1. | Alexandrino, Marcos M. Generalizations of Isoparametrics Foliations. Matemática Contemporânea. v. 28, p. 29-49, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (MATEMÁTICA CONTEMPORÂNEA) |
2. | ALVARES, E. R. ; COELHO, F. U.. On translation quivers with weak sections. Fields Institute Communications, (ICRA X, Toronto 2002). v. 45, p. 1-8, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (FIELDS INSTITUTE COMMUNICATIONS,) |
3. | Aragona, J. ; Fernandez, R. ; JURIAANS, S. O.. A Discontinuous Colombeau Differential Calculus. Monatshefte fur Mathematik (Print). v. 144, p. 13-29, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
4. | ARNDT, P. ; FREIRE, R. A. ; LUCIANO, O. O. ; MARIANO, H. L.. Fibring and sheaves. CLE e-Prints (Online). v. 5, p. 1-20, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
5. | ASSEM, I. ; COELHO, F. U. ; LANZILOTTA, M. A. ; SMITH, D. ; TREPODE, S. E.. Algebras determined by their left and right parts. Contemporary Mathematics. American Mathematical Society, (Algebraic Str. and Repres.). v. 376, p. 13-47, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (AND REPRES.)) |
6. | BENEVIERI, P. Periodic solutions for nonlinear systems with mean curvature-like operators. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
7. | BENEVIERI, P. Periodic solutions for nonlinear systems with mean curvature-like operators. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
8. | BENEVIERI, P. Periodic solutions for nonlinear systems with mean curvature-like operators. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Comunicação |
9. | BENEVIERI, P.; CALAMAI, A. ; FURI, M.. A degree theory for a class of perturbed Fredholm maps. Fixed Point Theory and Applications. v. 2, p. 185-206, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (FIXED POINT THEORY AND APPLICATIONS) |
10. | BENEVIERI, P.; FURI, M. ; MARTELLI, M. ; PERA, M.P.. Atypical bifurcation without compactness. Zeitschrift für Analysis und Ihre Anwendungen. v. 24, p. 137-147, 2005.Qualis: A4 (ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ANALYSIS UND IHRE ANWENDUNGEN) |
11. | Bissacot, Rodrigo. Álgebras de von Neumann, Esperança Condicional e a Entropia de Connes-Stormer. 2005. Dissertação de Mestrado |
12. | BONNOT, S. P. P. Modèle topologique pour des applications de Hénon complexes. Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. v. 340, p. 291-294, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (MATHÉMATIQUE) |
13. | BOTELHO, F. C. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; ZIVIANI, N.. A Practical Minimal Perfect Hashing Method. Em: Experimental and Efficient Algorithms: 4th International Workshop (WEA 2005), v. 3503, p. 488-500, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (Experimental and Efficient Algorithms: 4th International Workshop (WEA 2005)) |
14. | DOKUCHAEV, M. ; KIRICHENKO, V. ; POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.. Engel subgroups of triangular matrices over local rings. Journal of Algebra. v. 290, p. 433-446, 2005.Qualis: A3 |
15. | DOLD, A. ; GONÇALVES, D. L.. Self-coincidence of fibre maps. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. v. 42, p. 291-307, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
16. | DONADELLI, J. ; HAXELL, P. E. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y.. A note on the size-Ramsey number of long subdivisions of graphs. RAIRO. Informatique Théorique et Applications. v. 39, n. 1, p. 191-206, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (INFORMATIQUE THÉORIQUE ET APPLICATIONS) |
17. | DOOMS, A ; JESPERS, E ; JURIAANS, S. On group identities for the unit group of algebras and semigroup algebras over an infinite field. Journal of Algebra (Print), USA. v. 284, n. 1, p. 273-283, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA , USA) |
18. | FAJARDO, R. A.; FINGER, M.. How Not to Combine Modal Logics. Em: Bhanu Prasad. (Org.). Proceedings of the 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1ed.Pune. : IICAI. 2005.v. 1, p. 1629-1647. |
19. | FERENCZI, V. Topological 0-1 laws for subspaces of a Banach space with a Schauder basis. Illinois Journal of Mathematics. v. 49, p. 839-856, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
20. | FERENCZI, V; ROSENDAL, C. Ergodic Banach spaces. Advances in Mathematics (New York. 1965). v. 195, p. 259-282, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (1965)) |
21. | FERENCZI, V; ROSENDAL, C.. On the number of non-isomorphic subspaces of a Banach space. Studia Mathematica. v. 168, p. 203-216, 2005. Qualis: A4 |
22. | FERNÁNDEZ, J. C. G.; SUAZO, Avelino. Commutative Power-Associative Nilalgebras of Nilindex 5. Resultate der Mathematik, Alemanha. v. 47, p. 296-304, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (RESULTATE DER MATHEMATIK, ALEMANHA) |
23. | FERNÁNDEZ, J. C. G.; SUAZO, Avelino ; ELGUETA, Luisa. Nilpotence of a class of commutative power-associative nilalgebras. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, holanda. v. 291, p. 492-504, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, HOLANDA) |
24. | FERRARA, M. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; RÖDL, V.. Distance graphs on the integers. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing, Cambridge. v. 14, n. 1-2, p. 107-131, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (COMBINATORICS, PROBABILITY & COMPUTING, CAMBRIDGE) |
