Legenda Qualis:
1. | COLUCCI, LUCAS. On L(h,k)-labelings of oriented graphs. Em: Encontro de Teoria da Computação, p. 66-69, 2021. ![]() |
1. | DACIBERG LIMA GONÇALVES; ZHAO, X. ; WONG, P.. Fixed point theory of sherical 3-manifolds. Em: Conference from Korea-Dajeon, v. 181, 2015. ![]() |
1. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; BAUVAL, A. ; HAYAT, C. ; ZVENGROWSKI, P.. The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem for Double Coverings of Seifert Manifolds. Em: Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, v. 6, p. 165-189, 2013.Qualis: Não identificado (Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) |
2. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; PENTEADO, D. ; LIBARDI, A. ; VIEIRA, J.. Fixed point on trivial surface bundles. Em: Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, v. 6, p. 67-85, 2013.Qualis: Não identificado (Proceedings of the Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) |
1. | Ferenczi, Valentin; ROSENDAL, C.. Displaying Polish groups on separable Banach spaces. Em: Set-Theoretic techniques in Banach spaces, v. 26, p. 195-233, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (Set-Theoretic techniques in Banach spaces) |
2. | Kohayakawa, Y.; LEE, S. ; RÖDL, V.. The maximum size of a Sidon set contained in a sparse random set of integers. Em: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, p. 159-171, 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms) |
3. | RUFINO, P. O. ; Honda, W. ; DIGIAMPIETRI, L. A. ; PEREIRA, M. C.. A Parallel PCA Neural Network Approach for Feature Extraction. Em: X Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional (CBIC 2011), 2011.Qualis: Não identificado (X Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional (CBIC 2011)) |
1. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav; YUSENKO, K. ; SAMOYLENKO, Y.. Representations of posets:linear versus unitary. Em: Algebra, v. 346, p. 12006-12002, 2010.Qualis: Não identificado (Algebra) |
2. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GOLASINSKI, M.. On cohomologies and extentions of cyclic groups. Em: Conference in honour of Melvin Henriksen: in Memorian, v. 158, p. 1858-1865, 2010.Qualis: Não identificado (Conference in honour of Melvin Henriksen: in Memorian) |
3. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GUASCHI, J.. The Borsuk-Ulam theorem for maps into a surface. Em: Nielsen Theory and Related Topics 2009, v. 157, p. 1742-1750, 2010.Qualis: Não identificado (Nielsen Theory and Related Topics 2009) |
4. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; HAYAT, C. ; ZVENGROWSKI, P.. The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem for manifolds, with applications to dimension two and three. Em: Proceedings of the International conference Bratislava Topology Symposium-Group actions and Homogeneous Spaces, p. 9-28, 2010.Qualis: Não identificado (Proceedings of the International conference Bratislava Topology Symposium-Group actions and Homogeneous Spaces) |
5. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; KELLY, M.. Coincidence Wecken homotopies versus Wecken homotopies relative to a fixed homotopy in one of the maps. Em: Nielsen Theory and Related Topics 2009, v. 157, p. 1770-1783, 2010.Qualis: Não identificado (Nielsen Theory and Related Topics 2009) |
6. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; PERES, J. ; PENTEADO, D.. Coincidence Points of fiber maps in S^n-bundles. Em: Nielsen Theory and Related Topics 2009, v. 157, p. 1770-1783, 2010.Qualis: Não identificado (Nielsen Theory and Related Topics 2009) |
7. | Hoppen, C. ; Kohayakawa, Y. ; MOREIRA, C. G. T. A. ; Sampaio, R.M.. Property testing and parameter testing for permutations. Em: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, p. 66-75, 2010.Qualis: Não identificado (ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms) |
1. | ASTIER, V. ; MARIANO, H. L.. Realizing profinite reduced special groups. Em: Séminaire de Structures Algébriques Ordonnées, v. 83, p. 1-22, 2009.Qualis: Não identificado (Séminaire de Structures Algébriques Ordonnées) |
2. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GOLASINSKI, M. ; WONG, P.. James constructions, Fox torus homotopy groups and Hopf invariants. Em: Proceedings of Oberwolfach conference, v. 519, p. 132, 2009.Qualis: Não identificado (Proceedings of Oberwolfach conference) |
3. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; HAYAT, C. ; ZVENGROWSKI, P.. The Borsuk-Ulam Theorem for manifolds, with applications to dimension two and three. Em: International Conference Bratislava Topology Symposium-Group actions and Homogeneous Spaces, p. 9-28, 2009.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference Bratislava Topology Symposium-Group actions and Homogeneous Spaces) |
4. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; Koschorke, U.. Coincidence theory of fibre-preserving maps, and Dold's index. Em: International fixed point Conference, v. 33, p. 85-104, 2009.Qualis: Não identificado (International fixed point Conference) |
5. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; PENTEADO, D. ; PERES, J.. The abelianized obstructions for fixed points of fibre-preserving maps os surfaces bundles. Em: International fixed point Conference, v. 33, p. 293-305, 2009.Qualis: Não identificado (International fixed point Conference) |
6. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WEBER, Julia ; GOLASINSKI, M.. James construction, Fox torus homotopy groups and Hopf invariants. Em: Conference Oberwolfach, v. 519, p. 123-132, 2009.Qualis: Não identificado (Conference Oberwolfach) |
7. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; WONG, P.. Twisted conjugacy for vistually cyclic groups and crystallographic groups. Em: Dortmund Conference on Conbinatorial and Geometric Group Theory, p. 119-147, 2009.Qualis: Não identificado (Dortmund Conference on Conbinatorial and Geometric Group Theory) |
8. | Kaufmann, P.L. ; PELLEGRINI, L.. Lineabilidade em espaços de funções integráveis. Em: Seminário Brasileiro de Análise - SBA, 2009.Qualis: Não identificado (Seminário Brasileiro de Análise - SBA) |
1. | DELLAMONICA JR, D. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; RÖDL, V. ; RUCINSKI, A.. Universality of random graphs. Em: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, p. 782-788, 2008.Qualis: Não identificado (ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms) |
2. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; GOLASINSKI, M. ; WONG, P.. A note on generalized equivariant homotopy groups. Em: Postnikov Conference, v. 85, p. 179-185, 2008.Qualis: Não identificado (Postnikov Conference) |
3. | PISANI, L. ; SICILIANO, G.. Some results on the Schrödinger-Poisson system in a bounded domain. Em: 5th International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Applications, v. 5, p. 402-406, 2008.Qualis: Não identificado (5th International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Applications) |
1. | FERENCZI, V; ROSENDAL, C.. Complexity and homogeneity in Banach spaces. Em: Banach spaces and their applications in analysis, p. 83-110, 2007.Qualis: Não identificado (Banach spaces and their applications in analysis) |
2. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav; MOLEV, A. ; OVSIENKO, S.. Gelfand-Tsetlin bases for representations of finite W-algebras and shifted Yangians. Em: Lie theory and its applications in physics VII, p. 352-363, 2007.Qualis: Não identificado (Lie theory and its applications in physics VII) |
3. | GONÇALVES, D. L. Few historical aspects of the discovery of the Euler Characterist and some of its development in moderm topology. Em: Reunião em homenagem aos 300 anos de nascimento de Euler, v. 9, p. 57-67, 2007.Qualis: Não identificado (Reunião em homenagem aos 300 anos de nascimento de Euler) |
1. | DELLAMONICA JR, D. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y.. An algorithmic Friedman-Pippenger theorem on tree embeddings and applications to routing (extended abstract). Em: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), p. 1038-1044, 2006.Qualis: Não identificado (ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA)) |
2. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Representations of Affine Lie superalgebras. Em: Groups, v. 248, p. 163-172, 2006.Qualis: Não identificado (Groups) |
3. | MARCOS, E. N.; ADVINCULA, F. H.. Stratifications of algebras with radical square zero. Em: XII encuentro rioplatense de matematica, v. 12, p. 1-20, 2006.Qualis: Não identificado (XII encuentro rioplatense de matematica) |
4. | PICCIONE, P.; TAUSK, D.. Connections compatible with tensors. A characterization of left-invariant Levi--Civita connections in Lie groups. Em: EGEO2005, v. 47, p. 125-133, 2006.Qualis: Não identificado (EGEO2005) |
