, p. 102999, 2019. Qualis: A2
92.   HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Sales, Marcelo T. ; Stagni, Henrique. Extremal and probabilistic results for order types. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. 1ed. Em: . : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2019.p. 426-435.
93.   Hirata, N.S.T. Imagens na era do Big Data: Potenciais e Desafios. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
94.   Hirata, Nina S. T. Big Data and Machine Learning: An introduction. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
95.   Hirata, Nina S. T. Machine Learning. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
96.   Hirata, Nina S. T. Uma aula sobre Machine Learning. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra
97.   HOPPEN, C. ; Mota, G. O. ; Parente, R. F. ; SATO, C. M.. Counting Sparse k-edge-connected Hypergraphs with Given Number of Vertices and Edges. Em: LAGOS, 2019, Belo Horizonte. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science - The proceedings of Lagos 2019, the tenth Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2019), v. 346, p. 535-544, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS, 2019, BELO HORIZONTE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - THE PROCEEDINGS OF LAGOS 2019, THE TENTH LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM)
98.   IAFFALDANO, G. ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; CALEFATO, F. ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio ; Lanubile, F.. Why do developers take breaks from contributing to OSS projects? A preliminary analysis. Em: 2nd International Workshop on Software Health (SoHeal 2019), 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2nd International Workshop on Software Health (SoHeal 2019))
99.   Jalbut, André ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Impact of Trust on Agent-Based Simulation for Supply Chains. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2019.p. 45-58.
100.   JARDIM, V. C. ; SANTOS, S. S. ; FUJITA, A ; BUCKERIDGE, M.. BioNetStat: A Tool for Biological Networks Differential Analysis. Frontiers in Genetics. v. 10, p. 594, 2019. Qualis: A2
101.   Kohayakawa, Y. ; MENDONCA, W. ; Mota, G. O. ; Schülke, B.. Covering 3-coloured random graphs with monochromatic trees. Em: Eurocomb, 2019. Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, v. 88, p. 871-875, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (EUROCOMB, 2019. ACTA MATH. UNIV. COMENIANAE)
102.   Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; Retter, Troy ; Rödl, Vojtech. The size Ramsey number of short subdivisions of bounded degree graphs. RANDOM STRUCTURES & ALGORITHMS. v. 54, p. 304-339, 2019. Qualis: A2
103.   LAURETTO, MARCELO S. ; STERN, RAFAEL ; RIBEIRO, CELMA ; STERN, JULIO. Haphazard Intentional Sampling Techniques in Network Design of Monitoring Stations. Proceedings. v. 33, p. 12-8, 2019. Qualis: C
104.   LE, QUANG-NHAT ; Robins, Sinai ; VIGNAT, CHRISTOPHE ; WAKHARE, TANAY. A Continuous Analogue of Lattice Path Enumeration. ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 26, p. 1-13, 2019. Qualis: A3 (THE ELECTRONIC JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS)
105.   Leite, Leonardo ; ROCHA, CARLA ; KON, FABIO ; MILOJICIC, DEJAN ; Meirelles, Paulo. A Survey of DevOps Concepts and Challenges. ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS. v. 52, p. 1-35, 2019. Qualis: A1
106.   Leon, Leissi Margarita Castañeda ; de Miranda, Paulo André Vechiatto. Efficient Interactive Multi-object Segmentation in Medical Images. Em: Computer Vision - ECCV 2018 Workshops. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2019.v. 11132, p. 705-710.
107.   LI, Syuan ; ARAUJO, IAGO BRENO ; REN, W. ; WANG, Z. ; TOKUDA, E. K. ; Hirata Jr., Roberto ; CESAR JR., R. M. ; ZHANG, J. ; GUO, X. ; CAO, X.. Single Image Deraining: A Comprehensive Benchmark Analysis. Em: Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference - CVPR 2019, p. 3838-3847, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference - CVPR 2019)
108.   Lima, Priscila da Silva Neves ; Silva, Laira das Almas ; FELIX, IGOR MOREIRA ; BRANDaO, LEoNIDAS DE OLIVEIRA. Difficulties in Basic Concepts of Mathematics in Higher Education: A Systematic Review. Em: 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE))
109.   LIMA, R. A. ; KIMBALL, J. ; FERREIRA, J.E. ; Pu, Calton. Systematic Construction, Execution, and Reproduction of Complex Performance Benchmarks. Em: International Conference on Cloud Computing, v. 1, p. 45-67, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Cloud Computing)
110.   CERIOLI, M. R. ; Fernandes, Cristina G. ; O. Lee ; LINTZMAYER, C. N. ; MOTA, G. O. ; SILVA, C. N.. On Edge-magic Labelings of Forests. Em: LAGOS, 2019, Belo Horizonte. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science - The proceedings of Lagos 2019, the tenth Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2019), v. ENTCS1, p. 299-307, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS, 2019, BELO HORIZONTE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - THE PROCEEDINGS OF LAGOS 2019, THE TENTH LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM)
111.   Lintzmayer, C. N. ; Mota, G. O. ; SAMBINELLI, M.. Decomposing Split Graphs into Locally Irregular Graphs. Em: LAGOS, 2019, Belo Horizonte. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science - The proceedings of Lagos 2019, the tenth Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2019), v. 346, p. 603-612, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (LAGOS, 2019, BELO HORIZONTE. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE - THE PROCEEDINGS OF LAGOS 2019, THE TENTH LATIN AND AMERICAN ALGORITHMS, GRAPHS AND OPTIMIZATION SYMPOSIUM)
112.   LLERENA, JULISSA VILLANUEVA ; MAUA, DENIS DERATANI. Robust Analysis of MAP Inference in Selective Sum-Product Networks. Em: Eleventh International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications, v. 103, p. 430-440, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (Eleventh International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications)
113.   LOVATTO, A. G. ; Bueno, T. P. ; BARROS, L. N.. Analyzing the Effect of Stochastic Transitions in Policy Gradients in Deep Reinforcement Learning. Em: 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 413-418, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS))
114.   LUDESCHER, L. G. ; Sichman, J.S.. Efeitos de Estratégias de Distribuição de Recompensas em Coalizões Baseadas em Agentes: Resultados Preliminares. Em: XIII Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (XIII Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes)
115.   M. BONADIA DOS SANTOS, VIVIANE ; NUNES DE BARROS, LELIANE ; DE MENEZES, MARIA VIVIANE. Symbolic Planning for Strong-Cyclic Policies. Em: 2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 168-173, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 8th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS))
116.   MACEDO, C. M. ; RUELA, A. S. ; DELGADO, K. V.. Application of Clustering Algorithms for Discovering Bug Patterns in JavaScript Charles Macedo, André Ruela, Karina Delgado (USP). Em: Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI), p. 1-10, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas de Informação (SBSI))
117.   MACHADO, R. A. C. ; SCHNEIDER, H. ; DEOCESANO-PEREIRA, C. ; LICHTENSTEIN, F. ; ANDRADE, F. ; FUJITA, A ; TROMBETTA-LIMA, M. ; WELLER, M. ; BOWMAN-COLIN, C. ; SOGAYAR, M. C.. CHD7 promotes glioblastoma cell motility and invasiveness through transcriptional modulation of an invasion signature.. Scientific Reports. v. 9, p. 3952, 2019. Qualis: A2
118.   Maracaja-Coutinho, Vinicius ; PASCHOAL, ALEXANDRE ROSSI ; Caris-Maldonado, José Carlos ; Borges, Pedro Vinícius ; Ferreira, Almir José ; Durham, Alan Mitchell. Noncoding RNAs Databases: Current Status and Trends. Em: Xin Lai; Shailendra K., Gupta,, Julio Vera,. (Org.). Methods in Molecular Biology. 1ed.New York. : Springer New York. 2019.p. 251-285.