25. | FERREIRA, V. O.; GONÇALVES, J. Z. ; MANDEL, Arnaldo. Free symmetric and unitary pairs in division rings with involutions. International Journal of Algebra and Computation, USA. v. 15, n. 1, p. 15-36, 2005. Qualis: A4 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA AND COMPUTATION) |
26. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Realizations of affine Lie algebras. Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Lugansk, Ucrânia. v. 1, p. 30-46, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ALGEBRA AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS, LUGANSK, UCRÂNIA) |
27. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Representations of affine Lie superalgebras. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
28. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Galois álgebras. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
29. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Yangians and their representations. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
30. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Representations of affine Lie superalgebras. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
31. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Yangians and Harish-Chandra categories. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
32. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Resenhas, IME-USP. 2005. Editoração/Periódico |
33. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav; GRISHKOV, A. ; MELVILLE, D.. Verma-Type Modules for Quantum Affine Lie Algebras. ALGEBRAS AND REPRESENTATION THEORY. v. 8, p. 99-125, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
34. | Futorny, Vyacheslav; Molev, Alexander ; Ovsienko, Serge. Harish-Chandra modules for Yangians. Representation Theory. v. 009, p. 426-455, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (REPRESENTATION THEORY) |
35. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav; OVSIENKO, S.. Kostant's Theorem for Special Filtered Algebras. BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, Lancaster. v. 37, p. 187-199, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (BULLETIN OF THE LONDON MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, LANCASTER) |
36. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav; OVSIENKO, S.. Harish-Chandra categories. Em: Latin-American Colloquium in Algebra, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (Latin-American Colloquium in Algebra) |
37. | GALEGO, E. M. A remark on non-separable solutions to the Schroeder-Bernstein problem for Banach spaces. Results in Mathematics, Basel. v. 47, n. 1-2, p. 55-60, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (RESULTS IN MATHEMATICS, BASEL) |
38. | GALEGO, E. M. On extensions of Pe\l czy\'nski's decomposition method in Banach spaces. Archiv der Mathematik (Basel), Basel. v. 85, n. 5, p. 433-439, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK , BASEL) |
39. | GALEGO, E. M. An arithmetical characterization of decomposition methods in Banach spaces via supplemented subspaces. Glasgow Mathematical Journal. v. 47, n. 3, p. 489-500, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
40. | Garcia-Ferreira, S. ; TOMITA, A. H. ; WATSON, S.. Countably compact groups from a selective ultrafilter. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY. v. 133, n. 3, p. 937-943, 2005. Qualis: A3 |
41. | GOLASINSKI, M. ; GONÇALVES, D. L. ; WONG, P.. On Whitehead products, Fox groups, Gottlieb groups, and Rhodes groups. Em: International Conference on Homotopy Theory and related topics, p. 99-107, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Homotopy Theory and related topics) |
42. | GONCALVES, Jairo Z.; Mazi Shirvani. Free products arising from elements of finite order in simple rings. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, USA. v. 133, p. 1917-1923, 2005.Qualis: A3 (PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY) |
43. | GONCALVES, Jairo Z.; Mazi Shirvani. Free groups in central simple algebras without Tits' theorem. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
44. | GONCALVES, Jairo Z.; PASSMAN, D. S.. Linear groups and group rings. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
45. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GOLASINSKI, M.. Spherical space forms - homotopy types and self-equivalences for the groups Z/a X Z/b and Z/a X (Z/b X Q_(2^i)). Topology and its Applications. v. 146, p. 451-470, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
46. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GOLASINSKI, M. ; WONG, P.. Fox's group and Whitehead product. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal. v. 57, n. 3, p. 320-328, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (UKRAINIAN MATHEMATICAL JOURNAL) |
47. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GUASCHI, J.. The braid group B_{m,n}(S^2) and a generalisation of the Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequence. Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications. v. 14, p. 375-403, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
48. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; HAYAT, C. ; MELLO, M.H.P.L.. Spin-structures and 2-fold covering. Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. v. 23, p. 29-40, 2005.Qualis: B4 |
49. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; KUDRYAVTSEVA, E. ; ZIESCHANG, H.. An algorithm for minimal number of (self-)intersection points of curves on surfaces. Em: Seminar on Vector and Tensor Analysis, v. XXVI, p. 139-167, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (Seminar on Vector and Tensor Analysis) |
50. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; PERES, J.. Free action of abelian p-groups on the n-toru. Houston Journal of Mathematics. v. 31, n. 1, p. 87-101, 2005.Qualis: B2 |
51. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; RANDALL, D.. Coincidence theory in positive codimension and the Kervaire Invariant. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
52. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Homogeneous spaces in coincidence theory II. Forum Mathematicum. v. 17, p. 297-313, 2005.Qualis: A3 |
53. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Wecken properties for roots. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. v. 133, p. 2779-2782, 2005.Qualis: A3 |
54. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Obstruction theory and coincidendes of maps between nilmanifolds. Archiv der Mathematik. v. 84, p. 568-576, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
55. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Twisted Serre's spectral sequence and Shapiro's lemma. Journal of Geometry and Topology. v. 5, p. 97-101, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND TOPOLOGY) |
56. | GOODAIRE, R. G. ; PARMENTER, M. M. ; POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.. Central units in alternative loop rings. Archiv der Mathematik. v. 85, p. 389-396, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
57. | GORODSKI, C. A survey on the geometry of isometric actions. MATEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA. v. 28, p. 163-182, 2005.Qualis: B1 (ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA) |
58. | GORODSKI, C.; PODESTA, F.. Homogeneity rank of real representations of compact Lie groups. JOURNAL OF LIE THEORY. v. 15, n. 1, p. 63-77, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF LIE THEORY) |
59. | H. Carrión ; GALINDO, P. ; LOURENCO, M. L.. Banach Spaces whose bounded sets are bounding in the bidual. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
60. | JURIAANS, S. O.; Passi, I. B. S. ; Prasad, Dipendra. Hyperbolic Unit Groups. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, Estados Unidos. v. 133, n. 2, p. 415-424, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (PROCEEDINGS OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
61. | KASHUBA, I. Tipo de representacao de algebra de Jordan. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
62. | KASHUBA, I.; Ovsienko, S. ; SHESTAKOV, I.. Jordan algebras versus associative algebras. São Paulo: IME-USP. 2005. Preprint |
63. | KASHUBA, I.; SHESTAKOV, I.. Jordan algebras of dimension three: geometric classification and representation type. Em: XVI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (XVI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra) |
64. | KELLY, M. ; GONÇALVES, D. L.. Wecken type problems for self-maps of the Klein bottle. Topology and its Applications. v. 2006, p. 15, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
65. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; SIMONOVITS, M. ; SKOKAN, J.. The 3-colored Ramsey number of odd cycles. Em: Brazilian Symposium on Graphs and Combinatorics (GRACO), 2005, Angra dos Reis. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics. Amsterdã: Elsevier Science, v. 19, p. 397-402, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS , 2005, ANGRA DOS REIS. ELECTRONIC NOTES IN DISCRETE MATHEMATICS. AMSTERDÃ: ELSEVIER SCIENCE) |
66. | L. Pellegrini. Polinômios n-homogêneos nos spaços de Marcinkiewicz. Em: 61º Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, p. 223-230, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (61º Seminário Brasileiro de Análise) |
67. | LOURENCO, M. L.; D. Brandt. Operadores hiperciclicos. Em: 61 Sminário Brasilerio de Análise, 2005, Sâo Joâo del Rey. Atas do 61 SBA, v. 1, p. 215-222, 2005. |
68. | LOURENCO, M. L.; GALINDO, P. ; H. Carrión. On boundings sets in Banach spaces. Em: 61 Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, 2005, Sâo João del Rey. Atas di 61 SBA, v. 1, p. 191-197, 2005. |
69. | M. P. Dussan. XV Congreso Nacional de Matematicas - Colombia: "Geometries Associated to Grasmmannian Systems". 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
70. | M. P. Dussan. Seminario de Geometria Diferencial - USP: "Geometrias das subvariedades associadas a $U/K$-sistemas". 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
71. | M. P. Dussan; M.A. Magid. Timelike Isothermic Surfaces associated to Grassmannian Systems. Documenta Mathematica Journal (Electronic). v. 10, p. 527-549, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (DOCUMENTA MATHEMATICA JOURNAL) |
72. | M. P. Dussan; M.H. Noronha. Compact manifolds of nonnegative Isotropic curvature and pure curvature tensor. Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications, Bucharest -Romania. v. 10, n. 2, p. 58-66, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (BALKAN JOURNAL OF GEOMETRY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, BUCHAREST -ROMANIA) |