1. | BOTELHO, F. C. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; ZIVIANI, N.. A Practical Minimal Perfect Hashing Method. Em: Experimental and Efficient Algorithms: 4th International Workshop (WEA 2005), v. 3503, p. 488-500, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (Experimental and Efficient Algorithms: 4th International Workshop (WEA 2005)) |
2. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav; OVSIENKO, S.. Harish-Chandra categories. Em: Latin-American Colloquium in Algebra, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (Latin-American Colloquium in Algebra) |
3. | GOLASINSKI, M. ; GONÇALVES, D. L. ; WONG, P.. On Whitehead products, Fox groups, Gottlieb groups, and Rhodes groups. Em: International Conference on Homotopy Theory and related topics, p. 99-107, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (International Conference on Homotopy Theory and related topics) |
4. | GONÇALVES, D. L.; KUDRYAVTSEVA, E. ; ZIESCHANG, H.. An algorithm for minimal number of (self-)intersection points of curves on surfaces. Em: Seminar on Vector and Tensor Analysis, v. XXVI, p. 139-167, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (Seminar on Vector and Tensor Analysis) |
5. | KASHUBA, I.; SHESTAKOV, I.. Jordan algebras of dimension three: geometric classification and representation type. Em: XVI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (XVI Coloquio Latinoamericano de Álgebra) |
6. | L. Pellegrini. Polinômios n-homogêneos nos spaços de Marcinkiewicz. Em: 61º Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, p. 223-230, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (61º Seminário Brasileiro de Análise) |
7. | MARIANO, H. L.; ARNDT, P. ; FREIRE, R. A. ; LUCIANO, O. O.. Fibring and sheaves. Em: IICAI-05 - 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2005.Qualis: Não identificado (IICAI-05 - 2nd Indian International Conference on Artificial Intelligence) |
1. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; MAUDUIT, C. ; MOREIRA, C. G. T. A. ; RÖDL, V.. Measures of pseudorandomness for finite sequences: minimum and typical values (extended abstract). Em: WORDS 2003, p. 159-169, 2003.Qualis: Não identificado (WORDS 2003) |
2. | L. Pellegrini. Uma caracterização da extensão canônica de polinômios nos preduais dos espaços de Lorentz. Em: 58º Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, v. 58, p. 593-597, 2003.Qualis: Não identificado (58º Seminário Brasileiro de Análise) |
3. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P. História da Matemática: ciência normal e revoluções científicas. Em: V Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática, p. 155-164, 2003.Qualis: Não identificado (V Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática) |
4. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P. Units of alternative loop rings. Em: V International Conference on Nonassociative Algebras and its Applications, p. 239-244, 2003.Qualis: Não identificado (V International Conference on Nonassociative Algebras and its Applications) |
5. | POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.; Regina C. N. Marques. Leonard E. Dickson e as álgebras com divisão. Em: V Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática, p. 155-164, 2003.Qualis: Não identificado (V Seminário Nacional de História da Matemática) |
1. | BIANCONI, R. Definability in o-minimal structures. Em: WOLLIC 2002, v. 67, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (WOLLIC 2002) |
2. | CARMO, R. ; DONADELLI, J. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; LABER, E. S.. Searching in random partially ordered sets (extended abstract). Em: LATIN 2002, v. 2286, p. 278-292, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (LATIN 2002) |
3. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav. Certain categories of modules for Lie algebras and corresponding finite-dimensional algebras. Em: VIII Encontro em Algebra USP/UNICAMP, p. 59-62, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (VIII Encontro em Algebra USP/UNICAMP) |
4. | GIAMBRUNO, A. ; POLCINO MILIES, C. ou MILIES, C.P.. Group identities on units of group algebras. Em: Algerba Conference, v. 236, p. 219-227, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (Algerba Conference) |
5. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; NAGLE, B. ; RÖDL, V.. Efficient testing of hypergraphs (extended abstract). Em: ICALP 2002, v. 2380, p. 1017-1028, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (ICALP 2002) |
6. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; RÖDL, V. ; THOMA, L.. An optimal algorithm for checking regularity (extended abstract). Em: 13th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2002), p. 277-286, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (13th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2002)) |
7. | LOURENCO, M. L.; MORAES, L. A.. The topology generated on E by the strong operator topology of L(L(E,F),F). Em: 55 Semaniário Brasileiro de Análise, v. 1, p. 725-730, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (55 Semaniário Brasileiro de Análise) |
8. | LOURENCO, M. L.; MORAES, L. A.. Some results on continuous n-homogeneous polynomials. Em: 55 Semaniário Brasileiro de Análise, v. 1, p. 731-735, 2002.Qualis: Não identificado (55 Semaniário Brasileiro de Análise) |
1. | ALON, N. ; CAPALBO, M. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; RÖDL, V. ; RUCINSKI, A. ; SZEMEREDI, E.. Near-optimum universal graphs for graphs with bounded degrees (extended abstract). Em: APPROX-RANDOM 2001, v. 2129, p. 170-180, 2001.Qualis: Não identificado (APPROX-RANDOM 2001) |
2. | BIANCONI, R. Some model theory of ordered structures and undefinability results. Em: Logic, v. 71, p. 31-34, 2001.Qualis: Não identificado (Logic) |
3. | FERREIRA, V. O. Invariants of Hopf algebra actions on free associative algebras. Em: IX Encontro de Álgebra USP, v. 9, p. 65-70, 2001.Qualis: Não identificado (IX Encontro de Álgebra USP) |
4. | FUTORNY, Vyacheslav; BEKKERT, V.. Schur algebras and its derived categories. Em: International conference in Algebra, p. 160-173, 2001.Qualis: Não identificado (International conference in Algebra) |
5. | GALEGO, E. M. An approch to decomposition methods in Banch spaces after some spaces of Gowers and Maurey. Em: 53° Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, v. 53, p. 189-196, 2001.Qualis: Não identificado (53° Seminário Brasileiro de Análise) |
6. | MARQUES, R. C. N. ; PICCIONE, P. ; TAUSK, D.. On the Morse and the Maslov Index of Periodic Geodesics of Arbitrary Causal Character. Em: 8th Interbational Conference of Differential Geometry and Its Applications, v. 3, p. 343-358, 2001.Qualis: Não identificado (8th Interbational Conference of Differential Geometry and Its Applications) |
1. | ALON, N. ; CAPALBO, M. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; RÖDL, V. ; RUCINSKI, A. ; SZEMEREDI, E.. Universality and tolerance (extended abstract). Em: 41st IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2000), p. 14-21, 2000.Qualis: Não identificado (41st IEEE Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2000)) |
2. | FIGUEIREDO, C. M. H. ; KLEIN, S. ; KOHAYAKAWA, Y. ; REED, B.. Finding skew partitions efficiently. Em: LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics, v. 1776, p. 163-172, 2000.Qualis: Não identificado (LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics) |
3. | GALEGO, E. M. Non nearly isomorphic H.I. spaces provide different solutions to Schroeder-Bernstein problem. Em: 52° Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, v. 52, p. 677-680, 2000.Qualis: Não identificado (52° Seminário Brasileiro de Análise) |
4. | GALEGO, E. M. Banach spaces complemented in each other without isomorphic finite sums. Em: 52° Seminário Brasileiro de Análise, v. 52, p. 669-675, 2000.Qualis: Não identificado (52° Seminário Brasileiro de Análise) |
5. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; RÖDL, V.. Algorithmic aspects of regularity (invited paper). Em: LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics, v. 1776, p. 1-17, 2000.Qualis: Não identificado (LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics) |
6. | KOHAYAKAWA, Y.; RÖDL, V. ; SKOKAN, J.. Equivalent conditions for regularity. Em: LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics, v. 1776, p. 48-57, 2000.Qualis: Não identificado (LATIN 2000: Theoretical Informatics) |
7. | PICCIONE, P.; TAUSK, D.. Constrained Lagrangians and Degenerate Hamiltonians on Manifolds: an Index Theorem. Em: Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, v. 31, p. 309-324, 2000.Qualis: Não identificado (Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems) |
(*) Relatório criado com produções desde 2000 até 2025
Data de processamento: 18/02/2025 14:34:31