119.   MARCONDES, DIEGO ; PEIXOTO, CLÁUDIA ; Stern, Julio Michael. Assessing randomness in case assignment: the case study of the Brazilian Supreme Court. LAW PROBABILITY & RISK. v. 2019, p. 1-18, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (LAW PROBABILITY & RISK)
120.   MARTINS, LARISSA A. ; MALOSSI, CAMILA D. ; GALLETTI, MARIA F. B. DE M. ; RIBEIRO, JOSÉ M. ; Fujita, André ; ESTEVES, ELIANE ; COSTA, FRANCISCO B. ; LABRUNA, MARCELO B. ; DAFFRE, SIRLEI ; FOGAÇA, ANDRÉA C.. The Transcriptome of the Salivary Glands of Amblyomma aureolatum Reveals the Antimicrobial Peptide Microplusin as an Important Factor for the Tick Protection Against Rickettsia rickettsii Infection. Frontiers in Physiology. v. 10, p. 529, 2019. Qualis: A2
121.   MARTINS, M. R. ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio. Um estudo preliminar sobre o uso de uma arquitetura deep learning para seleção de respostas no problema de recuperação de código-fonte. Em: VII Workshop on Software Visualization, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (VII Workshop on Software Visualization)
122.   Mascarenhas, Walter F. A Simple Canonical Form for Nonlinear Programming Problems and Its Use. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS (DORDRECHT. ONLINE). v. 181, p. 456-469, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (ONLINE))
123.   MATOS, VINÍCIUS BITENCOURT ; Guimarães, Ricardo ; SANTOS, YURI DAVID ; Wassermann, Renata. Pseudo-contractions as Gentle Repairs. Em: Carsten Lutz; Uli Sattler; Cesare Tinelli; Anni-Yasmin Turhan; Frank Wolter. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2019.p. 385-403.
124.   MATTEI, L. ; SOARES, D. L. ; ANTONUCCI, ALESSANDRO ; MAUÁ, DENIS D. ; FACCHINI, A.. Exploring the Space of Probabilistic Sentential Decision Diagrams. Em: 3rd Tractable Probabilistic Modeling Workshop, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (3rd Tractable Probabilistic Modeling Workshop)
125.   Meirelles, Paulo ; Aguiar, Carla S. R. ; Assis, Felipe ; Siqueira, Rodrigo ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. A Students¿ Perspective of Native and Cross-Platform Approaches for Mobile Application Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2019.p. 586-601.
126.   MELEGATI, JORGE ; Goldman, Alfredo ; Kon, Fabio ; WANG, XIAOFENG. A model of requirements engineering in software startups. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY. v. 109, p. 92-107, 2019. Qualis: A1
127.   MENDES DE OLIVEIRA, C ; RIBEIRO, T ; SCHOENELL, W ; KANAAN, A ; OVERZIER, R A ; MOLINO, A ; SAMPEDRO, L ; COELHO, P ; BARBOSA, C E ; CORTESI, A ; COSTA-DUARTE, M V ; HERPICH, F R ; HERNANDEZ-JIMENEZ, J A ; PLACCO, V M ; XAVIER, H S ; ABRAMO, L R ; SAITO, R K ; CHIES-SANTOS, A L ; EDEROCLITE, A ; HIRATA, N. S. T.. The Southern Photometric Local Universe Survey (S-PLUS): improved SEDs, morphologies, and redshifts with 12 optical filters. ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. MONTHLY NOTICES. v. 489, p. 241-267, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (MONTHLY NOTICES)
128.   MONTEIRO, A. C. ; MUENZNER, J. ; ANDRADE, F. ; RIUS, F. E. ; OSTALECKI, C. ; GEPPERT, C. ; AGAIMY, A. ; HARTMANN, A. ; FUJITA, A ; SCHNEIDER-STOCK, R. ; JASIULIONIS, M. G.. Gene expression and promoter methylation of angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors as prognostic markers in melanoma. Molecular Oncology. v. 1, p. 1, 2019. Qualis: A1 (MOLECULAR ECOLOGY)
129.   MORAIS, LUCAS ; SILVA, VITOR ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; ALVAREZ, CARLOS ; BOSCH, JAUME ; FRANK, MICHAEL ; ARAUJO, GUIDO. Adding Tightly-Integrated Task Scheduling Acceleration to a RISC-V Multi-core Processor. Em: the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium, p. 861, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (the 52nd Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium)
130.   MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; ALVES, WONDER ALEXANDRE LUZ ; da Silva, Dennis José ; Gobber, Charles Ferreira ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO. Incremental Attribute Computation in Component-Hypertrees. Em: Burgeth B., Kleefeld A., Naegel B., Passat N., Perret B.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2019.v. 11564, p. 150-161.
131.   MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; ALVES, WONDER ALEXANDRE LUZ ; Silva, Dennis Jose ; Gobber, Charles Ferreira ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO. Minimal Component-Hypertrees. Em: Couprie M., Cousty J., Kenmochi Y., Mustafa N.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2019.v. 11414, p. 276-287.
132.   MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; ALVEZ, W. A. L. ; SILVA, DENNIS J. ; GOBBER, C. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Minimal Component-Hypertrees. Em: 21st IAPR International Conference, v. 11414, p. 276-287, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (21st IAPR International Conference)
133.   Mota, G. O. Teoria de Ramsey: Introdução e avanços recentes. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
134.   Mota, G.O. Three-Color Bipartite Ramsey Number for Graphs with Small Bandwidth. SIAM JOURNAL ON DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 33, p. 197-208, 2019. Qualis: A3
135.   Mota, G.O.; Benevides, F. S. ; Sau, I. ; Bastos, J. O.. Counting Gallai 3-colorings of complete graphs. DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. v. 342, p. 2618-2631, 2019. Qualis: A3
136.   MOURA, S. L. ; Queiroz, M. Sensitivity to Instrumentation of a Singing Voice Detector Based on Spectral Features. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music, 2019, São João del Rei. Proceedings of the 17th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM 2019), p. 212-214, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER MUSIC, 2019, SÃO JOÃO DEL REI. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 17TH BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER MUSIC)
137.   NASCIMENTO, M. D. ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; Brandão, L.O. ; Oliveira, Francisco. Overcoming Accessibility Barriers for People with Severe Vision Impairment in Web-based Learning Environments: A Literature Review. 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso
138.   NASCIMENTO, M. D. ; Oliveira, Francisco ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco ; Silva, Lidiane ; QUEIROZ, B. ; SOARES, E.. A Metaphorical Debugger Model to support deaf and hearing impaired in Java programming learning. Em: 49th Frontiers in Education Conference - FIE 2019, v. 1, p. 1-8, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (49th Frontiers in Education Conference - FIE 2019)
139.   Nascimento, Marcos ; Oliveira, Thiago ; Lima, Nelson ; Ramos, Renato ; Silva, Lidiane ; Oliveira, Francisco ; Brandão, Anarosa. A Learning Management System Accessible for Visual, Hearing and Physical Impairments. Em: M. Antona; C. Stephanidis. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Cham. : Springer International Publishing. 2019.v. 11572, p. 481-493.
