1. | ADHIKARI, K. ; Reales, G. ; SMITH, A. ; KONCA, E. ; PALMEN, J. ; QUINTO-SANCHEZ, M. ; ACUNA-ALONZO, V. ; JARAMILLO, C. ; ARIAS, W. ; FUENTES, M. ; PIZARRO, M. ; MACIN, G. ; BARQUERA, R. ; GOMEZ-VALDES, J. ; VILLAMIL-RAMIREZ, H. ; HÜNEMEIER, T. ; RAMALLO, V. ; CERQUEIRA, C. C. S. ; GRANJA, V. ; HURTADO, M. ; et.al. A genome-wide association study identifies multiple loci for variation in human ear morphology. Nature Communications. v. 6, p. 7500, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
2. | AKONDY, RAMA S. ; JOHNSON, PHILIP L. F. ; Nakaya, Helder I. ; EDUPUGANTI, SRILATHA ; MULLIGAN, MARK J. ; LAWSON, BENTON ; MILLER, JOSEPH D. ; Pulendran, Bali ; ANTIA, RUSTOM ; Ahmed, Rafi. Initial viral load determines the magnitude of the human CD8 T cell response to yellow fever vaccination. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. v. 112, p. 3050-3055, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
3. | ALMEIDA, JULIANA ; AZEVEDO, MARIANA DA SILVA ; SPICHER, LIVIA ; GLAUSER, GAÉTAN ; VOM DORP, KATHARINA ; GUYER, LUZIA ; DEL VALLE CARRANZA, ANDREA ; ASIS, RAMÓN ; De Souza, Amanda Pereira ; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS ; DEMARCO, DIEGO ; BRES, CÉCILE ; ROTHAN, CHRISTOPHE ; PERES, LÁZARO EUSTÁQUIO PEREIRA ; HÖRTENSTEINER, STEFAN ; KESSLER, FÉLIX ; DÖRMANN, PETER ; CARRARI, FERNANDO ; ROSSI, MAGDALENA. Down-regulation of tomato PHYTOL KINASE strongly impairs tocopherol biosynthesis and affects prenyllipid metabolism in an organ-specific manner. Journal of Experimental Botany. v. 67, p. erv504, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
4. | ALVEZ, W. A. L. ; MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO. Scale-Space Representation Based on Levelings Through Hierarchies of Level Sets. Em: International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology, v. 9082, p. 265-276, 2015.Qualis: Não identificado (International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology) |
5. | Amorim, CEG ; ACUNA-ALONZO, V. ; SALZANO, F. M. ; BORTOLINI, M. C. ; HÜNEMEIER, T.. Differing Evolutionary Histories of the ACTN3*R577X Polymorphism among the Major Human Geographic Groups. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0115449, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
6. | Anderson, Letícia ; AMARAL, MURILO S. ; BECKEDORFF, FELIPE ; SILVA, LUCAS F. ; Dazzani, Bianca ; Oliveira, Katia C. ; Almeida, Giulliana T. ; GOMES, MONETE R. ; PIRES, DAVID S. ; SETUBAL, JOÃO C. ; DEMARCO, Ricardo ; Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio ; Verjovski-Almeida, S.. Schistosoma mansoni Egg, Adult Male and Female Comparative Gene Expression Analysis and Identification of Novel Genes by RNA-Seq. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (Online). v. 9, p. e0004334, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
7. | ANNETTA, F. B. ; TAHIRA, A. C. ; BRENTANI, H. P. ; MACHADO-LIMA, A.. Study of the relationship between microRNAs in sex chromosomes and differential expression in autosomes of the human brain i different periods of the development. Em: X-Meeting 2015 - 11th International Conference of th AB3C + Brazilian Symposium of Bioinformatics, 2015. Proceedings X-Meeting 2015, p. 223-223, 2015. |
8. | ARNS, T. C. ; TAMAROZZI, E. R. ; TORRIERI, E. ; GIULIATTI, S ; DONADI, E. A.. In silico Modelling and Molecular Dynamics of Nonclassical Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I HLA-G Protein. Em: 10th International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (CIFARP), 2015, Ribeirão Preto, SP. Abstracts, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015. |
9. | AYUPE, ANA C ; Tahira, Ana C ; CAMARGO, LAUREN ; BECKEDORFF, FELIPE C ; Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio ; Verjovski-Almeida, S. ; REIS, Eduardo M. Global analysis of biogenesis, stability and sub-cellular localization of lncRNAs mapping to intragenic regions of the human genome. RNA Biology. v. 12, p. 877-892, 2015. Qualis: A2 |
10. | AZEVEDO, S. ; BORTOLINI, M. C. ; BONATTO, S. L. ; HÜNEMEIER, T. ; SANTOS, F. ; GONZALEZ-JOSE, R.. Ancient remains and the first peopling of the Americas: Reassessing the Hoyo Negro skull. American Journal of Physical Anthropology,. p. n/a-n/a, 2015. Qualis: A2 (AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY) |
11. | BACCALA, LUIZ A. ; Sameshima, Koichi. On neural connectivity estimation problems. Em: 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), p. 5400, 2015. Qualis: Não identificado (2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)) |
12. | BARAU, J. ; GRANDIS, A. ; CARVALHO, V. M. D. A. ; TEIXEIRA, G. S. ; ZAPAROLI, G. H. A. ; DO RIO, M. C. S. ; RINCONES, J. ; BUCKERIDGE, M. S. ; PEREIRA, G. A. G.. Apoplastic and intracellular plant sugars regulate developmental transitions in witches' broom disease of cacao. Journal of Experimental Botany. v. 66, p. 1325-1337, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
13. | Bisso-Machado, R ; RAMALLO, V. ; PAIXAO-CORTES, V. R. ; DEMARCHI, D. A. ; SANDOVAL, J. R. S. ; GRANARA, A. A. S. ; SALZANO, F. M. ; HÜNEMEIER, T. ; BORTOLINI, M. C.. NAT2 gene diversity and its evolutionary trajectory in the Americas. Pharmacogenomics Journal (Print),. p. 000-000, 2015. Qualis: A2 (PHARMACOGENOMICS JOURNAL) |
14. | BOQUETT, J. ; SCHULER-FACCINI, L. ; JOBIM, L. F. ; JOBIM, M. ; FAGUNDES, N. J. R. ; HÜNEMEIER, T.. Self-assessment of Colour Categories and its Relationship with HLA profiling in Brazilian Bone Marrow Donors. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation,. p. n/a-n/a, 2015. Qualis: A1 (BIOLOGY OF BLOOD AND MARROW TRANSPLANTATION) |
15. | BORIN, GUSTAVO PAGOTTO ; SANCHEZ, CAMILA CRISTINA ; De Souza, Amanda Pereira ; DE SANTANA, ELIANE SILVA ; DE SOUZA, ALINE TIEPPO ; LEME, ADRIANA FRANCO PAES ; SQUINA, FABIO MARCIO ; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS ; Goldman, Gustavo Henrique ; OLIVEIRA, JULIANA VELASCO DE CASTRO. Comparative Secretome Analysis of Trichoderma reesei and Aspergillus niger during Growth on Sugarcane Biomass. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0129275, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
16. | BRENTANI, H. P.. Autismo. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra |
17. | BRITO, ANDERSON FERNANDES DE ; BRACONI, CARLA TORRES ; WEIDMANN, MANFRED ; DILCHER, MEIK ; ALVES, JOÃO MARCELO PEREIRA ; GRUBER, ARTHUR ; ZANOTTO, PAOLO MARINHO DE ANDRADE. The pangenome of the Anticarsia gemmatalis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AgMNPV). Genome Biology and Evolution. v. 12, p. evv231, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
18. | Buckerdge, M.S. Environmental impacts of the biofuels production. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
19. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. The cell wall of sugarcane: what do we know. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
20. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Infraestrutura verde. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
21. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Mudanças climáticas globais - causas, mitigação e adaptação. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra |
22. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Using systems and synthetic biology to tailor plant cell wall for a better future (Part II). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
23. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Breaking the glycomic code of plant cell walls to improve bioenergy production. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
24. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. The Glycomic Code: How the complex metabolic network of polysaccharides in plant cells generates a code that support life on Earth. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
25. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Trajetórias em Ciências. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
26. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Applied research to biomass production logistics and applied research for feedstock diversification for advanced biofuels. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
27. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. O Código Glicômico e a busca do santo graal da biotecnologia. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
28. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Luz Solar: Saúde e Energia (SBBQ). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
29. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Desastre Ambiental da Samarco: Causas e Soluções. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
30. | BUCKERIDGE, M. S. Desastre Ambiental da Samarco: Causas e Soluções. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
31. | BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS. Árvores urbanas em São Paulo: planejamento, economia e água. Estudos Avançados (Online). v. 29, p. 85-101, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
32. | BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS. Abertura. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
33. | BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS S; dos Santos, W.D ; TINÉ, M. A. S. ; DE SOUZA, AMANDA P.. The cell wall architecture of sugarcane and its implications to cell wall recalcitrance. Em: Eric Lam;Helaine Carrer;Jorge da Silva;Chittaranjan Kole. (Org.). Compendium on Bioenergy Plants: Sugarcane. 1ed.Boca Raton. : CRC Press. 2015.p. 31-50. |
34. | CABALLERO, ZULEIMA C ; COSTA-MARTINS, ANDRE G ; FERREIRA, ROBSON C ; PEREIRA ALVES, JOÃO MARCELO ; SERRANO, MYRNA G ; CAMARGO, ERNEY P ; Buck, Gregory A ; MINOPRIO, PAOLA ; GERALDES TEIXEIRA, MARTA M. Phylogenetic and syntenic data support a single horizontal transference to a Trypanosoma ancestor of a prokaryotic proline racemase implicated in parasite evasion from host defences. Parasites & Vectors. v. 8, p. 222, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
35. | CALAIS, JULIEN BRAGA ; OJOPI, ELIDA BENQUIQUE ; MORYA, E ; Sameshima, K. ; Ribeiro, Sidarta. Experience-dependent upregulation of multiple plasticity factors in the hippocampus during early REM sleep. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory (Print). v. 122, p. 19-27, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
36. | CAMILO, C. ; Maschietto, M. ; VIEIRA, HENRIQUE ; NEGRAO, A. B. ; RIBEIRO, M. ; LARANJEIRA, R. ; BRENTANI. H ; VALLADA, H.. Epigenetic studies in cocaine and crack dependents: Investigation of global DNA methylation. Em: XXIIIrd World Congress Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), 2015, Toronto. European Neuropsychopharmacology, p. 33-33, 2015. |
37. | CAPPI, C. ; SILVERMAN, M. N. ; REQUENA, G. ; MUNIZ, R. ; CASSAB, R. ; SHAVITT, R. G. ; HOEXTER, M. Q. ; LECKMAN, J. ; TEIXEIRA, A. L. ; TOLEDO, M. C. ; JOAQUIM, M. ; THAYER, J. ; ALCANTE, C. D. ; BORCATO, S. ; MATHIS, M. A. ; DINIZ, J. ; HOUNIE, A. G. ; WHITFIELD, J. ; BELYAVSKAYA, E. ; BRENTANI. H ; et.al. Cytokine measurement in patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Em: The 14th Annual Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry Meeting, 2015, Toronto. The 14th Annual Pharmacogenetics in Psychiatry Meeting, p. 61-62, 2015. |
38. | CARARETO, C. M. ; MONTEIRO-VITORELLO, C. B. ; Van-Sluys, M.-A.. Elementos de Transposição. 1 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 2015. v. 1000, p. 196. |
39. | CARDOSO, G.A. ; MONFARDINI, R. D. ; MARINHO, M. ; AZEREDO-ESPIN, A.M.L. ; TORRES, T. T.. The Caliphoridae family as a model to understand the evolution of parasitism. Em: Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2015, Viena, Áustria. Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, abstract book, 2015. |
40. | CARDOSO, G.A. ; MONFARDINI, R. D. ; MARINHO, M. A. T. ; AZEREDO-ESPIN, A.M.L. ; TORRES, T. T.. Evolução da expressão gênica na família Calliphoridae. Em: XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária, 2014, Gramado, RS. XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária, anais 2014, 2015. |
41. | CARLTON, J. M. ; VOLKMAN, S. K. ; UPLEKAR, S. ; HUPALO, D. N. ; PEREIRA ALVES, J. M. ; CUI, L. ; DONNELLY, M. ; ROOS, D. S. ; HARB, O. S. ; ACOSTA, M. ; READ, A. ; RIBOLLA, P. E. M. ; SINGH, O. P. ; VALECHA, N. ; WASSMER, S. C. ; FERREIRA, M. ; ESCALANTE, A. A.. Population Genetics, Evolutionary Genomics, and Genome-Wide Studies of Malaria: A View Across the International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. v. 93, p. 87-98, 2015. Qualis: A3 (AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGINE) |
42. | CHAVES, G. A. T. ; Zaini, Paulo A ; da Silva, Aline M. Iron as a regulator of virulence in plant pathogenic bacteria. Em: Wang N; Jones J; Sundin G; White F; Hogenhout S; Roper C; De La Fuente L; Ham J. (Org.). Virulence mechanisms of plant pathogenic bacteria. 1a.ed.St. Paul, MN. : American Phytopathological Society Press. 2015.v. 1, p. 263-283. |
43. | da Silva, Aline M. Insights into Xylella fastidiosa host-plant specialization through comparative genome and transcriptome analyses. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
44. | da Silva, Aline M. Insights into Xylella fastidiosa host-plant specialization through phylogenomics. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
45. | da Silva, Aline M; Gonzalez-Kristeller, D.C. ; KOBARG, J. ; Oliveira, C.C.. Sistema duplo-híbrido em levedura: Conceitos e Aplicações. Em: Resende, Rodrigo Ribeiro; Soccol, Carlos Ricardo. (Org.). Biotecnologia aplicada à saúde : fundamentos e aplicações. 1a.ed.São Paulo. : Blucher. 2015.v. 2, p. 933-965. |
46. | DE ABREU MEIRELES, DIOGO ; MATEUS DOMINGOS, RENATO ; WEISSMANN GAIARSA, JONAS ; de SOUZA, Robson Francisco ; SOARES NETTO, LUIS EDUARDO. Functional and Biochemical Characterization of the First Ohr Peroxidase Identified in Eukaryotes. FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. v. 87, p. S150, 2015. Qualis: A1 (FREE RADICAL BIOLOGY & MEDICINE) |