73. | MARCOS, E. N.; Assem ; CASTONGUAY, D. ; S. Trepode. Strongly simply connected schurian algebras and multiplicative bases. JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, Estados Unidos. v. 283, n. 2005, p. 161-189, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (JOURNAL OF ALGEBRA, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
74. | MARCOS, E. N.; GREEN, E. L.. δ-Koszul Algebras. COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, EUAN. v. 33, p. 1753-1764, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, EUAN) |
75. | MARCOS, E. N.; GREEN, E. L. ; SOLBERG, O. ; G. Hartman. Resolutions over Koszul algebras. ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK, Polônia. v. 85, n. prelo, p. 118-127, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (ARCHIV DER MATHEMATIK, POLÔNIA) |
76. | MARCOS, E. N.; R. Martinez-Villa. THE ODD PART OF AN n -KOSZUL ALGEBRA. COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, Estados Unidos. v. 33, n. 1, p. 101-108, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA, ESTADOS UNIDOS) |
77. | MARCOS, E. N.; S. M. Fernandes. On the Fundamental Derivation of a Finite Dimensional Algebra. Publicaciones Matematicas del Uruguay, Uruguai, Montevideo. v. 10, p. 49-75, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (PUBLICACIONES MATEMATICAS DEL URUGUAY, URUGUAI, MONTEVIDEO) |
78. | MARCOS, E. N.; Saenz ; MENDOZA, O.. Stratifying Systems via Relative Projective Modules. COMMUNICATIONS IN ALGEBRA. v. 33, n. no prelo, p. 1559-1573, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
79. | MARIANO, H. L. On the filtered colimits of algebraizable logics. Em: SeMe-2005 -- Workshop on Semantics and Meaning, 2005, Campinas -São Paulo, Brasil. Anais do evento, 2005. |
80. | MARIANO, H. L.; ARNDT, P. ; FREIRE, R. A. ; LUCIANO, O. O.. Fibring and sheaves. Em: IICAI-05 - 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (IICAI-05 - 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) |
81. | MARIANO, H. L.; MIRAGLIA, F.. Logic, Partial Orders and Topology. Manuscrito (UNICAMP). v. 28, p. 449-546, 2005.Qualis: A1 |
82. | OLIVEIRA, L. A. F. ; PEREIRA, A. L. ; PEREIRA, M. C.. Continuity of attractors for a reaction-diffusion problem with respect to variations of the domain. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations. v. 2005, n. 100, p. 1-18, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
83. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.; GIAMBRUNO, A.. Free groups and involutions in the unit group of a group algebra. Archiv der Mathematik. v. 84, p. 205-210, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
84. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.; GOODAIRE, E. G.. When is a loop f-unitary?. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. v. 48, p. 125-142, 2005.Qualis: A4 |
85. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.; SEHGAL, S. K. ; M. Dokuchaev. Integral group rings with trivial central units II. Communications in Algebra. v. 33, p. 205-210, 2005.Qualis: B1 |
86. | Ratiu, T.S. ; Tudoran, R. ; Sbano, L. ; Dias, E. Sousa ; Terra, G. ; Montaldi, James ; Ratiu, Tudor. A Crash Course in Geometric Mechanics (T.S. Ratiu). Em: James Montaldi; Tudor S. Ratiu. (Org.). Geometric Mechanics and Symmetry: the Peyresq Lectures. 1ed. : Cambridge University Press. 2005.p. 23-156. |
87. | RÖDL, V. ; NAGLE, B. ; SKOKAN, J. ; SCHACHT, M. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y.. The hypergraph regularity method and its applications. PNAS. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Washington, DC. v. 102, n. 23, p. 8109-8113, 2005.Qualis: A1 (PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) |
88. | TERRA, G. The Parallel Derivative. Matemática Contemporânea. v. 29, p. 157-170, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (MATEMÁTICA CONTEMPORÂNEA) |
89. | TOMITA, A. H. Countable compactness and finite powers of topological groups without non-trivial convergent sequences. Topology and its Applications, Holanda. v. 146, p. 527-538, 2005. Qualis: Não identificado (TOPOLOGY AND ITS APPLICATIONS, HOLANDA) |
90. | TOMITA, A. H. The weight of a countably compact group whose cardinality has countable cofinality. Topology and its Applications. v. 150, n. 1-3, p. 197-205, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
91. | TOMITA, A. H. Square of countably compact groups without non-trivial convergent sequences. Topology and its Applications. v. 153, n. 1, p. 107-122, 2005. Qualis: B1 |
92. | Tomita, Artur Hideyuki, Tomita, Artur. A solution to Comfort's question on the countable compactness of powers of a topological group. Fundamenta Mathematicae. v. 186, p. 1-24, 2005. Qualis: A4 |
93. | Vargas, E.; STRIEN, S. V.. A new proof of the non-existence of wandering intervals. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
94. | Yusenko, Kostyantyn. On existence of representations of some $*$-algebras associated with extended Dynkin diagrams. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
95. | Yusenko, Kostyantyn. On parameters sets of algebras $\mathcal P_{\Gamma,\chi,\gamma}$ when $\Gamma$ is an extended Dynkin diagram. 2005. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |