1. | COLUCCI, LUCAS; ALVARADO, J. D. ; PARENTE, ROBERTO ; SOUZA, V.. On the Zero-Sum Ramsey Problem over Z_2^d. On the Zero-Sum Ramsey Problem over Z_2^d. 1ed. Em: . 2022.p. 445-459. |
1. | BOTLER, FÁBIO ; COLUCCI, LUCAS ; KOHAYAKAWA, YOSHIHARU. The Mod k Chromatic Index of Random Graphs. Extended Abstracts EuroComb 2021. 1ed. Em: . 2021.p. 726-731. |
2. | Mello, Thiago Castilho de ; YASUMURA, FELIPE YUKIHIDE. Relatively Free Algebras of Finite Rank. Em: Di Vincenzo O.M.; Giambruno A.. (Org.). Springer INdAM Series. 1ed. : Springer International Publishing. 2021.v. 44, p. 139-156. |
3. | Milies, C. Polcino. Notes on the History of Identities on Group (and Loop) Algebras. Em: Onofrio di Vicenso; Antoniono Giambruno. (Org.). Springer INdAM Series. 1ed.Cham. : Springer International Publishing. 2021.v. 44, p. 355-364. |
1. | Severino T. Melo. The Principal Symbol Map for an Algebra of Pseudodifferential Operators. Em: Guillermo Cortiñas; Charles A. Weibel. (Org.). K -theory in Algebra, Analysis and Topology. 1ed.Providence. : American Mathematical Society. 2020.v. 749, p. 225-236. |
1. | ASSUENA, SAMIR ; Polcino Milies, César. Good codes from metacyclic groups. Contemporary Mathematics. 1ed. Em: . : American Mathematical Society. 2019.p. 39-47. |
2. | Bissacot, R.; ENDO, E. ; van Enter, A. C. D. ; Bruno Kimura ; Le Ny, A. ; RUSZEL, W. M.. Dyson Models Under Renormalization and in Weak Fields. Em: Vladas Sidoravicius. (Org.). Dyson Models Under Renormalization and in Weak Fields. 1ed.Singapoure. : Springer. 2019.v. 298, p. 123-137. |
3. | Giovany M. Figueiredo ; MURCIA, E. G. ; SICILIANO, G.. Variational Methods for Schrödinger Type Equations. Em: Hemen Dutta; Ljubi?a D.R.Kocinac, Hari M. Srivastava. (Org.). Variational Methods for Schrödinger Type Equations. 1ed. : Birkäuser. 2019.p. 565-645. |
4. | GOLASINSKI, M. ; WONG, P. ; GONÇALVES, DACIBERG L.. Exponents of [Ω(Sr+1),Ω(Y)]. Em: Singh, Mahender; Song, Yongjin; Wu, Jie. (Org.). Algebraic Topology and Related Topics. 1ed.Singapore. : Springer. 2019.p. 103-122. |
5. | HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Sales, Marcelo T. ; Stagni, Henrique. Extremal and probabilistic results for order types. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. 1ed. Em: . : Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. 2019.p. 426-435. |
6. | MARIANO, H. L. Alguns comentários sobre a questão da identidade entre lógicas. Em: Edgar Ameida; Alexandre Costa-Leite; Rodrigo Freire.. (Org.). Lógica no Avião. 1ed.Brasilia. 2019.v. 1, p. 60-72. |
1. | Carnielli, W. A. ; MARIANO, H. L. ; MATULOVIC, M.. Reconciling First-Order Logic to Algebra. Contradictions, from Consistency to Inconsistency. 1ed. Em: . 2018.v. 47, p. 273-305. |
2. | HAN, JIE ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Sales, Marcelo Tadeu ; Stagni, Henrique. Property Testing for Point Sets on the Plane. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Berlin. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 10807, p. 584-596. |
3. | Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu; Miyazawa, Flávio Keidi ; Wakabayashi, Yoshiko. A Tight Lower Bound for an Online Hypercube Packing Problem and Bounds for Prices of Anarchy of a Related Game. Em: Bender M.; Farach-Colton M.; Mosteiro M.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Berlin. : Springer International Publishing. 2018.v. 10807, p. 697-711. |
1. | Giambò, Roberto ; Piccione, Paolo. Periodic trajectories of dynamical systems having a one-parameter group of symmetries. Em: S. Haesen and L. Verstraelen. (Org.). Topics in modern differential geometry - Simon Stevin Institute lectures 2008 - 2009. 1ed.Tilburg, The Netherlands. : Simon Stevin Institute for Geometry. 2017.v. 1, p. 67-81. |
1. | COELHO, FLÁVIO U. Luiz Henrique Jacy Monteiro. Em: Luiz Edmundo de Magalhães. (Org.). Humanistas e Cientistas do Brasil - Ciências Exatas. 1ed.São Paulo. : EDUSP. 2015.p. 123-131. |
2. | Pereira, Marcone C.; Silva, Ricardo P.. Remarks on the p-Laplacian on thin domains. Progress in Nonlinear Differential Equations and Their Applications. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2015.p. 389-403. |
1. | ALLEN, PETER ; Böttcher, Julia ; Hàn, Hiê¿p ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; Person, Yury. Powers of Hamilton Cycles in Pseudorandom Graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2014.v. 8392, p. 355-366. |