47. | DE ANDRADE, MARIZA ; RAY, DEBASHREE ; PEREIRA, ALEXANDRE C. ; SOLER, J'LIA P.. Global Individual Ancestry Using Principal Components for Family Data. Human Heredity. v. 80, p. 1-11, 2015. Qualis: Não identificado (HUMAN HEREDITY) |
48. | DE AZEVEDO-MARTINS, ALLAN C ; Alves, João MP ; GARCIA DE MELLO, FERNANDO ; VASCONCELOS, ANA TEREZA R ; DE SOUZA, WANDERLEY ; EINICKER-LAMAS, MARCELO ; MOTTA, MARIA CRISTINA M. Biochemical and phylogenetic analyses of phosphatidylinositol production in Angomonas deanei, an endosymbiont-harboring trypanosomatid. Parasites & Vectors. v. 8, p. 247, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
49. | DE BAUMONT, ANGELICA ; Maschietto, Mariana ; Lima, Leandro ; Carraro, Dirce Maria ; OLIVIERI, ELOISA HELENA ; FIORINI, ALEX ; BARRETA, LUIZ ANDRÉ NARDIN ; PALHA, JOANA ALMEIDA ; Belmonte-de-Abreu, Paulo ; MOREIRA FILHO, CARLOS ALBERTO ; BRENTANI, HELENA. Innate immune response is differentially dysregulated between bipolar disease and schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research (Print). v. 161, p. 215-221, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
50. | DE SOUZA, A. P. ; KAMEI, C. L. A. ; TORRES, A. F. ; PATTATHIL, S. ; HAHN, M. G. ; TRINDADE, L. M. ; BUCKERIDGE, M. S.. How cell wall complexity influences saccharification efficiency in Miscanthus sinensis. Journal of Experimental Botany (Online). v. 66, p. 4351-4365, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
52. | DIAS, T. G. C. ; SATO, J. R. ; FAIR, D. A. ; ROHDE, L. A. ; SALUM, G. A. ; JACKOWSKI, A. ; DEL?AQUILLA, M. ; PICON, F. ; ANES, M. ; HOEXTER, M. Q. ; MANFRO, G. G. ; ROSARIO, M. C. ; MIGUEL, E. C. ; BRESSAN, R. A. ; MARI, J. J. ; GADELHA, A. ; PAN, P. ; ALVARENGA, P. ; MORIYAMA, T. S. ; SAMAIA, H. B. ; et.al. Functional connectivity of nucleus accumbens and amygdala in children with ADHD, disruptive Behavior Disorders and typical development. Em: World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions 2015, 2015, Porto Alegre. Revista Eletrônica do World Congress on Brain, Behavior and Emotions 2015, 2015. |
53. | DIAZ, RICARDO SOBHIE ; INOCÊNCIO, LILIAN A. ; SUCUPIRA, Maria Cecilia Araripe ; PEREIRA, ANDERSON ALVARENGA ; HUNTER, JAMES ; FERREIRA, J. E. ; ARAÚJO, LUCIANO V. ; SOUZA, DENISE F. C. ; SABINO, Ester Cerdeira. The Virological and Immunological Characteristics of the HIV-1-Infected Population in Brazil: From Initial Diagnosis to Impact of Antiretroviral Use. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0139677, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
54. | Duarte, N.E. ; Giolo, S.R. ; de Andrade, M. ; SOLER, J. M. P.. On the Equivalence of Methods for Population Stratification and their Application in Genetic Association Studies. Revista Brasileira de Biometria. v. 33, p. 494-507, 2015.Qualis: C |
55. | DURHAM, A. ; Setubal, João C ; BARRERA, J.. Intersdisciplinaridade em ação na pesquisa e pós-graduação em bioinformática. Em: Arlindo Phillippi Jr; Valdir Fernandes. (Org.). Práticas da Interdisciplinaridade no Ensino e Pesquisa. 1ed.Editora Manole. : Brueri, São Paulo. 2015.p. 619-642. |
56. | Ferreira, Elisa Napolitano ; DE CAMPOS MOLINA, GUSTAVO ; Puga, Renato David ; NAGAI, MARIA APARECIDA ; CAMPOS, ANTÔNIO HUGO JOSÉ FROES MARQUES ; GUIMARÃES, GUSTAVO CARDOSO ; Nunes, Diana Noronha ; Pasqualini, Renata ; ARAPD, WADIH ; BRENTANI, HELENA ; Dias-Neto, Emmanuel ; BRENTANI, RICARDO R. ; Carraro, Dirce Maria. Linear mRNA amplification approach for RNAseq from limited amount of RNA. Gene (Amsterdam). v. 564, p. 220-227, 2015. Qualis: A4 |
57. | FERREIRA, J. E.; FRANCO, B. D. G. M. ; CATARINO, M. H. ; TAKECIAN, P. L. ; AGOPYAN, V.. Datausp-PosGrad: Um Conjunto de Serviços Analíticos para Apoio à Tomada de Decisão da PRPG da USP. Em: José Goldemberg. (Org.). USP 80 anos. 1ed.São Paulo - SP. : EDUSP. 2015.v. 1, p. 431-452. |
58. | FONSECA, LS. ; NAKAYA, H. I.. Can Proteins Use Electricity for Signaling One Another? 2015 (Current Synthetic and Systems. 2015. Current Synthetic and Systems Biology (Editorial) |
59. | FONTANETTI RODRIGUES, MARIA GABRIELA ; SOARES, MURILO RACY ; RAMOS, ESTER SILVEIRA ; Giuliatti, Silvana. Analysis of Global DNA Methylation in Irradiated Fig Selections. American Journal of Plant Sciences. v. 06, p. 2257-2262, 2015. Qualis: C |
60. | FRANCA, G. S. ; VIBRANOVSKI, M. D. ; GALANTE, P. A. F.. Investigating the influence of the genomic context on expression and evolution of human microRNAs. Em: The Biology of Genomes, 2015, Cold Spring Harbor. The Biology of Genomes, 2015. |
61. | GABRIEL, HELOISA B. ; DE AZEVEDO, MAURO F. ; PALMISANO, GIUSEPPE ; WUNDERLICH, GERHARD ; KIMURA, EMÍLIA A. ; KATZIN, ALEJANDRO M. ; Alves, João M. P.. Single-target high-throughput transcription analyses reveal high levels of alternative splicing present in the FPPS/GGPPS from Plasmodium falciparum. Scientific Reports. v. 5, p. 18429, 2015. Qualis: A2 |
62. | GALL, V. L. L. ; TORRES, T. T. ; BARRETO, R. ; KLAFKE, G. M.. Atividade de enzimas associadas à resistência em larvas de Rhipicephalus microplus expostas a ivermectina. Em: XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária, 2014, Gramado, RS. XVIII Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária, anais 2014, 2015. |
63. | GHILARDI-LOPES, NATALIA PIRANI ; TURRA, ALEXANDER ; Buckeridge, Marcos S. ; SILVA, AMANDA CRISTINA ; BERCHEZ, FLÁVIO AUGUSTO DE SOUZA ; DE OLIVEIRA, VALÉRIA MARQUES. On the perceptions and conceptions of tourists with regard to global environmental changes and their consequences for coastal and marine environments: A case study of the northern São Paulo State coast, Brazil. Marine Policy. v. 57, p. 85-92, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
64. | ALMEIDA, GIULLIANA T. ; LAGE, REGINA C. G. ; ANDERSON, LETICIA ; VENANCIO, THIAGO M. ; Nakaya, Helder I. ; MIYASATO, PATRÍCIA A. ; ROFATTO, HENRIQUE K. ; ZERLOTINI, ADHEMAR ; NAKANO, ELIANA ; OLIVEIRA, GUILHERME ; Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio. Synergy of Omeprazole and Praziquantel In Vitro Treatment against Schistosoma mansoni Adult Worms. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (Online). v. 9, p. e0004086, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
65. | GOMES-FILHO, J. V. ; ZARAMELA, L. S. ; Italiani, VCS ; BALIGA, NITIN S. ; Vencio, R.Z.N. ; KOIDE, T.. Sense overlapping transcripts in IS 1341 -type transposase genes are functional non-coding RNAs in archaea. RNA Biology. v. 12, p. 490-500, 2015. Qualis: A2 |
66. | GOMES-FILHO, JOSÉ VICENTE ; ZARAMELA, LIVIA SOARES ; Italiani, VCS ; BALIGA, NITIN S. ; Vencio, R. Z. N. ; KOIDE, T.. Sense overlapping transcripts in IS1341 type transposase genes are functional non coding RNAs in archaea. Em: 61o Congresso Brasileiro de Genética, 2015, Águas de Lindoia. 61o Congresso Brasileiro de Genética, 2015. |