140.   NASCIMENTO, MARCOS D. DO ; BRANDAO, ANAROSA A. F. ; BRANDaO, LEoNIDAS DE OLIVEIRA ; OLIVEIRA, FRANCISCO C. DE M. B.. Overcoming Accessibility Barriers for People with Severe Vision Impairment in Web-based Learning Environments: A Literature Review. Em: 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), v. 1, p. 1-8, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE))
141.   OSHIRO, L. S. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Análise Preliminar da Detecção de Ataques Ofuscados e do Uso de Hardware de Baixo Custo em um Sistema para Detecção de Ameaças. Em: II Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e Graduação (WTG), p. 11-18, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (II Workshop de Trabalhos de Iniciação Científica e Graduação (WTG))
142.   PAIS, D. B. ; SILVA, V. F. ; VALDIVIA DELGADO, KARINA. Algoritmo Exato de Avaliação de uma Política Estacionária para CVaR MDP. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), p. 1-12, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC))
143.   Paiva, Thales Bandiera ; Navaridas, Javier ; Terada, Routo. Robust Covert Channels Based on DRAM Power Consumption. Em: Lin, Zhiqiang and Papamanthou, Charalampos and Polychronakis, Michalis. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.New York. : Springer International Publishing. 2019.v. 11723, p. 319-338.
144.   PINTO, GUSTAVO ; FERREIRA, CLARICE ; SOUZA, CLEICE ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; Meirelles, Paulo. Training Software Engineers Using Open-Source Software: The Students' Perspective. Em: 2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSESEET), p. 147, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering Education and Training (ICSESEET))
145.   PRETO, S. ; Finger, Marcelo. Representing Rational McNaughton Functions via MODSAT Relativisation. Em: EBL 2019 -- Brazilian Logic Conference, 2019, João Pessoa. EBL 2019 -- Brazilian Logic Conference, p. 1-5, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (EBL 2019 -- BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE, 2019, JOÃO PESSOA. EBL 2019 -- BRAZILIAN LOGIC CONFERENCE)
146.   Queiroz, M. Computação Musical e Sonologia (Palestra de divulgação nos Seminários do IC/UNICAMP). 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
147.   Queiroz, M. Percepção de Ritmos Assimétricos na Música Tradicional Grega (Conversas Neuromusicais na UFABC). 2019. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
148.   QUEIROZ, M.; Sedó, A. X. (Org.). Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. 1 ed. Porto Alegre: UFRGS, 2019. .
149.   Queiroz, Marcelo; BORGES, RODRIGO. Chroma Interval Content as a Key-Independent Harmonic Progression Feature. Em: 2019 International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and Processing (MMRP), p. 71-76, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 International Workshop on Multilayer Music Representation and Processing (MMRP))
150.   RACHED, M. R. ; COELHO, V. ; MARIN, M. L. C. ; PINCERATO, K. ; FUJITA, A ; KALIL, J. E. ; ABRAO, M. S.. HLA-G is upregulated in advanced endometriosis. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. v. 235, p. 36-41, 2019. Qualis: A3 (EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS, GYNECOLOGY, AND REPRODUCTIVE BIOLOGY)
151.   RAMOS, TAIANE COELHO ; BALARDIN, JOANA BISOL ; SATO, João Ricardo ; Fujita, André. Abnormal Cortico-Cerebellar Functional Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder. FRONTIERS IN SYSTEMS NEUROSCIENCE. v. 12, p. 74, 2019. Qualis: A1
152.   RAVELO, S.V. ; FERREIRA, C.E.. A PTAS for the metric case of the optimum weighted source-destination communication spanning tree problem. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. v. 771, p. 9-22, 2019. Qualis: A4
153.   REIS, MARCELO S. ; ESTRELA, GUSTAVO ; FERREIRA, CARLOS EDUARDO ; BARRERA, JUNIOR. Optimal Boolean lattice-based algorithms for the U-curve optimization problem. INFORMATION SCIENCES. v. 471, p. 97-114, 2019. Qualis: A1
154.   REIS, WILLY ARTHUR SILVA ; de Barros, Leliane Nunes ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia. Robust topological policy iteration for infinite horizon bounded Markov Decision Processes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 105, p. 287-304, 2019. Qualis: A1
155.   RIBEIRO, ADÈLE H. ; SOLER, JULIA MARIA PAVAN ; Hirata, Roberto. Variance-Preserving Estimation of Intensity Values Obtained From Omics Experiments. Frontiers in Genetics. v. 10, p. 1-19, 2019. Qualis: A2
156.   RIBEIRO, ATHOS ; Meirelles, Paulo ; Lago, Nelson ; KON, FABIO. Ranking warnings from multiple source code static analyzers via ensemble learning. Em: the 15th International Symposium, v. 1, p. 1, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (the 15th International Symposium)
157.   RIBEIRO, HENRIQUE L. ; ROBERTO DE ARAUJO, P. A. ; CHAIM, MARCOS L. ; SOUZA, HIGOR A. DE ; Kon, Fabio. Evaluating data-flow coverage in spectrum-based fault localization. Em: 2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM), v. 1, p. 1, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM))
158.   RIBEIRO, J. S. ; NAYAK, A. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Belief Change and Non-monotonic Reasoning sans Compactness. Em: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19), p. 1, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-19))
159.   RIBEIRO, J. S. ; NAYAK, A. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Belief Update without Compactness in Non-finitary Languages. Em: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, p. 1, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence)
160.   ROCHA, V. E. M. ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco. A Scalable Multiagent Architecture for monitoring IoT devices. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. v. 139, p. 1-14, 2019. Qualis: A1
161.   RODRIGUES, FRANCISCO C. M. ; ESPADOTO, MATEUS ; Hirata, Roberto ; TELEA, ALEXANDRU C.. Constructing and Visualizing High-Quality Classifier Decision Boundary Maps. INFORMATION. v. 10, p. 280-301, 2019. Qualis: B1
162.   RODRIGUES, H. D. N. ; CASALS, ARTHUR ; A. F. Brandão, Anarosa. Exposing agents as web-services: a case study using JADE and SPADE. Em: 13o. Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes, v. 1, p. 1-10, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (13o. Workshop-Escola de Sistemas de Agentes)
163.   Rosário, Denis (Org.) ; Mota, Marcelle (Org.) ; Silva, Marcelino (Org.) ; Musse, Soraia (Org.) ; Kon, Fabio (Org.). Jornada de Atualização em Informática 2019. 1 ed. SBC, 2019. .