2. | Bettiol, Renato G. ; Piccione, Paolo ; Siciliano, Gaetano. Equivariant Bifurcation in Geometric Variational Problems. Analysis and Topology in Nonlinear Differential Equations. 1aed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2014.p. 103-133. |
3. | COX, Ben ; Futorny, Vyacheslav ; Martins, Renato Alessandro. Free Field Realizations of the Date-Jimbo-Kashiwara-Miwa Algebra. Developments in Mathematics. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2014.v. 496, p. 111-136. |
4. | Futorny, Vyacheslav; Kashuba, Iryna. Generalized Loop Modules for Affine Kac-Moody Algebras. Developments in Mathematics. 1ed. Em: . : Springer International Publishing. 2014.v. 496, p. 175-183. |
5. | MARIANO, H. L. Expansions of Galois theory in Algebra: Infinity Galois theory and applications.. In the steps of Galois Proceedings of the Evariste Galois bicentenary meeting. 1ed.Paris. Em: . : Hermann. 2014.p. 217-245. |
1. | HOPPEN, CARLOS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; LEFMANN, HANNO. An Unstable Hypergraph Problem with a Unique Optimal Solution. Em: Aydinian, H.; Cicalese, F.; Deppe, C.. (Org.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.Heidelberg. : Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2013.v. 1777, p. 432-450. |
1. | DELLAMONICA, DOMINGOS ; Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu ; RÖDL, VOJTě ; Ruci¿ski, Andrzej. An Improved Upper Bound on the Density of Universal Random Graphs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed. Em: . : Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 2012.v. 7256, p. 231-242. |
2. | Lichtenfelz, Leandro A. ; Piccione, Paolo ; Zeghib, Abdelghani. On the Isometry Group of Lorentz Manifolds. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics. 1ed. Em: . : Springer New York. 2012.p. 277-293. |
1. | Waldyr Muniz Oliva ; Glaucio Terra. Rolling Ball Problems. Em: Peixoto, Mauricio Matos; Pinto, Alberto Adrego; Rand, David A.. (Org.). Dynamics, Games and Science I. 1ed. : Springer. 2011.v. 1, p. 661-669. |
1. | Kohayakawa, Y.; RÖDL, V. ; SCHACHT, M. ; SKOKAN, J.. On the triangle removal lemma for subgraphs of subgraphs of sparse pseudorandom graphs. Em: Imre Bárány; Jozsef Solymosi. (Org.). An Irregular Mind. Berlin. : Springer-Verlag. 2010.p. 359-404. |
1. | Grushevoy, Roman ; Yusenko, Kostyantyn. On The Unitarization Of Linear Representations Of Primitive Partially Ordered Sets. Modern Analysis and Applications. 2ed. Em: . : Birkhäuser Basel. 2009.p. 279-294. |
2. | MARIANO, H. L.; MIRAGLIA, F.. On Profinite Structures. Em: Walter Carnielli; Marcelo E. Coniglio; Itala M. Loffredo D`Ottaviano. (Org.). The Many Sides of Logic- Studies in Logic Series 21. 1ed.Londres. : College Publications. 2009.v. 1, p. 201-224. |
3. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P. A matemática dos códigos de barras. Programa de Iniciação Científica da OBEMEP. Rio de Janeiro. Em: . : OBEMEP. 2009.p. 131-179. |
1. | Murray R. Bremner ; MURAKAMI, L. S. I. ; SHESTAKOV, I. P.. Nonassociative Algebras. Em: Leslie Hogben. (Org.). Handbook of linear algebra. New York. : Chapman & Hall/CRC. 2007.p. 01-26. |
1. | GONÇALVES, D. L. Coincidence Theory. Em: R.F. Brown, M. Furi, L. Gorniewicz and B. Jiang. (Org.). Handbook of topological Fixed Point Theory. : Springer. 2006.p. 1-42. |
2. | Pereira, A.L. ; Pereira, M.C.. Generic Simplicity for the Solutions of a Nonlinear Plate Equation. Contributions to Nonlinear Analysis. 1ed. Em: . : Birkhäuser Basel. 2006.v. 66, p. 443-463. |
1. | FAJARDO, R. A.; FINGER, M.. How Not to Combine Modal Logics. Em: Bhanu Prasad. (Org.). Proceedings of the 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1ed.Pune. : IICAI. 2005.v. 1, p. 1629-1647. |
2. | Ratiu, T.S. ; Tudoran, R. ; Sbano, L. ; Dias, E. Sousa ; Terra, G. ; Montaldi, James ; Ratiu, Tudor. A Crash Course in Geometric Mechanics (T.S. Ratiu). Em: James Montaldi; Tudor S. Ratiu. (Org.). Geometric Mechanics and Symmetry: the Peyresq Lectures. 1ed. : Cambridge University Press. 2005.p. 23-156. |
1. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; RÖDL, V.. Szemerédi's regularity lemma and quasi-randomness. Em: Reed, B.; Linhares, C.. (Org.). Recent advances in algorithms and combinatorics. New York. : Spriger Verlag. 2003.p. 289-351. |
1. | FAJARDO, R. A.; FINGER, M.. Non-normal modalisation. Em: Philippe Balbiani; Nobu-Yuki Suzuki; Frank Wolter; Michael Zakharyaschev. (Org.). Advances in Modal Logic. Londres. : King's College Publications. 2002.v. 4, p. 83-96. |
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