67. | Guimaraes, Ana Marcia Sa; ZIMPEL, CRISTINA KRAEMER ; IKUTA, CÁSSIA YUMI ; DO NASCIMENTO, NAÍLA CANNES ; DOS SANTOS, ANDREA PIRES ; Messick, Joanne Belle ; HEINEMANN, MARCOS BRYAN ; FERREIRA NETO, JOSÉ SOARES ; BRANDÃO, PAULO EDUARDO. Draft Genome Sequence of Mycobacterium bovis Strain SP38, a Pathogenic Bacterium Isolated from a Bovine in Brazil. Genome Announcements. v. 3, p. e00511-15, 2015. Qualis: B3 |
68. | GUIMARÃES, A. M. S.; ZIMPEL, CRISTINA KRAEMER ; IKUTA, CÁSSIA YUMI ; Santos, A. P. ; do Nascimento, N. C. ; Messick, J.B. ; FERREIRA NETO, JOSÉ SOARES ; HEINEMANN, MARCOS BRYAN ; BRANDAO, P. E.. Draft genome sequence of Mycobacterium bovis strain SP38, a pathogenic bacterium isolated from a bovine in Brazil. Em: 115th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, 2015., 2015, New Orleans. Abstracts of the 115th ASM General Meeting, v. 1, p. 1, 2015. |
69. | GUIMARÃES, LILIAN O. ; WUNDERLICH, GERHARD ; Alves, João M. P. ; BUENO, MARINA G. ; RÖHE, FABIO ; CATÃO-DIAS, JOSÉ L. ; NEVES, AMANDA ; MALAFRONTE, ROSELY S. ; CURADO, IZILDA ; DOMINGUES, WILSON ; KIRCHGATTER, KARIN. Merozoite surface protein-1 genetic diversity in Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium brasilianum from Brazil. BMC Infectious Diseases (Online). v. 15, p. 529, 2015. Qualis: A3 |
70. | HAGAN, THOMAS ; Nakaya, Helder I. ; SUBRAMANIAM, SHANKAR ; Pulendran, Bali. Systems vaccinology: Enabling rational vaccine design with systems biological approaches. Vaccine (Guildford). v. 1, p. 1, 2015. Qualis: A2 |
71. | HAGELBERG, E. ; HÜNEMEIER, T. ; MEYER, D.. The Origins of Easter Islanders: a biological and historical perspective. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
72. | HEBMULLER, P. ; Okamoto, O. K. ; TORRES, T.T.. Pesquisadores discutem ganhos e riscos da alteração do DNA humano. Jornal da USP, São Paulo, 24 abr. 2015. |
73. | HÜBLER, PATRICIA ; RUIZ, DUNCAN ; Ferreira, João Eduardo ; DE SOUZA, OSMAR NORBERTO. P-SaMI. Em: the 30th Annual ACM Symposium, p. 54, 2015. Qualis: Não identificado (the 30th Annual ACM Symposium) |
74. | HÜNEMEIER, T.; Bisso-Machado, R ; SALZANO, F. M. ; BORTOLINI, M. C.. Native American ancestry leads to complexity in 5-HTTLPR polymorphism association studies. Molecular Psychiatry,. p. 000-000, 2015. Qualis: A1 (MOLECULAR PSYCHIATRY) |
75. | KANBE, M. ; VANKUREN, N. W. ; VIBRANOVSKI, M. D.. Evolutionary aspects of gene duplication in Drosophila. Em: X-Meeting 2015 - 11th International Conference of th AB3C + Brazilian Symposium of Bioinformatics, 2015, Sao Paulo. X-Meeting 2015 - 11th International Conference of th AB3C + Brazilian Symposium of Bioinformatics, 2015. |
76. | KLEINMAN, A. ; CAETANO, S. C. ; BRENTANI, H. ; ROCCA, C. C. D. A. ; DOS SANTOS, B. ; ANDRADE, E. R. ; ZENI, C. P. ; TRAMONTINA, S. ; ROHDE, L. A. P. ; Lafer, B.. Attention-based classification pattern, a research domain criteria framework, in youths with bipolar disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (Print). v. 49, p. 255-265, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
77. | KOIDE, T. Overlapping non coding transcripts in prokaryotic genomes: insights from the third domain of life. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
78. | KOIDE, T. Searching for genome dark matter: insights from ARchaea, the third domain of life. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
79. | KOIDE, T. Searching for biology dark matter: insights from ARchaea, the third domain of life. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
80. | LISBOA, B. C. G. ; OLIVEIRA, K. ; LIMA, L. C. ; Puga, Renato D. ; RIBEIRO, G. ; TAHIRA, ANA C ; FARFEL, JOSE M. ; FERRETI-REBUSTIN, R. E. L. ; Jacob-Filho, W. ; MIGUEL, E. C. ; PAULS, DAVID L. ; SHAVITT, R. G. ; HOEXTER, M. Q. ; PEREIRA, CARLOS A. B. ; BRENTANI. H. Transcriptome study in striatum of obsessive compulsive disorders (postmortem study). Em: XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), 2015, Toronto. European Neuropsychopharmacology, p. 102-102, 2015. |
81. | LONG, STEPHEN P. ; KARP, A. ; BUCKERIDGE, M. S. ; DAVIS, S. C. ; JAISWAL, D. ; MOORE, P. H. ; MOOSE, S. P. ; MURPHY, D. J. ; ONWONA-AGYEMAN, S. ; AVIGAD VONSHAK. Feedstocks for Biofuels and Bioenergy. Em: Glaucia Mendes Souza; Reynaldo L. Victoria; Carlos A. Joly; Luciano M. Verdade. (Org.). Bioenergy & Sustainability: bridging the gaps. 1ed.Paris. : Scope. 2015.v. 1, p. 302-346. |
82. | MARQUES, L. M. ; Guimaraes, A.M.S. ; MARTINS, HELLEN B. ; BARBOSA, MAYSA S. ; REZENDE, IZADORA S. ; NASCIMENTO, NAÍLA CANNES DO ; Santos, Andrea P ; CAMPOS, GUILHERME B. ; Messick, J.B. ; TIMENETSKY, J.. Genome sequence of Ureaplasma diversum. Em: 115Th General meetiing of the American Society for Microbiology, 2015, New Orleans. Annals of the General meetiing of the American Society for Microbiology, 2015. |
83. | MARQUES, LUCAS M. ; GUIMARÃES, ANA M. S. ; MARTINS, HELLEN B. ; REZENDE, IZADORA S. ; BARBOSA, MAYSA S. ; CAMPOS, GUILHERME B. ; DO NASCIMENTO, NAÍLA C. ; DOS SANTOS, ANDREA P. ; AMORIM, ALINE T. ; SANTOS, VERENA M. ; Messick, Joanne B. ; Timenetsky, Jorge. Genome Sequence of Ureaplasma diversum Strain ATCC 49782. Genome Announcements. v. 3, p. e00314-15, 2015. Qualis: B3 |
84. | Maschietto, Mariana ; TAHIRA, ANA C ; Puga, Renato ; Lima, Leandro ; MARIANI, DANIEL ; DA SILVEIRA PAULSEN, BRUNA ; Belmonte-de-Abreu, Paulo ; VIEIRA, HENRIQUE ; KREPISCHI, ANA CV ; Carraro, Dirce M ; Palha, Joana A ; REHEN, STEVENS ; BRENTANI, HELENA. Co-expression network of neural-differentiation genes shows specific pattern in schizophrenia. BMC Medical Genomics. v. 8, p. 1-15, 2015. Qualis: A3 |
85. | MENDES DE REZENDE, FERNANDA ; PEREIRA DE SOUZA, AMANDA ; SILVEIRA BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS ; MARIA FURLAN, CLÁUDIA. Is guava phenolic metabolism influenced by elevated atmospheric CO2?. Environmental Pollution (1987). v. 196, p. 483-488, 2015. Qualis: B4 |
86. | METCALFE, CUSHLA J. ; OLIVEIRA, SARAH G. ; GAIARSA, JONAS W. ; AITKEN, KAREN S. ; CARNEIRO, MONALISA S. ; ZATTI, FERNANDA ; Van Sluys, Marie-Anne. Using quantitative PCR with retrotransposon-based insertion polymorphisms as markers in sugarcane. Journal of Experimental Botany. v. 66, p. 4239-4250, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
87. | MONFARDINI, R. D. ; GONTIJO, A. ; TORRES, T. T.. Characterization of the transcriptome of Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae). Em: Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2015, Viena, Áustria. Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2015. |
88. | MORIMITSU, ALEXANDRE ; ALVEZ, W. A. L. ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO. Incremental and Efficient Computation of Families of Component Trees. Em: International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM 2015), v. 9082, p. 681-692, 2015.Qualis: Não identificado (International Symposium on Mathematical Morphology (ISMM 2015)) |
89. | NAKAYA, H. I. (Fiocruz Bahia) Palestra: Biologia de Sistemas de Doenças Infecciosas e Vacinas - Uma visão holística de nosso sistema imune. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
90. | NAKAYA, H. I. (First International Symposium on Inflammatory Diseases@USP-RP) Palestrante convidado. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
91. | NAKAYA, H. I. (Instituto Butantan and Institut Pasteur, Workshop on infectious diseases and vaccines@Butantan) Palestra: Vaccinology in the era of high-throughput biology. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
92. | NAKAYA, H. I. (CRID @ USP-RP FMRP) Palestra para o Center for Research on Inflammatory Diseases - CEPID. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
93. | NAKAYA, H. I.; Pulendran, B.. Vaccinology in the era of high-throughput biology. Philosophical Transactions - Royal Society. Biological Sciences (Print). v. 370, p. 20140146-20140146, 2015. Qualis: Não identificado (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES) |
94. | Nakaya, Helder I. (IB-USP) Palestra para o departamento de Fisiologia. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
95. | Nakaya, Helder I. (ICB-USP) Palestra para o Departamento de Imunologia. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
96. | Nakaya, Helder I. (UNIFESP) Palestra para o INFAR (Departamento de Bioquímica). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
97. | Nakaya, Helder I. (FioCruz@Bahia) Palestra para a FIOCRUZ/UFBA. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
98. | Nakaya, Helder I. (FMUSP) Palestra no Instituto Central do HC. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
99. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics@São Paulo) Palesta para a delegação suiça. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
100. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Symmetry and Dynamics in Biology@UNIFESP) Palestra ministrada para a conferência 'Symmetry and Dynamics in Biology: From experimental analysis to mathematical modeling'. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
101. | Nakaya, Helder I. (UFMG/FioCruz) Palestra ministrada para a FioCruz-BH e UFMG. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
102. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Innate Immunity of Infectious and Degenerative Diseases@UFMG) Palestra: Systems biology of innate immunity. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
103. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Curso de Extensão para Terceira Idade@FCF-USP) Palestra: Cultura versus Genes O que afeta mais nosso comportamento?. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
104. | Nakaya, Helder I. (UGPN Interdisciplinary Doctoral Seminar@Inglaterra) Palestrante no workshop: From cells to societies: the roles of modelling in improving health outcomes. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
105. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Seminários Laveran & Deane @ Itacuruçá) Palestra para o Memorial Event for the 20 Years of the SL&D. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
106. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine @ University of Oxford) Palestra para o Instituto (Ad-Hoc Seminar). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
107. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Nuffield Department of Medicine @ University of Oxford) Palestra para o Instituto (Ad-Hoc Seminar). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
108. | Nakaya, Helder I. (28° Congresso Brasileiro de Microbiologia@Florianópolis) Palestrante convidado. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
109. | Nakaya, Helder I. (XL Congress of the Brazilian Society of Immunology@Guarujá) Palestrante convidado. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
110. | Nakaya, Helder I. (X-meeting 2015@USP) Palestrante convidado. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Congresso |
111. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Human Immunology Project Consortium Nov2015 @ Bethesda) Palestra: Systems Biology of Influenza A (H5N1) Virus Monovalent Vaccine with and without AS03 adjuvant. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
112. | Nakaya, Helder I. (Simpósio de Pós-Graduação em Análises Clínicas@SP) Palestrante convidado. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Simpósio |
113. | Nakaya, Helder I. Marketing para Cientistas: da bancada a concursos e além (@ USP, UFMG e USP-RP). 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
114. | NAKAYA, HELDER I.; HAGAN, THOMAS ; DURAISINGHAM, SAI S. ; LEE, EVA K. ; Kwissa, Marcin ; Rouphael, Nadine ; FRASCA, DANIELA ; GERSTEN, MERRIL ; MEHTA, ANEESH K. ; GAUJOUX, RENAUD ; Li, Gui-Mei ; GUPTA, SHAKTI ; Ahmed, Rafi ; MULLIGAN, MARK J. ; SHEN-ORR, SHAI ; BLOMBERG, BONNIE B. ; SUBRAMANIAM, SHANKAR ; Pulendran, Bali. Systems Analysis of Immunity to Influenza Vaccination across Multiple Years and in Diverse Populations Reveals Shared Molecular Signatures. Immunity (Cambridge, Mass.). v. 43, p. 1186-1198, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
115. | Nakaya, Helder I; BRUNA-ROMERO, OSCAR. Is the gut microbiome key to modulating vaccine efficacy?. Expert Review of Vaccines. v. 1, p. 1-3, 2015. Qualis: A2 |
116. | NAVARRO, ISABELA CUNHA ; FERREIRA, FREDERICO MORAES ; Nakaya, Helder I. ; BARON, MONIQUE ANDRADE ; VILAR-PEREIRA, GLÁUCIA ; PEREIRA, ISABELA RESENDE ; SILVA, ANA MARIA GONÇALVES ; REAL, JULIANA MONTE ; DE BRITO, THALES ; CHEVILLARD, CHRISTOPHE ; LANNES-VIEIRA, JOSELI ; KALIL, JORGE ; CUNHA-NETO, EDECIO ; FERREIRA, LUDMILA RODRIGUES PINTO. MicroRNA Transcriptome Profiling in Heart of Trypanosoma cruzi-Infected Mice: Parasitological and Cardiological Outcomes. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases (Online). v. 9, p. e0003828, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
117. | NUNES, DIANA N. ; Dias-Neto, Emmanuel ; CARDÓ-VILA, MARINA ; EDWARDS, JULIANNA K. ; DOBROFF, ANDREY S. ; GIORDANO, RICARDO J. ; MANDELIN, JAMI ; BRENTANI, HELENA P. ; HASSELGREN, CATRIN ; YAO, VIRGINIA J. ; MARCHIÒ, SERENA ; PEREIRA, CARLOS A. B. ; Passetti, Fabio ; CALIN, GEORGE A. ; SIDMAN, RICHARD L. ; Arap, Wadih ; Pasqualini, Renata. Synchronous down-modulation of miR-17 family members is an early causative event in the retinal angiogenic switch. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. v. 112, p. 3770-5, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
118. | OKADA, SABRINA SAYORI ; DE OLIVEIRA, EDSON MENDES ; DE ARAÚJO, TOMAZ HENRIQUE ; RODRIGUES, MARIA RITA ; ALBUQUERQUE, RENATA CHAVES ; MORTARA, RENATO ARRUDA ; TANIWAKI, NOEMI NOSOMI ; Nakaya, Helder Imoto ; CAMPA, ANA ; MORENO, ANA CAROLINA RAMOS. Myeloperoxidase in human peripheral blood lymphocytes: Production and subcellular localization. Cellular Immunology (Print). v. 2015, p. 2015, 2015. Qualis: A4 |