164.   SAA, O. ; Stern, Julio Michael. Auditable Blockchain Randomization Tool. Ithaca: Cornell University ( 2019., 2019 (Technical Report
165.   SAA, OLIVIA ; STERN, JULIO. Auditable Blockchain Randomization Tool -. Proceedings. v. 33, p. 17-6, 2019. Qualis: C
166.   SALES, L. ; MACEDO, C. M. ; VALDIVIA DELGADO, KARINA. Discovering code smells in Javascript software using clustering techniques. Em: Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), p. 13-24, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC))
167.   SALVATORE, FELIPE ; Finger, Marcelo ; HIRATA JR, ROBERTO. A logical-based corpus for cross-lingual evaluation. Em: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for LowResource NLP (DeepLo 2019), p. 22-30, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for LowResource NLP (DeepLo 2019))
168.   SALVATORE, F. ; PRETO, S. ; FINGER, M. ; HIRATA JR., R.. Using Neural Models To Perform Inference. Em: 14TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEURAL-SYMBOLIC LEARNING AND REASONING, 2019, Macau. Proceedings of the 2019 International Workshop on Neural- Symbolic Learning and Reasoning, v. 1, p. 85-87, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (14TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEURAL-SYMBOLIC LEARNING AND REASONING, 2019, MACAU. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2019 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NEURAL- SYMBOLIC LEARNING AND REASONING)
169.   SALVATORE, F. ; PRETO, S. ; Finger, Marcelo ; HIRATA JR, R.. Using neural models to perform inference. Em: Fourteenth International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning at IJCAI-19, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (Fourteenth International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning at IJCAI-19)
170.   SANTANA, E. ; COSTA, F. P. ; SETOGUTE, Y. ; CARVALHO, L. ; LIMA, P. ; SOUSA, M. ; GUNZ, B. ; AZEVEDO, F. ; SABBAGA, J. ; SANTOS, M. ; BIACHI, T. ; JARDIM, D. ; FREITAS, D. ; HORVAT, N. ; OTAVIANO, R. ; TESTAGROSSA, L. ; IEMMA, A. F. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S. ; TUSZYNSKI, J.. Exposure to low energy amplitude modulated radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) is associated with rapid improvement in quality of life (QoL) status in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), using various analyses of EORTC-C30. Em: European Society for Medical Oncology Congress 2019, 2019, Barcelona. Proc. ESMO 2019 (poster sessions), 2019.
171.   SANTOS, M. R. P. ; TININI, R. I. ; FIGUEIREDO, G. B. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Data Analysis and Energy Consumption Prediction in a Cloud-Fog RAN Environment. Em: IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2019), p. 1-6, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM 2019))
172.   SATO, JOÃO RICARDO ; SATO, CRISTIANE MARIA ; SILVA, MARCEL K. DE CARLI ; BIAZOLI, CLAUDINEI EDUARDO. Commute Time as a Method to Explore Brain Functional Connectomes. BRAIN CONNECTIVITY. v. 9, p. 155-161, 2019. Qualis: B1
173.   SHEFFER CORREA, ANDREIWID ; SOARES CORREA DA SILVA, FLAVIO. Laying the foundations for benchmarking open data automatically. Em: 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research, p. 287, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research)
174.   SIKOV, A. ; STERN, J. M.. Application of the full Bayesian significance test to model selection under informative sampling. STATISTICAL PAPERS. v. 60, p. 89-104, 2019. Qualis: A4
175.   SILVA, DENNIS J. ; ALVES, WONDER A.L. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO. Incremental bit-quads count in component trees: theory, algorithms, and optimization. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS. v. 129, p. 33-40, 2019. Qualis: A2
176.   SILVA, G. M. C. ; Sichman, J.S.. Using Social Group Trajectories for Potential Impersonation Detection on Smart Buildings Access Control. Em: 8th. Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS 2019), 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (8th. Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS 2019))
177.   SILVA, G. M. C. ; Sichman, J.S.. Using Social Group Trajectories for Potential Impersonation Detection on Smart Buildings Access Control. Em: VIII Workshop de Pós-Graduação Engenharia de Computação, 2019, São Paulo. Anais do VIII Workshop de Pós-Graduação Engenharia de Computação, p. 147-147, 2019.
178.   SILVA, JEFFERSON O. ; WIESE, IGOR ; GERMAN, DANIEL M. ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH ; GEROSA, MARCO A. ; STEINMACHER, IGOR. Google Summer of Code: Student Motivations and Contributions. JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE. v. 162, p. 110487, 2019. Qualis: A2 (THE JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE)
179.   SILVA, V. F. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; REIS, W. A. S.. An Exact Algorithm to Make a Trade-Off between Cost and Probability in SSPs. Em: International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS), v. 29, p. 146-154, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS))
180.   SOARES BORGES, ALINE DE FATIMA ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. A Virtual Makeup Augmented Reality System. Em: 2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR), p. 34, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 21st Symposium on Virtual and Augmented Reality (SVR))
182.   Stern, Julio Michael. The New Logic of Willard Van Orman Quine and its Significance for the Success of Logic in Brazil. LOGIC AND LOGICAL PHILOSOPHY. v. 28, p. 1-789-793, 2019. Qualis: B1
183.   SUPREM, ABHIJIT ; LIMA, RODRIGO ALVES ; PADILHA, BRUNO ; Ferreira, Joao Eduardo ; Pu, Calton. Robust, Extensible, and Fast: Teamed Classifiers for Vehicle Tracking in Multi-Camera Networks. Em: 2019 IEEE First International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI), p. 23, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE First International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI))
184.   TAKADA, HELLINTON H. ; AZEVEDO, SYLVIO X. ; STERN, JULIO M. ; RIBEIRO, CELMA O.. Using Entropy to Forecast Bitcoin?s Daily Conditional Value at Risk. Proceedings. v. 33, p. 7-7, 2019. Qualis: C
185.   TININI, R. I. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; FIGUEIREDO, G. B. ; TORNATORE, M. ; MUKHERJEE, B.. Energy-Efficient BaseBand Processing via vBBU Migration in Virtualized Cloud-Fog RAN. Em: IEEE Global Communications Conference 2019 (IEEE GLOBECOM 2019), p. 1-6, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (IEEE Global Communications Conference 2019 (IEEE GLOBECOM 2019))
186.   TININI, R. I. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; FIGUEIREDO, GUSTAVO BITTENCOURT ; TORNATORE, M. ; MUKHERJEE, B.. Low-Latency and Energy-Efficient BBU Placement and VPON Formation in Virtualized Cloud-Fog RAN. Journal of Optical Communications and Networking. v. 11, p. B37-B48, 2019. Qualis: A1
187.   TININI, RODRIGO IZIDORO ; FIGUEIREDO, GUSTAVO BITTENCOURT ; BATISTA, DANIEL MACEDO. A Batch Scheduling Algorithm for VPON Reconfiguration and BBU Migration in Hybrid Cloud-Fog RAN. Em: 2019 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), p. 1-8, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA))
188.   TOKUDA, E. ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M. ; SILVA, C.. Quantifying the presence of graffiti in urban environments. Em: The 6th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing, 2019.Qualis: Não identificado (The 6th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing)
189.   Tonin, Graziela Simone (Org.) ; Estácio, Bernardo (Org.) ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO (Org.) ; GUERRA, EDUARDO (Org.). Communications in Computer and Information Science. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing, 2019. p. XIII, 103.
190.   TUESTA, ESTEBAN F. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, LUCIANO A. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; MARTINS, N. F. A.. Análise da participação das mulheres na ciência: um estudo de caso da área de Ciências Exatas e da Terra no Brasil. EM QUESTÃO. v. 25, p. 37, 2019. Qualis: A3
191.   VARGAS-MUNOZ, J. E. ; CHOWDHURY, ANANDA SHANKAR ; ALEXANDRE, EDUARDO BARRETO ; GALVAO, F. L. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V. ; Falcão, Alexandre X.. An Iterative Spanning Forest Framework for Superpixel Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. v. 28, p. 3477-3489, 2019. Qualis: A1
192.   VIANA, DAVI ; DE OLIVEIRA ROSA, THATIANE ; SILVA, FRANCISCO ; DURANS, PABLO ; ARAGÃO, ALEXANDRE ; Kon, Fabio ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Software Engineering Practices in the development of applications for Smart Cities. Em: the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium, p. 150, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium)
193.   VIANA, DAVI ; DE OLIVEIRA ROSA, THATIANE ; SILVA, FRANCISCO ; DURANS, PABLO ; ARAGÃO, ALEXANDRE ; Kon, Fabio ; Goldman, Alfredo. Software Engineering Practices in the development of applications for Smart Cities. Em: the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium, 2019, Salvador. Proceedings of the XXXIII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering - SBES 2019, p. 150, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (THE XXXIII BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM, 2019, SALVADOR. PROCEEDINGS OF THE XXXIII BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING - SBES 2019)
194.   VIEIRA DE FARIA, FRANCISCO H.O. ; GUSMÃO, ARTHUR COLOMBINI ; DE BONA, GLAUBER ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI ; COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI. Speeding up parameter and rule learning for acyclic probabilistic logic programs. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING. v. 106, p. 32-50, 2019. Qualis: A1
195.   WESSEL, MAIRIELI ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; WIESE, IGOR ; GEROSA, MARCO A.. Should I Stale or Should I Close? An Analysis of a Bot That Closes Abandoned Issues and Pull Requests. Em: 2019 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering (BotSE), p. 38, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 IEEE/ACM 1st International Workshop on Bots in Software Engineering (BotSE))
196.   WIESE, IGOR SCALIANTE ; KURODA, RODRIGO TAKASHI ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; OLIVA, GUSTAVO ANSALDI ; RÉ, REGINALDO ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH ; GEROSA, MARCO AURELIO. Pieces of contextual information suitable for predicting co-changes? An empirical study. SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL. v. 1, p. 1-23, 2019. Qualis: A3
197.   XAVIER CEJNOG, LUCIANO WALENTY ; MARCONDES CESAR, ROBERTO ; DE CAMPOS, TEOFILO E. ; MEIRELLES CARRIL ELUI, VALERIA. Hand range of motion evaluation for Rheumatoid Arthritis patients. Em: 2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2019), p. 1, 2019. Qualis: Não identificado (2019 14th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2019))
198.   YANCY-CABALLERO, DAISON ; LING, LIU Y. ; Fujita, André ; FERREIRA, JOÃO E. ; DRIEMEIER, CARLOS. Intraparticle Connectivity in Sugarcane Bagasse Unveiled by Pore Network Modeling. BioEnergy Research. v. 12, p. 546-557, 2019. Qualis: A1


1.   ALLEN, PETER ; Böttcher, Julia ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Roberts, Barnaby. Triangle-Free Subgraphs of Random Graphs. COMBINATORICS PROBABILITY & COMPUTING. v. 27, p. 141-161, 2018. Qualis: A2 (COMBINATORICS, PROBABILITY & COMPUTING)
2.   ALVES, PEDRO YURI A. L. ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia ; DA SILVA FREIRE, ALEXANDRE ; DA SILVA, VALDINEI FREIRE. System to Solve the Inventory Routing Problem with Stochastic Demand and Time Window. Em: the XIV Brazilian Symposium, p. 1-8, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (the XIV Brazilian Symposium)
3.   ALVES, PEDRO YURI A. L. ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia ; DA SILVA, VALDINEI FREIRE. Inventory Routing Problem with Time Windows. Em: the XIV Brazilian Symposium, p. 1-8, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (the XIV Brazilian Symposium)
4.   ALVES, WONDER A. L. ; Gobber, Charles F. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F.. Plant Bounding Box Detection from Desirable Residues of the Ultimate Levelings. Em: Campilho A., Karray F., ter Haar Romeny B.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 10882, p. 474-481.
5.   ALVEZ, W. A. L. ; GOBBER, C. ; HASHIMOTO, R. F.. Plant Bounding Box Detection from Desirable Residues of the Ultimate Levelings. Em: 15th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - ICIAR 2018, v. 10882, p. 474-481, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (15th International Conference on Image Analysis and Recognition - ICIAR 2018)
6.   ANICHE, MAURÍCIO ; TREUDE, CHRISTOPH ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; WIESE, IGOR ; PINTO, GUSTAVO ; STOREY, MARGARET-ANNE ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio. How modern news aggregators help development communities shape and share knowledge. Em: the 40th International Conference, p. 499, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (the 40th International Conference)
7.   ATASHPAZ-GARGARI, ESMAEIL ; Reis, Marcelo S. ; BRAGA-NETO, ULISSES M. ; BARRERA, JUNIOR ; DOUGHERTY, EDWARD R.. A fast Branch-and-Bound algorithm for U-curve feature selection. PATTERN RECOGNITION. v. 73, p. 172-188, 2018. Qualis: A1
8.   AUGUSTO DIAS FARIA, RODRIGO ; Hirata Jr., Roberto. Combined Correlation Rules to Detect Skin based on Dynamic Color Clustering. Em: International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications, p. 309-316, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications)
9.   BALALI, SOGOL ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; ANNAMALAI, UMAYAL ; SARMA, ANITA ; GEROSA, MARCO AURELIO. Newcomers? Barriers. . . Is That All? An Analysis of Mentors? and Newcomers? Barriers in OSS Projects. Computer Supported Cooperative Work-The Journal of Collaborative Computing. v. 1, p. 1, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (. . IS THAT ALL? AN ANALYSIS OF MENTORS? AND NEWCOMERS? BARRIERS IN OSS PROJECTS. COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK-THE JOURNAL OF COLLABORATIVE COMPUTING)
11.   BEHLING, ROGER ; Haeser, Gabriel ; Ramos, Alberto ; VIANA, Daiana S.. On a Conjecture in Second-Order Optimality Conditions. JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. v. 176, p. 625-633, 2018. Qualis: A3
12.   BEJAR, H. H. C. ; MANSILLA, LUCY A. C. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. Efficient Unsupervised Image Segmentation by Optimum Cuts in Graphs. Em: 23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP), 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (23rd Iberoamerican Congress on Pattern Recognition (CIARP))
13.   BERTHOLDO, A. P. ; MELO, C. ; ROZESTRATEN, A.S. ; GEROSA, M.A.. Relations between actions performed by users and their engagement. Em: International Conference on Collaboration and Technology (CRIWG 2018), 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Collaboration and Technology (CRIWG 2018))
14.   BERTHOLDO, A. P. ; MELO, C. ; ROZESTRATEN, A.S. ; GEROSA, M.A. ; O'BRIAN, H.. User engagement in an open collaboration community after the insertion of a game design element: an online field experiment. Em: 24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018), 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (24th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2018))
15.   BIASOTO, L. P. ; REIS, E. R. ; Sichman, J.S.. Using agent-based artificial financial market to analyse market manipulation. Em: 12th Workshop-School on Agents, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (12th Workshop-School on Agents)
16.   BIRGIN, E. G. ; HAESER, G. ; RAMOS, A.. Augmented Lagrangians with constrained subproblems and convergence to second-order stationary points. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 69, p. 51-75, 2018. Qualis: A4
17.   Birgin, E. G.; BOFILL, W. G. ; Haeser, G. ; MITO, L. M. ; VIANA, D. S.. Augmented Lagrangian for nonlinear SDPs applied to the covering problem. Em: XII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Book of abstracts of the XII Brazopt, 2018.