119. | OLIVEIRA, K. ; LISBOA, B. C. G. ; CARTEIRA, L. L. ; GOUVEIA, G. R. ; MORETTO, A. C. ; NEVES, R. C. ; PASQUALUCCI, C. A. ; GRINBERG, L. T. ; MIGUEL, E. C. ; SHAVITT, R. G. ; HOEXTER, M. Q. ; PEREIRA, CARLOS A. B. ; BRENTANI. H. The dowregulation expression of proline oxidase gene imbalance glutamate in brains of the subjects with obsessive-compulsive disorder A pos mortem study. Em: XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), 2015, Toronto. European Neuropsychopharmacology, p. 42-43, 2015. |
120. | OLIVEIRA, K. ; LISBOA, B. C. G. ; LIMA, L. C. ; GOUVEIA, G. R. ; MORETTO, A. C. ; NEVES, R. C. ; PASQUALUCCI, C. A. ; GRINBERG, L. T. ; JACOB FILHO, W. ; LAFER, B. ; MIGUEL, E. C. ; SHAVITT, R. G. ; HOEXTER, M. Q. ; PEREIRA, C. A. B. ; BRENTANI. H. The dowregulation expression of proline oxidase gene imbalance glutamate in brains of the subjects with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder a post mortem study. Em: 23rd Annual World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), 2017, Toronto - Canadá. European Neuropsychopharmacology, v. 27, p. S180-S181, 2015. |
121. | OZAHATA, MINA CINTHO ; Sabino, Ester Cerdeira ; DIAZ, R. S. ; CESAR-JR, ROBERTO M ; FERREIRA, J. E.. Data-intensive analysis of HIV mutations. BMC Bioinformatics. v. 16, p. PMC4344997, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
122. | PEDRO, S. L. S. ; ALVES, J. M. P. ; BARRETO, A. S. ; LIMA, A. O. S.. Evidence of Positive Selection of Aquaporins Genes from Pontoporia blainvillei during the Evolutionary Process of Cetaceans. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0134516, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
123. | PORTOLESE, J. ; ZACHI, E. ; ROCHA, P. L. ; BRENTANI, H.. Are clustering by functioning associated to Iq and severity of the clinial picture in patients with Asd?. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Outra |
124. | Potnis, Neha ; Setubal, João C ; BART, R. ; SHANTARAJ, D. ; Jones, Jeffrey B. High-throughput DNA sequencing technology as a tool in understanding plant-pathogenic bacteria. Em: Nian Wang; Jeffrey Jones; George Sundin; Frank White; Saskia Hougenhout; Caroline Roper; Leonardo de la Fuente; Jong Hyun Ham. (Org.). Virulence mechanisms of plant-pathogenic bacteria. 1aed.Saint Paul. : APS Press. 2015.p. 183-196. |
125. | QUINTO-SANCHEZ, M. ; ADHIKARI, K. ; ACUNA-ALONZO, V. ; CINTAS, C. ; CERQUEIRA, C. C. S. ; RAMALLO, V. ; CASTILLO, L. ; FERRERA, A. ; JARAMILLO, C. ; ARIAS, W. ; FUENTES, M. ; EVERARDO, P. ; AVILA, F. ; GOMEZ-VALDES, J. ; HÜNEMEIER, T. ; GIBBON, S. ; GALLO, C. ; POLETTI, G. ; ROSIQUE, J. ; BORTOLINI, M. C. ; et.al. Facial asymmetry and genetic ancestry in Latin American admixed populations. American Journal of Physical Anthropology,. p. n/a-n/a, 2015. Qualis: A2 (AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY) |
126. | RAICES, J. ; VIBRANOVSKI, M. D.. Evolutionary aspects of gene expression during Drosophila melanogaster spermatogenesis. Em: 56th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, 2015, Chicago. 56th Annual Drosophila Research Conference, 2015. |
127. | RAICES, J. ; VIBRANOVSKI, M. D.. Evolutionary aspects of gene expression during Drosophila melanogaster spermatogenesis. Em: IX Simpósio de Ecologia, Genética e Evolução de Drosophila, 2015, Brasilia. IX Simpósio de Ecologia, Genética e Evolução de Drosophila, 2015. |
128. | RAICES, J. ; VIBRANOVSKI, M. D.. Evolutionary aspects of gene expression during Drosophila melanogaster spermatogenesis. Em: Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, 2015, Viena. Society for Molecular Biology & Evolution, 2015. |
129. | REIS, VIVIANE N. S. ; TAHIRA, ANA C ; Lisboa, Bianca C G ; SANTOS, ANA CECÍLIA FEIO ; PORTOLESE, J. ; ZACHI, E. ; LIMA, L. A. ; SIMOES, S. ; FELTRIN, A. ; SATO, F. ; SANTOS, A. P. M. ; BORDINI, D. ; BRUNONI, D. ; MARIE, S. K. N. ; BRENTANI, H.. Exome and transcriptome data integration in autism spectrum disorder trios revealed ppi sub- networks affected with de novo and inherited rare variants grouping patients by different bio- logical pathways. Em: XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), 2015, Toronto. European Neuropsychopharmacology, p. 83-83, 2015. |
130. | RESENDE, W. ; VIEIRA, H. C. ; SANTOS, A. C. F. ; LOPES, F. M. ; BRENTANI, H. P.. The use of machine learni8ng to prediction of psychiatric disorders in children. Em: X-Meeting 2015 - 11th International Conference of th AB3C + Brazilian Symposium of Bioinformatics, 2015. Proceedings X-Meeting 2015, p. 47-47, 2015. |
131. | ROSA-E-SILVA, JULIO CESAR ; VIRGINIO JUNIOR, LUIZ APARECIDO ; Meola, Juliana ; DENTILLO, DANIEL BLASIOLI ; Ferriani, Rui Alberto ; Giuliatti, Silvana. A system for storing, retrieving, and comparing gene expression information of patients with endometriosis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Print). v. 212, p. 407-407, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
132. | ROZENCHAN, PATRICIA BORTMAN ; PASINI, FATIMA SOLANGE ; ROELA, ROSIMEIRE A. ; KATAYAMA, MARIA LÚCIA HIRATA ; MUNDIM, FIORITA GONZÁLES LOPES ; BRENTANI, HELENA ; LYRA, EDUARDO C. ; Brentani, Maria Mitzi. Specific upregulation of RHOA and RAC1 in cancer-associated fibroblasts found at primary tumor and lymph node metastatic sites in breast cancer. Tumor Biology. v. 36, p. 9589-9597, 2015. Qualis: A4 |
133. | SALUM, GIOVANNI ABRAHÃO ; GADELHA, ARY ; PAN, PEDRO MARIO ; MORIYAMA, TAIS SILVEIRA ; GRAEFF-MARTINS, ANA SOLEDADE ; TAMANAHA, ANA CARINA ; ALVARENGA, PEDRO ; KRIEGER, FERNANDA VALLE ; FLEITLICH-BILYK, BACY ; JACKOWSKI, ANDREA ; SATO, JOÃO RICARDO ; BRIETZKE, ELISA ; POLANCZYK, GUILHERME VANONI ; BRENTANI, HELENA ; DE JESUS MARI, JAIR ; DO ROSÁRIO, MARIA CONCEIÇÃO ; MANFRO, GISELE GUS ; BRESSAN, RODRIGO AFFONSECA ; MERCADANTE, MARCOS TOMANIK ; Miguel, Eurípedes Constantino ; et.al. High risk cohort study for psychiatric disorders in childhood: rationale, design, methods and preliminary results. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research (Cessou em 1996). v. 24, p. 58-73, 2015. Qualis: A3 |
134. | SAMESHIMA, K.; TAKAHASHI, D. Y. ; BACCALÁ, L. A.. On the statistical performance of Granger-causal connectivity estimators. Brain Informatics. v. 2, p. 119-133, 2015. Qualis: Não identificado (BRAIN INFORMATICS) |
135. | Sameshima, Koichi; Takahashi, Daniel Yasumasa ; BACCALA, LUIZ ANTONIO. Partial directed coherence statistical performance characteristics in frequency domain. Em: 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), p. 5388, 2015. Qualis: Não identificado (2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC)) |
136. | SANTOS, ANA CECÍLIA FEIO ; LIMA, L. A. ; BELANGERO, S. I. ; GADELHA, ARY ; BRESSAN, RODRIGO AFFONSECA ; TAHIRA, ANA C ; REIS, VIVIANE N. S. ; CHANG, X. ; PELLEGRINO, R. ; TIAN, L. ; T.GLESSNER, J. ; ROHDE, L. A. P. ; M.A.SLEIMAN, P. ; HAKONARSON, H. ; BRENTANI. H. An integrative approach to investigate the respective roles of single-nucleotide variants and copy-number variants in attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder. Em: XXIIIrd Worl dCongress of Psychiatric Genetics(WCPG), 2015, Toronto. European Neuropsychopharmacology, v. 70, p. 69, 2015. |