18.   Birgin, E. G.; BOFILL, W. G. ; Haeser, G. ; MITO, L. M. ; VIANA, D. S.. Augmented Lagrangian for nonlinear SDPs applied to the covering problem. Em: 23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 2018, Bordeaux. Book of abstracts of the ISMP 2018, 2018.
19.   Birgin, E. G.; GARDENGHI, J. L. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M. ; SANTOS, S. A.. On the use of third-order derivatives in regularization methods. Em: XII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Book of abstracts of the XII Brazopt, 2018.
20.   Birgin, E. G.; KREJI', N. ; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On the employment of inexact restoration for the minimization of functions whose evaluation is subject to errors. MATHEMATICS OF COMPUTATION (ONLINE). v. 87, p. 1307-1326, 2018. Qualis: A1
21.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On Regularization and Active-set Methods with Complexity for Constrained Optimization. SIAM JOURNAL ON OPTIMIZATION. v. 28, p. 1367-1395, 2018. Qualis: A1
22.   Birgin, E. G.; MARTÍNEZ, J. M.. On regularization and active-set methods with complexity for constrained optimization. Em: XII Brazilian Workshop on Continuous Optimization, 2018, Foz do Iguaçu, PR. Book of abstracts of the XII Brazopt, 2018.
23.   BITTENCOURT, LUIZ F. ; Goldman, Alfredo ; MADEIRA, EDMUNDO R.M. ; DA FONSECA, NELSON L.S. ; SAKELLARIOU, RIZOS. Scheduling in distributed systems: A cloud computing perspective. Computer Science Review. v. 30, p. 31-54, 2018. Qualis: A1
24.   BORGES, IGOR OLIVEIRA ; FREIRE, VALDINEI ; Delgado, Karina Valdivia. Analysis of the Risk Sensitive Value Iteration Algorithm. Em: XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional, p. 365-10, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional)
25.   BORGES, R. ; Queiroz, M. Evolution of timbre diversity in a dataset of brazilian popular music: 1950-2000. Em: International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, p. 1-4, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology)
26.   BORGES, RODRIGO ; Queiroz, Marcelo. Automatic Music Recommendation Based on Acoustic Content and Implicit Listening Feedback. MÚSICA HODIE. v. 18, p. 31, 2018. Qualis: A1
27.   BORSATO, FRANK HELBERT ; MORIMOTO, CARLOS HITOSHI. Asynchronous Stroboscopic Structured Lighting Image Processing Using Low-Cost Cameras. Em: 2018 31st SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, p. 321, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (2018 31st SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics)
28.   BOTLER, F. ; MOTA, G. O. ; OSHIRO, M. T. I. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. Decomposing highly connected graphs into paths of length five. DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 245, p. 128-138, 2018. Qualis: A2
29.   Boufedji, Dounia ; GUESSOUM, ZAHIA ; Brandão, Anarosa ; Ziadi, Tewfik ; Mokhtari, Aicha. Towards a MAS Product Line Engineering Approach. Em: El Fallah-Seghrouchni A.; Ricci A.; Son T.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 10738, p. 161-179.
30.   BRAGHETTO, K. R.; ROCHA, E. S. ; RIBAS, C. E. ; SANTOS, C. R. N. ; RABACA, S. S. ; OLAZAR, M. R.. Uma Plataforma Computacional para a Construção de Bancos de Dados para Experimentos de Neurociência. Em: 12º Brazilian e-Science Workshop (BreSci 2018), 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (12º Brazilian e-Science Workshop (BreSci 2018))
31.   BRANDÃO, LEÔNIDAS ; FELIX, IGOR ; Brandão, Anarosa ; PEREIRA, PATRICIA. Ensinando com jogos ou jogando com o ensino: a visão da comunidade brasileira de Informática na Educação sobre jogos no ensino de matemática. Em: XXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education), v. 1, p. 735-744, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (XXIX Simpósio Brasileiro de Informática na Educação (Brazilian Symposium on Computers in Education))
32.   CAETANO, A. ; LEITE, L. ; MEIRELLES, Paulo ; NERI, H. R. ; KON, F. ; TRAVASSOS, G. H.. Using PageRank to Reveal Relevant Issues to Support Decision-Making on Open Source Projects. Em: IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems, v. 525, p. 102-113, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (IFIP International Conference on Open Source Systems)
33.   Caetano, Alessandro ; Leite, Leonardo ; Meirelles, Paulo ; Neri, Hilmer ; KON, FABIO ; Travassos, Guilherme Horta. Using PageRank to Reveal Relevant Issues to Support Decision-Making on Open Source Projects. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 1ed. Em: Ioannis Stamelos, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahoña, Iraklis Varlami, Dimosthenis Anagnostopoulos. (Org.). IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 525, p. 102-113.
35.   CAMPIOLO, R. ; SANTOS, L. A. F. ; MONTEVERDE, W. A. ; BATISTA, D. M.. Uma Arquitetura para Detecção de Ameaças Cibernéticas Baseada na Análise de Grandes Volumes de Dados. Em: I Workshop de Segurança Cibernética em Dispositivos Conectados (WSCDC), 2018. Workshops do Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (I WORKSHOP DE SEGURANÇA CIBERNÉTICA EM DISPOSITIVOS CONECTADOS , 2018. WORKSHOPS DO SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE REDES DE COMPUTADORES E SISTEMAS DISTRIBUÍDOS)
36.   CARNEIRO-PROIETTI, ANNA B. F. ; KELLY, SHANNON ; MIRANDA TEIXEIRA, CAROLINA ; Sabino, Ester C. ; ALENCAR, CECILIA S. ; Capuani, Ligia ; SALOMON SILVA, TASSILA P. ; ARAUJO, ADERSON ; LOUREIRO, PAULA ; MÁXIMO, CLÁUDIA ; LOBO, CLARISSE ; FLOR-PARK, MIRIAM V. ; RODRIGUES, DANIELA O. W. ; MOTA, ROSIMERE A. ; Gonçalez, Thelma T. ; HOPPE, CAROLYN ; Ferreira, João E. ; OZAHATA, MINA ; PAGE, GRIER P. ; GUO, YUELONG. Clinical and genetic ancestry profile of a large multi-centre sickle cell disease cohort in Brazil. BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY. v. 1, p. bjh.15462, 2018. Qualis: A2
37.   CARVALHO, MARCELO H. ; Lucchesi, Cláudio L. ; MURTY, U. S. R.. On tight cuts in matching covered graphs. JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS. v. 9, p. 163-184, 2018. Qualis: B3
38.   CARVALHO, V. R. ; Jaime Sichman. Solving real-world engineering optimization problems with an election- based hyper-heuristic. Em: International Workshop on Optimization in Multiagent Systems (OptMAS 2018), 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (International Workshop on Optimization in Multiagent Systems (OptMAS 2018))
39.   CARVALHO, V. R. ; Sichman, J.S.. Multi-agent election-based hyper-heuristics. Em: 27th. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (IJCAI 2018), 2018, Estocolmo. Proceedings of the 27th. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (IJCAI 2018), p. 5779-5780, 2018.