137. | SCHWARTZ, ALLISON R. ; Potnis, Neha ; TIMILSINA, SUJAN ; WILSON, MARK ; PATANÉ, JOSÉ ; MARTINS, JOAQUIM ; MINSAVAGE, GERALD V. ; DAHLBECK, DOUGLAS ; AKHUNOVA, ALINA ; ALMEIDA, NALVO ; VALLAD, GARY E. ; BARAK, JERI D. ; WHITE, FRANK F. ; MILLER, SALLY A. ; RITCHIE, DAVID ; GOSS, ERICA ; BART, REBECCA S. ; Setubal, João C. ; Jones, Jeffrey B. ; STASKAWICZ, BRIAN J. ; et.al. Phylogenomics of Xanthomonas field strains infecting pepper and tomato reveals diversity in effector repertoires and identifies determinants of host specificity. Frontiers in Microbiology (Online). v. 6, p. 535, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
138. | SEMIGHINI, E. P. ; GIULIATTI, S. Rational Design of TLR4/MD-2 Complex Ligands for Innate Immune System Modulation. Em: 2nd NovAliX Conference - Biophysics in Drug Discovery 2015, 2015, Strasbourg. Abstracts, v. 1, p. P010-P010, 2015. |
139. | Setubal, Joao C.; ALMEIDA, NALVO. TCBB Special Section on the Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics 2013. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (Print). v. 12, p. 499-499, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
140. | Setubal, João C.; ALMEIDA JR, N. F.. The Azotobacter vinelandii genome: an update. Em: Frans de Bruijn. (Org.). Biological Nitrogen Fixation. 1aed.Londres. : Wiley-Blackwell. 2015.v. 1, p. 225-234. |
141. | SEVERINO, PATRICIA ; OLIVEIRA, LILIANE SANTANA ; ANDREGHETTO, FLAVIA MAZIERO ; TORRES, NATALIA ; CURIONI, OTAVIO ; CURY, P. M. ; TOPORCOV, TATIANA NATASHA ; PASCHOAL, ALEXANDRE ROSSI ; DURHAM, A. M.. Abstract 3983: MicroRNAs and other small RNA molecules expressed in metastatic and non-metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma. CANCER RESEARCH. v. 75, p. 3983-3983, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
142. | SEVERINO, PATRICIA ; OLIVEIRA, LILIANE SANTANA ; ANDREGHETTO, FLÁVIA MAZIERO ; TORRES, NATALIA ; CURIONI, OTÁVIO ; CURY, PATRICIA MALUF ; TOPORCOV, TATIANA NATASHA ; Paschoal, Alexandre Rossi ; Durham, Alan Mitchell. Small RNAs in metastatic and non-metastatic oral squamous cell carcinoma. BMC Medical Genomics. v. 8, p. 1-15, 2015. Qualis: A3 |
143. | SEVERINO, PATRICIA ; OLIVEIRA, LILIANE SANTANA ; Durham, Alan Mitchell. Small RNA Sequencing for Squamous Cell Carcinoma Research. Em: Wei Wu ;Hani Choudhry. (Org.). Next Generation Sequencing in Cancer Research, Volume 2. 2ed.New York. : Springer International Publishing. 2015.p. 267-277. |
144. | SILVA, G ; NICOLAU JUNIOR, N. ; SEMIGHINI, E. P. ; GIULIATTI, S.. Virtual Screening of Human Papillomavirus Oncoprotein E7. Em: International Multidisciplinary Conference (EUROGIN 2015), 2015, Sevilla. Program and Abstracts, v. 1, p. 194-194, 2015. |
145. | SILVA, G. M. ; NICOLAU JUNIOR, N. ; GIULIATTI, S. Virtual Prospecting for Safe Ligands to Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Oncoprotein E7. Em: 10th International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (CIFARP), 2015, Ribeirão Preto, SP. Abstracts, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015. |
146. | SILVA, P. V. S. ; GIULIATTI, S. Estudo In silico das Ômicas relacionadas à Proteína Perilipina 1 (PLIN1). Em: 23º SIICUSP: Simpósio Internacional de Iniciação Científica da Universidade de São Paulo, 2015, Ribeirão Preto, SP. Anais, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015. |
147. | SILVA-ROCHA, R. ; Pontelli, MC ; FURTADO, G. P. ; ZARAMELA, LIVIA S. ; Koide, Tie. Development of New Modular Genetic Tools for Engineering the Halophilic Archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. Plos One. v. 10, p. e0129215, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
148. | SIMÕES, SÉRGIO N ; MARTINS, DAVID C ; PEREIRA, CARLOS AB ; Hashimoto, Ronaldo F ; BRENTANI, HELENA. NERI: network-medicine based integrative approach for disease gene prioritization by relative importance. BMC Bioinformatics. v. 16, p. S9, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
149. | SKOGLUND, P. ; MALLICK, S. ; BORTOLINI, M. C. ; CHENNAGIRI1, N. ; HÜNEMEIER, T. ; Petzl-Erler, ML ; SALZANO, F. M. ; Patterson, N ; REICH, D.. Genetic evidence for two founding populations of the Americas. Nature (London). v. 00, p. 000-000, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
150. | SOUZA, GLAUCIA MENDES ; VICTORIA, R. L. ; VERDADE, L. M. ; JOLY, C. A. ; NETTO, P. E. A. ; CRUZ, C. H. B. ; CANTARELLA, H. ; CHUM, H. ; CORTEZ, L. A. B. ; DIAZ-CHAVEZ, R. ; FERNANDES, E. ; FINCHER, G. ; FINCHER, G. B. ; GOLDEMBERG, J. ; NOGUEIRA, L. A. H. ; HUNTLEY, B. J. ; JOHNSON, F. X. ; KAFFKA, S. ; KARP, A. ; SLUYS MAV. ; et.al. SCOPE Bioenergy and Sustainability Technical Summary. Bioenergy and Sustainability bridging the gaps. v. 72, p. 1-779, 2015.Qualis: Não identificado (BIOENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY BRIDGING THE GAPS) |
151. | SPINDOLA, L. ; PAN, PEDRO MARIO ; MORETTI, P. ; SANTORO, M. ; OTA, V. ; GADELHA, A. ; SALUM, GIOVANNI ABRAHÃO ; BRENTANI. H ; GRASSI-OLIVEIRA, R. ; BRIETZKE, ELISA ; Miguel, E. C. ; ROHDE, LUIS AUGUSTO ; SATO, JOÃO RICARDO ; BRESSAN, RODRIGO AFFONSECA ; BELANGERO, S.. Expression profile of depression related genes in children and adolescents with major depressive disorder. Em: XIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), 2015, Toronto. European Neuropsychopharmacology, p. 106-106, 2015. |
152. | SWARNKAR, TRIPTI ; SIMÕES, SERGIO NERY ; ANURA, ANJI ; BRENTANI, HELENA ; CHATTERJEE, JYOTIRMOY ; HASHIMOTO, RONALDO FUMIO ; MARTINS, DAVID CORREA ; MITRA, PABITRA. Identifying dense subgraphs in protein-protein interaction network for gene selection from microarray data. Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics. v. 4, p. 1-18, 2015. Qualis: Não identificado (NETWORK MODELING ANALYSIS IN HEALTH INFORMATICS AND BIOINFORMATICS) |
153. | TAHIRA, ANA C ; LISBOA, B. C. G. ; SANTOS, ANA CECÍLIA FEIO ; REIS, VIVIANE N. S. ; Brentani, H. Coexpression network of putative target genes from sexual chromosomes proteins (SOX3 and SRY) is disrupted among autism and control samples. Em: XXIIIrd World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG), 2015, Toronto. European Neuropsychopharmacology, p. 159-159, 2015. |
154. | Tamaki, FK ; NAKAYA, H. I.. Cyclic Peptides as Modulators of Protein-Protein Interactions 2015 (Current Synthetic and Systems. 2015. Current Synthetic and Systems Biology (Editorial) |
155. | TAMAROZZI, E. R. ; FARIA JUNIOR, M. ; NICOLAU JUNIOR, N. ; GIULIATTI, S. In Silico Modeling of Human Papillomavirus Type 16 (HPV16) E6 Protein. Em: International Multidisciplinary Conference (EUROGIN 2015), 2015, Sevilla. Program and Abstracts, v. 1, p. 252-252, 2015. |
156. | TAMAROZZI, E. R. ; FARIA JUNIOR, M. ; NICOLAU JUNIOR, N. ; GIULIATTI, S. In silico Analysis of Intrinsic Disorder of Proteins E6 and E7 oF High and Low Risk of Oncogenic Human Papillomavirus. Em: 10th International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (CIFARP), 2015, Ribeirão Preto, SP. Abstracts, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015. |
157. | TAMAROZZI, E. R. ; SEMIGHINI, E. P. ; NICOLAU JUNIOR, N. ; GIULIATTI, S.. Strtuctural and Level Oncogenicity Correlation between Human Pappilomavirus Variants E7. Em: International Multidisciplinary Conference (EUROGIN 2015), 2015, Sevilla. Program and Abstracts, v. 1, p. 250-250, 2015. |
158. | TAVARES, E. Q. P. ; DE SOUZA, A. P. ; BUCKERIDGE, M. S.. How endogenous plant cell-wall degradation mechanisms can help achieve higher efficiency in saccharification of biomass. Journal of Experimental Botany (Online). v. 66, p. 4133-4143, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
159. | TAVARES, EVELINE Q.P. ; Buckeridge, Marcos S.. DO PLANT CELL WALLS HAVE A CODE?. Plant Science (Limerick). v. xx, p. xxx-xxxx, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
160. | TORRES, T. T.; CARDOSO, G.A. ; TANDONNET, S. ; MONFARDINI, R. D. ; DESZO, M. S.. Evolution of parasitism and insecticide resistance in Oestroidea (Diptera: Calyptratae). Em: Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2015, Viena, Áustria. Annual meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution, abstract book, 2015. |
161. | TORRES, T.T. É verdade que, além de gato, existe cabra e coelho angorá?. Revista Mundo Estranho, 01 fev. 2015. |
162. | TORRIERI, E. ; TAMAROZZI, E. R. ; GIULIATTI, S. Structural Analysis of GALNS Enzyme Mutations Associated with Mucopolysaccharidosis IVA using the Comparative Modeling Technique. Em: 10th International Congress of Pharmaceutical Sciences (CIFARP), 2015, Ribeirão Preto, SP. Abstracts, v. 1, p. 1-1, 2015. |
163. | UREN, PHILIP J. ; VO, DAT T. ; ROSA DE ARAUJO, PATRICIA ; PÖTSCHKE, REBECCA ; BURNS, SUZANNE C. ; BAHRAMI-SAMANI, EMAD ; QIAO, MEI ; DE SOUSA ABREU, RAQUEL ; Nakaya, Helder I ; CORREA, BRUNA R. ; KÜHNÖL, CASPAR ; ULE, JERNEJ ; MARTINDALE, JENNIFER L. ; ABDELMOHSEN, KOTB ; GOROSPE, MYRIAM ; SMITH, ANDREW D. ; PENALVA, LUIZ O.F.. The RNA-binding protein Musashi1 is a central regulator of adhesion pathways in glioblastoma. Molecular and Cellular Biology (Print). v. 1, p. MCB.00410-15, 2015. Qualis: Não identificado (MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOLOGY) |
164. | VIBRANOVSKI, M. D. The use of genomic and gene expression large-scale data for the analyses of sexual evolution. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
165. | VIBRANOVSKI, M. D. Spermatogenesis and the Evolutionary Reorganization of the Genome. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Seminário |
166. | VIBRANOVSKI, M. D. Aspectos evolutivos da espermatogênese de Drosophila. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
167. | VIBRANOVSKI, M. D. A espermatogênese e a reorganização evolutiva do genoma. 2015. Apresentação de Trabalho/Conferência ou palestra |
168. | VIEIRA, LEILA DO NASCIMENTO ; DOS ANJOS, KARINA GOULART ; FAORO, HELISSON ; FRAGA, HUGO PACHECO DE FREITAS ; GRECO, THIAGO MACHADO ; PEDROSA, FÁBIO DE OLIVEIRA ; DE SOUZA, EMANUEL MALTEMPI ; ROGALSKI, MARCELO ; de SOUZA, Robson Francisco ; GUERRA, MIGUEL PEDRO. Phylogenetic inference and SSR characterization of tropical woody bamboos tribe Bambuseae (Poaceae: Bambusoideae) based on complete plastid genome sequences. Current Genetics. v. NA, p. 1-11, 2015. Qualis: A3 |
169. | VIEIRA, NATASSIA M. ; ELVERS, INGEGERD ; ALEXANDER, MATTHEW S. ; MOREIRA, YURI B. ; ERAN, ALAL ; GOMES, JULIANA P. ; MARSHALL, JAMIE L. ; KARLSSON, ELINOR K. ; Verjovski-Almeida, Sergio ; Verjovski-Almeida, S. ; LINDBLAD-TOH, KERSTIN ; KUNKEL, LOUIS M. ; Zatz, Mayana. Jagged 1 Rescues the Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Phenotype. Cell (Cambridge). v. 163, p. 1204-1213, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
170. | Vieira, R.F.C. ; VIDOTTO, O ; VIEIRA, T. S. W. J. ; GUIMARÃES, A. M. S. ; DOS SANTOS, A. P. ; DO NASCIMENTO, NAÍLA CANNES ; MARTINS, T. F. ; LABRUNA, M. B. ; MARCONDES, M. ; BIONDO, A. W. ; MESSICK, J. B.. Molecular investigation of hemotropic mycoplasmas in human beings, dogs and horses in a rural settlement in Southern Brazil. Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo. v. 57, p. XX, 2015.Qualis: B1 |
171. | VIEIRA, T. S. W. J. ; VIDOTTO, O. ; GUIMARAES, A. M. S. ; SANTOS, A. P. ; NASCIMENTO, N. C. ; FINGER, M. A. P. ; BARROS-FILHO, I. R. ; DORNBUSCH, P. T. ; Biondo, Alexander W. ; Vieira, Rafael F.C. ; MESSICK, J. B.. Use of pan-hemoplasma PCR for screening horses highly exposed to tick bites from southern Brazil. Semina. Ciências Agrárias (Online). v. 36, p. 291-294, 2015.Qualis: Não identificado (CIÊNCIAS AGRÁRIAS) |
172. | VIRGINIO JUNIOR, L. A. ; MEOLA, J. ; DENTILLO, D. B. ; ROSA E SILVA, Júlio César ; FERRIANI, Rui Alberto ; SILVANA GIULIATTI. System for Storing, Recovering, and Comparing Gene Expression Information from Patients with Endometriosis. Journal of Health Informatics. v. 7, p. 116-120, 2015.Qualis: B3 |
173. | Yamaguti, Maurício ; Oliveira, Rosângela C ; MARQUES, LUCAS M ; Buzinhani, Melissa ; BUIM, MARCOS R ; Neto, Renata L ; GUIMARÃES, ANA MÁRCIA S ; Timenetsky, Jorge. Molecular characterisation of Mycoplasma hyorhinis isolated from pigs using pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and 16S rRNA sequencing. Veterinary Record Open. v. 2, p. e000093, 2015. Qualis: C |
174. | YU, DONGMEI ; MATHEWS, CAROL A. ; SCHARF, JEREMIAH M. ; NEALE, BENJAMIN M. ; DAVIS, LEA K. ; GAMAZON, ERIC R. ; DERKS, ESKE M. ; EVANS, PATRICK ; EDLUND, CHRISTOPHER K. ; CRANE, JACQUELYN ; FAGERNESS, JESEN A. ; OSIECKI, LISA ; GALLAGHER, PATIENCE ; GERBER, GLORIA ; HADDAD, STEPHEN ; ILLMANN, CORNELIA ; MCGRATH, LAUREN M. ; MAYERFELD, CATHERINE ; AREPALLI, SAMPATH ; SAMAIA, H. B. ; et.al. Cross-Disorder Genome-Wide Analyses Suggest a Complex Genetic Relationship Between Tourette?s Syndrome and OCD. The American Journal of Psychiatry. v. 172, p. 82-93, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
175. | ZHANG, YUNZENG ; JALAN, NEHA ; ZHOU, XIAOFENG ; GOSS, ERICA ; Jones, Jeffrey B ; Setubal, João C ; DENG, XIAOLING ; WANG, NIAN. Positive selection is the main driving force for evolution of citrus canker-causing Xanthomonas. The ISME Journal (Print). v. 15, p. 1-11, 2015. Qualis: A1 |
176. | ZIMPEL, CRISTINA KRAEMER ; GRAZZIOTTIN, A. L. ; BARROS-FILHO, I. R. ; GUIMARÃES, A. M. S. ; SANTOS, L. C. ; MORAES, W. ; CUBAS, Z. S. ; OLIVEIRA, M. J. ; PITUCO, E. M. ; LARA, M. C. C. S. H. ; VILLALOBOS, E. M. C. ; SILVA, L. M. P. ; CUNHA, E. M. S. ; CASTRO, V. ; BIONDO, A. W.. Occurrences of antibodies anti -Toxoplasma gondii, Neospora caninum and Leptospira interrogans in a captive deer herd in Southern Brazil. Revista Brasileira de Parasitologia Veterinária (Online). v. 24, p. 482-487, 2015.Qualis: A2 |