40.   CASALS, ARTHUR ; BELBACHIR, A. ; Seghrouchni, A.E.F ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco. Gestion d'intentions multiples pour agents ambiants coopèratifs (présentation courte). Em: journées francophones sur les systèmes multi-agents, v. 1, p. 127-136, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (journées francophones sur les systèmes multi-agents)
41.   CASALS, ARTHUR ; Belbachir, Assia ; Seghrouchni, Amal El-Fallah ; Brandão, Anarosa Alves Franco. Fostering Agent Cooperation in AmI: A Context-Aware Mechanism for Dealing with Multiple Intentions. Em: Del Ser, J.; Osaba Icedo, E.; Bilbao Maron, M.N.; Sanchez-Medina, J.J.; Vecchio, M.; Yang, X.-S.. (Org.). Studies in Computational Intelligence. 1ed.Chennai. : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 798, p. 225-234.
42.   CASALS, ARTHUR ; El Fallah-Seghrouchni, Amal ; Brandão, Anarosa A. F.. Augmented Agents: Contextual Perception and Planning for BDI Architectures. Em: El Fallah-Seghrouchni A.; Ricci A.; Son T.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 10738, p. 38-55.
43.   CASALS, ARTHUR ; FERMÉ, EDUARDO ; Brandão, Anarosa A. F.. Domain-specific Trust for Context-aware BDI Agents - Preliminary Work. Em: 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, 2018, Funchal. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Setubal: Scitepress, v. 1, p. 244-249, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 2018, FUNCHAL. PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGENTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. SETUBAL: SCITEPRESS)
44.   Casare, Sara ; Ziadi, Tewfik ; Brandão, Anarosa A. F. ; GUESSOUM, ZAHIA. An Automated Approach to Manage MAS-Product Line Methods. Em: El Fallah-Seghrouchni A.; Ricci A.; Son T.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 10738, p. 180-197.
45.   CATANEO SILVEIRA, IGOR ; DERATANI MAUA, DENIS. Advances in Automatically Solving the ENEM. Em: 2018 7th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), p. 43, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (2018 7th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS))
46.   CEJNOG, L. ; Cesar Jr, Roberto M. ; CAMPOS, T. E. ; ELUI, V.. Hand pose estimation for injured hands. Em: Workshop Works in Progress - Sibgrapi 2018, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (Workshop Works in Progress - Sibgrapi 2018)
47.   CHAVES, ANA PAULA ; GEROSA, MARCO AURELIO. Single or Multiple Conversational Agents?. Em: the 2018 CHI Conference, p. 1, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (the 2018 CHI Conference)
48.   CIESIELSKI, KRZYSZTOF CHRIS ; Falcão, Alexandre Xavier ; Miranda, Paulo A. V.. Path-Value Functions for Which Dijkstra?s Algorithm Returns Optimal Mapping. JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICAL IMAGING AND VISION. v. 60, p. 1025-1036, 2018. Qualis: A1
49.   CONCEICAO, A. F. ; CORREA DA SILVA, F. S. ; ROCHA, V. ; LOCORO, A. ; BARGUIL, J. M. M.. Eletronic Health Records using Blockchain Technology. Em: Anais do I Workshop em Blockchain: Teoria, v. 1, p. 1, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (Anais do I Workshop em Blockchain: Teoria)
50.   CONDORI FERNANDEZ, MILTON ; NUNES DE BARROS, LELIANE ; VALDIVIA DELGADO, KARINA. Occupation Measure Heuristics to Solve Stochastic Shortest Path with Dead Ends. Em: 2018 7th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS), v. 1, p. 522-10, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (2018 7th Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems (BRACIS))
51.   COSTA, JOENIO ; Meirelles, Paulo ; CHAVEZ, CHRISTINA. On the sustainability of academic software. Em: the XXXII Brazilian Symposium, p. 202-207, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (the XXXII Brazilian Symposium)
52.   COUTO, YAN ; CAMARINHA, DIEGO ; BATISTA, DANIEL. nsQUIC: Uma Extensão para Simulação do Protocolo QUIC no NS-3. Em: XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos)
53.   COZMAN, FABIO G. ; Mauá, Denis D.. The complexity of Bayesian networks specified by propositional and relational languages. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. v. 262, p. 96-141, 2018. Qualis: A1
54.   COZMAN, FABIO GAGLIARDI ; MAUÁ, DENIS DERATANI. The Finite Model Theory of Bayesian Networks: Descriptive Complexity. Em: TwentySeventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI18}, p. 5229-5233, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (TwentySeventh International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence {IJCAI18})
55.   Cukier, Daniel ; Kon, Fabio. A maturity model for software startup ecosystems. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. v. 7, p. 1, 2018. Qualis: C
56.   DE ARAUJO, RAFAEL WILL M. ; Hirata, R. ; RAKOTOMAMONJY, ALAIN. Concave Losses for Robust Dictionary Learning. Em: ICASSP 2018 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, p. 2176, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (ICASSP 2018 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics)
57.   DE CAMARGO MAGANO, FERNANDA ; ROSA BRAGHETTO, KELLY. Abstracting Big Data Processing Tools for Smart Cities. Em: 2018 IEEE 37th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops (SRDSW), p. 14-17, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (2018 IEEE 37th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops (SRDSW))
58.   DE CARVALHO JUNIOR, ANTONIO DEUSANY ; HARIKI, VICTOR SEIJI ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO. Sensing Trees in Smart Cities with Open-Design Hardware. Em: 2018 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2018, Cambridge. 2018 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), p. 1, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (2018 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORK COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS , 2018, CAMBRIDGE. 2018 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORK COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS)
59.   DE CASTRO, PAULO ANDRÉ LIMA ; JUNIOR, RONALD ANNONI ; Sichman, Jaime Simão. Análise Autônoma de Investimento: Uma Abordagem Multiagente Discreta. REVISTA DE INFORMÁTICA TEÓRICA E APLICADA: RITA. v. 25, p. 23, 2018. Qualis: C
60.   DE OLIVEIRA BRANDAO, LEONIDAS; FELIX, IGOR MOREIRA ; PEREIRA, PATRICIA ALVES ; BRANDAO, ANAROSA ALVES FRANCO. Evolving Technology to Better Support Teaching Introductory Programming Inside Moodle. Em: XIII Conferência Latino-americana de Tecnologias de Aprendizagem - LACLO 2018, v. 1, p. 436, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (XIII Conferência Latino-americana de Tecnologias de Aprendizagem - LACLO 2018)
61.   DE SOUZA, HIGOR A. ; MUTTI, DANILO ; CHAIM, MARCOS L. ; Kon, Fabio. Contextualizing spectrum-based fault localization. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY. v. 94, p. 245-261, 2018. Qualis: A1
62.   DELLAMONICA, DOMINGOS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; LEE, SANG JUNE ; RÖDL, VOJTě ; SAMOTIJ, WOJCIECH. The number of Bh-sets of a given cardinality. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 116, p. 629-669, 2018. Qualis: A1
64.   DESIDERA, L. ; CAMARGO, C. A. ; SOLLIS, P. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; DOIN, J. ; FERREIRA, A. G.. Cyber Security, Safety and Privacy. 2018. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
65.   DIGIAMPIETRI, LUCIANO ANTONIO ; Ferreira, João Eduardo. Desambiguação de nomes de autores para a identificação automática de perfis acadêmicos. EM QUESTÃO. v. 24, p. 37, 2018. Qualis: A3
66.   DOS SANTOS, RODRIGO MAGALHÃES ; Gerosa, Marco Aurélio. Impacts of coding practices on readability. Em: the 26th Conference, p. 277, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (the 26th Conference)
67.   ELMADJIAN, CARLOS ; SHUKLA, PUSHKAR ; TULA, ANTONIO DIAZ ; Morimoto, Carlos H.. 3D gaze estimation in the scene volume with a head-mounted eye tracker. Em: the Workshop, p. 1, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (the Workshop)
68.   ESTEVES, L. G. ; IZBICKI, R. ; STERN, R. B. ; Stern, Julio Michael. Pragmatic hypotheses in the evolution of science. Ithaca: arXiv. 2018. Technical Report
69.   FERMÉ, EDUARDO ; Wassermann, Renata. On the logic of theory change: iteration of expansion. JOURNAL OF THE BRAZILIAN COMPUTER SOCIETY (IMPRESSO). v. 24, p. 8, 2018. Qualis: B1
70.   FERNANDES, C. G.; Schmidt, Tina Janne ; Taraz, Anusch. On minimum bisection and related cut problems in trees and tree-like graphs. JOURNAL OF GRAPH THEORY. v. 89, p. 214-245, 2018. Qualis: A2
71.   Fernandes, Cristina G.; de Paula, Samuel P. ; Pedrosa, Lehilton L. C.. Improved Approximation Algorithms for Capacitated Fault-Tolerant k-Center. ALGORITHMICA. v. 80, p. 1041-1072, 2018. Qualis: A3
72.   FERREIRA, C. E.; FRANCO, A. J. P.. A min-max relation in flowgraphs and some applications. DISCRETE APPLIED MATHEMATICS. v. 245, p. 65-76, 2018. Qualis: A2
73.   FERREIRA, CLARICE ; SOUZA, CLEICE ; PINTO, GUSTAVO ; STEINMACHER, IGOR ; Meirelles, Paulo. When students become contributors. Em: the XXXII Brazilian Symposium, p. 260-269, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (the XXXII Brazilian Symposium)
74.   Ferreira, Joao Eduardo; ANTONIO VISINTIN, JOSE ; OKAMOTO, JUN ; CESAR BERNARDES, MAURO ; PATERLINI, ADRIANO ; ROQUE, ALEXANDER CSOKA ; RAMALHO MIGUEL, MOISES. Integrating the University of São Paulo Security Mobile App to the Electronic Monitoring System. Em: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), p. 1377, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (2018 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data))
75.   Ferreira, João Eduardo; Spanoudakis, George (Org.) ; Ma, Yutao (Org.) ; Zhang, Liang-Jie (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1 ed. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2018. v. 10969, p. 192.
76.   FERREIRA, M. S. ; MENEZES, M. V. ; BARROS, L. N.. Plan Existence Verification as Symbolic Model Checking. Em: XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), v. 1, p. 116-127, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC))
77.   FIGUEIREDO, N. ; FELIX, F. ; MEDEIROS, C. B. ; Queiroz, M. A comparative study on filtering and classification of bird songs. Em: Sound and Music Computing Conference, p. 365-372, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (Sound and Music Computing Conference)
78.   Finger, M.; De Bona, Glauber ; THIMM, M. ; POTYKA, N.. Inconsistency Measurement in Probabilistic Logic. Em: John Grant; Maria Vanina Martinez. (Org.). Measuring Inconsistency in Information. Studies in Logic Volume 73. 1ed. : College Publicatioins. 2018.p. 235-269.
79.   Finger, Marcelo. Quantitative Logic Reasoning. Trends in Logic. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2018.p. 241-271.
80.   Finger, Marcelo. Não Vai Set Tão Fácil. Exame CEO (Inteligência Artificial), São Paulo, p. 16-19, 01 maio 2018.
81.   Finger, Marcelo; PRETO, S.. Probably Half True: Probabilistic Satisfiability over Łukasiewicz Infinitely-Valued Logic. Em: International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning IJCAR 2018, v. 10900, p. 194-210, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning IJCAR 2018)
82.   Finger, Marcelo; Preto, Sandro. Probably Half True: Probabilistic Satisfiability over ¿ukasiewicz Infinitely-Valued Logic. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2018.p. 194-210.
83.   Andrés, Igansi ; BARROS, L. N. ; MAUÁ, DENIS ; Simões, Thiago Dias. When a Robot Reaches out for Human Help. Em: 16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA), p. 277-289, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (16th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IBERAMIA))
84.   FREIRE SCATTONE, FERNANDO ; ROSA BRAGHETTO, KELLY. A Microservices Architecture for Distributed Complex Event Processing in Smart Cities. Em: 2018 IEEE 37th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops (SRDSW), p. 6-9, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (2018 IEEE 37th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems Workshops (SRDSW))
85.   FREITAS, ANDERSON M. ; DE MIRANDA, PAULO A.V.. New Shape Descriptors based on Tensor Scale with Global Features. Em: Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 31st Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2018, Foz do Iguaçu. Workshop of Theses and Dissertations (WTD), 31st Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2018.
86.   FREITAS, E. M. ; DELGADO, K. V. ; SILVA, V. F.. Planejamento Probabilístico Sensível a Risco com ILAO* e Função Utilidade Exponencia. Em: XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC), p. 20-30, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (XV Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC))
87.   GARCIA, V. ; NOGUEIRA, A. ; BATISTA, D. M. ; GAMA, K. ; BATISTA, T. V.. Smart Cities: Tendências & Desafios. 2018. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra
88.   Gobber, Charles ; ALVES, WONDER A. L. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO F.. Ultimate Leveling Based on Mumford-Shah Energy Functional Applied to Plant Detection. Em: Mendoza M., Velastín S.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 10657, p. 220-228.
89.   GORODSCY, F. ; MOURA, S. L. ; Queiroz, M. Audio-to-MIDI Similarity for Music Retrieval. Em: International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, p. 29-33, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology)
90.   GUIMARAES, R. F. ; SATTLER, U. ; WASSERMANN, R.. Ontology Stratification Methods: A Comparative Study. Em: International Workshop on Ontology Modularity, p. 1, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (International Workshop on Ontology Modularity)
91.   GUZMAN, G. E. C. ; VIDAL, M. C. ; SATO, J. R. ; FUJITA, A. Identification of alterations associated with age in the clustering structure of functional brain networks. PLoS One. v. 13, p. e0195906, 2018. Qualis: A1
92.   GÓMEZ, R. ; WAKABAYASHI, Y.. Covering a Graph with Nontrivial Vertex-Disjoint Paths: Existence and Optimization. Em: Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science - 44th International Workshop, v. 11159, p. 228-238, 2018.Qualis: Não identificado (Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science - 44th International Workshop)
93.   H. L. BUZATO, FERNANDO ; GOLDMAN, ALFREDO ; BATISTA, DANIEL. Efficient Resources Utilization by Different Microservices Deployment Models. Em: 2018 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), 2018, Cambridge. 2018 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), p. 1-4, 2018. Qualis: Não identificado (2018 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORK COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS , 2018, CAMBRIDGE. 2018 IEEE 17TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NETWORK COMPUTING AND APPLICATIONS)
94.   HAESER, G. Some theoretical limitations of second-order algorithms for smooth constrained optimization. OPERATIONS RESEARCH LETTERS. v. 46, p. 295-299, 2018. Qualis: B1
95.   HAESER, G. A second-order optimality condition with first- and second-order complementarity associated with global convergence of algorithms. COMPUTATIONAL OPTIMIZATION AND APPLICATIONS. v. 70, p. 615-639, 2018. Qualis: A4

(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 2000 até 2024
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